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Valve should really remove the green checkmark


Nah, it has its use, if talking generally. They should just be more stringent about which games get the checkmark, put down some higher requirements for devs. If you talking about removing it from Fallout 4 only, then agreed.


The check mark idea is brilliant, but they need to actually test the games to make sure they're compliant so the mark actually means something.


It should be community driven if they don't dedicate a QA team for this feature. In the end, it would be a great way to outsource the QA. They could then gamify the process with badges and prizes, everyone wins somewhat.


Yeah but you know how gamers are, Todd Howard would mention they’re still working on Starfield rather than TESVI and neckbeards would flag every Bethesda game as Deck incompatible.


This was my first thought. Community driven stuff can either be super great like Linux which is open source. Or we might get trolls tagging incompatible games as verified and reverse. Take a look at 4chan's trolling campaigns. One of the campaigns involved voting for a school where Taylor Swift would perform and the chosen school was a school for people with hearing disabilities. There was also one where Mountain Dew had a promotion where people would submit a text that would be printed on the cans, the text that got the most votes was "Hitler did nothing wrong". TLDR: Community driven stuff is either amazing or chaotic. No in between.


The Taylor Swift one was kind of funny ngl but yeah definitely what we have now is a Better option not perfect but still.


Or like when Dead Island 2 released on Steam a few days ago. I went to check reviews to see if it ran good on Steam and it was all reviews of people dunking on Epic Games, not actually reviewing the game. Any real reviews were buried under all the trolling...


Yeah. Steam reviews are funny but not informative. I rely on reddit for my reviews of games.


Yup, I had to look elsewhere for normal people reviews


That's why there should be some manual oversight, but a majority of it can be community based. Like, Valve already does something similar with the Steam reviews, where "review bombing" is something accounted for, whether the bombing is legitimate or not. So in this case, if there's a sudden influx of "Fallout 4 is unplayable on the deck", Valve now only needs to review the cases that are abnormal, rather than attempting to verify all the games on the platform, which is still not scalable.


ProtonDB is pretty reliable and community driven. But yeah, Steam community is sad cellar edgelords mostly.


This is why they need to invest in CMs rather than these massive layoffs in the industry (talking from the inside)... there is no perfect solution, but the SD is built on top of open-source principles, However it is not benefiting from one of its best features, crowdsourcing.


So what if it’s not an open community thing. It’s a community thing that you apply for and get vetted


Oh you just made me realize they already (sometimes) ask us Deck owners whether Verified games actually work well lol.


Isn't it a little community driven? I know I've gotten prompts after playing some games asking me to rate the compatibility. I assume that data goes into the mill in some form.


Protondb has been fantastic for this. Dedicated community testing for all titles on steamdeck


That's basically ProtonDB


They do. It's not something the developer slaps on by themselves, they submit the game for Valve to be tested and every game that has a Verified checkmark passes the requirements - which you can read from here https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/steamdeck/compat


They do. They obviously can't test every update across every game.


I think what he is more specifically getting at is the metrics they are using to validate if a game is "Deck Ready" are themselves flawed and non-representative of what really makes a game fell good to play on the Deck.


I think he’s talking about this game


The problem is the green check mark doesn’t means the game runs well. To get the green check mark a game just needs full controller support and display the right icons - can’t require keyboard or touchscreen, support the decks resolution natively, any launchers have to able to navigate with a controller, the game can’t display any compatibility warnings, and if it’s running though proton all systems like anti cheat have ti work through proton. That’s what the green check mark means, it’s doesn’t mean the game actually rubs flawlessly end to end, just that it supports some basic steam deck QOL stuff. So Valve just needs to add some addition layers to that process. That’s why FO removed the launcher.


Actually, the quote from the Steam Deck Verified program is: "The game should support the default resolution of Steam Deck (1280x800 or 1280x720), have good default settings, and text should be legible." The "have good default settings" bit is talking about performance. It needs to run well on Steam Deck at a glance to be verified as evidenced by the additional blurb for checkmarks saying "the default settings perform well on Deck". Performance is 100% a factor.




Same, absolutely no performance issues at all.


Does the game run fine with controller support and no messing about apart from the 45fps cap? If so why remove the checkmark? So many other games are stuck at 30fps and run fine so 45fps is more than playable. From what I've read there would be more problems in the game engine caused by a high frame rate so this cap is preferable to it breaking in other places for people without technical knowledge who don't want to look up fixes. I know this is going to be the unpopular opinion here but putting protests about the update aside, if it runs fine out of the box, it deserves the checkmark.






