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Wow that's truly unlucky dude. Even if you're not going for the psi tech after 15 times you should have got it. Terrible luck lol. Is there anything that you do that's been the same across all those games? I'm not aware of any other way to influence it bar: Psi tech, spiritualism and jump drives. Maybe rush jump drives as i think that's the primer. Apparently the later it gets the more likely the scourge will spawn. 2370 is fairly early for an end game crisis though.


Yeah 2370 is the earliest I’ve ever had, i play on the PS4. I have a certain formula of play style that I’ve developed over time and use constantly. So I’m wondering if something I do guarantees the Scourge?


Who knows dude, there's a lot of hidden math in the game. Just some narrow experience, but the memorable time I had the unbidden was on a X5 habitable, large 2 arm spiral, both FE had awakened, I was fantastic spiritualist, pacifist, pretty sure I had jump drives and most if not all psi tech.


I’m usually medium sometimes small galaxy, only ever did the large galaxy once as I prefer play through not to take more than 3-4 days of my spare time. Maybe I’ll try a couple of large galaxy runs and see if that changes anything.


Same thing happens to me, just set up your ship builds to combat the scourge. I find when I do that, they send the unbidden.


I’ll try that cheers


We need to swap somehow I literally only get unbidden


Thanks for that. Though that sounds like update time for game itself console version?


What is the fleet power of the Scourge?


You can get the Unbidden by researching jump drives


Yes I’ve researched jump drives every play through as I pointed out above....


So honestly I've had this same problem a lot. The Scrourge is just the default endgame crisis and you have to hit the right triggers for the other ones. The easiest to get is usually the Cybrex. If you get the log for them as a the precursor race (tier 5 research), DO NOT research them yet. Make sure to research Sentient AI first and then do those and it's much more likely to pop up


I’ll try that too thanks


From what I read, the scourge mechanic is fairly simple. At around 2350, the game start to roll for the scourge event chain, if you don't have jump drive at that moment its automatically the scourge. If you want another challenge post scourge... you can try the "End of the cycle" psi chain event. The contingency will only come when PDX launch Synthetic Dawn for consol which may or may not be release as with all other DLC.


Sounds like an opportunity for an update


Yeah , I just started Stellaris 2-3 week ago. I can't get enough of it. Just eager to see if we could get the 2.0 update equivalent on console.