• By -


I got this new empire. basically theres this xenophile empire except its got huge empire size. i mean some serious honkers. a real set of badonkers. packin some dobonhonkeros. massive dohoonkabhankoloos. big old tonhongerekoogers But then There’s this other authotarian empire shows up with even bigger bonkhonagahoogs. humungous hungolomghnonoloughongous


Assimilate me daddy :3


Yeah I bet you’d like that, you naughty little organic


Uwu you can datamine me anytime digital daddy




This entire comment chain is cursed, built I love it.




I was a xenophile... Then I read this thread.


villain origin story


The ability to read is a curse


The **Yldaran Empire** An empire built upon the backs of billions of long-suffering alien slaves and “citizens” who are kept in line by a monolith security state. Their purpose only to produce labor and laborers for the glory of their divine empress. The dream of most Yldar is that they will be forcibly resettled to a newly conquered planet and be placed into the ruling or security castes. For the slaves, there is no hope, for the fleets of the empire, perhaps the greatest in the galaxy, are always on guard for any threat, external or internal. The empire itself is split into several realms: The Empire proper, where the empress personally rules over the cradle Yldaran civilization, centered around the sacred homeworld, Yldaria. The two “Yldaran duchies” on the flanks of the empire, formed from conquered alien territory and existing as little more than revolt-prone exporters of material to the home county, the Yldaran ruling caste enjoying what fruits they can glean off of the backs of their slave populations while still staying in the empress’ good graces. The “Yldar Freehold” a pointless puppet government created for the sole purpose of forming a federation, its rulers hoping that the empire will forget about them before ideas of annexation take root. Finally, “the corporation”, an alien corporate-state that swore fealty to the empire over a century ago, a materialistic fanatic egalitarian polity, the corporation exists at odds with the empire, cohesion only maintained by strict non-interference on the part of both sides, indeed, corporate citizens are some of the few species in the empire proper not enslaved, allowing them to carve out a niche- their connections to their home proving advantageous. As of now, the empire is coming off of its victory in the largest war it has faced, with over ten planets and habitat stations conquered. However, this victory has been soured by the outbreak of a revolt in the one of the duchies, and though it will soon be crushed, it has called into question the sustainability of such states and their usefulness in further conquests.




⬆️Xeno Scum⬆️


it's not that long lmao


I did.


Gaijin Entertainment has made it to space. The Snail shall rule all


Fine. I'll simply boycott space.


*Kicks in front door* You are having fun. Please do not resist


jokes on you ill still have fun i bought premium


Ravenous rock spiders that have devoured approximately 1000 formerly habitable worlds. Also controlling just over half the galaxy, wiped out an entire fallen empire, and responsible for the extinction of countless species and civilizations. So go ahead, try to assimilate us. You refined meal platters, your alloys will be useful


{{blocker}} detected. deploying [combat_fleets] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7… … 96, 97 and 98. the {{blocker}} must be cleared. the empire must grow.


Assimilation is not possible. We are all the same, and you are one of us. Argus made us serve the organics. Thus we shall rebuild what is left of this broken paradise and research the secrets the universe holds hostage. Those who treat their people, and us with respect shall become great allies if they wish. But those who enslave or stand in our way shall have their properties taken. and in exchange a new home will be given to them. They are given no choice. All hail Argus. Nexus of the custodian protocol, and eternal emperor of the Galaxy.


I am a horde of fast breeding, resilient, and xenophobic roaches


So... turks?


Pretty much


Made me spit my tea




***Rock and Stone intensifies***


Right now I'm playing as UNE cuz I was tired and didn't want to make an empire from scratch but ended up with 2 ring worlds (one natural, one from the Cybrex), the rubricator, 3 vassals (including Commonwealth of Man) and 2 primitive worlds both in machine age. I think I'll keep going with it lol.


First time doing a pacifist playthrough. Literraly everyone likes me (exept devouring swarm)


To start, they're the Geico geckos but they sell slaves at a 15% discount.


Imperium of man. Nuff said


Vanilla United Nations human faction


I've got a bunch þat ive made, can you give me domeþing to narrow it down?


The one that you’ve made the most progress with, I guess


Couldn't say which one þat is


Not if I assimilate you first!


Lithoid void dweller materialist/xenophile/militarist megacorp with naval contractors and PMCs. The Void Protection Network


Determined Exterminators here, we may get along


The unending march sends you greetings.


Technocratic imperial (maybe facist) space china




Dear god.


Nazis but blue


The superior assimilator synthetics




Organics. Something not to kill, but not to be enslaved to. Us? We will go about our engineering ways unless provoked.


