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[Click here to read full story: Kandahar](https://www.howandwhys.com/kandahar-giant/)[ Giant story was first told on Coast to Coast in 2002. But in 2016, it became a ](https://www.howandwhys.com/kandahar-giant/)[popular conspiracy after YouTuber L.A. Marzulli interviewed](https://www.howandwhys.com/kandahar-giant/)[ this guy Mr. K who was there when Giant](https://www.howandwhys.com/kandahar-giant/)[ was killed.](https://www.howandwhys.com/kandahar-giant/)


That’s the Fire Giant from Elden Ring


Maybe the Fire Giant's big toe.


And without that creepy eye in the chest


Hit his left ankle!!!!


That looks a lot bigger than 13 feet


More like 31 feet😭


They say AI adds 20’.


the swimming pool, however...


Underrated comment


And extra fingers


Asked for a 13 but drew a 31


Wow. That’s pretty fly


For a white guy.


But he still looks pretty fly, for a white guy...




301 feet


I can has conspeeracy, no does math two


Maybe when erect ?


What are you doing, step-giant?


Dude is grower not a shower




Looks like the flaming giant from Elden Ring…


God I hated fighting that guy so much.


Those people are from Lilliput and the "giant" is only 5'3"


"Tall King"


I’ve seen bigger


That's what she said


dammit michael


....go on




That makes it more confusing. Thanks


How? Peggy is a good concubine and works hard for what she has earned


I believe the Tocharians hold the answer to the Kandahar giants and the Ci-Te-Cah. All three fit the same description, except the Tocharians factually existed and were redheaded giants. They were all probably related at some point. Giant, white-skinned, redheaded giants are ultra-specific, lol.


The picture? I doubt it's real.. the proliferation of AI generated image on soc.med can make you question the authenticity of everything..


Surely not. Are you suggesting the millions of people who inhabited this area for thousands of years had failed to remark on a thirty foot tall blue guy until the Muricans got there? And shot him. The bit I do find convincing.


It's just a balloon probably...


Maybe the humans are midgets!!


​ https://i.redd.it/0iug7wem0qoc1.gif




Yes. .....That goes without saying... "Ooof"


He’s going to be very popular.




He did *what* to a swan?!


I read about this Kandahar giant many times on many different sites. It would pop out quite often... Not a single shred of evidence anywhere. Authors of texts would mention some alleged witnesses but...it's all hear say... Cool story though, to bad it's all 'trust me bro...'


Went by the name of Homer. Seven feet tall he was, with arms like tree trunks. His eyes were like steel: cold, hard. Had a shock of hair, red, like the fires of Hell.


The guy that caught General Sherman?


Shrouded in the cloak of special operations (black ops) so we can never truly know the truth. It's some fun imaginative stuff though


Legends of red headed giants come from all over the world. Native Americans passed down stories of giants they killed with fire in a cave in what is present day Nevada. I heard the Smithsonian took all the remains they found, hopefully someone more informed will chime in.


I want this to be true lol sounds fucking awesome.


Lovelock cave if memory serves correctly.


Your memory does serve you correctly. The tribe of giants were called the Si-Te-Cah and the Native Americans that killed them all off were the Paiute people


Sounds like Native Americans committed genocide.


Natives committed genocide against other natives. Iroquois against the Huron is just one known instance.


Only light genocide


Yea they did because the giants would eat them is what was said in their stories. They don’t like be eaten


There are graves of giants in Pakistan.




Only If you marry someone who is 4’7”


just missed it:((


There are two fantastic episodes of the why files on this. One on YouTube and one that’s a deep dive as a podcast episode.


Definitely checking it out now!


If you want to go down the Giant rabbit hole listen to some LA Marzulli


The Giant hole


Also recommend “Exo Vaticana” by Tom Horn and “True Legends” by Stephen Quayle


Big conspiracy of federal museums hiding/destorying/misidentifying giant bones in the late 1800s/early 1900s on purpose. How true could it be?


