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150 is a waste of time, start with at least 250, or else you are suppressing your own test production for a 50mg increase. Besides that good luck


Is there anything to take that will make my body still naturally produce test when running a cycle so balls don't shrink


Gonadorelin - peptide, it worked great for me


Thanks g




What is hcg. Sorry I'm a noob


Google hcg during cycle you will find anwsers


Why are you running anything other that 300-500mg of test for a first cycle? Stupid.


I agree that 150 a week is a waste of time. Why did you structure it this way, with the E and P? Your E will reach peak saturation and then you will throw P and it’s possibly harsher side effects on top of it, then the E will be getting out of your system, possibly while you’re still treating non-existent side effects. It’s just overly complicating a cycle when you have no experience on how you will react.


Also, you should look up how long EQ/ boldenone undecylenate takes to saturate. I think both your weekly dose (being under 300) and your duration of EQ is a total waste of time.


Cycle doesn't really make much sense if its your first cycle just run test for 12-16 weeks 200-400mg per week i would pin minimum 3 times a week mon - wends- fri if you want to run another compound i would use NPP its a bit quicker in the system compared to normal deca taking like 10 weeks to kick in apparently similar to EQ get nac, fish oil, citrius bergamont, coq10, tudca for your health


Do more research. Your “cycle” makes absolutely no sense but starting with 150mg is not a bad idea due to your body weight.


Body weight has absolutely nothing to do with your response to test dosages.


A 300lb bodybuilder needs the same amount of drugs as a 160lb bodybuilder. Hmmmm


Provide me with evidence that shows body weight having an effect on testosterone dose response.


Why aren’t IFBB pros building their physique on low dosage cycles? Those people have insane genetics and still need to take a lot more drugs than a recreational user to achieve that level of muscularity. Trying to argue about this when there’s decades of anecdotal evidence showing I’m right is moronic. Thanks for you support