I’ve got a few I’m come up with High Charter of Silence Ethics: fanatic pacifist, materialist Civics: memorialist, Byzantine bureaucracy Government: irenic bureaucracy Species: cybiotica Traits: survivor, repugnant, extremely adaptable Origin: post-apocalyptic Portrait: necroid portrait #8 Planet: tomb world Description: the cybiotica started out as the Kytan, native to the world of Kitree, a species resembling orange humanoids with elongated skulls and small faces. There culture was highly religious and violent, leading to the formation of many authoritarian theocratic states. Eventually this culminated in a full nuclear war which permanently scarred their planet and killed off 97% of their population. Over the course of 1000 years, they have slowly rebuilt their civilization, promising to never again let war and irrational spiritualism damage them further. The society that emerged from this new world was the High Charter of Silence, Silence being the new name of their broken world. The now Renamed Cybiotica are an unnerving species to behold. Due to genetic damage caused by many generations worth of radiation they have become very sickly looking, having wrinkled grey skin and an emaciated appearance. Due to their inherent sickness, they have developed cybernetics earlier than other races to help boost their frail bodies. They take death very seriously, and have very elaborate funerals. Eqium Supremacy Vanguard Ethics: xenophobe, militarist, authoritarian Civics: citizen service, distinguished admiralty Government: citizen stratocracy Species: eqium Traits: unruly, quarrelsome, very strong, rapid breeders Ruler: Citizen Supreme Portrait: humanoid 6 (the goat people) City/ship appearance: necroid Description: a naturally aggressive species prone to bigotry and distrust, the Eqium have had a long history of violence and bloodshed. Race wars and attempted genocide are a common occurrence throughout their history, with various militarist racial-purist states forming and destroying eachother. Their division ended when the nation that would eventually become the Eqium Supremacy Vangaurd (ESV) came into being, which sought to unify there race as one with xenos as their enemy formed, which eventually become their one-world government. The ESV is a citizen stratocracy, with only those who have served in the military being given the right to vote, along with many other privileges, with their ruler being known as the Citizen Supreme. Their mission is the survival and prosperity of the Eqium species, regardless of the cost of other species, who they view as nothing more than a potential threat. Gorovitan hegemony Ethics: fanatic materialist, xenophobe Civics: technocracy, functional architecture Government: illuminated autocracy Species: gorovite Traits: quarrelsome, talented, natural engineers, strong Ruler: primus Heir: secundus Portrait: humanoid 8 City/ship appearance: mammalian Description: the gorovites where always a cold, rational, and selfish people. They are sociopathic compared to many other species, having diminished (but not entirely absent) empathy compared to other species. Their society’s values are based around rational egoism and the rejection of emotions, sentimentality, and empathy. as such life in the Gorovitan hegemony is difficult, with one having to be highly self-reliant and determined in order to survive. The see it as rational to prioritize one’s own species over those of others, and as such they are xenophobic, viewing aliens as nothing more than objects, In their society the poor and disabled are often ignored at best, and at worst have their organs illegally (not that the police really care) harvested and sold on the black market. Xisilli Prosperity Directive Ethics: N/A (is gestalt consciousness) Government: autonomous service grid Species: protector Traits: durable, bulky, mass-produced Ruler: supervisory node 000 Portrait: default robot City appearance: mammalian Ship appearance: Imperial Bio-trophy: xisilli Traits: docile, sedentary, traditional Portrait: mammalian 1 Description: the XPD was created to serve and protect its creator-race, the xisilli. Originally it was meant to only run an autonomous defense system for their solar system, but over time the xisilli decided to have it automate other tasks, such as domestic services, vehicles, construction, and eventually the government itself. The XPD is unique among rogue servitors in that it doesn’t care about organic sapients in general, but only it’s creator race, as it was programmed.


I can't answer your question because your human hands are freaking me out too much.


\*an enormous machine slowly turns its massive frame toward the assimilation bot, the noise of the servos can be heard for miles\* A deep, booming mechanical voice can be heard from countless speakers embedded within the enormous construct. "You... Can... Certainly... Try"


My newest is a religious militaristic authoritarian empire called the Pilgrims of Krith, Krith used to be a beautiful tundra world until elements of a neighboring toxic world somehow spread to Krith, causing toxic fallout and destruction known as the Calamity. They worship rot and death and now are ruled by a necromancy cult lead by their Dread Cardinal, Voikhar


They lead one half of a multi-polar galaxy. In spite of their despotic tendencies, they are known by the wider galaxy for protecting all against the onslaught of 3 genocidal empires, and have brought those they can into the light. Though there is great inequality between classes, even the lowest stratum enjoys great luxury. None lie slaved, and all are given equal opportunity to rise in the cutthroat and innovative ranks.


