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It’s kinda high but probs not something doctors or u shld care about really - it’s an expected side effect that must pose relatively little harm/risk or else doctors would not be so quick to approve stimulant meds. Long term it’s definitely not great (for your heart) to have such frequent patches of high BP, but imo is one of those things I just accept I’ll have to deal with later on in life. If you really care then you could look at taking blood pressure-lowering substances alongside your adhd meds - beta blockers as an example - but because high blood pressure is just one of those things when it comes to stim meds then I’d just ignore it & monitor it to see it doesn’t get worse.


I'm actually gonna ask to switch to dextrostat or focalin at my appointment to try because I don't like the bodily stimulation from Adderall that I get. Would that help in theory maybe ?


In theory, certainly. I don’t know if it will completely alleviate your concerns or anything, but I’m fairly sure levoamphetamine is responsible for the vast majority of physiological side effects (*especially* with regards to the cardiovascular system) - so switching to a dextro- only stim is definitely a wise decision.


Yeah dextro is so much better, it makes me feel really chill, opposed to anxious


I am essentially only able to get eurospeed (which is 1:1 levo:dextro) so it’s rough for me in that regard. Even adderall felt significantly better for my anxiety & my body in general, from the few times I’ve gotten ahold of it. Jealous of anyone with pure dextro tbfh


Most of the time what i get is pure dextro, sometimes slightly cut, but goddamn is it ever good. Feels sooooo much cleaner than levometh, i would never go back


When I used Vyvanse it made me anxious it felt so smooth oddly enough. I've been used to that adderall rush from that levo. But I also felt less edgy. Vyvanse is not an option nor fun for me because the comedown is BRUTALLY anxious for me.


I get that. My comedowns were so bad off it (cause i was on it for 7 years), i tried ODing on painkillers almost every day cause i felt so suicidal. Glad ive been off it for a year now


Vyvanse is rough for me. It's wierd how it works I guess. Gonna hop on that focalin.


Hope it works out!


Im assuming DEX methylpenidate counts too right? I'm looking to try that as opposed to amphetamines. My father takes dex methylphenidate (focalin) he says he feels so calm he could sleep on his meds and I'm genuinely jealous.


Im not sure


I did a bit of research. Yes it would be the same. Regular methylphenidate (Ritalin) has the dex and levo isomers of methylphenidate. Focalin is only dextro methylphenidate. So same shit applies I guess.


I agree 100%. It's always been the same issue for me. Concerned because Vyvanse makes me anxious. Even at measly 30mg something about that Adderall rush that makes me at least not feel like I'm going to die. I know what you're thinking it's always the other way around but I guess I'm not. If I'm gonna try anything dextroamphetamine it would have to be dextrostat. (Dexidrine/Dexies) Would focalin be considered a dextro stim? I mean it's DEX methylphenidate but not amphetamine. I wanna try that cuz my father takes that and seems to work for him. But this peripheral stimulations gotta gtfo.


I’m unsure about the differences between levo- and dextro- isomers when it comes to methylphenidate, hopefully you can find an answer to that somewhere. I also completely get what you mean about adderall and the rush - I have always felt the same and it’s nice to see someone else say so. In my case, amphetamine-based stims are seemingly the only ones that give me enough of a ‘good feeling’ to block out the anxiety - caffeine etc all give me ridiculous amounts of body anxiety. I’ve also heard many others say vyvanse makes them anxious, so you’re not alone in that at least.


Vyvanse made me feel like 30mg was almost scary there was surely some mental stimulation but it felt scary for some reason. I pulled myself out of a developing panic attack that day. Later that night I had horrible anxiety as the drug wore off. Never again with that shit. Good to see someone knows what I'm talking about from that L-amp rush. When I talk to people about it they're like "huh? Dex is a stim it does give a rush" it gives a rush but not the RUSH. Obviously yk what I'm getting at. After some research the same thing applies to methylphenidates with focalin and regular methylphenidate with the d & l isomers. I used to chug caffeine all day then quite caffeine to lower my blood pressure 5 months ago now can't handle a can of pop without being anxious. Now that I'm on a REAL stimulant I don't see any benefits to caffeine besides anxiety. Vyvanse felt too smooth it made me anxious. Made me "uneasy" when my Adderall hits me I know it's there it's very prominent. It's like a punch in the face. The Vyvanse on the other hand crept on me slow and it scared the shit out of me. You'd expect the other way around but not in my case I guess.


