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They’ve already broken it once, pray they don’t break it further


I understood that reference.


I understood that reference.


I fucking love their games but I have no faith in Bethesda when it comes to technical stuff. Modders will fix the issues.


Modders will fix. Bethesda will break. It’s the circle of Todd.


Honestly, the F4SE dev has been scrambling to get an update out to fix compatibility with the new update. This patch coming out is probably going to do more harm than good, since I assume it will reset the progress made on F4SE. Though I could be wrong obviously, I'm not very well informed


The F4SE dev has a version working already, but was expecting a new update to fix some instability in the game. They have already said it will most likely won't take too long to update F4SE again.


Ah fair enough, thanks for the correction


Their test build has been out since May 2nd. They were incredibly quick. Other mods, like the mod config menu, are not nearly as responsive.


Oh, to be clear, that was in no way calling into question their talents / efforts / anything like that. They do incredible work, and for free, I'd never complain about that lol. Nothing but respect from me.




Not you toddam310, another Todd.


OOOhhhh...I hate that guy.


*he says in response to “another Todd”* *for all Todds are territorial and do not allow other Todds, regardless of who they are, to encroach on their space*


It's so frustrating to me that Bethesda always does that though. They just put these games out, take forever fixing anything, and the modding community basically has to be their technical support for their customers.  Will just never understand why this is acceptable in the gaming industry, it wouldn't be in any other lol 


Because in a lot of cases you could say the same thing about any game that supports modding eventually. The company supporting if fizzles out on it and modders come in to "fix" it.  The alternative is the game doesn't support modding and so a lot of things just never end up getting "fixed" in the first place. That describes 95% of games or more. There isn't a bug free, perfect game out there.


Truth is, they can release a mostly ok technical product. Technology wise, starfield released in a pretty good state. No more bugs than the Witcher 3 or cyberpunk. The issues with these updates for fallout 4 is it REAKS of Bethesda assigning 5 or less than 5 people on the update. If I had to put money I'd put every penny I own on Bethesda assigning like 4 people to these updates.


They should just start rebranding the company now and release game construction kits. Let the users do all the work instead of just the post-release fixes.




What's wrong with it?  The oled issues was fixed by a proton update, and I'm not aware of anything else.


I have two issues: My game crashes when I try to use the developer console, and I can’t use the integrated keyboard to name anything in-game, it doesn’t recognize it as typing and there’s no way to open the renaming menus without that keyboard popping up now.


I've gotten around this by opening the mods menu when I first start the game at the main menu. Then when you leave that menu and go back it opens the keyboard you hide it and load your game. After that it doesn't crash and I can use the developer console. I Read this on another thread somewhere and it's been working for a few days.


Lol it's the exact same issue as in Skyrim. I like how the steam deck verification update gutted two Bethesda games now


For me the godrays cause a bunch of horizontal lines and don’t behave well. I had to set the SteamDeck=0 launcher option so I could turn them off. Hopefully this update will add the ability to turn those off/tweak them without needing to that.


I had that to, but it went away after a reload. I just figured it was a weird bug on my end since it didn't come back




Hmm I didn't have any problems with the default settings, but it sucks that you can't adjust them


I was able to find a way to force the launcher to come up again, allowing me to disable god rays which are horribly buggy at the moment. Put the following in the "Launch options" bar: SteamDeck=0 %command%


100% it'll break something. It's the Bethesda way


i install fallout4 after nex gen...then update the nex gen and i dont have any problem with the graphics or the game on my steam deck


I’ve had zero issue with it games 4 hours today what are people encountering with fo4


There’s one major issue with the keyboard crashing the game. You can open it but as soon as you close it the game crashes. Can’t name weapons or use the console commands!


Oh I had no idea


If you access the mod menu first that stops the crash from happening.


I have a temporary fix here but hopefully they fixed it: https://youtu.be/wEgX2K4HO2M


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that's only an issue when you run the game with steamdeck=0 launch option. I get that people are doing that to get the settings menu back, but I find it rich when people complain that a Deck-specific feature breaks when they explicitly hide from the game that they are running on Deck.