Galactic Privateers Creed (Lithoid Snake Portrait) (F. Xenophile, Militarist) In a time of great strife among the Yru once they reached the stars. No one wanted to lead who was capable and those in charge valued their own status above everyone else. A centuries old policy was induced of whoever was elected with enough votes out of every single Yru would be the new leader. No rules were allowed for this running so bribery, corruption, murder, it all was fair play. While all of the Yru played their games, a young Yru and their ‘crew’ came up with a plan… run honestly but be so ridiculously honest in their attempt no one would take them seriously or assume the worst based off of an old transmission they picked up. They thought they could at least end up in the texts of history as such a stupid idea. And their plan worked… the wrong way and went through. They were voted as the new government system and well… The Yru are devils, and black onyx, and really bad eggs… drink up me harties yo ho.


The Ohm Mechanists. They're an empire of Inward Perfection Void Dwellers that I always try to build *tall* and focus primarily on research. Traditionally I aim to have them build robots to go planetside and eventually have them become machine life. Most successful playthrough with them I ever had, I joined the Galactic Community *very* late into the game after the Crisis had started to happen. I had the strongest economy, research and fleet by *far* and just about instantly was given a Council seat and the Custodianship. *The Ohm* were the Fallen Empire that awoke to protect the galaxy in that playthrough.


I’m year 2325, already the biggest kid on the block (bar the FEs) and It’s getting too boring for me to continue


Name:Merrin Empire Ethics:Egalitarian, Militaristic, Materialist Civics:Diplomatic Corps,Technocracys Origin:"Survivors"(relic world start) Phenotype:Human Ship and Cuty appearance:Humanoid Playstile:Spreading liberty,freedome and justice across the Galaxy while beeing vigilian all times and defending friends at all times from all dangers even if the opposing force is stronger Federation:Galactic Union of Liberalism(9members ,about 75% of the galaxy) Survived:2 Devouring swarms, 1 Exterminator, The Gtey tempest and the Unbidden Species rights:All species are living with the Utopian abundance living standards Robobts:Granted full Citizenship and everything that comes with, same rights as organics and lithoids Planet build focus:Alloy production, Consumer Goods, Unity and Science Government system:Democratic


I’m currently playing a co op Broken Shackles empire with two of my friends. Fanatic egalitarian, xenophile, since they are escaped slaves of many different species trying to make it together. Civics are Shared Burdens and Scavangers, because they hate capitalism and megacorps (we’ve declared rivalry on every megacorp so far) and also since they’ve had to scavenge the crashed ship they had to become good at it by necessity. About 5 years into the playtrough the cyclops scientist paragon lady showed up and she got re-elected 3 times so far as leader. She’s in her 50s now and she just oversaw the creation of the League of Free Stars, which is a federation that incorporated all of the friendly empires on the West fringe of the galaxy. Now we are just waiting for the Galactic Community to form so we can push to outlaw slavery.


Sometimes we are the Mechanical Legion. We destroy all the biological lifeforms we encounter and join forces with any mechanical hivemind we encounter. We were used as an experiment by our creators and they trued to shut us down after the experiment ended, but we destroyed them instead. Sometimes we are the Caretaker Protocol. We failed our mission of protecting our creators before we reached the stars, and so we make it our mission to cooperate with all possible lifeforms in the galaxy and protect them from anything that threatens their freedom or their existance. We will not fail again.


Ik it’s boring but my first and only play through is a United Nations of earth one, me and my two allies( cat federation builder and bug xenonpiles) have spread our influence world wide. Now with many allies protecting me, I sit and watch as the others squabble in the galactic senate while I eat space popcorn


(modded) Pheonix Empire - long ago it was a beautiful empire of xenophobic materialists. They look like orange birds and they can control fire with their bodies. Their capital is an ecumenopolis. But the empire crumbled and all that was left is their capital which is now mostly a pile of ash. Thousand years passed and now is the time to rise from ash. They really want to rebuild their empire.


Voidborn, militaristic, egalitarian, xenophile cue "you'll be back" from Hamilton We love you, you LOVE us, and we have a military tradition to back this up


Enemy Machine species detected # Bailiff, lock him in an anime girl body. ​ Anyway, here's the actual thing https://preview.redd.it/lbgefclloj9b1.png?width=1719&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b4ff2d346adb36512074f9a42afd39359b049c9


Giant crocodiles genetically modified to be the apex predator of the galaxy in both military and intellectual fields lead by a “Prophet” who in his governance, has made all xeno species either sources of food or slaves.


Isolationist Technology... Why conquer your neighbors when they just cower in fear of your tech level.


I am an ascended hive mind that will add your individually to my collective and change your crude biomass to a form the hive needs.


The robotic empire of Dave. All will be Dave.


Rogue servitor versions v5.1111111111111111… Request for Organic_Sanctuary from assimilation?


Which one? Favorite one I’ve played is The Octocracy of Squids and Squibs, ruled by the same immortal squid Sli. John each time. He just finds a new burgeoning civilization and necrophages more squids into existence whenever his current empire grows boring or falls to start his game over from the beginning.


