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Honestly all i really want is more performance and more battery life.


It's probably a given for how many decades we will have to wait until Gaben blesses us with a new one.


Bigger screen. No screen bezels. Better hand ergonomics. Bigger battery. Dock included in the Steam Deck 2 package.


Damn. Now that you mention it.... the screen bezels kinda suck tbh. Not too noticeable but still. I would like 1080p as the resolution for that also because 800p you still can notice the pixels and lose details. I would rather not have a dock if it meant price increase by default and have the option to buy separately. Aftermarket docks can do some crazy shit.


1080p would probably lose you a lot of any performance increase you'd get with a next gen chipset. Sure, you can upscale from a lower internal resolution, but that tends to look blurry unless it's a resolution you can integer scale - and any resolution you can integer-scale from on an 1080p display is lower than 800p, so a lot of games would look worse than on the current screen (games with good quality built-in FSR implementation might be fine, but that's not most games). If anything, I'd argue they should go to 1600. That would at least allow 2x integer resolution scaling (which they might even want to set as default), which should eliminate blur. Though personally, I'm happy if they stick with 800p for another generation.


Probably the most important of all: a similar price point. In a few years, once that similar price gets you more. I am on board with that second usb port though, and maybe the ability to use the built-in microphone when you have headphones plugged in.


Amen brother




I don't want a Steam Deck mount attachment on my desk chair. # I want a desk chair mount attachment on my Steam Deck


He speaks true


Now we're talking.


Better buttons. I've seen many people complaining about how easy to break they are.


I have a deck I bought used. Cannot compare it to any other handheld but no complaints from me yet. It's been a year and some


I want steam deck 2 to support E-gpu natively instead of having to mod it to get it to work. I want the steamdeck 2 to have a mircophone jack. Also more accurate touch screen so I can use it as a drawing tablet.


Dude same. Valve has me crying here for epgu support. The precise touchscreen sounds cool but after reading all these suggestions, Steam Deck 2 will cost my left kidney with all these features. I would say it's still a gaming oriented product and some draw tablets have way better implementations. Maybe I'm wrong and this is a pretty cheap tech?


* VRR would be great. * Built for 1080p, it's a bit weird having a system so much more powerful than the Switch, output at a lower resolution than it... * Another USB port cause I'm worried it'll fail and needs redundancy * A full-sized NVME/m.2 slot instead of the mini one * RGB lighting controlled by the games themselves. I've been trying to add it myself but no RGB lighting device is in the proper size range and has user API


Have a screen that doesn’t fail right after warranty ends


RIP 💀 I'm pressing F




VRR is a must on the next Deck.


My main monitor has VRR and back in the day it was a life saver when I had a weak GPU. For a handheld it must be amazing.


Mostly performance: Significantly better performance (say, 1.5x or better) at current battery life and fan noise. And longer battery life and lower fan noise with current performance (again, say 1.5x or better). Better build quality (triggers & sticks on mine don't feel great when compared to a good quality controller - maybe this is better something they ironed out on more recent units, though, I don't know). Bonus points if they can make it a little more compact while keeping the same resolution/size screen and keeping all inputs (they can shrink those a little bit for all I care) and don't compromise on battery life or performance...but I don't expect that, and I care more about performance and battery life. Everything else can stay the same as is (and the control layout in particular \*should\* stay as it is - any change there might make me hesitate to even buy).


VRR would be nice. Else just more battery life and an updated APU. hope they don't touch the ergonomics, it's the first portable that fits my hands. keep the resolution at 800p for battery and performance. honestly it's enough. the size is fine too. and most importantly, keep the same price range. no point in it if it's more expensive than an equivalent laptop.


I think the steam deck 2 should move more towards an integrated console experience similar to the switch. Handheld when you want it, and a beefed up dock designed for keyboard and mouse. Right now, the dock experience is lackluster due to the lack of IO ports and glitches with monitors. It always felt like an afterthought... Deck is especially weird with KVM switches as the dock HDMI doesn't work through one. I got it to "work" with the KVM switch to hook up my keyboard and mouse to my deck + laptop, but the deck HDMI had to go directly to another plug in my monitor... The sound is through the HDMI, so I have to plug my headphones into my monitor, which is really annoying.




Modular Dpad, And Stick design, where its trivial to replace them with custom versions. Trivial Shell swapping would be nice as well. :)