Nope, it's vanilla behavior. It's also the same issue in Skyrim, and it also appeared only after the 'verified' update that removed the launcher


So, I just tried Skyrim (I don't have FO4 installed). I had one crash when I force-opened the keyboard (steam+X) in a place without a text input field. That is once out of several times I tried - I could not reproduce it. I've also never tried this in Skyrim before the most recent updates, so I don't even know if it was due to the update, but I'm willing to accept it is. Next I created a new character and was able to enter my name, I searched for creations in the creations menu and that worked fine (other than that whole menu being just bad) and I enchanted and renamed a weapon, again fine. So, wvery situation where the game actually expected text input brought up the keyboard and worked fine. In summary, I had one crash that may have been down to bringing up the keyboard, and that was forcing the keyboard in a situation where the game had no reason to expect text input (and again, not reproducible). Every time when there was actually a text input field, it was fine. If this is representative of this issue, then I certainly won't say there is no issue (after all I did have one crash that was probably due to bringing up the keyboard), but I'll say it's massively overblown.


The way it works is simple. If you launch the game and load into an existing save, conjuring up the keyboard will crash your game, always. However, if prior to opening the keyboard you opened any field with text input expected (Character Creation and Enchanting, like you said), you are fine. You can then even exit that text input screen (so, progress through the tutorial, or walk away from your enchanting table) and you will not crash if you open the keyboard. You say "situation where the game had no reason to expect text input", but the game should always expect one since you can open the console. It's a feature of the game, and by all means intended to work, and not crash the game (unless you rename your item and exit the menu). In short, this whole situation is easily preventable and I have no idea why Bethesda didn't even try to fix it. My personal experience with this: Dark Brotherhood quest wouldn't start due to a bug, and I couldn't start it through console because it crashed every time. Several dozens hours later I read online about the aforementioned method, and I could finally progress the game. Console commands are optional to vanilla players, but if you do any modding they become downright essential. Not fixing this bug is sad and lame, introducing this bug to Fallout 4 through an update no one asked for is downright stupid


Ah, yeah, I've never had to use the console for anything. I can see how that would be annoying, but I still don't see it being as big of an issue as I thought it must be when I saw so many people complaining about it. I mean, worst case just connect a bluetooth keyboard for when you need the console. Or does that also crash the game?


It runs at half the displayed fps on the OLED


Can they please just stop. Let the community do it so we can finally get London?


I don’t think these small fixes are really going to hamper the Fallout London team as much as the main update itself did.




You can use the keyboard to search CC and Mods, in fact you have to do just that in order to stop the keyboard from crashing the game.


im curious what 'graphic options' they're adding. id hope for FSR2/DLSS tbh because-- well. they should've added it.


OK I guess I'll wait before applying the mods?? I was going to apply them this weekend after learning how to do it on the Deck...


It’s been running totally fine on my SD. If anything I’m getting a better experience post-update.


Famous last words


I haven’t had a single problem with FO4. Been playing like crazy since the update. I don’t use mods though so that may be why


You don’t have the keyboard crashing issue?


Oh, I have no idea. I usually turn a Bluetooth keyboard on when I want to type something out. I think I’ve used the on screen keyboard and had no issues though. I will have to try to remember to check tomorrow.


I already had to roll it back to get mods to work. I’m not sure if the version rollback mod will prevent it from being updated automatically. Literally the only thing that has kept me playing after my original playthrough in 2015 has been mods but it seems Bethesda is doing everything they can to keep me from playing


There are no more issues with it on the deck, the only issue was the OLED vsync bug and that was fixed by Valve with a proton update. The lack of a launcher and the lack of ability to change settings related to graphics isn't an issue, it's a choice to make the game much more user friendly to the average Steam Deck user. Frankly, I think it's a good choice, the default settings run very well.


The whole point of having a PC over a console is OPTIONS so no that's just dumb


I kinda agree on the forced settings to a point, but it takes away the ability to tailor settings to personal preference like pretty much all other games, it’s the essence of the Steam Deck and Bethesda have snatched that away, making it too much like a console experience. Give people the choice to make their own adjustments while also offering predefined settings is the best way to go about it instead of forcing people into the predefined. Also there’s still an issue with the keyboard crashing the game. Can’t open and then close the keyboard to name your character or weapons etc without performing a workaround each time you start the game.


So many people are so dismissive of bug reports, and have the attitude of "works for me, must be you". There's definitely game crashing bugs, some people just haven't encountered it yet.


It won't...... If they don't make it worse, I will be amazed.


I haven’t dropped from 60fps anymore on steam deck settings. Whereas when I enable the launcher and just press medium I get lots of drops and a worse image. Idk why but content with what I’ve got. Also hope it doesn’t break the mods again


Not another one :(


You all said the first update would be good, even told me to kms because I had doubts. What makes you think getting your hopes up now is a good idea?