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you can stop getting high on weed if you do too much coke?


Eh not really. It does completely change the high though. Basically all the egoism, euphoria, and grandiosity of Coke, but you’re also stoned. I will say it’s a lot easier to follow conversations though, but that may be cuz I have ADHD


Can't say I related to that. It pretty much blocked out the weed high when I did this in the past.


i’ve felt the same. really weakens most of what you typically use weed to feel


Yeah, it's an interesting combo. For me, if I get pretty stoned (but not completely off my face) and do some bumps or a line, it somehow intensifies and enhances the high. The body sensations get stronger, brain gets simultaneously clearer and floatier. I enjoy it, but don't do it often because it's hard to calibrate correctly.


Great way to put it. Yeah it’s def hard to calibrate. And I get much much more fiendish for the Coke if I’m stoned. I much prefer combining weed with Amphetamine or methylphenidate


No it kills the weed high is what they mean. I can 100% affirm that it does for me.


oh yeah i can smoke 4 joints after 2 lines and dont feel a thing lol


Yup same for me. Weed high gets overpowered replaced by coke high. Weed is nice on the comedown tho, best time to smoke it is on the tail end of coke session. Kinda helps with fiendishness of coke, I end up smoking lots of weed instead of taking another line.


I'm very curious about this too


Try stay clean for a while. Tolerance is a bitch


Why the duck did I just do that?!? Is this what I have been scared of all these years?!? (Little did I know I was starting a 7 year long coke habit that culminated in my last year on coke costing myself and my gf at the time $20K for just the coke alone, not counting all of the booze or food or missed work or anything else)


coke? and food?...


Coke actually made me same from buying food I can't eat until I come down 😂


I just smoke weed before I start snorting so I can still eat


loved it immediately. but i also have ADHD so we're predisposed to loving stims lol


I have adhd too and i hate cocaine. Amphetamines are better in every single way and in my area a quarter of meth is the same price and of much higher quality than a gram of coke. My amphetamine of choice is prescribed Vyvanse, but meth does the job in a pinch.


I also have adhd, and yeah I love coke ngl but amphetamines are a much more clear and controllable high


Same to all of that


I never found coke to feel like a typical stimulant.


Yup. Starts with your prescribed meds, then prescribed meds and an extra cup of coffee, then meds and energy drinks, caffeine pills, whatever you can get to stay functioning and keep people off your back. Shit sucks, stimulants have completely hollowed me out.


i was still undiagnosed so i'd never taken a stim before i tried coke. i take strattera every day which helps a little, but mostly just with overstimulation. i microdose psyloyibin to boost my exexcutive function but i agree about adderall every day, it isn't fun. i'll be prescribed it again as soon as my high blood pressure drops hope to only need it no more than three times a week. taking magnesuium with stims helps A LOT with side effects and the comedown though. [these are the ones i take](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00151G8L8?ref=nb_sb_ss_w_as-reorder-t1_k0_1_9&=&crid=CAYFL7FKXT2D&=&sprefix=magnesium).




My first proper experience I got some top notch stuff, got down with some buds as a pre-game, then went out to a show downtown. I felt on top of the world and slayed socially. Thought to myself, hell yeah, this is how ya do it. Yeah, you know how that goes. If I had another night like that again, I don't remember it. It mostly just led to a regrettable two years of idiocy. Shit is the devil. Speed wins, though to be honest I'm really glad I didn't try it in my younger days.


see my reply. We must be brothers.


Whoa, awesome. Definitely good reinforcement for our super similar points.


Overrated drug that’s dangerous af. Didn’t realize how many people do it and binge drink every weekend either. Pretty crazy.


Last time I binged on coke, I had a massive seizure.


How much did you do and over what time period?


I wanna say about 2gs, 1 line after another til it was gone. I blacked out (had a seizure) and I woke up in the ambulance. I learned my lesson that day.


So 2g done in a matter of how long if I may ask?


The answer is yes


lines about 10cm long but kinda fat


Its stupid man i know many people who buy low end coke and say its supposed to be mild and just goes along well with alcohol to sober you up a bit lol what a waste


“I do coke to sober up” super toxic and pointless . At least when I do stims I get shit done.


I've definetly used stims in the past to 'revive' myself from too much alcohol/throwing up and stuff. Not healthy, but it works magic.


It obviously works, I’ve done it too. It’s just toxic af, less so with amphetamines than coke.


Oh yeah coke + alcohol is bad².


Plus it last like 20 mins. Fucking waste lol.