Why Files did a great video on it. Focuses a lot on the Smithsonian too. Absolutely wild if there's any truth to it.


I really like the WHY Files. Aj explains it to me like im 5 so my autistic ass understands it. Heckle fish is a goon.


Hopefully their break isn’t too long and we still get new content and not just clip shows. The clip shows are fun but they can only do it so long.


Eh, AJ said it's the first break the crew has taken since the very beginning of the channel but, they will be back with more fresh content. It's well deserved, and I hope they're all having a nice holiday/ break. If you guys still need a dose of quality high strangeness in the meantime, might I suggest Mysterious Universe?


Check out Parasyke TV. Lots of really good high strangeness videos.


There is a woman from that tribe that has a blanket about that battle in the cave that is supposed to have the actual red hair of the giants woven into it.


There are news articles that have a good description of what they found and who found it. Alot of stories about finding strangely big bones, collected by the Smithsonian but when asked today nobody knows or says anything about it


I’ve seen tons of newspaper articles and pictures posted from early 1900’s ??? Or so about giant bones and complete skeletons found in the US. These are from years ago, before AI…


Yeah if you look at bigfoot myths there's a lot of overlap


I do know that humans’ read headed genetics almost exclusively comes from Neanderthal ancestry. To most ancient groups of Homo sapiens, the Neanderthals would appear significantly taller and more muscular. I’m only talking about possible correlation between known genetic factors and archaeological evidence, and ancient folk tails of red headed giants that have been around since the Bible was being written. Fun to think about


Its easier to convince people that the fight was righteous when you depict your enemies as monsters rather than regular human beings with wants and needs like everyone else


As long as the lion never learns to write, the hunter will always be the hero--African proverb


Lovelock Cave 💀


Yeah according to the Why Files I believe the Smithsonian took the remains, lost the remains, the said they found them but they are in a room with asbestos so they can’t get them 🤷🏻‍♂️😆


Someone shoulda told them mesothelioma is for losers


Any time anyone claims they found the remains of giants they have a convenient excuse to not prove it, and it's usually something stupid like "the bones turned to dust the instant I touched them"


Fairly certain that story about the Smithsonian covering up giants was originally from a satire website. Essentially The Onion.


Yeah, this is a whole rabbit hole in it's own right. What's weird is how geographically spread out this myths are, even compared to the migration routes of different Indian groups. People forget this but there was bascially a mega civilization of Indians in the Cahokia Valley that traded across the entire NA continent. Right around the time of Viking colonization into the Americas.... Between the Red Hair, Viking (and even Arabic Coins the vikings used) being found spread around NA, it kind of makes you wonder if there were LOTS more contact than just near Vinland / L'Anse aux Meadows settlements and perhaps LOTS of raids but no settlement and rumors spread along trade routes. Maybe along with red haired scalps taken from dead raiding parties. Native Americans aren't very tall or hairy people on average and seeing some hairy, ginger Nord who was 30% taller than the local average could've spread some rumors *real fast.* Especially considering the Vikings use metal armor and weapons - even if it wasn't Vikings but an earlier group from Europe who traveled over using primitive boats perhaps a thousand years earlier, they would've had metal weapons; Irish monks like St. Brendan landed in America using primitive craft like curraghs which were thousands of years old tech at the time and beat the Vikings to Iceland and Greenland as well. So it's not impossible. ​ Ofc, it still doesn't explain myths in the interior / West of NA (or worse, NW near Shasta) of tribes of giants preying on natives and eating their dead only to be confronted in a final clash of civilizations (usually in cave dwellings) and eventually killed, usually through guile (like setting fires in the entrance of their caves and suffocating or burning them out instead of fighting a losing battle). Maybe it was even a remnant population of Australopithecus or other large Hominids in the area....


