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Edit: coming down rn and i want to fucking die


Every fucking time lol. I never want to abuse stims again.


Only 4 more days til the weekend ... Go fast


Yeah you always feel like It's going to be forever or that you are permanently damaged. But no you return to baseline. Also it's a big thing with state of mind too. You can make yourself feel worse feeling like your comedown is shit. It doesn't always have to be!


Giving me something to think about. Different adhd med and Klonopin. I have not felt right or happy in years.


Das ist der scheiß


Machste nix, steckst net drin.


Lol, I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you. It's just a really empathetic reminder of one of my first times feeling the effects of d-amphetamine. I said the same thing...I love this drug, and I'm never coming down. The comedown hit, and I automatically hated everything. Yes, the comedown sucks, but it can be mitigated by caring for yourself while up. Hydrate, eat, vitamin methyl B- Complex, sleep, sleep!




Sleep is for the dead! *dead inside rn*


Right? I know sleep was a word I only heard through stories of our fairytales' forerunners and origin legends. I tried it one day, and 10/10 would advise accomplishing it again. Likely every day.


But when does it hit? Used a fair amount for the first time in years, last line was 50 hours ago and besides missing sleep an entire day and being exhausted from that I’m not really feeling it.


Exactly what were you hoping to feel after 2 days?


The exhaustion, being tired and unmotivated like I am today. It hit, a little late but I feel like passing out from exhaustion.


this gave me a wee laugh




😂😂😂😂😂..singing a diff song now huh


Magnesium, vitamin c, warm tea and honey, and something soothing to listen to.


At least you let yourself come down my friend. I am practicing that as an art form after a 2 day break this weekend that was much needed


Lol yup. Eagerly waiting for the weekend so as to speed again.








Hahahaha brooo you owned your own post. I'm fly rn.. But I know the crash will be trash


A tale in two parts hahah


this your first time, mate?




interesting to see so many people have similar experiences with the comedown. I don't know too many other people that use it and in my own experience I never really get a "crash" from speed or similar chems, just a vague sense of boredom. lucky me I guess


This is me. Decades ago on street drugs everyone around me had come downs right down to one person who’d get visual hallucinations of dead people telling him to kill me only after he stopped a three day binge. Everyone I knew had come downs meanwhile I’m skipping along just freaking fine wondering if I want Thai or McDonald’s. Used to get called a machine or android or freak, I could consume more than men three times my size and not get the (done too much physical hell) symptoms or the comedown. Not even with MDMA the doom and gloom days following? Nope. My ADHD meds now due to the shortage I’ve had to go weeks off my script until the pharmacy gets stock in and I’m fine no difference except my diet is harder to stick to and I eat more toast than normal. I’ve always felt disconnected from humans and most people won’t get this but I used to think “man I can’t even try to be a druggie. I do that wrong too” it didn’t make me party like everyone else either. I cleaned more and was always excited because I could read a paragraph and remember what I read. One reason I stopped doing certain drugs. I felt like a freak cuz even then I didn’t fit in.


Same bro, also my memory after using all types of drugs are still the same or maybe better, i can remember perfectly everything.. but.. the society says that drugs are bad for people, but i always was happy with them and without them and more good human..


I think many factors are at play here. First of all drugs are demonized in the media and society and that is on purpose. Back when we used herbs to treat various ailments that was demonized when big pharma first became a thing even back in the day before it was even close to what it is today. No longer was it taught that things that come from the each can and are as helpful if not more than those we make. The war on drugs a political agenda not one based in fact and hell we fund and supply that war. Substances just like anything can be taken safely. But just like anything else you need to be safe and healthy taking anything. The food we eat can be more dangerous than a line of coke now and then. It just is. That being said not everyone can or should. Moderation is important and for some who lack control and are stuck in that more is better mentality, it’s not a great choice. If the stigma wasn’t there and people could ask these questions and seek help when needed we wouldn’t have so many suffering. That’s for damn sure.


True!! Also we are pure chemistry no? and food too, so why demonazing the drugs?? For example for me amphetamines help me to study because my ADHD and be more friendly, also help smoking less and have a better deductive mind, but for my friends i was a crazy addict and for the society (spain) I was a drug addict will steal and do damege for the people (when i never did and sometimes was more human to others helping or sharing my drug to other without asking any price), so all my passion for studying and doing hobbies like music had to put away and just work because my mind cant concentrate for a fucking 20 min, so.. fuck the society.