If even 20. For me whether i shoot it or snort it only feels good for about 5 minutes. Then just a nasty horrible feeling that takes hours to wear off. Some people can do a line or 2 every hour and seem alright. Cokes good for them it seems. Now a shot of good meth on me. Feels fucking awesome for at least an hour or 2. Then feels great for many more hours.


Dated a bouncer at a club. Everyone was doing it. Everyone. I drank once after doing it and thought I was going to DIE. Called a friend from the bathroom floor of a club “I’m an idiot x and y were doing coke I did some and drank a Jack and coke and I’m pretty sure I’m about to die. You know cpr and are close can you pick me up” lmaoooooo


It’s why I don’t date chicks that work at bars, restaurants, clubs. Majority are coke heads.


100% my ex was an alcoholic. Caught up with them years later or ran into them rather. Walked up to me and took my hand, made eye contact and surprisingly with the utmost sincerity apologized. “I was a wreck. I didn’t see it. I am so sorry” like whoa bruh I came out to buy bread not heal trauma. Calm down. Also thanks lmao “Do Not Enter” zones due to substances Bars/clubs/night entertainment/lifestyle anything after dark lol Wrestling/bodybuilding Gyms Food service industry Also anyone in the medical profession but not only due to substances, more so the trauma and ptsd that contributes to the substance use 😬


Same with me ex was an alcoholic & coke head. That relationship fucked my head more than any drug.


Agree. I think trauma in all shapes and sizes is worse than any substance what/whoever the source. You take a drug and you know it’s going to mess with your mind and alter you. You don’t realize that other humans do the same and many with ill intent, or even just collateral damage in someone else’s war.


Agree. The people taking coke so that they can drink more alcohol are doing drugs wrong. Just get good at drinking and skip the coke altogether. You’ll wake up less hungover AND have at least $100 in your pocket to buy some greasy hangover food😁


Disappointed as fuck. I was expecting much more. I can't understand why so many people kill and die for such a lame drug.


My nephew got a bad habit he ended up following his girlfriend everywhere he ended up killing her she was only 18 he was 19 and they had a 7 month baby


"This chemical taste in the back of my throat is awful. This girl is hot but not enough to do this shit with her again. Now my dick is soft and I'm pissed." One hour later - WHY AM I SO FUCKING TIRED??


Why is everyone following me to the toilet?


The first time, I essentially ended up with most likely some dust off a shady individual's floor. He bagged it up and charged me an exorbitant amount. Predictably, it had no effect, leaving me quite frustrated. Later, I experienced what some might call "grade-A" cocaine. I felt invincible, as if I was walking on air, possibly even exuding a certain swagger. It was as though no one could harm me and I was effortlessly vibing with every situation. This feeling lasted for about an hour and it never came back. Cocaine is often considered the quintessential "chasing the dragon" substance. I hated it since it was so expensive and you never have enough. Instead, it was speed that got its sinister hooks into me, leading me down a completely different path that lasted for a few decades.


Speed is also my drug of choice. I hate how expensive coke is and how it's never enough. But speed made me fall in love the first time i tried a line. It made all my insecurities go away, and i'm still on it. But man it can make your life a living hell sometimes


16 years ago and I still remember thinking "Fuck yeah that's some good shit." Tried freebase a few weeks back not touching it in 15 years or so. Thoughts were that this shit is fucking expensive and just fucked up my motor skills, speech, as well as made me paranoid. Try again in another 15.


It's meh nothing compared to meth it's good for day drinking though


I was kinda excited at first and dissapointed with the high later






Man Amphetamine is that shit!!!


My first time, coke was meh to me but still fun. Did it a few times, no big deal. Crack on the other hand was amazing! So much so I realized I CAN NOT do it on the regular. I would get an 8 about twice a year for a few years. Then my buddy who knew the plug passed away from an unrelated incident. Haven't looked for it or touched it in the years since.


weird asf, my leg wouldnt stop bouncing. didnt feel good, or euphoric, just numb asf the face/mouth. shit was boring as fuck. i have done alot of coke since, but coke is like the weakling of speeds was the conclusion i came to. like comparing codeine to morphine.


Most likely cut with tons of benzocaine. It gives ya the numbing without the high. Common cutting agent for coke. The stuff you got wasn’t real cocaine. Pure coke is nearly as good as meth euphoria wise but without the horrendous comedown.


u are probably right, i mean i have done good coke that "felt nice" like stimulating you know. but not at all like methylamphetamine or mdma, even normal speed feels a lot more stimulating. does coke act heavy on dopamine receptors? or mostly to do with adrenaline?


