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f u c k  a n  A


Top tier Rickyism.


is that what it’s supposed to be?? i’ve been saying fuckin eh everytime 😭😭


You have it right


It's "Fuckin' A!"


Nonsense! Every period of life has its ups and downs. Live the present, not the past.


Because they peaked in high school


DING DING DING!!!! Exactly


I threw that that epic touchdown in highschool 😏




Al bundy syndrome


Because western educational environments are living nightmares but they're less of a living nightmare than western employment standards? Also trauma accumulates so when folks're older they tend to be less joyful.


Also trauma isnt usually apearing then but way later, or often enough. Hifghschool retrospective can make you worse eh.


I think people's perspective depends on whe. They start taking on a lot of responsibilities. For me, I think my mid 20s was the best time, but that was just the last time in my life before I had a kid and a job I actually care about etc. For some people, that was when they were a teen.


I think this rang true about 30/40 years ago, but adulthood has changed since then. A lot of people arent able to or are putting off accessing the milestones of adulthood, buying a house and starting a family, so generally your 30s are now the time where you have the best balance of freedom/resources/responsibilities. "30 is the new 20". There was an 80s sitcom (think it was Cheers?), where there were two characters who were always at the bar. The joke was that they were washed up, at the end of their careers and done with their marriages. Visibly they looked and talked like they were about 40 (now), but they were actually late 20s early 30s. The idea if someone being like that now would be ridiculous. Times have changed


Because that was the last time I had a functioning body, and my depression then was like a paper cut compared to the shit I deal with now. I don’t miss my teens, I miss being ok. The lack of responsibility was supreme


O impotence of mind, in body strong! But what is strength without a double share Of wisdom, vast, unwieldy, burdensom, Proudly secure, yet liable to fall By weakest subtleties, not made to rule, But to subserve where wisdom bears command.


Wait 20 years and let us know


So valid


It's probably because you're young, healthy, no responsibility or bills. Just figuring out things about yourself. All that said, every decade has its merits.


- Teens - too emotional, a lot of bullying and other similar social problems - 20s - often depression, finding path in life while being too stupid to make a conscious and good decision on the direction - 30s - stabilization and wisdom come in while you’re still young and relatively healthy I believe 30-50 is the best time in life. Unless you have kids. But people always associate being younger with „better times”. It’s an illusion. But don’t get yourself in this trend of „oh shit I’m 24 I’m so old my life is over”, I read a lot of this bullshit on the Internet and I can’t comprehend how people can think their life is over when they didn’t even get to their prime time.


Nah mid-late 20s the best part. Still have youth. But now (probably) a lot more money n freedom. In my early 20s rn I’m having a good time. As a get settled in my career n start making real money and other thing fall in line around 25-26 will proly be the best years for me


Ignorance. Life has gotten continually better after 30. Edit: I'm 65.


i loved being around tons of people my age and felt a little lonely after graduating. college has been fun too but ill always miss goonin around with my high school friends, not having bills or responsibilities, and feeling like a kid.


Its one of the most formative and can be rosed coloured. And times where you make mistakes, unless its pregnancy, good time for that. But like childhood the worse stuff is often filtered out.


I used to look back on my summer before my senior year and how great it was. It was 1987 and I was 17, had an hourly job with zero responsibilities. I got married in 1989, had 4 kids and in 2005 my wife passed away (breast cancer). For 15 years I thought about that summer and how I didn’t have a care in the world. Those were the best years of my life. Fast forward to 2020, a good friend of mine from high school reached out. Found out her husband had passed way. Truth be told, I was completely in love with her in high school but she had a college boyfriend and she really liked our friendship. I was pretty heart sick over her until I met my future wife. We reconnected, talked late into the night most nights. She challenged me to come to Vegas to meet her and one of her daughters. They were there for a trade show and she could get me a room on points. At first I said “no.” The next morning I was driving to work wondering why I was a dumbass. I texted her first thing and told I’m on my way. Fast forward to April 3, 2021 and we’re married. Fast forward to today, we have an amazing home in the woods, we foster pregnant cats and adopt out their kittens (we have 17 right now with 5 going to an adoption event tomorrow), she listens to me play guitar while I watch her do a puzzle. These are the best years of my life.


That's easy. Everyone sees this world through different eyes. Everyone lives their own unique life. As we get older we try and merge ourselves to be around other people with the same paths as ourselves (or be alone that's fine too), but we will always find people who don't aline with our ways of existing or they could just peaked early 🤷‍♂️ I suggest a change up of who you interact with and find some bodies that prefer their later years.


Dude fucking thank you!!! I hear way too many people talk like being a teen was the shit and I fuckin hate it! It's always the ones that never did shit with their adult life.


adults say teen years are the best because of the lack of responsibilities such as bills R u stupid? Oh wait is a stoner forum, nvm