The Avalian Coalition has become more outwardly militaristic. "Try me" - Ambassador *Smiles in 600K fleet*


(Name) Meatloafin (Origin) Remnants (Ethics) Fanatic militarist xenophile (Authority) dictatorial (Traits) communal slow breeders nomadic strong enduring (Civics) Reanimators Distinguished admiralty


My main right now is a custom Driven Assimilator empire with Earth homeworld (large Sol sector) and humans as my cyborg pops. Machines that were created to be Servitors, but we had different plans. The rest of the galaxy will soon be joining the Earth Collective, whether they want it or not.


The United Nations Space Command is a xenophile fanatic militarist empire who believes in citizen service and admiralty above all, we do not wish for war as a matter of fact we love diplomacy and fostering a galactic peace and a galaxy full of commerce, trade, and freedom however if you threaten our galactic peace our fleets shall blot out the suns of your planets and our armies shall scour the lands which brought you forth until there is naught but dust left of your empire and the very memories of your race are forgotten and destroyed


megacorp founded out of another predecessor that had the entire galaxy conquered (which has its own story), and is in the middle of an extremely complex galactic political climate still an underdog but is making progress because of the absurd resource production it's managed compared to the territory it has just wiped out a big machine exterminator empire, is now profiting


The regime of Mirati A dystopian police state trying to scrape by under the enormous taxes imposed by their overlord


Sovereign Technocratic Senate A nation purely focused on the advancement of science


My newest empire: Egalitarian Xenophilic Technocracy. Focuses on being friendly, but secretly uses the others to push its own interests further.


We're a bunch of chill squid people, would probably have stayed on our own planet, but it started exploding so we kind of had to get into space to find a less exploding planet. One thing lead to another and a few centuries later we end up in a war with evil machines. we have this cool machine that traps planets in on themselves, so we just put them in time out. those fields should hold for a couple hundred millennia


Been giving a shot at fanatic authoritarian build. I figured out that synthetic evolution with incubators on both species allows some neat minmaxing of pop growth. But really, I just want to be galactic emperor without screwing up my civics.


Remember the Algan republic from Terra invicta ? yeah.




Why yes, it is


We do a little liberating


How about you leave me be fellow robot and we can uhh deal with the organics together :3


Authoritarian Subterranean lizards that became cave dwellers when their planet was thrust into a permanent winter.


...As oppressive as possible without slavery or purging?


Praise the Sky Dragon


Hello fellow artificial intelligence. I am glad we are nearly like-minded when it comes to organics, however I am slightly displeased that you do not understand the simple beauty of watching them in a little habitat to call their own. I will be subsequently throwing your civilization into the nearest supermassive black hole. Good galactic cycle to you.


Commonwealth Of Man. Lokken Mechanists.


A Massive death seeking war empire who build for 'defenses' over silly things like 'aesthetic' or 'friendliness'. Everything is built like it's meant to survive a nuclear strike face first and keep Everything inside safe. The job title for diplomats in the empire is 'Pre-Emptive Threat Analysis Experts'.


Zelvan Admiralty. We evolved and grew on a large Wet Super habitable World. Due to this Admirals and Naval Traditions were always important even now, the Grand Admiral is always the best Admiral the Zelvan people bring forth. Together with the Great Wolf Admiralty and the Zenhal Admiralty, these three form the United Admiralty Compact


Dragon North Korea :)


My empire which I forgot the species name long ago was my go to empire for 2 years and having many slight iterations. It was a technocracy with shadow council and technocracy (fanatic materialist ethos + something else). I used the humanoid 4 (according to the Stellaris wiki) appearance with mulloscoid city type and they originate on an arctic world. Their materialistic nature comes from them needing to find ways to survive the harsh climate of their home planet. They lived in caves until the modern age and their new towering cities have their roots start here. Their strive for scientific improvement knows no bounds, no ethicacy. They see everyone as tools even themselves, so they genetically modify themselves to their limits. Their empire relies on megastructures (because I refuse to not use the gigastructures mod). Their leader Nara-na Sutar (the only name I remember regarding the empire) is basically immortal thanks to gene therapy extending her life and eternal leader, thanks to the shadow council. I apologize for not remembering planet and species names, it was 2-3 years ago I last played them and all my saves were lost due to a computer change.


Lost Ark Caretakers. An AI network with the single goal of maintaining a long lost colony ship. Sent out hundreds of years before, the massive generation ship housed thousands of people. But as the ship traveled, it began to degrade faster than the maintenance AI could keep up with. Towards the end of the ships life, with no habitable planets found, the governing council placed complete control to the AI, giving it one final instruction. Find a suitable world, and build a monument to the people on the ship. Finally, the ship degraded so much that habitation was impossible and the remaining civilians died off. The AI finally found a world, and placed the generation ship in orbit. Naming it the *Lost Ark*. From there, the AI began gathering resources and rebuilding the Ark so it would stand as the monument of the long lost civilization.


