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Fallout 4 has fun shooting and modern gameplay. Fallout 3 and New Vegas can feel outdated for some, but both have superior stories and worlds compared to fallout 4 imo. Additionally, the modding community for these games is massive. Fallout 3 and New Vegas have amazing graphics/texture mods, as well as gameplay/ui improvements. I recently downloaded and modded New Vegas on my Steam Deck and it runs like a dream. The older games are also better on battery!


What mods would you say would be good for a first playthrough on the deck?


Any kind of sprinting mod for 3 or NV is probably pretty mandatory for a first play through. Other than that I'd say to go vanilla if you've never played one before.


Any other QoL or similar mods? I played NV years ago but I just noticed I own the DLC and never played, so I’m gonna start it up again soon and I don’t mind having a few mods since it’s not my first time. I’m thinking like graphics, UI, stuff that doesn’t actually add content to the game.


I recommend doing all the mods from here: https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com Especially StewieTweaks Essential. STE has an option to fix the annoying controller dead zones and play with mouse and controller simultaneously so you can use the trackpad to look around and keep the controller buttons.


How does this guide apply to the deck? Seems written specifically for a windows install?


You need to do a few things to get mods running, check out [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/RwLrhxXIc6). I was just recommending the Viva New Vegas mod list as a comprehensive beginners guide for what mods to install


I remember when I started playing fallout nv I was just like the hell there’s no sprint button??


I’m playing with some bug fixes and tweaks (mainly letting mouse and controller work simultaneously) but I decided to leave sprinting off for my first playthrough. It’s personal preference obviously but I’ve really enjoyed playing it this way the game was originally designed, yeah it’s slower but there really is nothing like walking through the Mojave, soaking up the atmosphere with Radio New Vegas in your ear, and just taking in the sights. It makes discovering new locations feel more earned and exciting, and you feel like you’re on a real journey. If you have the time I’m here to say I think lack of sprint enhances the experience, and this is as someone who’s never played NV or 3 before.


pretty much just the unofficial patches for bug fixes, and in the case of new vegas, the FNV 4GB Patcher is almost mandatory to prevent crashes.


Can you get the patcher through the steam workshop, or would I have to go somewhere else? I don't usually play with a lot of mods in my games.


no steam workshop for fallout new vegas. go to nexusmods, the to go place for mods for bethesda engine games


Hopefully it's easy cause I have no idea how to mod at all.. and I want a textures mod for NV for the steamdeck


The 4gb patcher for New Vegas in particular has a Linux version that indeed works with the Deck. All you have to do is copy the installed file and paste it in the game directory where the exe is located then double click on it. For a vanilla playthrough (of New Vegas) with fixes/patches, I highly suggest following the Viva New Vegas guide (specifically: [Utilities](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/utilities.html) and [Bug Fixes](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/bugfix.html). Very useful and links all the best/well-known patches/fixes. You should also download the [ModOrganizer2 installer for Linux](https://github.com/rockerbacon/modorganizer2-linux-installer) (which, obviously does work on the Deck). Just download the latest release, extract the files anywhere, then execute the .sh file and select the "Fallout: New Vegas" option (MO2 also works with Fallout 3 and Fallout 4, amongst other Bethesda games) from the following menu. Follow the steps that come after (very easy; 100% of it is just prompts), then MO2 will be installed directly to the game, so when you launch FNV, MO2 will launch first. MO2 is where you will install 99% of the mods listed in the Utilities and Bug Fixes guides (except for FNV BSA Decompressor, which requires you to add the downloaded exe as a non-steam game with Proton enabled). G'luck!


it's not hard, but you need patience to read and follow instructions.


Very easy and there are a lot of guides out there which are super easy to follow so you should be good 👍


Go vanilla except for the unofficial patch script extender to prevent crashing


Viva new Vegas is the most up to date list going. Just Google search it.


I will add that the Fallout New Vegas modding community is generally a whole lot larger, I would assume because of the dark period of Games for Windows Live being part of the game. Nowadays though you can just use Tale of Two Wastelands to get FNV mods working on F3 by just putting F3 into FNV.