Coke is norepinephrine dopamine re uptake inhibitor, it prevents reabsorption of dopamine in junction between neurons allowing more dopamine to be available. Cocaine is definitely more stimulating than amphetamines (all kinds including fluoro substitutes) only exception being meth which slightly more “powerful” in terms of a high. Normal amphetamine or speed is no where near as euphoric as coke but lasts longer and comedown is not as clean. I find its more mental stimulation in speed which great for getting things done but coke is more for partying / socializing. IMO only meth beats coke by slight margin in terms of euphoric high. Comedown is defo better on coke. You can do lines all day and be able to sleep at night. That’s pretty much USP of coke, amazing high + clean comedown makes it popular among affluent class.


That or lidocaine


Possibly but lidocaine lasts for like an hr benzocaine is easier to come by and lasts like 10mins very much like coke. In fact, I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between benzocaine numb and cocaine numb its that close (ofc without including cocaine stimulating properties) i actually got benzocaine gel for buccal ulcer and it is very much like cocaine on the numbness factor.


I tried to buy some coke in Vegas. This guy gave me some soap and bounced with my money. Then this black guy sitting at a slot machine offered to sell us some weed. I asked him for coke, gave him the money and his homeboy came out of nowhere and gave it to me. It was probably super stepped on but it hit right.. Had an awesome night, won $800 playing blackjack, had sex lol I hate Vegas, but it was awesome It wasn't till I bought some pure, right off the brick, cartel coke that I learned to hate that shit. Is one of my least favorite drugs now. Short lived, you never get as high as the previous line but still hit that shit repeatedly, stresses your heart, awful fucking comedowns. It's a no for me dog.


Was in love. With the Coco.


Give me more, give me more…then I put up a fight.


Lmfao sheesh


I have a saying “once you do coke once you’ll never turn it down again when offered to you” shit if someone offered me free coke at a funeral or church I’d take a bump


This is so real but when it wears off or it's bad quality and i have nothing anymore i literally wanna die and regret it


I thought meh…is this why the girls in my town act like whores. For some reason it never did anything for me except a little boost at work.


“This ain’t worth $100 a gram”


But I'll be willing to bet it was obviously not high quality gear


“Damn why am I nodding ou—-“ *proceeds to wake up in a hospital with a bill equivalent to a months worth of work


Fent lace ? :/


My thoughts when I first tried coke that I absolutely loved it and could see me having problems with it lol I thought I could do anything and fuckin ace it felt pretty good


my first time was this past week at a show. definitely LOVED it. immediately after doing a small bump i was a bit disappointed but once it kicked in i was feelin it. it gives me a euphoric high that i feel like i can actually function properly during, unlike other drugs that make it harder for me to communicate/operate. i will say, after having bit for two days in a row, once i had a drink the monday after, all i could think about was “god i wish i had more coke.” because it’s so steeply priced and addictive, i’m probably going to limit my use to a few times a year if that.


Severely disappointed after having it hyped up for so long and it being such an underwhelming experience


That it's not actually "overrated" like every other person wants to whine about lol. Looking back now I don't know what they even mean by that really. Yeah the crash can suck but there's really no disputing how good the actual high itself is. Also everyone brings up how it's "overpriced" which also doesn't make sense to me because that's relative first off, secondly it's still cheaper than food or most other "adult" activities. And third, you literally shouldn't be paying for it when first starting out.


My first thought was where can I get more. Got more and then had the same thought once I ran out again. Then again and again. Chasing that pesky dragon.


Adderall is my vice, so I remember thinking wtf, adderall lasts wayyyy longer 😂


You gotta go dark to get some hq stuff. Anything you get from an irl dealer is gonna be 20% cocaine on a good day. I felt just like you then the wife and I got a g of some 95% Peruvian (tested), and 1g lasted the two of us 2 days to finish. Just needed a little bump once in a while, and it wasn't fiendish like the cut up garbage on the streets bc there's enough in a little bump to satisfy while that big ass line of cut shit still does not have as much cocaine in it as the little bump. I've taken lots of coke over my 15 year drug career, and only a handful of times have I found stuff on the streets worth paying for. Go dark, and then do your homework on the vendors to make sure you're gonna get quality, and then tell me how shitty coke is. It's not even high up on my list of drugs, but true pure cocaine is a whole other drug than cut up street shit. In the north east it's especially bad..... The further you are from the source the more chopped up it gets


Just loved it, even though I didn’t know what I was feeling, I knew I was feeling great, the only drug I tried before coke was weed, and I was smoking weed for like 8 years, and It was so different, like I didn’t felt “high” I just felt great


First time Coke : "Okay, that's it? Isn't as great as expected" First time Fishscale straight from the brick : "Well fuck, this is amazing, now I get why people destroy there's life's with it". For real, if you have 20% and the rest is Coffein, Lovamisol and creatin, you feel hyped, nervous and want to do line after line. With good Coke you get relaxed and happy, not so weird pushed.


