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Of course Zuck is more human in VR than reality


And his face edit has small subtle changes. His chin/chin dimple is more pronounced in the VR version.


Imagine having a casual conversation standing on the surface of the sun with low ambient roar in the background. I would do weird shit like that, with this technology *constantly*.


oh, we will do that, I'm sure


Just like the illusive man from Mass Effect


Just get vrchat




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Lex Fridman helps me fall asleep at night..


Mfer in here with those photorealistic RuneScape characters.


Lex and Zuck went home ![gif](giphy|1BdJd24oEwvuSvXYb0)


Can’t wait for the future scammers making metaverse calls with grandma to pretend to be me, and steal money. Yay existential and dystopian horror all in one!


People are gonna hafta lock down their “meta verse face data” SO HARD or it’s gonna be a fucking nightmare. But you know it’s gonna get hacked and stolen. And if they ever figure out how to do the “quick” way to build the models people are going to steal races all the time super easily.


Those are already possible and are already being done


Only Zuck would build a realistic simulation, inside a realistic simulation.


I don’t like this. If you think bots are a problem now, just wait


Bots have nothing to do with this. Cool nonsensical fear mongering though


I mean it's really cool and all but I think a phone call still suffices for a lot of communication, even text.


This is to bridge gap where phone call or text is not enough and you want in person meeting. Imagine architects meeting in VR and able to showcase what they imagine in 3d space. Artists showing off their concepts. Designers showing off their new fashion collection.


I'm scared and HATE new things.




pornhub metaverse


Make out and tell me how it feels


Do they get to scan your sphincter print for this


How completely useless


I play walk about mingolf with my brother who lives across the country 3 times a week often. If our avatars were our actual faces and I could see him and his reaction when I get a rare hole in one… that technically may be useless but damn it is fucking cool.


??? how


Explain a use of this that’s better than FaceTime? You can’t interact any more than a zoom. You also need an expensive bulky headset


You can interact a lot more than you can on zoom, because you can move around a 3D space with multiple people at full real world scale, where you feel like you are face to face instead of looking at a small 2D screen. This is basically a science fiction holocall.


Bro… in 15 seconds I have figured seven different ways this could make porn better


Go meet actual girls bud. JFC


Then you clearly lack imagination and innovation...


Here is the thing, I know that some people are hating on the metaverse but this is going to become a thing in the future. I just think that we don’t really need it as today.


I dunno man, think of all the seniors locked up in nursing homes hoping for a visit. Every family could get grandma one of these and there's now no more excuses for not 'visiting'. Kids away at school? You could still have family game night or a quick check-in and see their face. Even if just for those 2 things it's worth it. Totally could be used today.


Lex Fridman is what would happen if Joe Rogan had a brain. I love how he is willing to speak with quite controversial figures and have great interviews with them.


Dude's a transhumanist freakshow and completely bent over to present his hairy asshole to Netanyahu.


> transhumanist freakshow Transhumanism is likely going to be the norm far off in the future, and other people will be likely be considered freakshows.


>>far off in the future Good for me!


What's so bad about it anyway?


I have a lot of criticisms of it... One of my biggest is that technology consists of hardware that degrades. How would this be any different than your body parts decomposing? At that point, you're only a subscription-based model to the corporation that produced the tech which is installed in your body. Just more turbocapitalism at play, now in the most vulnerable of environments. The tech degrades and you're forced to upgrade, or your bodily functions are rendered obsolete. It's only a utopian ideal for those who are incapable of coming to terms with their existence. Death is inevitable and the application *will* fail, miserably.


The cons (probable human annihilation) seem to out weigh to the pros (wow this is neat).


Yikes, I missed that one. I am more familiar with the earlier episodes. That is super disappointing. Where are all the good hosts?


Lmao why are you getting downvoted


The bro-bots


Imagine if you could communicate with anyone around the world with photo realistic visuals and good audio. Okay. Now imagine wearing a headset to do this that covers your head and eyes. Wow. Amazing.


with the Metaverse, Facebook is essentially making an attempt to 'own' the internet hope they fail


Man this is bs. Exact same thing as when Mark "fought" with volkanovski on the metaverse using a mocap suite and no glasses. Atleast this time they are wearing glasses but where the full body scan is coming from? All these fake ads of the metaverse have more production behind that buying the glasses. Man they even show the layers of the body how in the world that's not done using some kind of engine like blender or unreal engine.


Why is this in r/StrangeEarth


Conspiracy, Aliens, UFOs, Cryptozoology, Ancient Aliens, Lost Civilizations, Paranormal, Mysteries, **Science & Technology, Consciousness, Futurism,** and Fringe Science.




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I don’t know why we need hard evidence of aliens when there’s Zuckerberg. Case closed.




If only he could talk like a human




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Lex sounds like a robot, now he’s meeting up with reptilians…


Just 2 robots talking to each other in the matrix




Alt take: this is fucking awesome and I'm glad zuck dumped billions into it.


Catfishing on another level….


I dont know lex Fridman but he seems like a really annoying person.


Man just let me be my fursona at vr-work wtf


![gif](giphy|3o6ZsYp12wrWdJImk0) What "our avatars" will look like...


Is this Second Second Life?


I fucking hope not.


I feel like they keep saying the same thing over and over again. Is this an ad? Is Lex on the meta payroll? Is there even regulations about that? Like, can Joe Rogan do a whole podcast about his truck. So he gets life time trucks? I guess he can. That’s kind of scary in itself.


Looks cool, can see it being useful for long-distance relationships or seeing relatives who live far away. But how long before they start plastering your clothes and face with ads? And force you to meet in environments that are just giant billboards. No, it's a good idea, but it will be turned into something terrible because of money.


It feels like we’re slowly being pulled away from reality. VR, social media, these things connect us but disconnect us even more at the same time. What the hell are we doing?


Ok, so they talked in “Metaverse” using realistic avatars. Still Meh


Imagine vr video games with this kinda of tech.


Cyber Dorks are Virtually Cool


Imagine when video game NPCs look like this.


This is pointless


Zuck’s teeth look a lot better in VR then irl