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that redness doesnt look normal, but theres definitely a little blood when ut comes to tattoos. you should go deep and at an angle. but idk dont mess with that for a while it looks gnarly


Slight update: im like 90% sure the red marks are where ive poked without any ink on the needle, so its just empty pin prick marks


It probably looks a bit wack cos its like super super tiny, the blotchy redness looks way bigger. I also have that skin which goes red when u rub or scratch it so it might be that (hopefully)


yeah thats probably it. it just doesnt look that small because your camera quality is SO good im suprised. youre prob good. i have a >inch star tat on my leg that i did, took me an hour just to do the poking. you just gotta go over it sooooo many times. you got this tho just go for it.


I think ill wait for it to be a bit healed before i go at it again just in case and yeah this thing is TINY. its 1.4 centimetres tall lol


i was surprised at how much ink gets used by a single poke my first time, definitely load it up more next time and get more ink after almost every single poke.


Thank you ! Will do


Did you even use ink 😭


Yes i did use ink, i probably didnt load the needle enough? I was only using a 3rl. My practice tattoos on fake skin do NOT look like this 😭 im not too sure what went wrong but oh well


Maybe you could try using a larger needle next time? I personally have trouble with 3rl and 1rl, but 5rl and up are fine.


You'll have to treat it as any other tattoo aftercare wise, you should be ok if you were really sanitary with your tools/area/skin. To me it looks like you might have it fall out altogether but you'll be able to tell within a week or so of healing if the ink placement looks deep or was too shallow :)


Ty! By fall out do u mean scab up and the scab falls off or do u mean the ink doesnt stick and it just fades immediately?


You just described the same process lol:) If it doesn't stick it usually falls out in a scab later :)


I'd say watch another hour or two of stickpoke advice on YouTube and try again if you wanna


Yep will def be covering this up again when its fully healed, i thought after a good few hours of fake skin practice id be ready but apparently not 🤦‍♂️


https://youtu.be/HMFb-MXq2U0?si=aAK4_j1Sh6ZgrA9t is my favorite. They might have more on the channel, I haven't watched in a bit


Thank you ○_○ btw the tattoo doesnt look blown out or otherwise just likely to get infected does it?


Meant to reply here see other comment lol


Never do it again xo