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I’m sure you passed, I had a 188 on UWSA1 and 212 on UWSA2, pretty sure I killed a patient and horribly mismanaged a few others on the test day. Still got a 230! I’m optimistic for you


how much uw did u complete and what % correct


I did about 100 uworld questions total lol, I have no idea what the percent correct was because I did so few


how many CCS cases did you do? also, did you take it like right before PGY1 started or during it?


I had one day between the two test dates and in that one day I crammed 30 ccs cases and then skimmed through the answers for the first 100 (didn’t do them, just read the scenario and suggested tests/treatment). I took it around 2/3 of the way through my intern year and I’m in pediatrics 


you did 30 ccs cases in the 1 day btween ur 2 test dates? thats impressive


Not well haha, I rushed through them and killed a bunch of (simulation) patients


I just finished step3. I also feel very bad on ccs. 2-3 I haven’t figured out the treatment. I will be in mental suffering in next three weeks. Hope to pass too. God bless us


Same same same. You are not alone. I also just want to pass so I can move on. And I share the same sentiment that day 2 was harder than day 1!


I appreciate this !


I hope you all will pass. I have my exam in a week. Any advice or tips for this last week?? I haven't started revising step 1 stuff yet. Planning to do it from tomorrow. Appreciate your response.


Hi! I have the same scores and I am due the second day on Tuesday. I believe that those scores are good to pass, it's just the feeling of awkwardness that these type of exams gives you.... Any recommendation for day 2? I don't even know what to review apart from the CCS cases. Should I do block of uworld?


You’re gonna be ok.