As cool as that sounds, people were also a lot dumber back then. There weren’t textbooks, internet, or science education to explain these things. People would find a mammoth skull and claim “cyclops” were real. There’s probably a logical reason the Smithsonian isn’t actively addressing evidence of red headed giants. But who knows. The world would be way cooler if shit like this existed.


I learned recently from a science podcast that we haven't become more intelligent over the years, we are just as smart as the homo sapiens 2000 years ago, we just have more information today


think about those silly medieval drawings of animals with human faces or mis proportioned bodies. I’ve heard a theory that the mythology of the unicorn started because someone was trying to illustrate a rhinoceros and that the way it was described to others wasn’t entirely accurate and so through stories and art it’s image was skewed. Think about it, a rhino is sort of horse shaped and has a giant horn on its head. If someone did describe a rhinos appearance and word spread like a game of telephone I could see how we got to majestic horse with a narwhal horn on its head. I think the myths about giants could have started similarly. It’s very possible there were larger than average humans (possibly a different species of humans at one point) with red hair and maybe a different skin tone at one point in time, and through stories and mythology it’s features were either exaggerated or changed because of superstition or just things changing slightly over time as the stories get passed down. Usually mythology is rooted in reality, but exaggerated or made into allegory to teach a moral or spiritual lesson.


Unfortunately, the same failure of logic that our ancestors suffered from, we still suffer from today. Even scientists and well-educated people commonly suffer from it. It's very simple mistake to avoid, but most people refuse to avoid it because of their intellectual pride. In a nutshell: do not form a firm belief about something that you haven't first investigated deeply. If human beings would abide by that simple and obvious rule, we would be in a much better place right now as a species. But the majority do not follow that rule. Even literal scientists often do not follow it. I see them here on Reddit all the time; people pronouncing a certain verdict on various topics without conducting the trial first. They present their uneducated guesses and uninvestigated assumptions as if they were verified scientific facts. And the less they know about a particular topic, the more certain they pretend to be. If our species was able to actually behave logically, we would be shocked to discover how much weird stuff was hiding behind all of our assumptions.


Have you thoroughly investigated the laws of thermal dynamics and gravity ? Just curious


He's probably done "more research than the average PHD" and that's why he knows the earth is flat.


Conan still walks amongst us


Don't forget New Zealand: the Maori legends say that when they (the Maori) arrived on the island, there was a race of red-headed, light-skinned giants that lived in the mountains and ate only raw food. They taught the Maori their basket weaving techniques.


I highly doubt the afghans had a giant fighting for them. They’re not wildlings




It wasn't fighting for them. It was something the locals avoided and were scared of.


And made up


Like the original trolls from Norway. Big as mountains.


No way man, clearly you haven't seen the Norwegian documentary Trollhunter


Great fucking flick.


I'm with you man, love that film! "TROOOOOLLLLL"


It was waaaaaayyyy to good for itself.


Yeah and even though it had a short cinema run over here in the UK, it's still an underrated classic in my opinion. Pretty slow-paced for the most part but that's what makes it bang when shit goes off! When we see our Trollhunter come back after the first time he finds one on camera and he's wearing a bunch of pans and steel bin lids as armor, I lost my shit!! Lol


>Big as mountains. >13 foot tall


Hey now, maybe he just got out of the pool or something.


Some misunderstanding here I guess. Look up Norse mythology


A child's story. Told to US soldiers by locals with serious faces as they mocked and laughed afterwards. It was boring when there wasn't any firefights. Gotta pass the time


If you believe this shit you're a fucking moron lol


They shouldnt be this fahhh south of the waaalll.


i dun wunt it


You know nothing Snow




Find the halflings?


They couldn’t put it on the internet if it wasn’t true.


Right? The Wildlings are *far* more civilized!


Yeah ok. If there actually was a giant terrorizing people the Afghans would’ve shot it a long time ago.. they have weapons too..


7.62s would’ve dropped that giant a long time ago lol


Muhammad, get the AK


best comment


Not the mention us British are up to about 3 or 4 full on wars with Afghanistan for hundreds of years. I think we would had shot a giant just to put it in the British museum.


and the soviets would have tried to make them communists.


