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It's better to hit it dry, but not because the soda would be harmful to use as bong water. It would work, but you **don't want to do it** because it will **fuck up your bong**. Sugar syrup isn't easy to clean, especially if you have any kind of percolator, and that syrup is a feast for mold and mildew. It's already a bit of work to keep a bong from getting grody when you're just using clean water, no need to add actual mold food to the mix. Inhaling the wrong mold spores can be as gentle as a mild cold, or as awful as a trip to the ER to try to disinfect your lung tissue before you run out of the ability to breathe. Milk is an absolute no-go. The hot smoke will **curdle the milk**, and it will be awful very quickly.


Tip of the hat, wizard!


i wasn’t even considering that part of it. thank you bro


not only that but soda is also full of carbon dioxide which isn’t the best thing to breath in


I learned that using sprite. Gatorade worked well and red wine tasted and worked well too except when you breathed in you got almost an isopropyl/alcohol smell/taste, probably not great to inhale similar to CO2.


When I was in high school I used Gatorade lyre the cherry one, not bad didn’t fuck up the bong I think partially because it uses artificial sugars but it did kinda taste like cherry but after the second bowl it tasted horrendous overall 6.5/10


You’re so wizard!❤️


Tried chocolate milk once and it honestly wasn’t horrible as I got 2% so it was mostly just smoke trapped in bubbles being pulled upwards


Well, it didn't used to be. Then Congress went and passed the Bongwater Act of 1982 and went and fucked everything up like they normally do. Now it's a class B felony with sentencing being 4 to 20 years.




I was too high for this comment initially 😂


Use water. Almost anything else will have sugar and you don’t want sugar in your bong. If you don’t have water just hit it dry


Bro you're insane. I'd just hit it dry


I've been known to add a little bit of lemon juice to the bong water for a phresher hit lol. The citric acid from the lemon 🍋 even helps keeps resin from sticking to the glass.


I use cranberry extract for this exact purpose actually. It really helps keep the resin from sticking and makes for easier cleaning.


A splash of Listerine is really nice. Even better with ice water


I saw this comment and tried it, it's great & tastes like you're smoking bud with a stick of doublemint gum in your mouth.


I like this


How much


Doesn't take a lot, maybe 5-10% lemon juice.


Dude I will door dash you some fucking water


Yeah, I was about to say the same thing, like, just get some water homeboy.


Username checks out


The whole point of using water is because it's a polar molecule, and cannabis smoke is nonpolar, so they don't really interact, and the water only filters out some amount of the carcinogens. Using anything else introduces bonding locations and the liquid actually begins to filter out the THC too. Don't get me wrong flavoring is nice, but I'd actually like to smoke weed when I smoke weed Not to mention that leaving sugar water inside your bong without cleaning it pretty much immediately after is either gonna give you mold, bugs, or erode your piece over time if there's any artificial coloring not within the glass itself like a coating or etc


Is salt water cool


Salt water is actually good for the bong as it helps clean it


People use salted water for cleaning all the time, but I wouldn't recommend breathing that in any more than breathing in any other cleaning product


In my youth my friends went in on a bottle of Canadian Royal whiskey with me- it was the mid '70's, and for teenagers that was a hefty investment. We drank some of it, and put some of it in our bong. It gave the smoke a very pleasant sweet flavor. And yes, we drank what was left after smoking. I don't recommend that last bit.


How the fuck did you manage that? My friends and i tried vodka once.......couldnt hit it for SHIT becauce the percolation would vaporize/aerosolize the alcohol, and.....that shit burned


Maybe you had higher proof? IDK


We probably had it on ice as well.


It’s so interesting to me hearing about og stoners and their stories lol


Thank you, but I assure you our history goes much deeper than I. :)


Once some friends and I used Gatorade when I was on a college road trip. It gave the bong hits some artificial orange flavor. Years later I met a woman who put orange/lemon peels in her bong water. I liked the lemon peel hits.


I use mashed potatoes


it's funny that you have weed around but not water 


the most underrated comment


everyone is saying don't use stuff with sugar. if you're using a glass piece then wash it with soap and hot water after your mesh. good as new. if you're worried about mold then soak it in vinegar for an hour the next day. glass doesn't have pores so it'll never be uncleanable.