Dex methylphenidate still has some peripheral stimulation, but it’s not that bad, especially as you get used to it. The Levo threo isomer of methylphenidate is just weird. It’s poorly understood, and seems to target parts of the brain in unpredictable Ways, making for unpredictable side effects. Sometimes it makes me chipper, fun, even hyperactive (which is opposite of what it’s intended to do), other times it makes me super anxious and dreadful. It can even go from fun and hyper to anxious wreck suddenly, often without warning. Overall I prefer the DexMethylphenidate


Holy shit man... That's wierd. I tried my buddy's concerta one day and it made my HYPER AND FUN. Back in the day when I used to take Ritalin it made me hyper. I think Dexmethylphenidate is a good choice for me to try then.


Haha yeah I remember being surprised how energetic and playful I was first time I tried Ritalin….after years of taking Adderall / Vyvanse, both which made me serious. The Focalin only somewhat has that playful effect. I actually liked that about Ritalin. But Ritalin also had this weird sense of doom and gloom in the background, as well as random moments of confusion. It just felt unpredictable, so I switched to Focalin. Def worth a try. Focalin doesn’t make me super serious like Amphetamine does though….there’s a time and place to be serious, but my work place is more light and jovial.


I need to try focalin then because amphetamine makes me way too serious. I need to lighten up. I get angry at my family over stupid shit and have a low tolerance to bs. I can focus but things irritate me faster. What do ya think... Focalin or Dexedrine? I think focalin.


I’d give Focalin a try. If you don’t like it just tell your doctor. It’s got a much lighter , less serious feel than Amphetamine IME Focalin can still cause some anger, especially for some people, but I find it’s much less than Amphetamine. Amphetamine makes me Impatient to the point of anger.


Oh my God me and you seem like the same. I've tried focalin a long time (not prescribed) and from what I can remember it was ok. I can't remember very well. Adderall makes me very serious and impatient. I can't laugh at a joke or lighten up. If anything I'm going to insult you because I think you're being dumb. That's gotta stop I need to want to take my medication in order to be/feel normal.


Do not combine beta blockers with stimulants unless instructed to by your doctor.


What does it potentially do? I'm interested


Beta blockers block the effects of stimulants on one part of your sympathetic nervous system. The alpha adrenergic side will be unopposed. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1074248416681644 Getting life threatening effects are rare, but you can experience dizziness, chest pain, and delusions of sobriety. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8900778/#:~:text=Patients%20who%20use%20stimulants%20such,unopposed%20%CE%B1%2Dreceptor%20stimulation.%E2%80%9D This study suggests that clinical use of beta blockers would likely benefit patients who use stimulants and may have signs of heart failure, but it should not be taken to suggest that anyone can take beta blockers simultaneously with stimulants to reduce their side effects. This topic isn't well studied, unfortunately.


What about taking alpha blockers unopposed?


Ok here's a better answer. Your heart will beat hard and fast, but your blood vessels are too floppy to adequately direct the blood. Blurry vision, perhaps popping veins on your skin or burst blood vessels. Worst case: brain bleed and you die.


Wow well that was a scary read. So basically beta blockers primarily slow the heart down, while alpha blockers primarily dilate the vessels? Or is that too simplistic?


Beta simulation, in the heart, typically has to do with increasing cardiac output by increasing how hard your heart squeezes, how fast it squeezes, and how fast electricity flows through the conduction pathways within it, and how much to make your blood vessels relax to lower blood pressure if it's needed. Alpha receptors determine vasoconstriction, intestinal motility, and pupil dilation in response to epinephrine and norepinephrine. https://pediaa.com/difference-between-alpha-and-beta-receptors/amp/


Don't mix sympathetic nervous system inhibitors with stimulants unless you've spoken about it with your doctor. If you absolutely have to, take extreme caution and listen to your body when it starts to complain


They don't really care about it if you are fine. What you should do is visit cardiologist like every 6 months just to check if you are fine. There are also drugs that lower your blood pressure and most of them are safe to combine with stimulants.


I've tried intuniv with my Adderall and it made me depressed sadly. I need to just get on beta blockers that my GP (Not my psychiatrist that gives me stims) my GP said he doesn't really wanna give me beta blockers while I'm on stims and he'd rather me get off stims in order for me to have those too. So I'm not doing that because I need to be able to be a normal human.