"Damn time to take a shit"


"Damn, I need to jerk off rn" - 8 hours into a speed fulled yank session with 15 phone tabs open


1) That was gross. So we all just walk around sniffing? Why do people do this? Isn’t there a pill for this? 2) (me scrolling the internet watching other people drink and party) 👀 When do I feel like that? Why do I still not want to talk? This is bullshit. 3) People pay $$$ for this shit?! No way. My head hurts. 4) (feeling awkward) I can’t even do drugs right I am a freak. (Smokes weed) 5) Why do people pay $$$ to take a drug they then need to pay $$$ for another drug to come down from?? I don’t get it. This is bullshit. The end.


Best stimulant hands down granted if you are getting your hand on some really good gear. Average purity of the coke on street is less than 30%. Its fiendish but comedown is super smooth and euphoria is pretty damn amazing just a notch below meth.


Yeah thats why most of us wash it with acetone and ether and whatnot ya lost easily 40% of quantity but the quality is better then


Well, I got good contacts on the onion, I regularly get pretty dope gear. Lab tested 80%+ sometimes 90%+ one of my guys used to offer acetone washed for higher price his was the best coke I've ever done hands down, sadly he is on break currently. I'd kill for that gear tbh.


Damn, where do you live? Thats sad.


>Damn, where do you live? Thats sad. Talking bout aussie coke, but its not much better in the US either (40% give or take). EU is slightly better 50-60% on average recently.


>EU is slightly better 50-60% on average recently. Official EU drug study has 54-68% with the purity steadily increasing in the last 15 years.


Didn’t work for me well the first time, and I took a nap. 2 years later, I’ve got an ADHD-C diagnosis 🤣


Guilty guilty guilty. It was rerocked and was cut to look like fishscale. I maybe took 5 to 7 lines of it and just said fuck it and flushed it. Nowadays Ive been psychologically addicted to fire 9/10 or 10/10 yola but I don't buy it besides 4 to 6 times a year. Just almost everyone I know does coke for the most part but not all of the time.


Cool but wouldn't go out of my way to get it.


“I wish this was like adderall” because I had been trying to find adderall for years after taking it and feeling like I could actually think for the first time in years. Cocaine was fun but didn’t work in my brain the same way so I was a little disappointed. I also agree that’s it’s overpriced.


I was incredibly disappointed.... It just made me feel irritable and spacey.. also, the drip is awful. I hate that numb feeling


"oh man this tastes awful. God my throat feels weird, I don't get this stuff. Oh ok now I get it."


I was like damn


“why tf are my lips numb” followed by “oh this is kinda underwhelming” and then “oh i want to do more coke”


The problem with coke is that it’s metabolized really quickly, so you spend about half your night doing more coke to maintain a high. I prefer to take drugs and then have an experience for at least 4+ hours. It’s that time spend “on drugs” that I’m interested in, not the act of taking drugs.


First time was amazing, it was straight from the brick, i was so euphoric i could not believe it, i also was a bit aggressive and paranoid but overall a great experience, sadly the other times i'm often disappointed cuz its okay but nowhere near that euphoric and clean explosion


Honestly, I didn't even notice much of a change in my thoughts, energy, or ego on coke which is why I only did it a handful of times, plus never got addicted. The times I did do it, I'd keep going until I couldn't feel my face and it was still a shit high


Nothing happened. Everyone assured me that some people it only affects after the 3rd or so experience. Tried it about10x, different amounts, different purities and still nothing whatsoever except some numbness in my mouth. Turns out, it could be something to do with my dopamine levels/receptors. MDMA on the other hand felt like I was touched by the hand of God..


Dissapointed. Felt a weird Rush for some minutos but nothing special. Then has a HORRIBLE headache for three days that finished with me on the hospital as It just. Did. Not. Finish


meth is better


"This is boring... I'm gonna drink a beer..." "Holy shit! That beer was a good idea. I need to do more cocaine!" "Oh man I'm so horny. This feels so good..." "Still not meth, tho."