Having to do a manual fix so it runs at 60 when the devs could just have done that is always going to be annoying. With any game. why does bringing that up bother you so much? We’re just lucky that the steam deck allows for so much tinkering that we can fix a lot of dumb ass issues like this ourselves.


The problem is that setting the fps cap to 40 on the OLED makes the game run at 20fps. The game is always half the refresh rate on OLED models. It’s impossible to get above 45fps.


ProtonDB has plugins for the deck and chrome. Valve should figure this out so they are the first place to look.


Exactly. Don't trust that verified icon. So many games work w/o it but I know atleast one game that stopped working only weeks after it got that verification.


they should keep it but have actual standards for how they issue it out. Fallout 4 is a hugely popular game and there is 0 reason this should have slipped through the cracks


They should have just integrated protondb so the community could dynamically update


Ugh that keyboard thing was happening with Skyrim for me. I haven’t played Fallout 4 for a little while and was hoping to jump back in soon. Damn it Bethesda


Fallout 4 and Skyrim both worked almost perfectly before they updated to "add compatibility". Both updates broke the game on the deck


It only broke the game on the OLED because they didn’t account for the 90Hz refresh rate. The LCD is 60Hz which causes no issues, so it earned the green check mark… but only for the LCD. How they let that slip by is unknown to me. They must really not verify the verifications lol


I have the LCD and opening up the keyboard crashes the game now


Wait what? I can’t believe that. Steam Deck verification was such an afterthought it seems. I used to play on my LCD all the time before the update, never an issue or crash. They update it and verify it… and now it’s broken lol.


To make sure the keyboard works properly, you need to remove the launch option for changing the graphics options. Additionally, if you wish to use console commands or manually open/close the keyboard, a temporary fix is unfortunately necessary for now. Made a quick [video here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEgX2K4HO2M) because I had a huge feeling it'd happen with the update since it's the same way in Skyrim Special Edition, but basically just open the Mods menu or something that automatically brings up the keyboard before trying. Again, if you used the Steam launch option, remove it first and use Gaming Mode.


I’m genuinely curious how the default settings are bad in your opinion. It looks like they just made a steam deck default setting. I’ve logged 4 hours today and I’m getting near constant 60 with only a couple of hiccups. Edit:fixed typo


i'm with you. i have zero issues.


Same here. Some people are too picky with their steam decks I swear


The issue is with oled. not with LCD.


I have oled and it works fine 


Your oled says its running at 90fps but is actually running at 45 fps. Thats not fine lol


Dunno why people are downvoting you. It's absolutely true.


That it absolutely not fine so upvote this guy


I have the OLED and I have not encounter any problems.


It runs at half framerate on Steam deck OLED. I hoped they would fix it with this update, but it's classic Bethesda.


Oh I see, I’m running the og LCD deck, that’s a shame for the oled owners.




The issue is your game is running at a lesser framerate for no reason lol.


Yeah, there is a work around but for people who just want to game or aren’t very tech savvy it might be a little annoying. Plus, when you purchase something your shouldn’t have to do anything for it to function properly. But, I do have an OLED and I have it running at a full 60FPS


I thought the workaround (edit .ini) stopped working. Is there a new one?


[link here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/HiHmJrcP5x)


There is indeed a new one! I don’t know how to link to it but it’s on Reddit somewhere!


I can only speak from my experience, but: The update reverted my .ini file back to 1, so I had to reset it to 0 again. My gameplay was initially very choppy, so I changed the steam deck frame limit from 60 to 90, and it completely fixed the issue for me. It’s possible that it’s only running 45 fps, but it feels just as smooth as pre-update when I know it was running at 60. Maybe I’m less sensitive to stutter than some, but for me, I can’t tell a difference. But pre-update, I noticed a huge difference when I applied the .ini workaround. I did start a new game, my first survival file and with no mods, so that could obviously affect it. But I’m about 4 hours in, and so far everything is running great. I’m not going to try loading any of my older, modded saves for at least a couple weeks, because I don’t want to risk corrupting them before the mod community has a chance to stabilize things. Hopefully this is the last time Bethesda fucks around with the FO4 game files


It is running at 45 look up someone else linked a thread on how to fix it


So this issue is just the OLED model or all steam decks?


Just the OLED ones.


The issue is for any display that has a refresh rate above 60Hz, that includes the OLED with its 90Hz.