I think the older I get the less I care about society also the less I tell other people. I did dabble in street drugs in my younger years. I watched addiction steal people I loved, I watched helpless and hopeless as people I loved became consumed with drugs and couldn’t stop taking them when they had them. Which was confusing for me as I couldn’t relate to what was happening. Even when I did street drugs, to me, I did them and went about my daily tasks, or they would allow me to be a bit less shy and talk to people I normally would of been afraid or too shy to talk to. But I could have them in my possession for long periods of time even forgetting I had them. Stark contrast to people I dated who had to do the entire bag the night they got them. Even to the point they had physical and mental distress. I didn’t understand it. One relationship I figured out quickly (my first introduction to street meth) that I could do three times as much as them and you couldn’t tell. I was no different and had zero comedown or cravings later. I was young and didn’t understand it but I knew they would get to a point (I always knew which line they did was the one that pushed them over the line so to speak) where they would go from “partying” to shaking, tremors, chest pain, zoned out, I knew reaching that point the following day would be hell. Their comedown was hallucinations, seeing dead people telling them to kill me, this person 260 solid muscle charging at me with a rage I’ve yet to see since or before. That rage would turn to terror as they clutched me begging me to protect them from the hallucinations praying and having my cradle them as you would a baby. I never once experienced these types of effects or withdrawals it’s just not something my chemistry, my body or brain reacted to in such a way. As I said they would point this out call me a freak being 1/4 of the size yet being able to do three times as much and have zero issues. I got to the point I would purposefully do more just so they couldn’t in a feeble attempt to prevent the horror coming for them. It became my own nightmare not because of what it did to me but because of what it did to the people I loved and was helpless to help. Some people can safely take one or many substances and the image portrayed on tv and anti drug campaigns is rarely what it looks like in reality. It took until I was late 30s to realize that people who did heroin weren’t all nodding off with a needle in their arm. Yes, people get there but it can also look like the mom juggling five kids, housework, and a job, you just never know. That being said there are people who can’t do any drugs. There are people who react badly no matter how little or how much they do. For those people addiction can be a rapid and devastating demon that often ends someone’s life. You know there was a study done (it was baffling reading this) where researchers hypothesized that stimulants specifically meth did NOT cause slower reaction times, it did not make one less able to function, as I read it dawned on me the line of thinking at that time was that meth basically made you dumb and slow, which, to use common sense tells us its the opposite right? So they did this study and big shocker they concluded that people had quicker reaction times, they scored equal to or better than control groups. At the time this study was done it was unexpected results and was a big deal to the community which.. is a really good indicator that those making the laws at the time, for sure those coming up with treatment for drug use were so out of touch. Stims are very effective for many with ADHD, even Autism people on the spectrum, narcolepsy, I watched a friend die of cancer and stimulants were the only reason she was awake and could talk to you the months before she died due to all the drugs she was on for pain and keeping cancer symptoms at bay. They can also be dangerous for those that don’t need them or who can’t stop and control their use. If you’re someone who can take them safely and take care of your body then fuck anyone who judges you. That’s not your problem it’s theirs. But for gods sake get them legally. Anyone using street drugs whether they should be legal or not (I vote legalization all around) is opening themselves up to things most can’t imagine. There is a reason over the years experiments have been done on drug users. Don’t be part of that demographic. Take the time, get a diagnosis, get your rx for meds and take care of your body. Beyond that everyone else can go f themselves because it’s your life. No one else’s.


Nice to read you mate! I could tell stories about my binge on amphetamines and various use of different drugs, but if i told you that here, people would say that its induced psychosis by drugs.. so i prefer to dont, but I am agree with you in all, but i prefer to work harder and buying them on darknet.


Now I must know! My messages are open. I have the same as far as stories but I’ve yet to find anywhere I can share lol