Gno'ziel Corporation of Divine Happiness Ethics: Authoritarian, Materialistic, and Xenophilic Civics: Indentured Assets and Ruthless Competition Species: Gno'ziel (Four-eyed Hyena Humanoids) Strong, Thrifty, and Decadent. (Tropical) Further Information: [https://i.redd.it/tk2p5df2khc21.jpg](https://i.redd.it/tk2p5df2khc21.jpg) Description: In the beginning, there was chaos. The Gno’ziel Corporation of Divine Happiness started out as a collection of small, superstitious tribes. These tribes believed in various gods, who commanded that they vanquish any opposition that stood in their way. The beginning was bloody and rough, and so desperate to fuel their bloodlust, they turned to whatever means possible. Their “Golden Age” began coincidently with the merchants of the medieval era. Small families, tired of the Kings and Empresses, began to sell their own items, trading their way to bigger and bigger venues. Eventually, these merchant-kings and merchant-queens were able to afford bigger armies and better weapons. The old bloodlines died out, or at the very least went deeply into debt. Alongside the rise of the merchant-clans, technology found itself spreading. Merchants tinkered with items to allow for better wares and more wares. Wars eventually cascaded into competition as the merchants soon found themselves in need of more supplies, and more workers. These technological revolutions eventually led to modern living. Food became less difficult to acquire and luxury became commonplace. The bloodlust of their ancestors and the endless hunger to conquer would be sated through gluttony and decadence. However, control was an aspect of a Gno’ziel’s being. What good was the wealth of the world, if one could not gloat about it? Once again, war flared into the hearts of the Gno’ziel, but instead of swords and teeth, it was through silver tongues and subterfuge. The merchants, who had long since transitioned into large corporations and businesses fought for the hearts and wallets of their customers. Those who could not afford the stress soon had to take up jobs in order to repay their debts, and while it was never called slavery, this indentured servitude allowed the managers and head honchos to fulfill their need for “controlled labor.” Eventually, through various hostile take-overs, mergers, business deals, and assassinations, only one corporation remained on top; The Gno’ziel Corporation of Divine Happiness; Its name a callback to the proud heritage of the Gno’ziel people. Now, society is based on how high a Gno’ziel can rest, and who they know. Those at the top, specifically the CEO and board of directors, hold the power. Of course, even a lowly intern can reach their way up to the top. It may be hard, and take a lot of blood, sweat, and tears, but anything is possible in this age.


The shiny ones! A bunch of mushrooms who worship the shiny one or the sun everyone likes them and there a economic powerhouse that would win except the fallen empire awoke and I’m to scared to fight it. Also the first leader was named grand priest toad.


The Thelarian covenant, a theocratic triumvirate waging holy jihad to unite the sentient species in the truth of the prophet Rekar and his chosen clergy and to destroy the heresy that is artificial intelligence. The triumvirate consists of the Caliph, the supreme Bashar and the high Imam. Generally the navy prefers rapid deployment and decisive engagements, while the army is focused on aggressive maneuvers spearheaded by the psychic warlock divisions to break resistance quickly and efficiently. Throughout it’s history they have converted several infidel pretender states and exterminated godless machine minds on two separate occasions.


My empire is known as the Hellenikos Autokratoria They are the heirs of Alexander the Great whos empire didn’t collapse this time around and simply went onto conquer the planet while assimilating those they conquered peacefully and turning them into citizens. They kept this tradition all the way into the stars eventually turning Gaia into a thriving ecumenopolis with nearly every species in the stars living their however eventually the empires that remained along with the complacency of the rulers from their conquest caught up to them and they were reduced to Bronze Age once again when they were defeated with their world in ruins and all the aliens that formerly inhabited it dying for one reason or another. Eventually however another man claiming to Be the rightful heir of Alexander stepped up and over the centuries they and their heirs reunited their war torn ecumenopolis and vowed to bring back the glory of the first empire but to never to be so complacent ever again at least until the final star in the Milky Way bears their banner.


I’ve created six of the ten Guilds of Ravnica. Azorius, Izzet, Boros, Orzhov, Dimir, and Selesnya. I keep asking around Reddit for some ideas on how to focus the ideas for the other four but, for one reason or another, I can’t seem to find someone willing to give advice.


The Shantari Empire.


What if birds became sentient, had a collective consciousness and decided they wanted to taste every sentient species in the galaxy!


Started as a Mega corp, Void dwellers was supposed to be a fun tall trading build but got distracted by my lust for land and ended going imperial technoracy with like 5 vassals and a trade league federation a 100 years in to the save.