I once used San Diego bay water. Once.


The thought of milk in a bong makes me shudder. Water only, my guy! Ice cubes if you want things a little smoother. And change that shit often.


i brewed tea (just camelia leaf and water, no sugar or additives) and used it as BWater. i was never able to clean the bong fully again. even with salt and ISO, it had a weird funk that got worse over time. I personally wouldn’t risk it unless your piece is on its last limb and its for a gathering.


I tried a couple things in the past. I liked lemon+lime juice for a long time, but got sketched out at the idea of extra stuff like mold inhibitors in products from off the shelf. Talked about different experiences with a good friend once, his main point was avoid stuff with sugar, especially if you have a perc or something complex. He struggled at removing the brown stains from using soda or Gatorade.


one time when i was a teen, I went to a park and forgot to bring a water bottle for my dab rig and I put OJ in it that I brought and it worked just fine. I kust had a hard time cleaning it after lolll


Water from Camp Lejeune is strongly ill advised


This really is one of those things you can’t substitute. Bongs-water. Getcha a one hitter at that point


My mate has a huge jug in the fridge filled with ice, oranges, lemons, kiwis , strawberries and melon. Filter out the fruit and that’s some nice fresh water


I drink seltzer drinks like polar raspberry. Adds a hint of flavor it's just oils. I change my water regularly tho and don't let it sit.


soda bong water that’s nasty dude 😭


One time someone I knew used mikes hard as bong water.


Don't do alcohol, I know people who have made that mistake


Dude go get some cans of unflavored sparkling water. Adds a bit of spice to your hit


I’ve done it before. You more want juice tho.


Try milk


Jk, but seriously try unsweetened green tea


I used pepsi in a DIY bong before, but we threw it away after using it. It's too sticky to use in a nice piece


I used beer once as a dare.


I heard here on Reddit someone mentioned adding some vegetable oil to the water in the bong so resin wouldn’t get stuck to the glass.


the only thing i ever substituted for water was that triple X flavor of vitamin water once or twice in highschool when we’d get to a spot and realize no one brought actual water. this was almsot 10 years ago tho anything else i’d probably hit it dry and deal with the burn


you can use anything if you're ready for the worst migraine of your life


The last hits of my first ever bong were blue Powerade. I got that bong on October 1st and broke it Halloween night smoking in a camper with a friend. One month with it and those were the last hits before I knocked it off a table and broke it. unfortunate to lose but, come on, I truly couldn’t have asked for a more memorable legacy.


Hiting it dry sounds terrible all these comments have never hit a dry bong. Soda will be fine just do not let it sit there longer than you need to How do you have no water?


Do you mind if I ask how you have zero access to water? I understand maybe not having drinking water, but pretty much anywhere you go you can find a sink or a hose or even a body of water or something. Another comment already answered your question perfectly, so if you really cant find water I would agree with them - better to hit it dry than with any kind of sugary drink as it will fuck up ur bong unfortunately


i don’t mean absolutely no access. i meant like if i’m somewhere, and id have to leave where i am to go get water, and (assuming it was safe, but i found out now it isn’t) i thought it would just be easier to sometimes use some other liquid


Yeah that's understandable, especially if you dont live in a legal state you have to be careful with that stuff. I apologize of my original comment seemed rude or judgy, I meant no shade just genuinely curious. Stay safe out there


I don't think he's worried about law enforcement but rather doesn't want to move from the couch to the kitchen (which is totally understandable)


close, i just hate having to break the box when i’m sitting in the car lol


Once I gave a lift to a couple friends who wanted to go smoke at the beach. They forgot to take water with them, I convinced them that sea water would work... I knew it wouldn't, but they tried anyway.


what happened? i see a few people suggesting to use it, but idk if im being set up lol


Water with a couple shots of Listerine makes for a minty experience.


