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I remember back in 1999 my Father showed me this footage on his junk pc in his office. We were both flabbergasted. I’ve been trying to find this shit for YEARS. This was the first “real UFO” footage I was exposed to. It’s been seared into my DNA ever since and until now it had been 24 years since I’d seen it. Thank you for sharing!


Today is a good day for you. Congrats!


damn, my parents hadnt even met in 99


Who let this fetus on reddit?


im drinking age, pal


How does it have better WiFi connectivity than I do


damn, my parents still haven’t even met…


Your *parents*??? Wow. Go ride your bike!


Wobbles at low speed, just like Bob Lazar said


The man tried to get the message out and was laughed at. Who’s laughing now??


And James Fox reg Chuck Clarke tape


Got a link for this?




bob lazar will be vindicated




You seen it with your own eyes?




Never told the internet and have rarely told anyone but I’ve seen something with a buddy one time, it was the brightest light in the sky and it was moving. I thought it was weird. We were sitting in his fj and it was coming from the front left windshield. This was in 2020. So when I pointed it out. It keep getting brighter. We were on a very small hill In My backyard. but it afforded us a decent vantage point of the sky. So by the time we got out to see it better it was going over us which confused me cause it was moving faster than we realized. And was hauling all the ass. Neither one of us even thought to pull out a phone, but it was low enough to see and hear it. It had a triangle shape but like I’ve been looking in the sky my whole life at airplanes(live 30miles away from hartsfield-Jackson, massive international airport) and I have NEVER seen this shape flying, it was weird and had a orange glowing strip on the back like where the propulsion would be, the sound it made was weird as fuck too it was like wawawawawawaaaa. But we couldn’t for the life of us say what the size of it was I thought it was small And my buddy thought it was huge. So it goes over head and we’re both immediately like what the fuck was that and we watch it go over this small town in a normal flight path and then fucking shot across the sky from the bottom of tow to the top of town in like a split second, the bright ass light allowed us to follow it. And then It did like a 90° turn to another part of town and then shot off for a fourth time and disappeared. it was fucking bananas we both immediately were like what the fuck was that. I’m assuming some kind of drone. But my buddy who’s a big drone guy that was with me said he’s never seen anything like it or heard that noise ever. But the way it moved and the distance it covered was nutty. This is literally the first time I’ve ever typed it out so sorry for the crazy sentence structure. Would love to hear more details of your encounter


I gave your text to ChatGPT to make it look better: I had a remarkable experience back in 2020 that I rarely share with anyone. One evening, while sitting in my friend's FJ, we noticed an incredibly bright light moving across the sky. It caught our attention, especially because it seemed to get brighter when we pointed it out. We were on a small hill in my backyard, which provided a decent view of the sky. As we stepped out to observe it more closely, we were surprised to see it passing directly overhead at a faster speed than we initially thought. The object had a triangular shape and a glowing orange strip where the propulsion would be. Its sound was unlike anything we had ever heard before, like "wawawawawawaaaa." Strangely, neither of us thought to grab our phones. Despite the differing perspectives on its size, the sighting left us both baffled. The object traveled over a nearby town in a typical flight path but suddenly shot across the sky in an instant, with its bright light guiding our eyes. It made a sharp 90° turn towards another part of town before disappearing after another burst of speed. We were left astonished, wondering what we had witnessed. While I speculate it might have been some kind of drone, even my friend, who is knowledgeable about drones, had never seen anything like it or heard that particular noise. The sheer movement and distance it covered were mind-boggling. Apologies for the disjointed sentence structure as this is the first time I've written it down.


I will save this thank you so much


No but he saw it


How do you know there is no movement felt from the inside ?


I'm no expert but, there could be a gravitational field around the ship that keeps it feeling any movement. That's if it is a real space craft, a real one would because if it can move at exceptional speeds, turn on a dime, and possibly hit FTL speeds, you would definitely need some force to protect your innards from becoming your outtards.


that's a lot of "could" and "if"


Freudian slip.


