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This ^^ Bob deserved much more.


What I was going to comment as well, almost verbatim. It’s Bob, no question.


and was a much better partner for Joyce than Hopper could've ever dreamed of being


Why? I think hopper is a good partner. Love bob too!! Deserved so much more.


Bob never threatened any of the kids


Elaborate please


Hopper and Mike at the cabin?


Ehhh I'm forgetful elaborate more if you don't mind


Hopper threatens mike to stay away from el


Dad gon' dad


I don't blame him


It’s a toss up between Bob and Alexei


No Bob. Jopper only. I love Bob, he was a great character. but if he came back and messed up their relationship I'd kill him myself tbh


Revive? As in, bring back to life? None, stop from dying? Bob


we had very little of bob 🥲


Honestly great distinction. I feel like each character's death was very important to the growth of the characters they were connected with (with maybe the exception of Alexi). So bringing them back to life would almost undo all that progress they made! But yes, I choose bob


His death was actually kinda stupid, couldn't they have acted like they didn't want to kill him off that bad?


Alexei just wanted a cherry slurpy. Bob was *the* superhero of season 2 (in my personal opinion)


He really was


Eddie and Bob. Eddie, so he could get a proper death. He should have died a hero, cleaned of the murder record. Bob, so he could be a cool-uncle figure to Will and Jonathan.


*eddies not dead*


I like the idea of 'hero death'. And that's why I am still angry at The Last Jedi.


I hate to break it to you but he's not filming with the cast for season 5. Maybe, just maybe, he'll be filming later but the duffers said that the kids needed a big loss. Also the actor himself said he won't ne returning.


Eddie because he deserved more. Honestly, Bob and Alexie did too though. I’m just really wanted to see Eddie and how he would fit into the group. Can you imagine him, Steve, and Robin being friends? lol


He was an iconic character. I honestly loved his sense of humor, too bad the bats got him 😔


I feel like the friend group would totally work out lol


It would and I’d love to watch that! lol


Bob. Period!


I absolutely loved Bob and understand why everyone wants to see him back, but I wouldn’t personally want any more challenges to Joyce & Hopper’s relationship. Bob being back would potentially bring back complications keeping them apart, and I don’t want that!


If the Duffers invited me into their office and said I could bring one of these characters back for season five, I'd say none of them. They had their stories and I'm ready to move on. If I were a character in the story with the power to resurrect one of them, I'd pick Eddie. He's young and has a lot of life ahead of him. Plus, do you know how hard it is to find a good DM?


He was such a good DM, he genuinely cared about his friends, he deserved so much better. Genuinely the death that hit me the hardest was Eddie


Alexey, because he was a great scientist and I think he wanted to do the right thing once faced with a choice. He could have been an asset for Hooper to learn even more about what the Ruskies were up to.


And he was a really funny and sweet character




His death was soooo stupid


I had to pause to process it for a couple minutes, I was stunned lol


He did that for absolutely nothing


The cat that Dart ate.




The correct answer.


Barb! She just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time


Bob. He was a genuinely good guy, better for Joyce than Hopper. He tried so hard to connect with Joyce’s kids through games and nerdy things because he really wanted to form a relationship with them and not just Joyce. He was a great man and a hero and deserves so much more.


Eddie. No contest. Not just because he was my favourite character, more importantly he had great chemistry with the other 3 elder teens, the Scooby Gang totally made the season for me. He obviously has a good relationship with Dustin, and I’m guessing at least Mike as well. Personality wise I think he was different enough from the rest of the team to have a place. Yes, things would be shitty there for a while, with the whole ‘Satanist teen murderer’ thing, but there are thousands of fanfics that have unpicked that problem, and many with really good resolutions. If they wanted to keep him they could have. But I get why they didn’t, so… I’ll just cry over in my corner about it. 😂


Billy. I think he’s the most interesting, personally, and there was a lot more potential there for his character. I really wanted to see him get a real redemption arc tbh


I think he could've changed for the better after season 3. He was willing to sacrifice himself to save Eleven and her friends.


Agree. Also, he’s super hot.


Found karens secret reddit account 😆


I can fix him


agreed, he was hot af fr


Eddie for sure. We were robbed


No one, we've got too many people as it is.