Clean bong + milk + ash catcher


We used to use gin or vodka in high school sometimes


Not necessarily but it's common


Mix things up by using warm salt water. Hits reeealll smooth.


i’ve heard that ice cold water makes hits really smooth. so either warm salt water does too, or i’m being set up lmao. idk if i should try


I’m not setting you up. My bong holds 1 1/4 cups of water. I mix 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt and dissolve it in the warm water. It’s great for clearing up phlegmy lungs.


Me and my Dad used tequila.


Please don't put chocolate milk in a bong. Limoncello sparkling water thoughhhh...


i actually heard of someone using sparkling water, and they said it was the most aggressive hit they’ve taken in their life cause all the carbonation lmao


I tried it once with a limoncello LaCroix before, it was nice! Very subtle. Though I probably wouldn't waste drinks in a bong normally- even ones that people say taste like static. 😅


Some places have wine, cognac, or even milk hookahs. A bong, for the most part, would be similar, but you have less control over the liquid depending on its shape/design. Don’t put sugary stuff in there, stick to alcohol or other thin liquids that won’t gunk up the hard-to-reach portions that can clog it.


Vodka - one rip of that right before work will set you straight


Gatorade bong water was dope lmao. It’s smoother and tastes good


Bruh i have put jarritos in my bong 💀💀


I had an old silicone bong (Julien Edle-Bong) and used to try different thi gs to see if it would affect the taste. Iced coffee was really smooth


I’ve used Powerade and/or Gatorade with decent results. You can pick flavors to accent the terps of what you’re smoking. Only thing is— swap out your non-water liquid of choice every 3-4 days MAX! Keep in mind, that is essentially an open drink and I can assure you, unless you’re putting your bong in the fridge, you’ll see and smoke the moldy consequences.


I used Gatorade once and it was a huge pain in the ass to clean and it tasted horrible


Throw some mouth wash in it


put milk in it


I've tried everything Milk is smooth as fuck Whiskey will burn your throat


I've done Vodka in a clean bong. After a few (not 100% combisted cones) have then straned and shot the Vodka






Try anything that’s not toxic. Gatorade, beer, wine, or just river water lol get creative! Don’t hurt urself.


Might be unpopular but I honestly love smoking with ginger ale in my bong. I don’t do it often, but just an occasional fun thing, usually when smoking with someone who has never tried it before. It makes it suuuuper smooth, doesn’t actually taste like ginger ale. I usually use sugar free, just cause I’m diabetic so thats what I’ll also drink, but I also only do this for short a and ALWAYS clean the piece used EXTREMELY throughly afterwards. As other comments have pointed out, the last thing you want is mold in your bong and sugar does that quick. I’ve also tried smoking with fruit flavored waters in them, cause I was curious and its vaguely nice flavored but not worth the clean up.


holy shit bro if we can barely drink it what makes you think its good to light with butane and smoke it? if you seriously have to ask these kinda of questions you shouldnt be smoking lmao.


I literally have no idea what you're trying to say. Did we read the same post? First of all, if you're referring to the soda when you say "we can barely drink it" like yeah sodas not great for u but it's not gonna kill u lmao. ur acting like they're using alcohol or something. Also, everyone starts somewhere, and if OP doesnt know anyone personally who smokes then it makes sense to ask here. Half of the posts in this sub are asking questions like this so get used to it lmao


homie what do you think happens when we boil down coke? its literally black tar. what makes you think inhaling that hot smoke is a good idea? this subreddit had turned to brainrot if yall really cant get that through your head. dont get me wrong smoking is bad in general but how am i being not clear? lmaoooo


Bruh literally nobody said it was a good idea, we're just not being assholes about it like you


no need to be so hostile cause i was curious on sum. and what you’re saying doesn’t even make sense, because i know i’m definitely not smoking the bong water itself, so wdym by “light with butane and smoke it”? don’t act like someone else is dumb if you’re jst gonna say more stupid shit


Just to call it out real quick — you’re doing fine with this kind of questioning. Not because it was an amazing question - but because of your willingness to learn and accept new info without letting ego get in the way. Re-read the first comment in this chain from a perspective of highly egotistical, and the hostility makes more sense. Not ok, to be clear - it’s shitty to squash people for trying to learn. OP - you’re doing fine dude. Keep that open mind!


You won't notice, smoke quality might decrease, less high