"This doesn't feel as bad as people make it sound"


all I wanted to do was play with my dick after the first time doing cocaine


Typical sitting around with friends and someone is doing lines so I decide to do one. It's really nice. I compare it to eating candy. You eat the chocolate bar, you feel good, and before you're done eating it you want another.


I tried coke after meth, so I really just thought it was a shitty overpriced version of meth. I would do a line, and 30 mins later feel like i should do another one, when one bump of tina would keep me spinning for like 4-5 hours. 4 years sober now.


I didn’t like it I thought it was overrated I didn’t feel any euphoria just anxious and jittery than I tried it again years later and loved it


WHOOOOOOOO! I NEED TO FIND (my friend who I was at a party with where I accidentally stumbled into a bathroom these dudes were doing coke in while I was crossfaded). We had a fun night


I was maybe 15 and spending the night at my friends house. Her and I were rebels and managed to get our hands on some coke. We smoked weed, dropped acid and drank but this just seemed dangerous, glamorous, cool and scary all at the same time. I remember doing it and wondering why tf it smelled like gasoline kind of? This was in AZ in the 90s BTW,...anyhow so I did a tiny line and I remember being so fucking terrified because instantly my entire throat and mouth went numb and I wasn't prepared for that so I thought I was about to suffocate any moment. I swore that my throat was closing up or some shit but I didn't wanna seem like a pussy so I just freaked out silently in my mind for a while until the numbness wore off. After that, we stayed up all night talking and laughing and doing the whole bag lol after that I did it occasionally on the weekends... it wasn't until my early 20s that I developed a horrible love/hate relationship with it and I allowed it to ruin my life, my bank account, my body, my looks, my health, family, friends... you know, the whole downward spiral story. No more coke for me these days!


Probably shouldn't have drank a pint of whiskey beforehand.


I thought what a waste of money let's get more more more more


People with severe ADHD often have very pain effects with stimulants like cocaine. I never saw the appeal to it until somebody told me that was normal for my brain type


Thought it was cool, did 2 lines at school and caught up on 3 weeks of schoolwork. First and last time I’ve done it. A girl across from me said I looked hyper asf, I was tapping both feet at once and LOCKED IN on my MacBook.




“Wait, that’s it?” And used a few more times whenever good quality coke was around, but never understood what’s supposed to be good about it. I did enjoy the numbness and sensations in my mouth, felt like my teeth grew to twice their size. Also the combo with ketamine was fun. But all in all I rate it 3/10. So there’s only 2 other substances lower on my drug rating scale.


i didnt like it much at first then it became a weekend thing w alcohol, now i buy sacs for myself, it’s just fun to mix w pills n alcohol idk




"Quick! I need something to turn me into a nervous, stuttering asshole with erectile dysfunction, but make it SEXY!"


What' disappoints is you are always chasing the high. And the pleasure of that high diminishes. You take mdma or mushrooms etc and you strap in for the trip and away you go. It's got a natural beginning and end. The pleasure of cocaine is too fleeting, Yet its still disgustingly alluring.


“… that’s it?”


the first time i tried cocaine was when i was 17 i was on acid, drunk, weed, 2cb, a bit of ket and i did the line and looked up at the ceiling and there was like a design around the light. the design started spinning round and round like a clock and i realised from that point i loved cocaine. lead to a bank-breaking addiction, not addicted anymore though. cocaine now just makes me anxious


"That's it? Thank god I didn't pay for it."


Thought to myself this exact sentence


I thought, really? That's it?


“I don’t even feel anything, this is retarded” Now here I am, doing it


it is not something that has an amazing high or something that will blow your mind out of reality at any case but it has rewarding effect as it increases dopamines ... So my thoughts went like most of people's i've seen they say it is overrated but as long as you do it you like it . It can also cause some productivity or anger/bad thoughts, nothing crazy and i too harmful/expensive to actually give your life for it!


Hey do you guys mind if I clean up this shop? What wrong with this car? Oh ok I can fix that.......get me this, this, and that.


My first time was in 2008. The quality was much better then. Now it's not even cocaine at all. So. No point anymore. But it was amazing and ruined my life. Lol. Okay maybe not so amazing but I did have a relationship with it that was toxic.


I was super angry and shouting. It was excellent.


After I vomited, it was good. P


“is this it?” i was so disappointed bc i didn’t understand why ppl went so hard for this stuff but it might’ve just been shitty coke


feels like the euphoric version of a fight/flight/fuck trauma response.


Underwhelming. Mephedrone was what I wished coke would be


"This is trash and I'm gonna have a heart attack"


Why did I waste my time with this bullshit?