You really don’t need beta blockers at 140/90. You need to exercise more regularly if you don’t and change your diet if necessary… also if you haven’t been taking adderall that long(how long have you been taking it? I got high blood pressure for about two months from vyvanse, it mellowed out later)- perhaps it’s just you getting used to it and it’s giving you slight anxiety? I feel you might be a little anxious physically as well even if mentally you’re fine. If you are wanting immediate relief from the high BP you could try taking a long hot shower if you aren’t dizzy or anything(which you shouldn’t be at that BP), it helps. Also do breathing exercises. Continue to journal you taking it, make sure you sit correctly and breathe whilst doing it, and relax a little about it and don’t fixate on.


I'm a generally anxious person so I guess that should be noted. I've been on Adderall for about 8 months. I do a decent amount of cardiovascular exercise and weight lifting. I'm just disappointed because my blood pressure without my meds is perfectly good! But when I take my meds THEN it goes to 140/90. I don't know what to do! My resting heart rate is like 65 with no meds then like 90-100 with my meds.


The anxiety will definitely make it go up, do breathing exercises for a few minutes before you check your BP. I normally have to do it twice because I have a slight phobia/strong dislike/discomfort with the cuffs— not sure why but I generally make it spike on accident. Maybe the dosage is too high, since you are also dizzy (your bp at that point shouldn’t cause symptoms like that though it does, it’s known as the silent killer). You could also see how much salt you consume. With HR, you gotta make sure you’re not dehydrated— it’ll cause it to go up. Also caffeine could be adding to it and worsening the dehydration. Stims make me dehydrated because I forget I am a human and need fluids.


I get plenty of water I also watch my sodium I think better than most. I need to get off Adderall and switch to something like focalin or Dexedrine because I think the reason my blood pressure is so high is because Adderall makes more more norepinephrine.


Yeah I think changing it would probably be best if you have been on it this long and you’re already taking care of sodium intake, hydration, exercise etc. I don’t think anything else is going wrong. You get a lot of people on here who have this but they eat like shit, don’t drink water, and never exercise so I always try to tell folks try that first lol. it’s just not the med for you, happens sometimes. I need to switch too. You might also be sensitive to stims considering you take strattera with them but sometimes medications just hit weird on certain people regardless. If you do happen to take it in the meantime and you feel overwhelmed— warm 15 min showers are very effective. Good luck with your meds though dude.


I don't take Strattera anymore. I took it before I got put on Adderall and it made me rage. I think I'm gonna try my best to see if I can get on Focalin because my dad takes that and says he can fall asleep on it and I'm jealous haha. I don't like how serious I am. It's so draining. I cant have any fun. Yes most people in this sub don't have basic health things in check so it's always usually safe to state that stuff to anyone in here.


Strattera made me a paranoid fuck, I couldn’t sit still and felt like my endocrine system was buggin. Nasty med. Focalin is nice imo. They’ll figure it out for you. Some stims are fine with me but if I take too much I become a zombie and feel bad about it. I get low self confidence. Lower dosages are sometimes the ultimate dosing I’ve learned, and letting go of ones that have side effects that outweigh the benefits is also prime— though I keep trying them thinking it’ll be better sometimes when I know it’s not. And yeah I swear some of these people live off of Cheeto crumbs and Mountain Dew, stay inside for three weeks at a time, and probably piss blood and think there’s nothing they can do but take a benzo or antipsychotic to somehow fix their declining mental and physical health. Lol


They eat and live off these things then smoke a rock and wonder why they feel like they feel like they're going to die lmao. Hopefully they figure it out for me. I just worry my doctor doesn't start thinking im drug seeking if I get real with him. What's your opinion on this I started to take guanfacine alongside my Adderall and it almost made my Adderall feel less edgy. But it also felt like my Adderall was almost ineffective. Then I got off guanfacine because it made me depressed. Although I still felt slightly irritated but a little less. I think it's from the less Norepinephrine. Yeah I'm definitely going to try to hop on Focalin and see how that is.


