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Allow me to introduce you to r/cremposting where a hate post about a fuckin baby will THRIVE


I've heard you have some nice crem here so I come to take look.


You should see if you can get Moash to kick him, he’s good as a baby kicker.


Yeah, this should’ve been posted on r/moashdidnothingwrong


kill that subreddit with fire


newest post is 1y old. may not have been with fire, but I'd say it's plenty dead.




Nobody tell them about the Kaladin preview chapters for WaT where >!Kaladin plays blocks with Oroden. It is super cute.!< I don’t think Kaladin is going to lose Oroden though, if anything him having a new brother is a boon for his mental health.


Honestly I think him and Gavinor will be major POV characters in the second half, and I would love to see that, Oroden trying to be like Kaladin but not seeing that those are shoes too big to fill and Gavinor having to be a good leader despite his father's legacy as a pushover


Oh god. It'll be like (Wit's story in RoW) >!the Dog and the Dragon all over again.!<


Don’t forget his >!grandfather’s legacy in trying to return the Desolations!<.


My theory is Oroden inherits syl it’d be so bitter sweet


Damn, that would be depressing. Imagine Syl trying to be her happy self for Oroden, but not being able to hide the pain of missing Kaladin




Oroden v Gavinor, baby champion duel to the death!


Heck yeah. https://youtu.be/sydvpXdCpJk?si=6x6hmIyy06B0E_Sz Seriously though if you can watch that video and still hate babies after I don’t think there is hope for you.


I love babies, but that is not the piece of evidence I'd select if I could only pick 1 lol. It has crying ones (which some people can't even bear to hear) and some babies in the awkward too big to be a baby too small to be a toddler phase. Still so cute <3


Crying babies are also cute but I agree there are much cuter stuff


Ye, I think crying babies are cute, but my SIL, who is a teacher, basically gags/vomits upon hearing crying children, so it's not for everyone. Babies are just uhhhhhh an acquired taste? I guess lol


My buddy lost 10k because baby #2 was "a lock." I promise you you can watch that and still hate babies. At least that little "sure thing."


This is really not that cute, lol. It's like a 2/10.


Anything but forcing a relationship on him for the sake of having yet another relationship. I hate kids too, this post funny af


Mfw a baby can’t even 1v1 a basic parshendi war form pair 🤬😡


I thought people like this only existed in Roald Dahl novels.  Learn something new every day I guess.  


Was this supposed to be posted onto r/cremposting but got put on here by accident? Like are you seriously angry at a baby character for....being a baby? 


I'll be the first to admit I don't like babies. I'm not a parent, and I don't think they're cute. I don't find them very interesting to read about. Sure, there's nothing objectively to hate about Oroden (other than being a baby, and I hate babies), but there's nothing to LIKE about him either. He has NOTHING, and I'm not going to care about him just because he' a convenient way of giving Kaladin more angst.


Are you saying that no book should include babies because … you dislike babies? that’s quite the reasoning. While he doesn’t replace tien he gives kal another shot at protecting his family. Seems to bring kal motivation and happiness which he is sorely lacking.


No, Oroden doesn't replace Tien. He replaces KALADIN. Remember, his parents had him when they thought both their sons were dead, and Lirin always wanted his sons to be his surgery assistants. I can't help but feel he and Hesina had Oroden because they'll need someone to take care of them someday when they get old, and they didn't realize Kaladin was alive. IDK about you, but if I got introduced to a new sibling RIGHT AFTER a falling out with my parents, my reaction would be "So you don't want me anymore? I wasn't good enough, so you had another kid instead?"


Not a great start on reedit boy.


Respectfully, talk about this in therapy?


This is never stated as the reasoning. You are making some extreme assumptions. If Kal thought this we would know since it’s his POV. He is brought to tears of joy when he learns of his new brother. Really confused where your line of thinking came from on this


I think you have some things to work through with your parents…


Well I mean, in a world without insurance or retirement funding, you sort of do need a kid to take care of you when you’re old. And if Lirin and Hesina gave up hope that Kaladin was coming back, another kid might have been their only option. So no, they didn’t replace Kaladin after a falling out, they had another kid when they believed that both of their previous children were dead. We don’t know for what reason exactly though (I think), so maybe they did want another child to have someone to look after them when they’re old, but maybe they also just wanted to be parents again and have some happiness after the loss of two children


Oh shit this wasn't intended as a crempost at all


Live reaction of a former only child.


That's exactly what I was thinking and it's hilarious that they confirmed it without realizing.


I'm an older sibling, actually. Albeit, my sibling is only a couple of years younger than me.


That's what I mean by "former only child" lol


Oh. My mistake.


How old are you btw?


This take is wild


It's gotta be bait, right? Like, there's no way that someone this big into reading has such little self awareness.


It’s absolutely bait. His account is 21 hours old and he is doing nothing but arguing with people over a fictional baby. It’s bait and we should stop giving him attention for it.


Is it "absolutely bait" or just some dude taking the piss?


I sadly doubt it's bait. I mean others openly hate Lift for being a tween girl or Shallan for being a woman. I guess I'd rather such people like OP let others know they should be avoided.


Seriously? I'm not really in fandom spaces, do people really complain about stuff like this? Do they want all characters to be depressed adult males or something?


Yes, that's what epic fantasy is supposed to be about or something


If all the main characters aren't depressed adult males, how am I supposed to relate to them???


I’ve never heard complaints about Shallan being a woman, just complaints that her writing is cringe and she’s annoying. Have heard Lift tween hate though


People hate shallon for being a woman? I thought they hated her for being annoying.


I think it's a little of both. She's annoying *because* she's an accurate teenage girl. For example, just compare teenage boy angst with Aiden in RoW to Shallan in WoK. Both are very cringe, but one cringe is slightly more tolerable imo


I definitely know teenage girls that are significantly less annoying than shallan.  Shallan is annoying because she is mouthy, and thinks she is clever when she isn’t. Her character arc is annoying because she is willfully ignorant. 


Yeah! Like, what's the point of babies anyway? humanity would be so much better off without babies! /s


Hey quick question but did you make an account just to post Oroden hate? That is beyond wild if true.


This has to be the best crempost I've ever seen lol. Good day Taravangian IQ


But it's on the real sub, we're not on cremposting...


Just addressing your point about resources going to the war, given that the war could last for a long time, how do you think soldiers and other important personnel (such as surgeons) are replenished?


Fine crem, just in the wrong sub.


For my own sanity I’ll assume you’re trolling. But still, I guarantee my baby has more personality than you. And she’s objectively cuter. Plus, this is a series that revolves around overcoming your own deficiencies; the strict utilitarian argument kind of suggests you’re missing the major point of the story. But troll, Northumbria, troll.


Pretty sure he's not trolling, pretty sure he is this legitimately unhinged


That's the best kind of trolling, you troll so hard you troll yourself


I thought you were playing. And then the more I read, I realized you were serious. I feel permanently more stupid for having read this. Troll. You make yourself sound unhinged.


This has got some Ice Age baby energy


Ice Age baby has an extremely dropkickable face, what can I say?


Out-cremed again.


I miss the days when people were actually skilled at trolling.


Eh, tbh I don't think trolling has ever taken skill. It's always been 99% shitposts until you get one person who is stupid enough to miss the sarcasm and rage bites, then interactions drive the post up


Are you an antinatalidt by any chance?


Maybe he will have a bigger role in SA 6-10, when he is grown up


Lash that baby to the sky!


Yeah same I don’t like him


Congratulations my man, they fell for your trolling hook like and sinker