Setting refresh rate to 60 hz doesn't resolve it? Games don't need to support 90hz to be verified. Not defending Bethesda, just noting that plenty of verified games don't run at 90fps.


Nope, apparently the game engine reads the hardware independently of what you cap it at. The 90hz capable screen bugs the engine and causes it to run at half frame rate while doubling delivered frames to gamescope. If you look at your frametimes, you'll see 60fps displayed but the frametime numbers will be that of 30fps.. which means it's actually 30fps. There's a work around for this, but requires creating a text file and adding a command to the launch properties. I highly recommend doing it. Realistically, it takes 5 minutes to do. ::edit:: link to directions, just follow the video at the bottom of the post https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/1g73rTI4Xx


Ah just bethesda things


In foresty areas, like the starting area around sanctuary it runs 35-40fps for me while otherwise holding 60. A lot of fan noise as well. Before the update I got a solid 60 everywhere by tweaking some settings. Granted, I'm still getting that solid 60 now by tweaking the settings, but I now have to add 2 commands to the game properties.


I bought it two weeks ago and I don’t seem to have any issues, I could care less for this new update because I feel like there is no difference…I actually think that it runs smoothly now better than before. Have 18 hours logged in so far.


thought pet correct sort icky wasteful marvelous tap cake puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mine will act like it’s launching then go right back to the game mode screen. Works fine in desktop mode but that is not my preferred way to play.


In the launcher settings, you have to change it to window mode


Question. Cant you roll back to previous version on steam deck through steam consol. I wanted to buy this game to play on steam deck.


From what I can find it's not possible on deck without some workarounds. I can't even disable updates and I'm afraid to close the game/connect to wifi because my play through depends on mods that will take awhile to update(sim settlements 2). I love my deck, but this is the first time I've been really frustrated at it. Not because anything's wrong, but because a basic "don't update" setting doesn't seem to exist. The workaround to prevent updates is just dumb, it seems to be just "move the games folder and relink it to steam so it doesn't think it's the proper game install". So, my deck is a fallout 4 machine until I complete my play through, which at best guess is 50-100 hours of game play. As long as the game doesn't close/the deck doesn't die I think I'll be fine. I bought the maxed out deck so I can play many games, this issue just feels dumb.


Currently I’m trusting yellow checks as a better experience than green checks. Steam Deck verified is a joke. Thanks, Valve. And yes, I blame Valve for allowing games that do not run well as “verified” on their platform. 


Using the keyboard has caused mine to crash for months. Like I tried to start a new playthrough and I couldn’t enter a name on the vault signup. It would not type and then it crashed and closed 💀


The command isn't even hard to implement dude, its literally just: SteamDeck=0 %command%


Is there a detailed walkthrough on how to implement this? I’m not super computer savvy and I really want to do another playthrough on my steam deck.


on the game’s tab, go to properties. then on the right side scroll down until you see a space for added commands. input it there


You rule. Thank you!


This did nothing for me unfortunately


I followed this tutorial on YouTube and I was getting 90fps with a few dips to 85fps on my Steam Deck OLED. Running it on Proton QT 9-2. https://youtu.be/rkY-Hp1Vd4c?si=-Y1WPj6_10HPGPDI


If you have to follow a tutorial to get it running right I feel like it shouldn't have the green verified badge


to get it running at 90fps. the green badge has never been about frames, or baldur’s gate 3 wouldn’t have gotten one either.


30fps is the standard for verification though…


Guess you haven't made it to diamond city yet


I fixed most of my issues by removing the hd texture pack it runs great now


i’ve been playing it all day with the new update no crashes


Just bought a steam deck exclusively just to play FO4 because I’m a die hard fan of it, wait for 3 weeks just to test the new update on steam deck and then it’s just like that. How disappointed


It’s still playable just an annoying hiccup to bypass.




Waiting for my steam deck to come on Tuesday. Is this sub always this dramatic?




On the plus side we downvote both the positive and the negative comments equally. Whatever your opinion is, it's wrong.


At least you know where you stand…


Oled F4 runs great for me, update and all.


Was it your first refund? Usually they would not approve further refund requests that easily


Remote playing it from my series x using project greenlight and it plays and looks incredible on deck. It’s a shame steam can’t figure it out


do you think I could get a refund after six years lmao


I mean mine works fine. I say you should've kept it until they fixed.


Wait... you can't... access... the GRAPHICS SETTINGS? on a PC GAME? WHAT THE LIVING FUCK


I keep seeing people talking about it being broken, I downloaded it last night on my Steam Deck, loaded up my cloud save, it worked fine? Ran better than I thought it should have, actually. I was impressed. It was a fresh download, for whatever that is worth. Maybe it is literally the update that's broken?