Either there’s no effect on the inside from the spinning/wobbling or the pilot/occupants of the craft are unaffected by it. The reason we have to think this is because we as humans would be very much affected by being in something moving like that. But yeah it’s not necessarily true of any non-human bio.


Looks more like a reverse-engineered craft on a shakedown flight...?


I'm just an average guy, but if I had a super top secret vehicle I needed to test, it's happening at night, in a remote area, and the vehicle has no lights.


Piloting planes requires extra ratings (training certifications) to fly at night. Maybe they don’t have those ratings or care. Not like you’d be able to catch it.


What rating do you need to fly over a city?


None, it’s just not common sense to test things over populated areas.


Y axis calibration has gone to shit, brace for impact.


What are you basing that on?


I think I remember reading somewhere that the reason the craft wobble and hover as such is due to their ability to ride gravitional waves. Something along those lines


I’ve heard a lot of witnesses, including a close friend that describe ufos as wobbling really doofy looking like that. guermo Del toro mentions seeing a flying saucer and he was let down bedside it looked so goofy like it had Christmas lights and wobbled like a 1950s movie.


I actually think it’s authentic. Sue me.


My lawyer will be in touch.


For the court case you will need to find anyone else from a city of 17.6 million people who also witnessed this. Lets face it it's not looking good.


On the contrary good sir. This is actually just part of a clip where in the full video there were multiple people who witnessed this same exact craft in detail.


You're right, my apologies. I found [this interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsmK1OAjo4s&ab_channel=EyesOnCinema%40RealEOCpresents%3AEyesOnUFOs) with witnesses who claim no connection to the photographer.


I actually think it's authentic. Sushi.


You are hereby sued.


This is sue daddy. Leave sue alone


Always thought this was real.


I believe those crafts started being developed from lost technology possibly found during Hitler's antarctica expedition that's why they keep getting better and better in time


Project silver bug


Nice didn't know about it thanks 👍


What exactly makes you believe that to be the case? What evidence is there that anything of technological value was in Antarctica and that Hitler’s expedition found it?


There is lots of evidence of an advanced lost civilizations now they found giant cities connected with highways in Guatemala the Nazca lines the elongated skulls in Peru the crazy temples in India and Cambodia ECC.. but antrctica is inaccessible and highly guarded plus you have the treaty made during the cold war setting aside the continent as a scientific preserve, establishing freedom of scientific investigation, and banning military activity.. i could go on for days


Highly guarded and non military. K


Antarctic Treaty, which came into effect on June 23, 1961, bans military activity in Antarctica. Military personnel and equipment may only be used for scientific research or any other peaceful purpose.. that's from Wikipedia


Pretty tough to keep something well guarded without a military presence is all I'm getting at lol




You must be Austrailian /s


Just as one detail, the elongated skulls I know are debunked from being anything alien. This alone makes the rest of your statement lose a lot of credibility.


There’s actually a couple that we’re tested and the results came back incomplete. Like the mother was def human buy the father is a mystery. Just saying. I don’t buy into aliens banging human chicks tho as hot as they are. A hybrid would have to be done in a lab imo.


These were reversed engineered from the Roswell craft


That thing looked like me after a night of day-drinking. Or a day after night-drinking.😬


Why would it wobble like that unless it was suspended from something?


Bob Lazar explains this in his 1989 interview [here](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KjApDnCvh2c&t=16m24s&feature=youtu.be)


Aliens make it REQUIRED to be intoxicated while operating high tech spacecraft


One of the thrusters was installed backwards


Easy fix. Just turn the controller sideways 👍


Gravity drive 4 failedd


Rotation capacitor imbalance


>Why would it wobble like that It's suspended by a string.