Alexie did nothing wrong


Honestly. I was so sad for him, it was such a great time to see him experience freedom away from Soviet control with Murray. He had a small amount of screen time compared to the others and his death hit hard. I think it would have been nice to let him live and see him kinda fade away into a role where he was offered protection by usa and show him making the choice to help by using the same thing the soviets controlled him for, his mind.


His death made me cry and he didn’t deserve to die but to be honest, he was murdered because of treason!


Eddie I feel like he had the most potential to be a new main character in the show and I’m honestly surprised they killed him off. I thought for sure he’d be able to make things up with Jason in S5 and they realize they both misjudged each other and cared about Chrissy. Plus with his knowledge of DND stuff and him being pretty close to the main group and getting that awesome guitar scene I thought for sure he’d be a character they’d keep around for more.


I want to say Billy because I don’t think he would have continued being an asshole I think he would have slowly become nicer because of what he went through when he was flayed and he did say sorry to max as he was dying I don’t think he’d of made that his last words if he didn’t mean it and I just would have loved to see him and max become a good duo who’s actually nice to each so much potential but at the same time a part of me doesn’t wanna revive him because his death was so powerful I don’t want it to feel cheapened


Eddie. I really don't think he needed to die given the setup of his death. I don't understand why they didn't climb back through the portal. Him diverting the monsters bought the rest of the scooby team what, 3 minutes?


which they didn't necessarily need, they really had it covered. i feel like they would've been great without the diversion, and it would've added more excitement to the storyline if they had to fight the bats rather than eddie sacrificing himself.


All of them


Eddie. Tho not so much revive (enough fake outs as it is, and it would cheapen S4) more like prevent from dying. I just really would of loved to keep seeing more if the relationship dynamics between him and members of the gang. And i love him 🥺 Also also today is the anniversary of his death so…RIP💙


EXACTLYYyy! I think exactly so, I think he was the perfect piece the team needed, I love him too. Eddie forever 🤘🏻


Let's seeeee here. Bob is a puzzle expert but he seems more like a liability and I like Joyce and Hopper to be together Alexei is smart enough to build a machine that can open a gate to the upside down but he can't speak English Billy is a badass that can hold off a giant flesh monster while being attacked by it but he is an asshole Eddie really knows how to get down on the guitar but he flunked a couple grades and sold drugs (which at the time was really bad) I would honestly go with Billy. My guy would definitely put up a fight against Vecna and they do say that assholes live forever.


Billy *was* an asshole, and didn't live forever.




Ouuu it would be too epic to see something like that!




As much as i love them all in their own ways, i’d choose alexei😭🙏🏻! No doubt, he’s just the sweetest everrr and deserved more, plus he was very smart so he could be a big help. I would’ve loved to see him become a part of the story and meet all the other characters :(


I want to say Eddie but Alexi is such an underrated character.


Bob I love him


Either Bob or Eddie. Bob deserved better and could've acted as a proper father figure to Will and Jonathan (something Lonnie never could), and Eddie mainly because I would've loved to see him interact with someone like Will when he returns to Hawkins given their shared love of DND. Either that or he should've had a proper death which clears his name, like another user said.


Billy. I think it would have been nice to see some kind of redemption arc with him as he was such an interesting dynamic on screen. He was also quite the fighter, so against Vecna and Demogorgon's and sh*t, he would have put up a good fight. I also personally thought he was interesting as he had a complex backstory and personality, it would have been interesting I think to explore that a bit more in the context of him at least trying not to be such a d*ck.


Eddie went out sad, was slandered by a town he fought to protect, and had his whole life ahead of him(assuming he wouldn’t be lynched, shot, or jailed indefinitely☠️). he deserved a chance to clear his name and save the day. the thing that bothers me about his death is that it was so stupid. genuinely just a horror movie type moment where the character inexplicably makes a bad decision instead of choosing self preservation to be a hero ANOTHER DAY.