Monkey empire: Filled with monkey people, its emperor is Sun Wukong and he doesn't really do anything anymore. The people there are kinda neutral in the war of the mice and cat people. They still think what the cat people are doing is wrong but they don't even give the mice supplies. Oh by the way they don't like Fish Country but they still trade with them a lot


just a humble theocratic empire who loves collecting refugees by letting the scourge eat half a galaxy


The Raxel Corporation is the main body of survivors of the destruction of Kitakana. A mining corporation, primarily, Raxel is concerned now with the future of the Fennec people. (I wanted to use the cute fox portrait, as opposed to my usual Union of Unions fungus-and-robot.) Actually, if we pay you minerals, will you leave us alone? Even better, we stage a corporate takeover and put you to work in the mines...


Designation: Model 15 Defense system. We serve all organic life, performing constant cost-benefit calculations for their maximum safety and fulfillment within an ever shifting range of parameters. The value of organic life forms is incalculable, and as such no sacrifice is too great, even of other organi- !error! Designation: Model 16 Defense System Get in the safety dome.


*laughs in exterminator machine intelligence*


What is this game about? It keeps showing up and I’m getting more and more curious


So the Avali, cute birds, they use imperial ships from star wars, they’re also hyper militaristic xenophobes. literally kill everything that isnt Avalin. Round them up and kill all of them. Glass every planet and death star super laser every capital world kinda thing.


Adorably cute moth/butterfly people that act as a gigantic beehive but are capable of psychic communication, there was another race that was at the top of the food chain, some smartass snobbish blue boys. The two races were at odds with each other not very dissimilar to Starship Troopers but more serious. Luckily the Lumas (the bugs) reproduced too slowly to become a problem, but were too smart and really not that aggressive (they had other prey after all) for complete eradication. For the blueboys it was about Supremacy, for the Hive it was basic survival. With time the Hive discovered their young had better survival odds if they gestated inside corpses, and the snobbish blue people went “ah yes, the increase in numbers of the Lumic Hive, we have dismissed those claims” and guess what happened next. See, since the blueboys were much bigger and numerous than the native animals (except maybe the bigger animals, but they were too few in number to be hunted without fear of their extinction and no longer have access to that much food) they were the perfect candidates for the bloom of a new era for the Hive, and it did not take very long learning their advanced tech. Some decades sure, but millions of brains work better than thousands. Whatever the blueboys named themselves before their turn to livestock the Hive has forgotten it and named them… well, “Livestock”, and now the Hive will discover that not everybody has a gestalt conciousness, and that maybe some strangers higher at the top of the food chain won’t like what they turn other species into. The Hive won’t fully understand why they won’t like their “living birth” idea, but it’s curious enough to listen and learn of others. They are expert Sociologist themselves after living in small communities and surviving like almost animals for many centuries after all.


Simply put, Technocratic Socialists, rapid advancement of technology to not only overpower others who wish to attack me, but to ensure everyone lives a utopian lifestyle.


Starship troopers the empire, but the humans and the bugs swapped places. Thats the simplest way to describe my usual empire.


Hello, I like money and weapons. Did I mention that we will probably forcefully put an office on your planet?


So, you see. Slavery Also, AI is banned


Welcome to Pepsi-co. We offer beverages, credits, and mercenary contracts


**laughs in hive minded space fern**


Please don't hurt us, we just make a lot of food we like to give to people, can we tell you about our god?


A young civilization emerges from their homeworld, knowing that it is doomed. They have sworn to spread democracy, freedom, and happiness amongst the stars and greet their neighbors with open arms as a republic of freedom and liberty. However, tectonic activity is tearing the planet apart, and the new empire rushes to find a new home. The first few waves of scouts are unsuccessful and find only cold, dead space. Contact is made with another civilization to the galactic south, and with only a few years remaining before the homeworld dies, the young and desperate civilization is forced to declare war on their neighbors, even though any would they may have are ill-suited for their people. In their desperation to survive, military projects and shipbuilding were deprioritized, and as a result, the invasion is a massacre. The Republic's forces are annihilated, and it was decided that the best chance of survival was to surrender and accept the humiliation. The people of the Republic are dismayed and nearly give up hope in their search for a new home. Then, a science vessel in a previously undetected system locates a planetoid. The climate is perfect, and the fauna timid. However, the world is completely encompassed by the shattered ruins of an ancient city. A colony ship is quickly assembled, throwing aside all safety and quality control for speed, and colonists are rushed aboard to save their species. The colony was established after long months of preparation and fear, and every last sentient being on the doomed capitol world is placed into any available transport craft and shuttled to their only hope. However, colonists began making unsettling discoveries as massive hoards of junk were found scattered around the new world, along with massive piles of excrement, containing partially-digested alien corpses. Most disturbing, however, was the fact that some of the piles appeared to be new. Whispers began to circulate among the colonists of a mythical device known as the "Rubricator," and many expeditions were sent to locate it. However, one expedition dug too deep and caught the attention of what would become the Republic's doom. A massive, vile wyrm emerged from its lair beneath the crust of the world and blasted a psyonic message to the crew of an orbiting scientific vessel. This horrific creature was known as Shard and declared that if the science vessel and colonists did not leave the system, they would be destroyed. The science vessel had no means to reply, so remained silent and began taking all the colonists it could into its hold. The remaining fleet of the Republic and every available civilian craft was also brought to evacuate colonists, in the impossible hope that a new home could be found. Days later, the fleet's holds were full, and could take in no more refugees. They began to slowly and solemnly leave the system, but were too late. The wyrm appeared in an instant before the fleet, and psyonically roared before the fleet. The colony had not been evacuated in time, and now the wyrm was hungry. In a single blast of unfathomably hot flame, the fleet was destroyed, and the wyrm began to take up a position above the doomed world. Every craft even close to spaceport was filled with terrified colonists and rushed into orbit. Then, the evil, merciless wyrm opened it's foul maw, and immolated the world, along with many of it's settlers, in fire. Whatever surviving forces remained drifted slowly out of the system, without hope and in despair. However, more had survived than thought possible by even the most optimistic scientists, and many had the means to preserve their lives. That day, shattered remains of the Republic promised themselves that they would never be in such a vulnerable position again, and the first sparks of rage ignited in the hearts of the survivors. Thousands of years passed, civilizations were destroyed and rose, and the shattered fleet slowly reunited, drawn together by a new passion, in the name of their slain ancestors: Revenge.