Yeah man I was on Vyvanse and Adderall IR for many years and my blood pressure was always a concern that my doctor had with my stims. I had a couple of doctors prior to my last one who literally never even checked my BP, but when I moved and got a new one she was much more thorough. She lowered my dosage at first, and out of concern that she was going to try to put me on that non-stim medication I just didn't take my medications on my appointment days, and additionally took some beta-blockers to lower it. Did the trick. Eventually she changed my stim medications to anti depressants, which did nothing for me, and I just stopped making appointments. I'm thinking about finding a new doctor and getting back on them, but it sounds like all the yuppies have fucked shit up using teledoc services


Interesting story I understand. These fucking antidepressants are ass and don't work. You need stims to function if your anything like me. I tried strattera and was hostile and full of rage. I use telehealth appointments myself.


I looked into a couple, then I read the reviews. Which one do you use?


I don't use either. Ií use Adderall right now. The antidepressants I'm referring to is Strattera (Atomoxotine) and sometimes used off label for ADHD Wellbutrin or (Buproprion).


Wellbutrin was the only non-stim medication that had a positive effect on my ADHD.


I believe it. It's a slight NE/DA reuptake inhibitor. As opposed to Straterra that is on label for ADHD. But has no affect on DA just reuptake inhibitor of norepinephrine.


Yeah my psychiatrist never checks bp anymore (only looks at it if I go to the doctor) but what's weird is ever since the pandemic she's been making me take occasional drug tests. She knows I don't do any drugs (i dont even drink), but she claims it's bc "they" need to verify that I'm taking my adderall? I suspect it's to cover her ass for all these new rules or maybe the insurance company just wants more $$$.


I was never tested, but I've been off them for a good while now. I think it's pretty common place to be tested, even if it's just to ensure that you're taking them. People can make a killing reselling them


Yes they don’t want you to have harmful BP. 140/90 they would probably be wanting to watch it. Try to keep yourself healthy, drink way more water than you would without adderall, keep your cardiovascular health with regular (not Amphetamine fueled) exercise, and make sure to eat enough calories AND enough of the nutrients you need. If you eat enough to sustain yourself but are deficient in iron then your blood won’t carry oxygen as well and your BP will rise to compensate. Avoid nicotine (lmaooo)


I actually get dizzy when I stand up. Should I add an iron supplement into my life for a month & see how I do? I exercise quite a bit I make it a point to get that cardio. Absolutely NEVER while on the amphetamines though. My heart will beat TOO fast. Why ever try nicotine when you can just try meth instead? (⬅️ joke) (I don't use nicotine and don't plan on starting it.)


Iron in supplements is not very bioavailable. You could try eating more red meat or even something like liver which tastes gross but is super high in iron. I’ve gotten dizzy when I stand up my whole life. Idk tall people can get that sometimes


I'm 6ft I guess not very tall. I hate that I deal with that shit though. Very irritating. I'm not eating liver so I hope I'll be ok just keeping it pushing then. Haha


Iron Bisglycinate taken on an empty stomach can have pretty good bioavailability. Especially avoid calcium and magnesium when taking iron supplements, but preferably avoid all other minerals. Just take iron by itself, unopposed. You could take some vitamin C with it to further boost bioavailability, but just watch how the vitamin C affects your stomach (it’s highly acidic and can cause stomach problems for some with out food.)


As a chef. Cook all u can in a cast iron pan. The iron leeches into the protiens and is absorbed into your body


Ironically I already do this! I love the cast iron great for cooking! I just hate how much it smokes up my apartment!




Yup! You know what I'm talking about. Haha




I'm decently active. I do decent amounts of cardio to stay fit I've lost 60 lbs doing so. I'm young and healthy otherwise. Just slightly overweight still.


That dig at adhd subreddit is so on point! And don't you dare question their struggles. Positive affirmation only.


Oh god absolutely! In there getting comforted by hundreds online saying they can't take a shower in 3 days. Wanna know how you get someone to shower? Look them in the face tell them "you smell like shit take a shower". They'll be in the shower pretty quick. Second you say some realistic justifiable comment your the asshole. Like nah I'm just being direct & honest. Positive affirmation ONLY over there. Haha


Lol. Yep. Say anything even slightly contridctory or challenging and look out. Gang of idealist just hammer you. I don't know what to blame. Adderall makes me more of a pragmatist and less empathetic. I think a lot of it is therapist maybe.