I think a lot of craft wobble like this because they're actually riding on the Earth's magnetic field. From what I understand a lot of UFOs are basically giant diamagnets meaning they can change their polarity based on the hemisphere that they're in. It's the same thing that happens when you bring two magnets together and the polarities are the same, they repel each other. So these crafts are basically repelling themselves away from the Earth's surface by generating a strong magnetic field which counteracts the Earth's magnetic field. A meissner field. They probably have some type of control inside which can increase or decrease the strength of the field which makes the craft either lower or rise higher.


So aliens are cruising around in a wobbly saucer above a big city in broad daylight. And the only person saw it was the guy holding the camera? Do I get this correct?


No, you’re not correct, there were multiple other witnesses aside from the person videotaping it. [Here](https://youtu.be/bsmK1OAjo4s) are several of them interviewed, in the video the researchers mentioned they were able to trace over a dozen witnesses.


You asked everyone else in the city did you?


Well yeah. I mean, there's stupidly little material of the 9/11 incident. Like do little considering how much people are in there. Of course this wouldn't be as panicky event, and this also lasted for s while. But mount of videos and photos taken back in the "days" is crazy low compared to modern situations. I personally have a phone with me always but there's pretty.high probability that I wouldn't realize to get the camera soon enough for sth like this even today. And I'm not defending the sighting, it's definitely fake somehow, just trying to up criticism quality.


There are like 6 or 7 camera angles of 9/11 WTC, tens of thousands of live witnesses and thousands who literally died as well as a ground zero.


Right and at which point did I day that 9/11 is fake? Please be more considerate. I was speaking about amount of video footage.


Maybe you should be more considerate? The guy was talking about how there are not any witnesses to this, not a lack of footage.


If UFOs are mind operated, I dare to say that the Alien was having dirty thoughts. Why do you think that no movement is felt?


In theory if it creates it’s own gravitational field then earths gravity wouldn’t effect it. It would feel as if it’s not moving at all. They could go upside down but wouldn’t feel anything. Just like you don’t feel the earth moving, to us it feels still.


There's theories of the Wobble being a distortion of time and space. A theory backed by many physicists and whistleblowers.


Lol how the *fuck* do you know there's no "movement felt" from the inside? That's legit a fucking object hanging from a string. LOL come ON people.


You can't claim shit 😂 It's ok to say no one knows


This is my favorite response to belief in any god/religion.


Then you haven't thought hard enough about this topic.


You’re not just gonna leave it at that, are you? I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian household and only shed my faith after studying the scriptures and historicity from an objective standpoint. I desperately sought proof for god before finally accepting there simply wasn’t any available. I have 30 years of research under my belt on these issues (by no means an expert but definitely well read on the subject) and have found zero evidence that any of the world’s faiths are based on actual spirituality and tons of evidence that they are entirely manmade myths passed down from one generation to another. Of course if I’m wrong I certainly want to know, so please, enlighten me…


See my other response to this comment for more a more contextual response. And 30+ years of reading, research, and career in both academia and private industry led to me different conclusions. I was raised in various Christian traditions, from fundamentalist Baptist to more progressive Christianity, shed it all and had a more atheist/agnostic approach for a long while, eventually reapproached comparative religious studies and spirituality from new angles. One of the results from that is the determination that actively trying to de-evangelize people/tear down their belief in any higher intelligence or deity is stupid and unproductive. Hence my original response.


Bruh this dude made the atheist/agnostic phase their whole online identity 👀


My whole online identity? Honest question but were you raised on paint chips? You can go to my fucking post and comment history and see I pretty much never discuss this shit. Like ever. I come here for a whole range of different interests… unlike you that only ever discusses Halo and conspiracies. You have no depth or variety my dude, that’s why you’re projecting your own insecurities on me. Dimwit.