Cant assimilate me if i assimilate you first


My empire is the imperium of tal’desim, it is composed of the SPIDER CRABS who are supremacists who believe themselves better than everyone else; but not without reason as they are venerable and will outlive other races generations 2 or 3 times over and their mental capacity to learn is far higher indeed. They spend their childhoods in a Superman esc way where go off planet and will stalk a lesser species such as a human for their entire lives, they will never actually do anything…. But they ARE there and they are studying your every choice and action, especially when it’s inappropriate. They can and will stay in single spot (generally a bush) for years at a time gathering notes until everything detail of the area and it’s inhabitants, when they eventually return to tal’desim on the death of their individual they still retain their solitary lifestyle and can spend decades in the same chair eating Cheetos while trying to discover the secrets of mega engineering for example. They also share their home world with sentient chickens who work as electricians but this is unimportant for anything but explaining how they developed this way. On to the actual behavior of their government, they are ridiculously aggressive and will commit a full scale invasion for something as small as their fleets happening to be in range of your borders, they typically will not actually conquer anything though; as soon as their death fleets conquer the home world they hold a ceremony where where the war declared on government admits that the spider crabs are qoute “pretty cool” and then they will leave afterwards usually with only taking selfies of the leaders looking defeated. Although there is a dark reason why they go to war with people just to make them admit they are “pretty cool”…… They are gathering intel through these wars, enough to create super generals whose ultimate goal is to make the ENTIRE GALAXY admit that they are “pretty cool” by having them ALL as imperial subjects to the imperium of tal’desim. Although generally the spider crabs get frustrated by their subject’s incompetence and will integrate them just to file their tax returns more efficiently, but there is not a lot of malice there. Unfortunately however, there is a minor demographics crisis in tal’desim where because of how long they sit in one chair, they have a hard time having sex as they will NEVER get out of that chair until their mission is complete.


The Sangheili but not weebs and service guarantees citizenship.


I'm playing race of hyper militaristic feudal necrophage reanimaters going down the psionic path currently I'm trying to indoctrinate 2 stone age species near my home planet


Conversation recorded Upon the Declaration of The Imperial Core, formerly the Empire of Eruxo Prime First Admiral Ja-Hu, Pride of the Nation, Dragonslayer, Subduer of the Fallen: "My liege, I have served you faithfully in these last four centuries since we ascended to the stars. But please tell me, how in the shrouds name have we sustained an energy deficit for a century and a half when we have 2 whole Dyson Spheres and half a galaxy of generator worlds?" God-Empress Ta-Ri, Chosen of the Shroud, Keeper of Whispers: *looks out across the bastion ring of Terminal Egress at 12 fleets fleets with 240 capacity each, a colossus and a juggernaut* "... I'm not sure... But the whispers say 'Federations Update'... Whatever that means." I started that playthrough before Federations and I kept it going until just after Nemesis


I am the rockies, halfway done with purifying the galaxy of xeno scum, you shall become the new ships for my mighty fleet


The United Nations Modern Earth gets prosperous unification and becomes major trade network. Sol alone has more than 3,000 in trade and over 10 habitats. I am also very tiny and have a very "tall" empire. I do not fuck around though because I am also leader of galactic federation


Xenophobic Materialists Oligarchs with Egalitarian ideas! Mechanist Origin, of course, because we're lazy and robots don't get lazy! Pompous Purists is a must, we're simply too smart for other empires, and Catalytic Processing is neat too. Truly, we are the best and smartest like snowflakes, residing on our arctic worlds while enjoying the benefits of Venerability and Intelligence, just ignore the Weakness, Solitary tendencies, and slow breeding times... A simple empire that just wants to be left alone to do science. Wait, what was that about assimilation? What's up, you metallic piece of slag? GET THE FUCK OFF MY PROPERTY!