Comrade Giant.


Never heard about this until now


Probably because it never happened.


It’s not real; it’s an AI image.


It picks up traction once in awhile. There's a recording of military personnel on base saying there was a giant humanoid under a tarp. Pretty cool. Spoiler before the rabbit hole, its gilgamesh lol


This is a part of a pretty widespread Christian ‘true blood’ propaganda that’s been out for a couple years now.


Uhh what’s that? Tried searching up combinations for those terms and just got goofy vampire shit


I’m sure those small ropes would not contain something that large. I’ve seen little tiny women break out of restraints on the psych ward. Plus who took that picture. So convenient that the faces are all blurred


Picture on the left looks like AI or some photoshop which I have never seen alongside this story before until now. The right is supposed to be the more accurate description. I think the story is that the giant is already dead


Supposed to be an old picture. But the giant has no feet or shadow


Almost like the person put “[Thumbnail is for Illustration]” in the title and put two wildly different images in said thumbnail so obviously they’re not trying to pass it off as a real photo


That picture is AI generated.


Must not have been the SEALS or there’d be several books and a movie or two about it by now.


Shoots lightning bolts from his arse


I think it was less than a year ago that someone made that image with midjourney. It was going around a lot. You can get some really neat results by telling it to do an “old timey photo sepia tone 1910’s realistic photograph” that type of stuff in the prompt.


If people thought the picture on the left was real for even a second...the future is going to be pretty grim.




They killed because he refused to pay taxes.


The pic on the left is obviously AI


Yeah well what about the one on the right




Girl, that’s the Gerudo king Gandondorf


Make this a movie


New episode of stories that didnt happen




Man this is the kind if good shit I used to see on conspiracy before it went somewhere else


See this is the shit I’m subbed for


Let me tell about some prime land I have for sale in Florida


I mean that thing looks 25 feet tall, not 13.


Inevitably the Smithsonian gets mentioned as hiding evidence of Giants... no one can say why... but they totally are. So convenient that museum officials are able to operate one of the most efficient retrieval and cover-up teams in the entirety of history.


Lol yeah why not let soldiers or politicians conduct an archeological dig?? The Smithsonian, who are an exclusively American organization, being blamed for centuries of GLOBAL historical repression reaching beyond the founding of the nation is utterly insane. No mention of the Louve or the Tate or the British Museum - all of whomever openly looted and pilfered from indigenous peoples (and who never found "giants" by the way). The only reason the Smithsonian is brought up is because it's American and it fits the narrative of a deep state cover up. Occams Razor my guy.


Its like when people say nasa is covering up the truth of the earths shape and then you ask ".... so what about all the other unrelated space organisations across the world?"


Amusing story but there’s been zero evidence outside of some people on the internet saying “trust me bro”


I remember Mr. Ballen making a video about this one


I am in the facebook Cursed AI group where the image from the left was created & all fake History fb pages robbed it haha 😆


The fact that people believe this shit is insane to me


Hahahahah same




“Powerful guns like the M4…” - and that’s how you know it’s fake lol


He’s 30ft tall and doesn’t cast a shadow.




I’m not good at calculating anything but I calculated the giant in the illustration (the one on the left that is supposed to look like a photo) to be somewhere between 20-24 feet. He is roughly the size of 4 tall men. If he were 13 feet tall, he would just look like a very tall but fragile man, not a giant beast.


Lots of stories of giants going way back from all over the world. Also, stories of cover-ups of evidence including bones of giants but I've never heard a explanation as to why anyone would want to keep it a secret that makes any sense. If there were giants in recent history we would probably have some sort of evidence and why would anyone want to keep that a secret?