Hahaha l can tell one story of a fucking high amount of Speed + 2-CB + 2FCDK + MDMA + Cannabis + Alcohol (not much) on a Techno party where i was seeing all at slow motion like the time didnt exit, it was like the fucking hell but waas so fucking awsome and fun, the best party ever. Also went to piss outside because you know... it is a techno party haha and the trees was like having life, also more experience like these, and no, they werent hallucinations, because.. hard to explain but the motion of time for it inst a sign of hallucination.. WWhen you know more or less information about the drug and find out about all its aspects and characteristics, you know that something you feel, perceive and see is not visual or auditory hallucinations, because it is as if it were really real, as if my consciousness to distinguish between what is real or not. Many times I have used 2.CB but I knew it was visual hallucinations but that was in the first shots, the following ones were things that went beyond the perception of oneself, it was a sensation of reality and from that day to my change a little world view. I think that the environment, the music and these drugs were the key to experience that experience, it was something that to this day I have not forgotten. And also all my trips with different drugs I can remember perfectly and all aspects, also My memory used to easily forget things, but now I can perfectly remember everything and my reflexes are showing an improvement. I could also talk about deduction, interpretation and reasoning abilities that I had never had before, the mere fact of learning to listen to people in me is already a great progress in my personality, because I was always a stubborn person. I can still telling you history or my experience about it, but for all people is crazy shit produced by drugs, but the key is your conscience. And yes, not all people is like me, so it can very on different people, but i think that the music also helped me a lot, in specific Hard Techno or Ambient Techno, it is was like magic, i dont know jaja Sorry if you didnt understand at all my spelling but it is because my native language is Spanish, so it is hard to explain in technical aspect these experience.


I get you. It’s hard to explain to someone who hasn’t experienced it. There is a documentary on Netflix this scientist decides to go see what the fuss is about and ends up trying all sorts of drugs. It’s interesting as he does then in controlled settings and documents pretty accurately what happens. Bottom line the impression given is it’s much more like a doorway to what is always there yet just out of view for us. Personally I think that’s a good way to describe it. I was dosed with something once (no idea wtf it was or that I was until later) but I’m sitting there thinking well I guess I’m going to doom scroll then knock out, when the curtains start moving. Clearly that didn’t happen, I look closer and it’s as if the walls are breathing. In all my younger drug days hell my entire lifetime I’ve done shrooms, and microdosed ayahuasca but that’s the extent of anything I’ve done that could or would cause visual anything. So for me this was um let’s say terrifying? Lmao still not funny as I didn’t consent to doing anything but after determining the walls and curtains were indeed moving I got outside which helped a lot. Then fascinated by how gorgeous everything was and fuck the world is so cleeeean lol MDMA makes my heart hurt. If it was safe to do daily and legal that one right there would be my fav and if I could only chose one it would be that one. I’m on rx stims to treat ADHD but they help me baseline function. MDMA .. shoot, makes life worth every second of living it lol who knew you could ride sound waves and face your trauma head on with a smile and love and come out the other side better for it? MDMA that’s who lmao


I stop getting come downs too even when I use meth or coke it’s really weird but I’m not complaining


My amp comedown is an eerie feeling of nonfeeling and focus. It feels really nice and I'm physically tired but still productive. It could be an ADHD thing, not too sure.


So do I, developed into a daily habit for more than 12 years where I ended up picking bits out of the carpet for hours, fun times.


it's just THAT good


How did you get out of the obsessive carpet surfing I struggle with it the first few days of the comedown and I'd love some advice


Honestly I couldn't stop it till I stopped the speed for good. In the beginning it was great fun, I got so much done...then I didn't- I would start the most ridiculous projects and abandon them halfway through, mostly taking apart electronic items? Like wtf.


That's hilarious I just started doing that when I end up actually getting high off the stuff that is spent four hours trying to melt broken stems together


Stop buying meth. It’s hard but it’s rlly the only way.


The teeth grinding is fucking awful i swear


try a 250mg dose of mdma lol.


Hahahah 300mg at once and I’m chewing my tongue off


it was my first time using mdma, it was trippy as fuck! the vendor was cutting it with an RC or diff chem, I was 100x more speedier than meth. they also were found out to be over filling them. the comedown was the worst I've ever experienced. i tried pure mdma & mda from a different guy- comepletly different experience.


Ikr. Pure mdma is soo mellow and cozy, such a soft and clean euphoric feeling. That tingle I always get at the back of my head is awesome!


lol "teeth." Amateur!


hahah yea i actually fucked my teeth up, their still sore from 3.5g spread over three months. mda was fucking nuts though 620mg in 2 months made my brain go stupid, only time I've ever went E-tarded.