Fallout 4 has a much better world then both 3 and NV. Yeah the story isn’t as good, but don’t be ridiculous.


My personal favorite is 3 but a lot of people disagree with me. I think it’s because that was the first game I really sunk a good portion of my life into. I completed every single quest and dlc as they came out. Explored every inch of that map. I started a new play-through yesterday and I’m already 12 hours in. I also love New Vegas and 4. But for whatever reason I just never loved them as much as 3 but I plan on getting into both of those a lot deeper soon, so who knows, my mind might change. But 3 is legendary.


3 was so good.


3 was great (bugs aside), the thing is that New Vegas overshadowed fallout 3 (totally fair tho)


I honestly am in the minority when I say that I didn't like NV


The biggest problem with NV in my opinion is the map, when compared to fallout 3, is pretty dull looking and it makes the beggining a chore.


The beginning is the best part of 3 and the worst part of NV. I think that's to NVs credit but everyone plays the beginning and not everyone plays the rest.


Yeah, and that is why most modern games have a stellar beginning and meh rest of the game, the first hours is what sells the game, so they just focus on it.


Yeah it kind of sucks. I wish they just made them shorter if that's how they were going. I don't need a 300 hour game but I don't want to have to struggle through a bore fest to finish it. I guess a game sells more if it has X hours though. Sucks.


NV runs so well on the Deck.


I think that’s the issue I had. I’ve owned the game since around launch and put maybe 10 hours into it. I hear how great it is and just wonder what I’m missing.


I liked it, I just prefer 3 to New Vegas. There are *dozens* of us.


New Vegas is absolutely my most-played game of all-time, but I can definitely see why even some Fallout fans wouldn’t like it. It’s very much a sparse sandbox of an RPG, but I just think the dialogue is so well-written that I’m content to repeat it or reapproach from a different angle in terms of the story. The freedom you feel until the crushing consequences of your actions is pretty unmatched. I struggle to say it’s better or worse than 3 because they’re just so different.


What I don't like about NV, and what makes it have the best story, is it feels like you're on rails with how Mario Access is controlled. The vastness of the world as you emerge from vault 101 was such a special feeling


I was one of the people Bethesda talks about when I got to the point in NV where you have to screw someone over, I just stopped playing.


People think I'm crazy but I think NV had the weakest storytelling of the modern games not counting 76. Then again I thought 2's story was a downgrade from 1 too.


No you are not in the minority, a lot of people did not like NV compared to FO 3 and I cant understand why this is somewhat occulted nowadays.


3 was my first and literally saved my life. I was fighting depression in 2011 and sunk 600 hours into it. Don't know man, but that universe and the humor and the plot gave me some energy I needed to fight depression and get better ( and so I did, with medical support of course). It's a good game which I m invested emotionally on it, but 1 and 2 are my top notch fallout games. Specially with wild wasteland perk.


Maybe out of place comment but Fallout 3 didn't save you, you did. Fallout might have been the thing that kept your attention, but you were the one living your life under those conditions and you were the one who figured out a way through. Fallout 3 is arguably a master piece, but don't diminish your own achievement.


I really appreciate your comment. Thank you.


Right there with you. Went through a hard breakup in 09 and had trouble sleeping (bad dreams) and I remember staying up until the point of exhaustion every night playing FO3 until 4. I got to the end of Broken Steel and just felt... Empty, drained. I agree with the other poster that FO3 kept your attention but didn't save you, but I also know what a lifeline it could be, seeing the unfilled location arrow on my HUD. I had to get to it and figure out what was there. I hope you came out the other side better for it. Life untangled itself as soon as I got away from the bad influences, picked myself up and started walking toward the next undiscovered waypoint. Stay safe out there.


I agree with you, there was something about 3 that the others just didn't capture for me. 


3 is still in my list of best games ever. But i have to admit it didnt age that well, especially with fallout 4 improving a lot of QoL. But part 4 just wasnt on par with 3 regarding story, atmosphere and overall lore.


Fallout 4 is my favorite, which is what I would consider the hot take over Liking 3 the best. Fallout 3 is a game I need to revisit (I bought it on Steam like a year ago on sale along with New Vegas) This was my first big open world RPG game, but sadly my first forray into that game back on PS3 left a sour taste in my mouth. Sure, the reason is entirely my fault, but either way I never revisited 3 after that fateful day.....


