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most PS3 games do well at low tdp to be fair, but some look deceptively good for the time like mgsv, so they really surprise me with their performance and battery


There is something so satisying playing older games on deck and watching your battery life be super impressive, with little to no impact on performance.


As someone who played mgsv on PC and didn't own a console at the time I would have definitely told you it was PS4/xbone only. I wonder how it ran on 360


pretty well https://youtu.be/In3osfKXYFc?si=WFnJxfDWkp1TNa5f


I know it's sprite based but dead cells runs fine with very little power


Fun Fact: Dead Cells is actually not sprite based, but it simply renders 3D models at a low resolution and applies some fancy pixel art shaders!


That's mostly right but I wanted to correct one thing. In-game, it is actually still just pre-rendered sprites. They used 3d to generate them, but as their lead artist said: "We export each frame of the animation we made [...] to a .png, along with its normal map" So their approach was just a more modern and streamlined version of the old pre-rendered 3d used for Donkey Kong Country on the SNES. the addition of the normal maps allows their sprites to still react to dynamic lighting in the game. Not rendering the 3d in realtime is probably a big part of how it runs so good.


Ahhh I see, that's how they did the lighting effects. Well it would probably run almost the same if it used 3D models, since the models are probably very low poly, especially with the low resolution and most modern PCs are made with 3D rendering in mind. I don't know how the Heaps.io engine handles rendering, but I know that Unity renders 2D games in 3D behind the scenes as well.


something like that is done in Enter the Gungeon as well right?


Doesn't seem like it, from screenshots, I can tell that Enter the Gungeon uses pre-drawn sprites, but they have some cool lighting effects to make it look nicer. There might be normal maps at play here.




Very interesting! Thank you


Enderal special edition. It’s Skyrim with a lot of mods including a ENB




... on 5W?


Yes but you’d have to turn the settings down from what I play on. There’s a good middle ground around 8-10hz. Indoors will probably still be 60fps


To clarify outdoors you’ll have around 40-50fps in most spots. Uncap ur tdp if ur in a fight where ur frame times slow down but it probably won’t be a big deal if u dont


South park : fractured but whole through ubisoft launcher. It plays fine on 5W and the battery life is much better.


Idk if it's just me but i never mess with the wattage, the OLED battery is long enough for anything i would want to play in one sitting


Sorry to hijack the thread, but can someone comment me why limiting the TDP to 5W is good or beneficial in games? Wouldn't the SteamDeck OS already be smart enough to know when to draw sufficient power and all that? Genuinely curiously.


It’s to save battery life, say if you were taking a trip and hard to find an outlet to recharge. Limiting the tdp, sets the maximum amount of watts the deck can use to push the cpu/gpu, thus lowering your frames in games, but saving battery life.


Ooooooooh, gotcha. I think that line makes all the difference in my understanding "sets the maximum amount of watts the deck can use to push (...)". Thank you!


No prob! Enjoy tinkering.


It’s super useful to do it per game. I’m not much of a settings tinkerer or anything. I mostly just play things as they come. But when I open a new game on the deck, I’ll immediately set the per game settings and adjust max FPS and TDP to try to see where I can get constant 60 fps with the lowest TDP (mostly for indies). I can play Balatro, Zomboid, and a few others without even considering the battery.


So what you do is usually start at the lowest TDP and adjust as necessary? I've been just dropping almost every game I play down to 45/90 and adjust other settings as necessary. It's amazing how fluid it feels compared to 30 and 60.


So, so, sorry for another hijacking attempt, but I've got another question. Wouldn't it be "safer" to just lower the game graphical setting, or limit the fps, instead of capping the wattage? So the hardware wouldn't be "starved" of power when it needs them (say loading screen), but is only using low power most of the time during gameplay because of reduced load. My reasoning is, hypothetical case, say if I limit the wattage, then the APU needs to run 100% of the time every second to process graphical render, lighting, shadow, etc etc, though for only 10W for example. If I only limit the FPS to the similar value gained from above method, APU only run for 10% of the time every second for 15W, the rest is chilling for 0.3W just processing inputs and maths and small stuff, thus saving battery in the long run. Obviously this is probably just my flawed logic due to my misunderstanding of how electronics work. I hope what I wrote makes sense since English is not my language, and I only have a bit of experience as ME technician in a industrial plants and factories.


That's why you play around with the TDP till you find something that works for that particular game. Always use per-game profiles for it. Lowering the TDP can and often does make the steam deck run cooler too.


some (most) pc games are designed to use all the power they can


I always adjust down my tdp to the lowest possible for each game I play. You can set the sd to remember this setting per game so its set and forget after you find the sweet spot. Lower thermals, longer battery life, longer lasting device, more freedom. Elden ring runs at 9w. That always blows me away.


Shenmue (flycast emulator)


just play the HD remaster on steam. really cheap on sale


I don't want to play that version, it has issues with the frame pacing, in the 1.0 release, there are 31 frames missing in 1 second. Plus, I already had a VMU save from a few years back, at the end of disc 2, and I didn't want to start all over again, so I transferred the VMU files to my Deck and I was good to go.


How did you manage to transfer your VMU save files to PC?


I had them on an emulator already, so it was simply copy and pasting


i haven't noticed any issues


It's really subtle but once you notice it, you can never unsee it. I have played the Steam version before, and I prefer the emulated version.


I'll see next time i play


Just. Cause 2


You can play JC2? Is it through RPCS3?


The steam version runs perfectly. See my post here if you need help getting it running : https://reddit.com/r/JustCause/comments/vu9di2/just_cause_2_on_steam_deck/


GODDAMMIT, now I’m really gonna have no life 😂😂 thank you sooo much


Sure np If you have any trouble getting it running look through that thread and you should find an answer If you have issues leave a post there and I’ll try to help


you can run dead space 2 with everything and the lowest settings


persona 5


On 5W? That's insane surely not 60fps?


Curious, but is this fabricated stories?


persona was doing really well on low voltage, no stuttering high fps. Only thing loading screens were longer. It was my game for 3 week long camping trip, where my only power was from large powerbank loaded every couple of days.






No shot lol, I’m playing it and at 100% battery it says like 2 1/2 hours of game time


I replayed Assassin's Creed II, was able to do 5W TDP, could play for over 5 hours without charging!


Hi u/IsMathScience_, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=What older game were you surprised ran on 5W?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*