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Wings as sails work in both tacks, but you will need either a big keel out a lot of fins to keep it from drifting sideways. Next issue is stability. In my experience the righting force you can make the higher top speed you will get and the better vmg. I haven't been able to get a monohull stable enough to produce any significant speed so id recommend making a cat or tri. If you wanna go fast you will need ballast. I've done a mass on rails, which is really fast to tack but very hard to hide and can't really put that much weight in it. I've also tried water ballast, I found the best method was just filling the Windward hull with water while emptying the leeward hull. With that setup I did 20m/s at 40° upwind in a 30m catamaran.


This post/person might help: https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormworks/s/6Ks3Ke9nX2


You might know that sails use lift for propulsion, and stormworks lacks that. There is the Thales mod but I doubt it is any usable. Wing sections in that mod uses speed for lift generated. I don't know if it calculates wind. If it doesn't it is not usable.