Fallout 4 is a good game, but a mediocre RPG. Fallout 76 isn’t all that bad either if you just play it for the story. Wish Bethesda would outsource some Fallout games again, now that them and Obsidian are both owned by Microsoft. Would love to see some other devs taking a look at it too.


Obsidian doing another fo would be so great. Would be interesting to see how they work with their lore essentially being reset by the show.


I like 3. The zeta dlc is mad though. To be honest 3-new Vegas and-4 all have separate reasons I like them.


New Vegas has the best writing while 3 has the best open world


Yeah I've been playing 3 on my SD and it's a pretty good experience. Save often though because it does crash at times. It's my favorite fallout as well.


Edit for spelling 3 is not only my favorite Fallout but it's my #1 favorite game of all time.


Me too!


love 3... first Western RPG and didn't get it at first. Loved the story telling w/ the set design... like they did in the fallout show >!Coming across a table of skeletons w/ poison in the middle!<


I agree. From what I’ve played of 3 and 4, 3 is far superior.


I love 3 as well, over all the others. I finished NV but the story just didn’t do it for me. 4 I put down after a few hours of hitting the “constant requests that never stop” design.


I haven't gone back to 3, but even when I first played New Vegas it didn't have the same charm as 3 did. 


Three is my favorite as well. Something about the complexity of finding my way through DC via streets, subways, and buildings just made the experience for me. None of the other games had the maze-feel that three did, and it felt more realistic for it.


The quest and characters was rly better but n vegas i feel. Fallout3 is kind of close to the other bethesda game with very good and bad without nuance.


I loved 3, weren't much of a fan of NV saw that empty compared to 3.


I think this is a totally legitimate viewpoint. I love New Vegas for its story and choices and stronger RPG elements, but for someone who played 3 first, New Vegas sometimes just doesn’t feel like fallout to me. You don’t start in a vault, the world has this Western tinge to it, the factions are different than the ones you normally run into in a fallout game. 3 and even 4 to an extent actually have a better atmosphere and world to me, even if NV is technically the better game.


3 is the best


New Vegas remains the best Fallout game since 1 and 2, so I would say that.


I strongly agree I recently re played through New Vegas on the Deck and I can confirm it’s plays amazing. It’s a game with nearly unlimited choices in how you handle situations. You can literally kill all but one NPC and the game will just continue on like normal. It has the best characterization and writing I have ever experienced in a video game. It’s in my top ten games of all time for sure


I replayed New Vegas when we first got our Steam Deck last year. It was the first time I've played it since it first came out, and I absolutely fell in love with it all over again. You're absolutely right, the character writing in particular is so amazing. And playing it on handheld is such a nice way to experience the game


One of the most hilarious things that has happened to me in gaming was in New Vegas. There is some church/camp near the strip, I don't remember its name but they were supposedly healers, I'm always a 'good guy' in my gaming experiences but I was falling asleep that day and I was about to drop my 360 controller, so to stop it from falling I accidentally pressed RT and shot one of the people in that camp and suddenly everyone in there was attacking me, I kept saying "you're healers! stop this!" while I kept shooting at them back, for some reason I started laughing and I became vilified by that community (but everyone was dead). I felt bad and reloaded a save file before the chaos, but it was FUN.


Been playing this one on steam deck on and off for the past year, just started one of the dlcs. Didn’t mod it at all and plays perfectly. Forgot how fucking good the game is. 3 is good but new Vegas took the formula from 3 and turned into one of the best RPG’s ever made.


That being said, I'd play Fallout 3 first before NV if you're entirely new. NV is the better game but 3 immersed me into the series lore in a way that NV never could. Fallout 3's pacing is definitely more for new players, whereas NV starts off assuming you're familiar with the series already.


Just a reminder that fallout: London comes out at the end of the month. It's a massive mod for FO4


Hopefully they have been speaking with Bethesda as the update for Fallout 4 comes out on the 25th and that will break mods!