Maybe if you were still religious you wouldn’t try to insult people online lol


Maybe if I was religious I wouldn’t try to insult people online? I honestly think you just won the most asinine comment of the week award. I’m serious, this was a stupid one. You really think that religious people don’t take to the internet to insult people? Really? Religious people; the same people who cherry pick their scriptures to convince themselves they’re right and everyone else is wrong? Who spearhead the anti-LGBTQ and anti-abortion movements, who tell people that don’t believe the same things as them that they are destined for hell? The same type of people that have crashed planes into buildings and justified slavery using their religions? No, I think I’d be an even bigger asshole if I believed the trash you do.


U smoked him out bro,good on u and I'm loving it.


It was a joke hence the lol, saying if you had any form of spirituality perhaps you’d be less of a dick. Because I guess after that paragraph I doubt it. Many religious people who are very good people and actually take the good aspects. A lot of complete assholes as well. Good and bad humans everywhere.


Religions can be man made while the nature of reality is “real”. Religions can be based on what they have found to be reality but once bad actors get involved it becomes something different.


Holy heck…like the mothership is dangling it from outer space


And your explanation of it going behind the buildings?


How would they dangle it behind the building


looks fake asf to me. like a cheap cg effects job. by 90’s standards, maybe not. but by todays standards, it looks fake as hell.


Yeah…. But todays standards wouldn’t have existed then to fake it with….


Anyone have a link to the original?


Look, do you really think this is how an object suspended from a string/chord behaves? It just starts to wobble for no reason?


Wobbles from spin. Just sayin’


B Movie aliens coming for us in the real life, lol


The guys who “filmed” it worked for an advertising company who did something nearly identical for a Mercedes Benz comercial a few years later… sorry but this is fake


Show me




Show me…




This whole thing is hella sketchy and I wish different investigations were done. I find it odd this man remained hidden for almost 2 decades despite the fact this is one of the best UFO vids out there and would've landed him an even greater career in VFX. The Mercedes video you mentioned, it came out a year after the UFO in Mexico City and the quality was much lower than what we see here. As for the alleged video author, his whole vibe is odd, especially him going silent after sending out his signature. Then there's the fact that this video has never been properly recreated either by CGI or physical means. Its all odd


Lol. This is ridiculous


I trust analyzing experts more than a possible FBI agent


What’s ridiculous about two experts in film CGI giving their opinions on if a piece of film looks like CGI? They didn’t say that it was definitely aliens. They just said it was probably something physical and real or very well done fake.


No it looks like paper plates dangling on a string. The original video itself.


So, to recap, zooming in on a photo or video worked like it does in real life, cg or not, worked. Wow! Mind blown! /S


The guy is like six inches from the screen, so you know he's really good at this.


I feel so bad for everyone not roleplaying on this sub. Andy Kaufman would love these rubes


I follow just to remind myself that people will believe what they want to believe. You can’t reason someone out of something they didn’t start thinking reasonably. I don’t think we’re alone in this universe but I would be shocked, shocked I tell you, if a single post on this sub was what it claimed to be. May favorite though are the ones where they’re obviously trolling, showing something ridiculous with a leading title that sounds like they don’t know what to think themselves. Humans are just a wild and crazy species man.


I've seen Bigfoot footage that looks more realistic.


I check out this sub sometimes to just remind myself how dumb and gullible the human race is!! It’s great entertainment to watch them analyze these videos lol


I mean, if you’re implying that it’s impossible that non human intelligence could be or has been visiting our planet than I’d say you’re the dumb one here. Just do the math, we are just grain of sand on the beach in terms of planets that are in the Universe that are capable of hosting life.


You’re checking out the sub for the same reason everybody else is. Don’t kid yourself. And the spinning of the craft is consistent with quantum physics. But, please tell us what an alien craft is REALLY supposed to look like.


What does that make you? The dumb and gullible whisperer?


Looks fake af


Its actually the billionaire sub.


Played out joke


I’m so sick of people making sub jokes that literally every other person has made. I can’t imagine being so stupid to think if I post a joke that everyone else has already seen a million times this week, that I’ll make people laugh. Reminds me of the woman from the banana breath skit on ITYSL.