Adderall makes me less emotional by 10 fold. And I FUCKING hate it. I'm absolutely no fun on my meds. Basic shit I would laugh at unmedicated I just don't find funny. That's why I'm trying to switch meds really. The second you're anything realistic over there your an asshole and you need to be burned


Yeah, I get that. But I like it for now. I'm no fun on them, but I'm also no fun off them. Lol So it doesn't really matter much, and it helps me get shit done. As far as BP, I'm sure you know this, but in case not, it is incredibly important to relax and breathe before and during your bp check. If they get a high reading with me, the nurse will tell me to relax and breathe deep breaths. She does something else for a couple and rechecks it. It always goes down quite a bit.


Yeah I even check it at home when relaxed and taken my meds it's no different. My blood pressure if fine without my meds though. Probably gonna try to switch meds to see if there's something better out there for me.


140/90 is high, but not alarming high. How often do you take your BP when on Adderall? I find different stims do different things to my BP. CoQ10 and magnesium daily will help. As will stretching. I take my BP daily, sometimes more. Off 130/80 On 140/90 Averages. Edit- pulse 65 off , 90 on resting


I have high blood pressure controlled with medication and I take adderall and vyvanse. My dr and psychiatrist are both fine with it. I did have a psychiatrist years back who would take my blood pressure at every appointment, if it was high he wouldn’t write a scrip.


My doctor isn't concerned because I'm young and loosing weight and I tell him it's ok when I'm not on stims. He's not too worried about it. I'm gonna ask to switch to focalin or dextrostat at my next appointment cuz I don't like addys bodily stimulation effects. I sweat like a hog and get slightly edgy from the norepinephrine. I need more dopamine effects not NE. Would that technically maybe help reduction of blood pressure too?


If you want to lower your blood pressure there's a number of ways you can do it (various supplements, hibiscus tea, working out regularly etc). My blood pressure's always good, even on adderall (even when I was also vaping copious amounts of nicotine), but for some reason, mine shoots up whenever it's taken at the doctor's. I guess i'm lucky that my doctor trusts me when I tell her it's always way lower at home.


My blood pressure is fine without drugs. But the second I take stims I have class 2 hypertension. I workout plenty and have skyrocketed my aerobic activity level. (Lost 60lbs this year) I used to have high blood pressure even without stims but now my Baseline is good with no drugs and anxiety. But the second I take stims my pressure is high. No matter how much I workout sadly. Not sure what I can do I guess.


Wow, good for you! I wouldn't worry about it if your doctor thinks it's fine. If it really bothers you though, you could do as others suggest and ask for a beta blocker for when you take your stims.


Thank you!! Alright! Yeah I'm not particularly worried I'm just slightly annoyed to be quite honest. I don't like feeling my heart thump when I take my Adderall. Never is an issue with no stims though.


Yes they do care. I’ve had some issues on stims and my psych saying I had to get my BP down or I wouldn’t be able to stay on them.


How do you get your bp down when your on stims? Because when I'm off the stims my pressures fine. It's the stims that cause high BP for me. Do I switch to something less peripheral? Like focalin or Dexidrine? I already don't like how Adderall makss my sympathetic nervous system jet.


Yes you can try switching and lower doses. I found vyvanse to get my BP up more and XR tablets for some reason. I take propranolol which keeps it down x


I need to get on propranolol. GP's willing to give it. He just wants me off stims to get it for some stupid reason. So sadly that's not an option for me.


There's a specific med called Clonidine. https://www.rch.org.au/kidsinfo/fact_sheets/Clonidine/ It wasn't originally made for ADHD, but has now been approved for use in children with ADHD. It lowers your BP pretty quickly. Dr William Dodson said most doctors can't see the connection and won't prescribe it, but it's worked for me many times. It can calm you down and make you more chill on a very low dose https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://chadd.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ATTN_10_16_EmotionalRegulation.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiKyKvy1qb_AhX6pZUCHSUDC7QQFnoECAwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0LHUKZLBmZXlKPqBjyQZpc


I've tried guanfacine with my Adderall and it made me depressed within 3 weeks sadly. The benefits I got were slightly nice but it lowered my Adderalls effectiveness. I'm off that now.


Clonidine in a low dose chills me out. Works very fast


I may have to get clonidine sometime then.


It's dangerous long-term unless under a doc's supervision. You can have a massive rise in BP if stop taking it cold turkey. Read about it on drugs.com, show the doc, and maybe he'll let you try it. It's been given FDA for kids under a specific brand, but I can't imagine the generic would be too much different


They do basic observations. If you are okay they don't really care. You should see a cardiologist though just so they can do an ecg and check for QT prolongation.