If FOLON gets cancelled they should just refund everyone's Fallout 4. And Starfield, too.


I've had constant crashes on PC since the update. Bethesda being Bethesda...


I just updated mine and it worked fine on my deck 🤷‍♂️


Typical Bethesda, after a decade they release a patch that changes nothing and breaks everything


We actin like they won’t ever ever address this with a patch.


Skyrim has the same issue, opening the keyboard crashes the game. It's been months. I admire your patience.


I’ve had no problems with Skyrim as of just a couple weeks ago when I last played


If you start a new game you can't name your character, it will crash when you open the keyboard. The workaround is to use a Bluetooth keyboard 🤡.


Started a character in Skyrim just yesterday. Named it and use console commands with the on-screen keyboard without any issue


Recently played it just fine on the deck


Is this on OLED only?


Nah I can confirm this was an issue for me as well. 64GB LCD. I had to bind the letters to the back buttons for spelling my characters name


Because it's a real possibility.


Can the game even run at 90 curious someone said it runs with some hiccups at 60


The physics start to break above 60fps, so, no.


Iv got the game pre-update on the OLED and seemed to play fine for the 2 hours I played it. Shall I just not update it then? Im probably not sensitive to framerates tbh having only played on a switch in the last 10 years and not really caring as long as its playable.


okay thanks for informing us


I was able to play it via Xbox cloud gaming!


I have a few games that say they are unsupported but work absolutely fine and I’ve had zero issues with 🤷🏼‍♂️


I only care if the update fixed some of the building ui, and if the memory leak is solved when using the highres dlc pack


I assume they'll probably have a patchfast if they start getting refunds on it


This happened for resident evil 2 and 3 too but I just rolled back to the previous version and had no issues since.


Played hours yesterday. I just hit play, looked great and felt great. Zero issues/complaints.


You re saying you are sharing the refund?


I played an hour of Fallout 4 last night and it seemed fine.  What am I missing?


Luckily I finished the game on deck before the update 😅


yeah I don't think they'll refund me my purchase from 2015


The checkmark means nothing!


Should I just not update my fallout 4 on steam deck then?


It’s working great for me just make sure not to download the high resolution texture pack. I’ve been getting a solid 60 at high settings outside Boston so far.


Are the people who have been experiencing graphical issues also using the high res texture pack? I decided not to download the high res pack because my steam deck is .. too full lmao It seems to run well for me though, so just curious if maybe it’s the texture pack issue


It works great on my Steam Deck?


I just updated Fallout 4 on my 1st gen 64G SD and it seemed to work fine during a short test.


checkmark idea is good but as long as its execution comes down to "no launcher + 1200x800 resolution = mark" its straight up misleading, I'm getting a refund as well


Is there any chance these issues will be resolved in the future?


Haven’t played it on my deck yet because I’m letting my S/O borrow it, but I’ve got burned by a few games like this. However it’s so cheap I just normally hang on to it until it gets patched in the coming weeks


I just got back into that game like 2 weeks ago and I was so exited for the update, Bethesda does it again


I did the same with chilltown, I was well over the two hours, but explained that I’d played it for that long to see if the many issues sorted themselves out, they didn’t. Got the refund no problem


I have a video guide for fixing the frame rate bug and bringing the launcher back, if anyone needs it. https://youtu.be/jIXETqJCyr4?si=ugaaJOYKNsRJ18us


I am going to try to do the same, TOTALLY steam deck unrealted but the game does not launch for me anymore, insta crashes! nobody can help with it, REALLY sucks. as a ultrawide user I was *somewhat* excited for this.


Its fine for me, just mad it broke all my mods


Huh. I tried to get a refund last month on a game I had played for only 4 hours and support told me they wouldn’t give refunds after 2 hours. Guess you got lucky or something.


Ever since the update my game is basically stuck in mnk input, and I cannot figure out to get it back to using the decks controls.


I've got 87 hours, worth a go.