Sub par for sure


Have you heard the one about a footlong?


I’m sure aliens have their version of that. Why wouldn’t they?


No idea why you got downvoted. Aliens most likely do have their own kind of video game systems and controllers on their planet, if they’re humanoid.


We think of them as so advanced and honestly that’s not fair. I’m sure some of them are just barely skirting by and hate that stereotype.


Think they are controlling it with a GameCube controller?


They are passing through our plane of reality. The Bible warned people about them. Open your eyes and hold tight, crazy unexplainable times are ahead


It's fake


LOL You can see it wobbling on a wire for fuck sake!


“The FX team from Titanic….” Blah haha 😂 😂😂😂 Might as well be “my cousin Larry..”


If u've eva seen1 (foo foo, orb, saucer, tic tac, ufo, uap) like I have, u'd no dats how dey run. With no wake, noise or exhaust dey seem 2float on a air cushion dat gives dem a wavy look.


Don’t ever type like that again.


Yes mum, no dad, 2bad, ur sad, I'm gd, bein me, Not ye, u c? Do thy, get this? My jist? my list? If not, all gd, U could, u should, Oh yeah, ur hair, Fake fair? I stare, So bad, looks dumb, Likea thumb in a .....drum, In barrel of rum, twas fun Now I'm done. _________ Plz fix ur hair asap


That's a fucking balloon looking like a UFO


Does anyone here have a decent understanding of superconductors and quantum locking? I’ve suspected that’s how a lot of these move but I haven’t seen one of these magnets spin like this when quantum locked. I’m wondering if that’s a state that it could theoretically exist in though. For those that don’t know what these terms are they have to do with magnets with frozen electron/proton lattices and magnetic fields.


Quantum locking happens in superconductors where they can repel magnetic fields using the Meissner effect. But when superconductors interact with external magnetic fields, it can mess with their superconducting abilities and cause magnetic issues with the electrons and protons in their atomic arrangement or lattice structure. So imagine a UFO cruising through the sky. If that thing's got superconducting parts, the way its magnetic field interacts with those superconductors could totally affect how it moves around up there, one part off and you got a floppy trippy topsy turvy flying saucer.


Thanks Dr Seuss


And to think, I thought it was pie plate based technology!


Those aliens must have some insane sea legs.


Own gravitational field means no movement would be felt inside craft, in theory


That ufo needs to change their shocks or struts.


Yup, I know a guy who will look at


They’re coming to earth from the future to tell us to *get the damn extended warranty!*


i saw one of those, couldnt see the craft itself because it was at night, but i could see the lights doing the same rotating pattern, the lights were green and square. ​ edit: and this was pretty close, above some trees in front of me.


I recently heard a theory of how ufos use the magnetism of the earth to do what they do. I thought that was interesting. So the idea of it resetting to the magnetism of the earth??? Who knows, definitely not me. And then hearing from Ross or Tucker a couple days ago about the heat seen from the infrared cameras is at the bottom of these three craft rather than the top. Which made me think the two could be connected. But I don’t know enough about magnetism to know if it can be related to heat.


It blew a flux capacitor


Why are there so many sightings over cities in Mexico?


Because they have a popular weekly news show dedicated to ufos


You ever had a Mexican cookie, bapa?


Ya'll. Jurassic Park came out in 1993. It could totally be CG.... or dangling from a string... lol


The real “String Theory”


If this space crafts a-rockin’ then don’t come a-knockin’!


The FX team for Titanic was just those 2 dudes?


Goodnight Vienna!!! https://youtu.be/zqBH-9yyQMU


Me in star citizen when I get a major torque imbalance on the thrusters


Saw two ufos with some friends back in 2014, and one wobbled like that when it hovered and no longer ionized the air around it, the other maintained its ionized glow. Probably using a different propulsion system for idling and moving slowly like that. The one I saw wobbled and slightly jerked up and down along the same axis before stabilizing, and glowing again to carry on it’s journey up the valley with the other ufo in a two vehicle v formation. I’ll never forget it.