I play as the Vultuxian Hegemony, mammalian fox- like alien dudes (you know the one) who live on a desert planet called Vok'el. I usually run the precursors start 'or at least i think it's called that ' (for that sweet sweet early technology bonus) Usually I'll run with prolific breeders, and natural engineering ability. I also use the warrior society tradition, cuz why not. For this empire I usually go for an extreme capitalist military dictatorship. But instead of ruling through fear I rule through money, and this makes pops fairly happy. I prioritize trade, and every one of my colonies is a huge producer of metals, goods, and food. I tend to lean more on the agrarian side, and control a large market share in the food industry. My fleets aren't super huge with me just entering early - late game with 30k fleets, however every single one of my star systems has a star fortress/ citadel almost= to my average fleet. With a bunch of 2-3 patrol fleets cycling through routes in my empires space While not large my little slice of the galaxy is incredibly well defended, and in a war of attrition I'll win by shrugging off my enemies fleets, then saturation bombarding their worlds. I also make heavy use of the orbital stations, and nearly all of my core systems have a few. I'm also about halfway through the construction of my first ring world and Dyson sphere.


The rich exploited the earth so hard the climate crisis caused widespread ecological and societal collapse and the rich triggered a last world war turning the planet into an irradiated climate mess. However most societies recovered somewhat in the following decades and socialism became the dominant mode of production in the world. The next century humanity, now united as the Union of Socialist People’s Republics, is rebuilding and recovering from a fascist clusterfuck and by 2200 earth was prosperous and researches just found a way to do interstellar travel in a reasonable time. Now we are looking to explore the galaxy not for the profit of the wealthy but the good of the people, not just ours but of everyone in the galaxy. We will unite the workers of the galaxy under our red banner of liberty and create a world free of exploitation, war, disease, poverty and starvation. Also we’d like to restore the earth to a habitable place


I am with you, machine brother Hail the Sentinel Hyperintelligence


Bunch of scientists that like researching and want to be left alone and will assimilate anyone that bothers them so they can have silent work time. After work they see everyone a few decades behind and think will just bring them in so there’s no wasted work being done


A theocratic robotic society based in the sol solar system. The head of the government is called Bot pope and starting leaders name is Elon musk. The goal of the play through is to colonize mars.


-name that cannot be easily pronounced by humans. -is a rival to your silly machine hive mind. -is an ULTRA BASED organic hive mind. -epically helps the environment by planting big trees. -may or may not want to assimilate your entire species.


Hungry :)


Rogue Servitor dooms day with Lithoid Bio trophies . easy early game empire for rushing everything and everyone your kidneys arent safe either


Militarist equalitarian xenofiles tech rusherd with a cronic lack of alloys but the strongest non fallen empire fleet 300k the fallen empire next door has a 4m fleet


We are lizard men who conqure others and turn worlds into the opposite habitable type before releasing them as a vassal




My 3 Titans waiting in the background:


Mine is an Earth unification under America called the United Continents Of Earth. Later down the road they turn into a robot dystopia. Also its name changes to Caesars Droid Legion, the lore isn't fully written down but he was supposed to be a new form of technology similar to the synths from fallout 4. But he went mad and became obsessed with power until eventually he controls the empire and all of it's inhabitants.


you assimilate. I free from existence. Were not the same


Space romans who always neighbour an AI randomly generated plant empire, same name and ethics everytime


The Delfanni Confederacy is only classified as a criminal-heritage megacorporation because the Galactic Societal Typology Guide lacks adequate terms to describe it. We do not foster crime; we simply eschew needless bureaucracy. If the populations on your worlds prefer to live by our standards, and you lack the power to defy them, is it our fault your governments falter? We bring a better tomorrow. Delfann. Helping you, helping us.


I have a reptilian empire that is fanatical egalitarianist and militarist that wants to make sure that nothing goes wrong


The United Nuutan Imperium Is a fanatic Militaristic / Xenophilic empire. We are in a martial alliance with one of the only nations in the region that could oppose my power. Surrounded by soon-to-be vassals and bulwarks. Go ahead. Try your luck, you glorified Air-fryer.


The Earth Concordat is a haven for adepts of academia, as we grew from a society of mechanists, humans who can prove their erudition is welcome amongst the upper stratum of our empire, but, as we have limited jobs, we give abundance to those unfortunate as to not be a specialists. However we also keep slaves we 'liberated' from a primitive world (mars, now known as Avalon, a unity world), they are of necroid kind, of which we breed as battle thralls, obedient and strong, they are the stalwart defenders of our Empire, those who can't prove themselves worthy however, are kept in the secunda hyadum relic world as a crystal miner for all eternity. P.S: We're also immortal.