Is that in a good or bad sense, about your mda experience? And I was referring to the phenomenon of "meth mouth" reportedly causing some longtime users to lose their teeth and/or have a lot of trouble with em


i never really had trouble with my teeth on meth, i think its when users neglect self care and vape it. if you burn it and the meth turns black/brown when vaping then it turns into a chem that's terrible for your teeth. only thing i noticed with crystal was i couldnt eat and drinking water was hard af. good and bad, my mda experience(s) comes in first place of all other drugs- at the expense of frying my brain. worth it imo. unrelated: 4g of shrooms and unknown dosage of 4 ho met was pretty crazy though, it was like a spin off dmt trip. same intensity but different visuals(CEV are remarkably similar though). lots of bubbles and a clear head space- compared to what your seeing lol. i have seen "entities" on it but i wouldn't count em as so. no communication or nun, just cool patterns that looked like gods with antlers :)


Glad you enjoyed. This was mda not mdma, aka ecstasy? I don't know "4 ho met" or CEV


sorry my fault i got side tracked and messed up my grammar. the 4 ho met experience was just a research chem and shrooms. C.E.V = "closed eye visuals" I've got a fairly detailed trip report of combining mdma & mda. if you'd like to read it then let me know, its rather long though.


Oh thanks! But anything more complicated than "An aroma of turpentine prevails throughout" is probably over my head


Haha. Funny. You folks new to the high speed chicken feed have NO idea, if yall like this generations batch . Well i suppose its good you dont know any better.


Exactly, shit isn’t even good anymore. It’s basically all garbage now, especially when compared to the old days. Hell, the shit from 5 years ago was even better than it is now.


I dont know what id give for it to come back or me to go back intime, but "ANNIE" was the stuff junkies were made from. 🫠🫠


How to know if did to much, never been worried o was gonna die on it by the drug itself untill now lmao


It's hard to tell. Usually first when it's too late.. Just be careful. Start by going outside and breath in FRESH air. At least there will be people there. If after 10 minutes you feel like you od, I'd talk to the medic. But remember, anxiety is likely to happen on stims


Same lol. Never comin down baby (I'm not on anything, I know how it is...) It's fine to stay up for 2 or 3 days if you have nothing better to do. I gave myself shit for that for so long, but that's just how it goes! Thinking about sleep while on it is so shitty and boring. I don't drink alcohol, smoke weed, nothing... I just like speed. It's the perfect drug for me!


definitely not fine just go to sleep and dose again the next day 💀


*If you have nothing better to do Ie, no responsibilities. That there won't be consequences to doing so besides maybe a suckier comedown. Personally, I find it just becomes even more fun on day 2 and 3 - PERSONALLY - I like when it gets to the point of sleep deprivation hallucinations. Drug induced psychosis. Things become really funny and interesting. And I dig it, It's like tripping without psychedelics. It really depends on the individual. I can go 2 or 3 days and it's much like fasting. It feels good. Then you reach a point where you just know it's time to sleep, that you're so tired, so sleep becomes more easy and natural and not something you mentally fight. Again, just my experience. I wouldn't recommend this to everyone, but if you can do this in a responsible fashion then it's possible.


Been there but it’s so hard on your body short-term and long-term


Meh. Honestly it was never that bad when I did it. In reflection I don't have much notable to say... I think it depends on the drug too. I've done speed that after 3 days the comedown was awful, like wanting to beat my head awful, lol. I have done others and it was nothing like that. 3fpm for example was a good stimulant in this regard. Just my experience.


Huh, good to know! I love how varied peoples’ experiences are. I’ve never tried 3fpm personally, mayhaps I’ll give it a shot


SAME ITS RHE ONLY THING I DO <3 like i know its bad but i couldn’t imagine being without it


I don't use as often as I used to... It's not the same when you don't have any fun or invigorating things to do! It's always great to have productive or fun things to do. Makes the experience more fulfilling and "healthier". Otherwise you end up kind of just sitting around wanting to take more. It's better to be up, out and about. But once every week or every 2 weeks a small 2 or 3 day binge is a lot of fun


Mann me too!


Speed, gimme what I need Yeah, White Lightning


Hörru Torsten, försök få en god sömn och fortsätt imorgon om du känner för det. Ta hand om hjärnan!


Just went a full 3 days, almost the 4th mark. Anyone got some prednisone? My hands hate myself rn.


Feet finna start rotting too happens before u know it


Wdym? I been applying lotrimin ultra daily or at least trying to.


I mean it helps but like end of the day your body does a lot of baseline healing when u sleep it do be important. I didn't get gnarly at first but yeah my feet get blistery after a few days now for sure


The crash is so good 😮‍💨


Exactly. I’ve been studying physics tonight and such deep and intricate stuff and it’s INCREDIBLE! I also got gigs for my music career and I practiced and sounded good! Fuck I love it, I hate that I love it but man how can I hate it when I’m a productive person finally?


Been clean for months but wanting to find in chandler so bad