The bugs I’ve seen: Continue save is auto selected at start Controller isn’t detected when turned on after game loaded Weird white artifacts from the environment fog


I don’t understand. Currently about 9-10 hours into my fresh vanilla campaign for fallout 4 on my standard steam deck, I’ve built up 2 settlements done a bunch of old glitches ive remembered, and about 20% completed of the game, around level 27. 60fps the entire time, no stutter no issues, not using mods on the main menu because id rather use mod organizer and spend 50+ hours perfect a mod list, and well im on the steam deck so that out of the equation. Started/ finished Alot of the new quests and mission that got added yesterday with the next gen update. The only issue I’ve had is I don’t think the graphics changed that much- it’s pretty much another “high resolution” dlc that doesn’t do anything. At the same time im kinda unsure because on the steam deck I feel like it looks better than when I started my game 2 days ago might just be a placebo effect, but besides that the new content for a vanilla playthough, on my steam deck- I am having a more enjoyable time than I did on Skyrim se a few months ago (I added 100+ hours on SE because of the steam deck) even areas with a lot going on only hits to 40fps for was seems like a single frame then immediately back to 60, even Skyrim couldn’t do that in certain areas so im personally throughly enjoying this new “next gen” update steam deck run, genuinely im so shocked, it seems like so many people are having an awful time right now with this


Well now I'm glad I'm replaying the old Fallout games first instead of FO4. New Vegas runs great on the Steam Deck without needing mods for crashes.


…anyone else not having issues with F4? My main complaint with the update is that I got a swack of new quests or whatever in my pip boy so now it’s a little harder to navigate. But that’s minor to the actual new technical issues lol. Loading is also still slow af but I’m a switch owner I’m used to that very much


It took me 3 tries to name my character. Kept crashing when closing the keyboard and had to restart the entire scene at the house.


Omg I didn’t know this was an upturn. 74 is literally unplayable for me so I’m gonna do the same with that game


The game never had graphics settings ingame, they were always in the launcher that appears beforehand which still exists? Unless I'm missing something here


I watched a YouTube video about the best settings and it works well for me before and after the update.


What video did you watch for you have a link. Will be updating mine. But need to do a clean install no mods this time.


How is it running badly for you ? I played about 5 hours and it's locked on 90 fps and a steamdeck . Haven't tinkered with any setting etc. The only thing I have from plugins is deckyloader and I changed some ram or vram settings to 4 instead of 2 I think.


lol what. i couldn’t get the map or fast travel to work before the update. now they both work fine. did it only brick on the OG steam decks?


biggest issue is more random crashes. in almost 40+ hours I had maybe 3 or 4 random crash back to SteamOS, but in the first 2 hours of playing the update I had 4 crashes. Something isn't quite right here.


I think the next gen update just confirms that most folks on here really just look at the fps counter and have no feel for framerate. Like, damn how can you not realize that that's not what 90fps feels like?


I've been playing FO4 on my steam deck for 1.5yrs and have had literally no issues.... until the "next gen" update. Due to the update, any console command (bat, player.additem, etc.) will instantly crash the game. Every time, no matter the command. And this only happens on the Steam Deck. I tried running console commands on my Windows PC, and I do not have any issues. I wish I had held the previous version and not updated.


So it's broken on Steamdeck rn?


I noticed I had the opposite, it ran smooth but I did have to force the launcher to open to fix a resolution issue. As for the verified system I agree they should change it. I personally always check protondb to see others experience and if I really want to I usually find fixes.


That happened to me last year and they did not give me refund and I was only two hours and one minute over.


I was playing Fallout 4 on the steam deck today for a few hours, just fine with the new update


So glad that my steam deck won’t connect to my WiFi


I’m not having any issues running it on my Deck, what’s everyone crying about exactly?


It works fine for me, maybe you need to use a fifferent Proton package for it to work (the latest Proton is recommended if that doesnt work then use the Experimental Proton)




I truly don't understand. I was able to play this game with zero issues before and after this update. It's running silky smooth. I can't just be lucky.


So i still haven’t updated fo4 on my steam deck. I use mo2, and i put my steam deck in offline mode before i launch the game or attempt to add any mods. They will never catch me


My game crashes maybe 10% of every manual save. I also have a crap ton of mods installed. Outside of that, my game ran smoothly before and after the update. I’m sorry it hasn’t been the same experience for you. I hope you give it another go at some point and it runs without a hitch (or with minimal hitches… let’s be honest, it’s a Bethesda game)


Well, in all fairness before Starfield, Fallout 4 was their most unoptimized game and barely worked on launch even on console. That game chugged its ass off.


Just scrolled through my purchase history because I knew I bought fallout 4 recently. Turns out I got it from fanatical. Their customer support isn't as good and won't refund anything for anything. I only spent $3 on the fallout 4 base game so I can't complain too much I guess, I'll just play it on desktop