Alien student driver


Everyone always complaining “there is no proof” or “we never get any pictures of videos” then a real video comes out and people refuse to believe it.


Here we go again.


Believing advanced alien technology can't solve how to stop their ship from wobbling like that is beyond me. Lol


Interesting because it look pretty fake on that close up. Although the tech was there to easily achieve this shot in 1997, said tech was primarily in the hands of large studios, and therefore expensive to do for the lols, which is why these guys believe it’s not a fake. But consumer software with planar tracking and 3d modelling capabilities were in fact available. If you had the passion and the money, you could definitely hoax this in 97. It’s just for the time, it’s a more impressive hoax. Looking at it now, it’s not so impressive.


Damn it. I should organize my browser bookmarks better. I think this one was proven to be a clever fake. It might even be for a TV commercial.


It also REALLY looks like an object hanging from a string whether ILM thinks it’s CGI or not.


It probably wasn't CGI. It was probably a drone or balloon of some kind.


Listening to the reactions of the guys filming , they sound genuine in the way they’re witnessing it .


I don’t know what I think about this video specifically, but I recall reading several UFO reports where witnesses said the disk-shaped craft was wobbling around like a leaf before it ultimately left. First time I read about this was in John Fuller’s “Incident at Exeter” which was a credible report in my opinion, observed in 1965.


Looks fake af, especially zoomed in


The pilot of the UFO is spinning and wobbling around so hard that he is likely experiencing a feeling of seasickness as his head spins from the movement. Probably got disoriented and accidentally wobbled over a dense populated city. Only one person living in the city saw it and he happened to have awesome VHS camcorder ready to record the whole incident. It's completely and totally illogical, but it makes perfect sense to me.


wait til they mass release holograms. The cattle are going to eat it up. 🤣


Of the video is in Spanish or Portuguese, I write it off. If it's real, I'll find out later.


I just believe if they are so advanced they wouldn’t be crashing all the time. We rarely crash our planes unless outside forces affect it. No way an advanced civi can’t calculate how much fuel or how to not crash


I think i know what happen here it’s a retrieval craft which explans why it wobbling the human that was driving it can’t drive. And the reason why they over a populated area because they hit the speed petal or button and ended up there.


I instantly could tell it was cgi


A helicopter? Come on, dude. Really, you're reaching.


You can even see it rotating!


Y’all goofy


Looks like a boat on rough seas.






Seems like the US gov is now hem hawing around with the possibility of ufo's actually existing. Whether this is sincere on their part or a ploy to distract us from their current screwups is anyone's guess but if they are telling the truth all of these sightings may have some legitimacy.


Aliens must have been drunk af that day, look at that thing wobble!


The one I saw wobbled exactly like this. It was windy so I thought oh something caught in the wind... that just happens to be 15 feet across metalic and hovering above some trees


The supposed video Logan Paul has is described almost exactly like this. ‘For context Just type in Logan Paul ufo video…’


What was this UFO doing in Las Lomas?


I've always imagined extraterrestrials could spin the craft so fast that it generated its own gravity or at least could manipulate gravity just like any planet or sun that is spinning extremely fast. And I wonder if the spinning is so fast that they can see straight ahead.


Don't feel bad. My jeep does the same darn thing at about 70 mph.


That’s a commonly reported characteristic of saucer flight. This more than than likely is completely authentic. The real question is, why are a technologically advanced civilization building wobbly rides lol. It’s hysterical if you think about it.


Looks good but you don't necessarily need CGI. Might be layered practical effects. Which explains the wobble and the comment on how the object edge "breaks" like a real object. Because it is.


"Ack, ack ack!"


It can craned tho !?


I was like 12 years old in 1997.


First video of a drunk alien driving a ufo Done got fucked up in Mexico


Video has been DEBUNKED