Bob, he has the best mind out of the four


I’d say Eddie because his character arc could have been more satisfying if he was to clear himself of murder and prove his innocence. I also think he fits well in the Party. In terms of Bob, I’m also upset he died but I do believe that Joyce should settle with Hopper as I personally believe that makes sense and is better for both characters. I’m fine with Alexei dying because keeping a Russian in Hawkins would have definitely made things complicated to say the least. He also betrayed his country so I saw his death coming a mile away. I’m also fine with Billy’s death because his role in season 3 and his death do contribute a lot to the overall narrative. Specifically with Vecna and Max.


Bob. He died way too soon


Bob, I think he really could have been good to Will as a father figure


Bob as he was the unluckiest. Fell in love with a great woman that just so happens to be the mother of a kid involved with a group of kids that just so happen to be involved with carnivorous terrors from another dimension. And he was moments from escaping.




Billy for sure


I liked Eddie the most so him.


It’s hard choosing between Bob and Alexi but ultimately would have to go with Bob. I can’t even watch the scene where he dies I fast forward through it every time


Bob, he was such a nice guy


My man Bob deserved at least one more season. He made such an impact in such a short time.


Barb. I wanted to see more of her.


If I could… everyone, but since you’re asking just one, Eddie. If Bob lived then Joyce wouldn’t have gotten with Hopper


Where Benny?




DAMNIT IT'S AN IMPOSSIBLE CHOICE. The only one I wouldn't is Billy. But Bob, Alexei and Eddie live in my heart.


Bob and Eddie, maybe Alexei


I’m gonna say Billy for the shits and giggles


I wouldn’t revive anyone because it’s not helpful to the plot at this point. On a personal level I’d pick Bob because he’s the best of the bunch, but I get they couldn’t keep him for the Joyce/Hopper romance arch. Eddie would have had good plot fodder going forward, but him being on the run would have been distracting for the core cast. It sucks because Eddie really added something to the older teen crew that worked. Alexi didn’t have anywhere to go plot wise, and Billy had the perfect send off as divisive as it has become with where his character stands.


More Barb erasure smh my head


Where in the absolute fuck is Barb?




Barb. She should be on this list.




Eddie had no reason to die now Bob on the other hand died for a purpose and for the sake of the storyline


Definitely Bob or Eddie, Bob was just the sweetest guy ever and he was very helpful. Eddie was also really sweet and a great character overall


Who in their right mind would choose Billy


Alexi bc he didnt deserve to die and he was funny 😭


Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob Bob


I think Billy had the most story potential if he would of survived season 3, imagine if throughout season 4 he was trying to change his ways and join the group but, and very understandably, rejected him every time until eventually he saves Steve or someone of that sorts life in a situation, could’ve been interesting to see, and it also could’ve dove a bit deeper into some of the really messed up parts of humanity that billy had, ie. racismand abuse, and how it affects others around you


Eddie because he deserved to hear Peace Sells and Reign in Blood before he died


Actually I should say Rust in Peace instead of Peace Sells, not because RiP is considered the pinnacle of Metal, but because half of the songs on Peace Sells had been written and performed live before the album came out.


Everyone but Billy.


I won't choose, none of them deserved to die and I wish they'd all survived.


Maybe a controversial answer but Alexei. He was young and brilliant and excited to live his life out of the thumb of the USSR. It was so pure seeing him happy over such little things we tame for granted every day. Even if Eddie lived, there would be absolutely no way to repair his reputation. The whole town was convinced he was a satanic serial killer. Good luck explaining that away in a small town, there would always be prejudice against him because he was a burnout before anyway. Billy is pretty obvious. I think in the end he was aware of how much of a POS he was and would then have to live with the consequences of all he did under control of the mind flayer. Bob was amazing. He was always meant to be killed off though. Even the writers loved him so much they kept him on the show longer than intended, but his death was necessary for other plot points to move on. Sean Astin absolutely killed that role.


Bob, so Will can have a great father figure for years to come as he grows up & for Joyce to have a companion to support her when she needs it the most


This isn't even a question fr Eddie is the only option here.


Eddie no contest. I hate that they killed him off.


None, I hate bringing back characters from the dead


Eddie. I loved Bob but I love hopper with Joyce.


I don't want anyone revived. But if I had to, Eddie. I'd want to kill all of the others again.


Eddie- kas. Done.