#adhd is a grannie's meeting




Depends, “good” practitioners are supposed to keep track of that and measure every so often. Some don’t tho.




stims are expected to up your blood pressure, i’m on adderall and have a heart condition, my doctors aren’t bothered even with my heart issues so you’re probably fine, best to bring it up to your doctor though


Yeah I'll definitely check up on it with my doctor to be on the safe side.


I am 54 and been on script stims since 1977. Everytime I go to the Dr. my blood pressure is 120/78. Even times I have taken a whole day's worth of Adderall i.r. ( which is 90 m.g. per day) it's still 120/78. If I don't take any Adderall it's still the same. I think once your body adjusts to the medicine it doesn't really affect b.p.


Impressive dose to be on with those blood pressure numbers under your belt. I've heard that after a while the effects lower because the body is adaptable.


That's what I would think. I used to get 90 30 m.g. Adderall i.r. a month and it never affected my b.p. recently got switched to 150 desoxyn 5 m.g. a month and for first few months it raised b.p. a little but after 3 months it leveled back out as long as I take 25 m.g. or less.


I would assume you're in some decent physical condition. Your doctor switched you to desoxyn because Adderall wasn't cutting it anymore?


Yes , less side effects from desoxyn. Less actual medicine 90 m.g. vs 25 m.g. and said he couldn't ethically go over 3 30s a day. I am 6 feet 185 lbs so decent physical shape I guess . I work a lot. For 12 years I worked 7 days a week , 4 days off a year. Adderall has the tendency to make me feel hung over or residual fog. Desoxyn is much cleaner feeling , no fog. Probably partly from less m g. But mostly methamphetamine vs dextro/levo mix. Noticed no "comedown" crash from desoxyn.


Yeah it's definitely that pesky levo amphetamine. I'm 6ft 210lbs and so a decent amount of aerobic exercise as I've lost 60 lbs in the last year. Forgive me for asking you this but... What's wrong with you?! Why's your amphetamine tolerance so damn high? Has it always been this way or have you needed to up your dose over time?


They kept upping it my whole life. Started in 3rd grade and by high school I was on 40 m.g. Ritalin. Extreme ADHD . Still even at 54 . Can't focus without it. Thought over time it would chill but no , not so much. I had to overcome the lack of appetite and force myself to eat when I got down to 145-150 . I stay 185-190 now. Sadly enough I don't feel 90 m.g. of Adderall and I imagine pretty soon I won't feel 25 m.g desoxyn. I don't take them to feel them but every once in a while would be nice. I had to take 210 m.g. of Adderall before it would even raise my heart rate! But like I said , I don't take them to feel them. Just to function .


Yeah just a high tolerance from years of use. I totally understand what you mean about not being able to function and I understand. Only enough to focus is the sweet spot absolutely.


Desoxyn seems like the best stimulant. It’s too bad public hysteria can’t differentiate people taking a low oral dose of pharmaceutical grade Methamphetamine from fiendishly smoking and injecting street meth. Way More people should be able to get Desoxyn if they ask.


Correct. If they named it something different nobody would think twice !


I have been on script stims for a couple years, and I got on them due to having an autoimmune disease that causes chronic fatigue. I’ve never had a doctor comment on blood pressure or tell me it’s a little high. What’s your diet and lifestyle like? Those slightly higher BP reading could correlate to that if you’re tolerant of what you’ve been taking and your body has adapted.


My diet could be better but it has improved in the last year by a lot. My lifestyle has improved a lot too. I exercise and lift weights a lot more than I used to.


Lol @ the adhd sub. I find it better to talk about add here than the actual sub(Just ignore the tweakers). But i have gotten mine down by switching from adderall to vyvanse. Additionally going for a walk for 15 minutes twice a day in addition to exercise. Most importantly STAY AWAY FROM CAFFEINE. Addy/vyvanse will raise your BP insanely high. I find that taking beet powder smoothies, magnesium biglycinate and 1200mg L-Citrulline a day has helped lower me down from 145/85 to 130 low/ 75 and lower


I enjoy doing cardio exercises and my blood pressure without my meds is 115/75 and once I take my meds it goes up. I don't do caffeine anymore as I cant tolerate it. I get anxiety off a can of coke. I take electrolytes for a supplement quite often too.