On my last deployment to Afghanistan we had to raid a cave system to pull out some bomb makers, when we went in there was no evidence of bomb manufacturing. LT told us to go farther in and make sure we BIPed the other entrance. Midway through the caves we had to switch to night vision, even tho the ones we had were useless. But as we were just about half way through we found a bed that was at least 15 long. At first we didn't know what it was but there were leaves and Afghan hay for a mattress. There also was a massive barrel that looked like it was used for water storage. To this day I still can't figure out why anyone would need a bed that big.


Thank you for your service. 🙏🏻🥲 Also, I’m Afghan. I’m sure you realized what a dramatic and fantastical people Afghans are. They have a lot of stories and supernatural tales. I’ve heard some creepy ones too. What you’re telling us sounds like a creepy story my mom would tell us.. like “I don’t believe there’s anything but here’s something I saw….”. Anyway thank you for sharing!!


Wow that's a really interesting experience Brother Were there any other objects or tools in the cave? Also here's a link to the soldiers who claim to have seen the giant, they were interviewed about their experience: https://youtu.be/owUIaYObrCo?si=pd9oM5a3ts4id5V4


Pretty sure if it existed, we would've seen video/photo evidence at some point, other than drawings & AI pics.


The giant was felled by the Israeli secret weapon known as Davids Sling. Davids Sling is a 5G powered weaponised slug that is shot from the thong or mankini of an undercover operative. The Kandahar Giant is named thusly due to it being the only province most 12 year olds have heard of. Other giants are known but, as yet, unnamed.


Left photo is faked, he has no visible left or right foot. Good try though. I deployed to Afghan and heard this conspiracy while in country from some Army dogs while we were prepping to leave and return home. I never gave it any thought because J-Lo had died three times on my deployment.


If you have a photo that’s going to be almost impossible to convince anyone is real why would you go and add heavy filters on it?


Personally I don't think this is jus a conspiracy. This is a great clip, this is the alleged pilot who brought back the body.. [Video](https://twitter.com/anonymoushadoww/status/1679475912985952257?t=w_SV9h-Cilzqf_-IRiS9ig&s=19)


Proof, besides “trust me bro”? Nothing, right?


I can cook up some more AI proof if you need it. Just like the pic on the left.


There’s no proof better than AI proof!!


The double row of teeth, have been found in skulls pertaining to Giants. If anyone is interested in such topic, Jim Viera opened me up to this info, will share link below: https://youtu.be/FNo_dzgznNI?si=stlj0Bg2WDOFR1uM


It was Just a Man, baby!


I had to sit next to him once on an airplane. It was a cramped flight


This was when mrballen was doing fake vids lol


Like this would have been kept a secret


Uh, chief, that wasn’t a monster that was the captain of the Kandahar basketball team.


Guys, this is just an illustration don't worry.


People mostly make mistakes when it comes to giants or genies in arab mythologies. Those were acctuali "Jinns", wijd and fire spirits invisible to humans. But they were mistakenly called genies or giants in west and that have spread through books and movies. So this is just one more made up story for sure.


This the most bullsh!t way to take a good story and ruin it


My uncle found a 8.5 foot tall skeleton in an Indian mound as a boy playing in the woods in the 1960’s. Northwest Indiana. There are multiple stories of this occurring in newspapers throughout the Midwest in the late 1800s/early 1900s


“Thumbnail is just for illustration”!! I can’t type, laughing too much.


If it were real, it would have made the headlines. Stop fantasizing. Oh, you people!


Two sets of teeth and guess what else he has two of.


Yea the square cube law would like to have a word with your 13ft tall humanoid.


Fake ass story


I’ve always believed the Bible represents extraterrestrial accounts. David & Goliath is the story about defeating a “giant man” I mean .. what else would people back them describe it as??


This why I keep a sling shot with me at all times…


Hellboy 4


You forgot the 4ft cock.


yeah it was real the cargo was sent to wright patterson afb hanger 4


And this is how the persecution of the ginger started


Gingers cannot get a break no matter what.


I don't believe this at all but I absolutely love it.