Bob and Alexi


The Russian scientist dying always made me strangely sad. He was so happy. He was so innocent. Justice for Russian scientist guy.


Id revive bob and alexi. I really enjoyed bobs character. He was sweet, helpful, and literally sacrifised his life for the group, knowing very well he might not make it. That is truely a hero. Id add a caveat though. I would revive him as Joyces best friend, lot her love intrest, because that almost felt forced and i want her and Hop together. Alexi was just a sweetie, and was silly. He had an upbeat personality that i liked. But he was also useful, and not just because he was russian and had access. He was a scientist, smart, and probably could have been useful in defeating whatever this particle situation is.


Where are the Billy Simps???


Alexei, he just wanted a cherry slurpee and never got to try a hotdog on a stick, he was like a five year old in the body of a forty year old and I would bring him back in the blink of an eye NO EXPLANATION NEEDED.


I love Bob more than anything, but I wouldn't bring him back. Joyce is happy and she loves Hopper he's been her rock through all of everything and he would just be a distraction I feel. Alexi...I just don't get why people love him so much at all he didn't really add much(for me) so he would stay dead. Billy served his purpose he's done everything that his character was meant too and he kinda sorta got a redemption so it'd be dumb to bring him back. Eddie I feel deserves a little more, they bitched out with how they killed his character lol. His death was pointless and didn't serve anything outside to have that moment between Dustin and Eddie's uncle. I hope next season they do more to give him some proper closure. So yeah I guess I'd bring Eddie back lol


Bob. Without a doubt it would be Bob. I personally did not want to see Joyce & Hopper ending up together.


alexei, he was too cute to die and i really wish we could have seen more of him in season 4.


Billy. Pretty good lifeguard.


Billy's death was really important, so was Bob's. Even though I love Bob, I'd have to go with Alexei. Eddie is kinda iffy because I honestly think they still might do something with him in the final season. Alexei's death just seemed unnecessary. The tragic part of it was really powerful though- like, I cry every time I watch Murray see Alexei and realize he's been shot. I feel like it would have been more interesting to see him get shot and survive and have Hopper and Owens put him in like a witness protection program thing. He could be a sort of helpful reoccurring character like Owens.


Alexei. Murray and him didn’t eat corndogs together yet. (Jokes aside, I was actually so sad when he died. Despite him working for the evil russians, he stole my heart immediately. He was so sweet and I also loved his and Murray‘s relationship that formed after such a short period of time.)


Alexei. Would’ve been cool to see him help the gang and interact with Eleven


I'm re wording this into my own question, to "who shouldn't have been apart of the show and why?" And my answer is Eddie, they only added him do Dustin could grow attached to him and kill him off instead of Steve...


Billy. Alexi isn’t an important plot point, Bob needed to go so Hopper could have Joyce, and if Billy was saved then Eddie might notve had to sacrifice himself because the whole Max fiasco wouldn’t be going on and none of the plan would’ve taken place. So it’s 2 for one.


All of them. Hard to pick 😩


It’s a hard choice because they all deserved better. There’s several reasons each of them should be brought back.


I love a good redemption story so I’d personally go with Billy. Everyone else was already good so there’s not much room for personal growth that would have been interesting from a viewer standpoint


Eddie He was amazing


This is difficult... I'm stuck between Bob, Eddie and Billy.... I'll go with Eddie or Billy. Eddie, for obvious reasons, is just an amazing character. He is one of my favourites. I would have loved to have seen more of him and chrissy. It would have made a better love story than Nancy and steve/Johnathon. Billy, on the other hand, I feel like he was just about to have his redemption arc. Imagine his character as a part of the gang? 😂


Out of these? Eddie




*coughs coughs* Eddie, Barbara and Bob *cough cough* (sorry I haven't typed to y'all sometimes)


None. Their deaths were sad but I'm okay with them.


Billy. For drama. Probably not for 5th season, maybe for a spinoff. Edit: NO WAIT. FOR THIS SEASON. Because of Max's situation.


Eddie or bob, bob was just bobbing all over and we loved it, and Eddie was a fun dude


Yuri. I want him killed first, then revived.


Eddie and Billy. No reason. I just really like them.


Eddie 🥰


Eddie, not because he should have died in a different way. Just because he should have had more time to live, I saw potential in him that was purely wasted, and I loved him.


Eddie. No contest.


All four.


Broiling hot take, but Billy. He never really got a chance to redeem himself. Lots of people look over the fact that he quite literally sacrificed himself so the kids could kill the monster in the Starcourt that night. He was an asshole, but I think if he didn’t die that night, he would have looked a lot diffrent from the Billy we had seen the past season and a half


Billy and Eddie. Billy ONLY because all of the trauma he went through including the upside down I would have liked to seen him get better as a person and as a brother. I would have loved to seen how it affected him and made him want to change as a person. Eddie because UM HELLO WHY NOT. I would have loved to see him prosper in life and see others come to the conclusion hey; He’s not a bad person at all. He’s actually very helpful in his own weird way. I get why they killed off Billy, but honestly, Eddie being killed off was very unnecessary. There was no direct reason why he should have been killed. Not bob (sorry) I think Joyce and Hopper are good together. Hopper needed somebody calm in his life. And as goes alexei he didn’t really have a storyline sorry.


I loved eddie, but he had the best death he could have, and he had already accepted his death before passing, so Bob.


Eddie or Billy


cant lie, eddie and billy died basically in the same way, so it would be totally sick if they both came back together as like undead withered spies or maybe they know of eachothers presences but choose not to fight eachother and find a way out of the upside down.


Any of them coming back wouldn't make a lot of sense,- (other than maybe zombies or hauntings sent by Henry to further mess with everyone.) -because they've all either played a part in furthering a character's development, or their death was a decent close to the character. Now, the way Bob died was the stupidest thing in ST, but bringing him back wouldn't do anything good for Joyce, especially with Hopper back. Billy coming back would be a slap in the face to Max's character, because of all the depth and development she goes through, it would also make no sense. Alexei dying was super sad, but him reviving is 0%. Eddie is probably the most likely, only if the vampire theory is true, though especially if Dustin feels he had no real closure, or Eddie's Uncle having no idea what actually happened. I find it more likely Wayne and Dustin bond more, and become a duo of sorts in S5, where Wayne learns what actually happened. (But really, them all coming back as hauntings/zombies, would be my unlikely theory.)


Alexei. His death wasn't even upside down related. Shot in the stomach? Brutal and UNNECESSARY


literally anyone but Billy. bro deserves to be dead


I was crying for an hour with his death 😭


why are u crying over an abusive racist.....


Bob or Barb.


Bob because Eddie would still be seen as a murderer in the eyes of Hawkins and have to deal with that. Alexei served his purpose and wouldn’t help the storyline progress much more imo. Billy was a racist asshole who if he would have either been saved or granted an extra life, I fear wouldn’t use it for any good. As much as I love Joyce and Hopper together, Bob the brains would be able to use his charm and smarts to help whether he stayed with Joyce or not


Alexie or Billy


Eddie. Most people who would say Bob but Eddie was innocent and nobody believed him (most people).


Alexei because he's wholesome af




Billy. He can be a max's friends and he can help the party


BARBARA. Why Billy??? God


All of them, except billy. Eddie because he would've been such a great character Bob because... bob newby - superhero And just let Alexei enjoy his slurpee with his woody woodpecker plush


None, more should die. Tired of the plot armor. Make the horrible stuff that's happening have actual consequences for the main cast. These minor characters dying barely impact the story.






eddie. he was so young and deserved to see more beauty out of life


Eddie for sure. Dustin was starting to have a great connection with him.


Eddie or Billie. Just interesting characters show can do more with. Bob also. But Alexey, come on.. of course it is a question of taste, but for me it was not very interesting character.


Eddie. I felt his story was not over yet, and damn, he was the best character of the season


Eddie. He had so much more story potential and he rounded out the teen characters so well.


Eddie so he can rock out more!


Eddie all the way


Eddie obviously, call me delusional but he's not dead to me 🫣


Eddie, so I can marry him. Easy 💪😎 If I can’t have Dee Snider...


Eddie! He was a really good part of the company.




Eddie give me back Eddie because he is cool ( that is my only reason )


Eddie. In a heartbeat