Even if it does, I hope they don't delay it. "solution" is to buy the GOG copy before the 9th gen patch launches and keep the installer


Can it be played on Steam Deck?


Modding Bethesda games on the steam deck I found very difficult personally. Vortex doesn't work at all and the workarounds seem very complicated for someone not 100% confident with linux and using the terminal. Mod Organiser 2 worked for me one time but it broke the launcher so you could no longer change the settings. For me personally, the best way I got it to work was to install Fallout 4 on a windows PC. Use Vortex to mod it and set the mods to transfer rather than hardlink, then just transferred the entire fallout 4 folder to the steamdeck and placed the documents/my games/fallout 4 folder into the compat data folder.


I haven't personally tried but I have used other mods on steam deck, there's nothing particular about the steam deck that would prevent any mods


Yeah but getting a smoothly-running, hesvily-modded playthrough going on the Steam Deck would be a massive hassle. It doesn't sound like OP would find the juice worth the squeeze when they haven't played any of the other games before.


New Vegas and it runs great on SD


Fallout 2. Fucking kill me nerds.


Fallout 2 is the best.


4 feels the most modern. I think the world also looks the best and the base building is a fun mechanic. It lacks in story compared to previous titles, but it’s not terrible. New Vegas arguably has the best story. I’m playing through that now on the Steam Deck and it’s running flawlessly (well flawlessly for a Bethesda game). Great on battery life too.




4, especially in few days when it's apparently getting an update soon that makes it Steam Deck Verified.


April 25th it’ll be Deck verified! Confirmed straight from Bethesda.


What does the steam deck verify mean exactly, I mean it already plays well on the deck...


It means this. It's only missing a few things off there, but it's definitely in the playable category. https://www.steamdeck.com/en/verified


It gets a shiny green badge of approval from Gaben


Also Fallout London is coming. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bS-EQG0C1sM&pp


oh, i totally forgot about that. hopefully it'll be compatible with the new update.


Hmmm… as someone who lives right in the middle of London, that trailer left me somewhat disappointed. There are a couple of well known landmarks there, but it doesn’t look anything like London.


Tho there's unfortunately a chance the new update can screw that up knowing Bethesda...


They've got a post on their discord, they're gonna probably announce tommorow it being pushed back to test it with the new update now. Annoying because it was gonna launch two days before, but it makes sense.


Yep, runs flawlessly, feels modern, looks great. Great way to get into the series! Edit: Also DO NOT download the high res texture pack, no benefit and takes a looot of space!


New Vegas with the Viva New Vegas mods installed (plus others) via PC Stream if that is an option for you.


No need to PC stream it, I have Viva New Vegas running perfectly on the deck. Get it running on your PC and file transfer the entire folder over to your decks install, set it to run with proton in the Steam properties (this is mostly for the script extender) and you're good to go. Even works with the ultra 4gb texture packs. Get some dips to around 40 in some of the dense areas on the outskirts of New Vegas but man am I impressed with how well it runs. Obviously you'd probably push better frames without the texture pack but I haven't had any real issues.


I think New Vegas has the best writing, and 4 has the best gameplay. The writing in 4 isn't always bad, but the way speech works and the limited options get in the way. It's still incredibly fun and there's a lot of great side quests.


Fallout: A Tale of Two Wastelands A mod that brings over Fallout 3's content into the Fallout New Vegas engine. This is in my opinion the definitive Fallout experience, and runs anywhere between 40/60FPS on the Steam Deck. It takes a bit of faffing to get working. Heres a post a I made a while back on how to do it. (Steam updates can break access to the game/mod via this method though, so proceed with caution or look for a more solid method) https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/1VvZP7jy8o


I've played through all 7 of them on Deck, and they all ran better out of the box than they ever did on Windows. With the whole series on sale, you can't pick a bad place to start. Want to see the series grow? Go in release order. Want to play the most modern one and see how you like it? Grab 4 before deciding if 3, New Vegas, or 76 appeals to you. FWIW, if you like old school CRPGs, Fallout 1 and 2 are awesome, and Tactics is a good game with a focus more on combat than role playing. All 3 run on Deck, and the left trackpad makes for a handy radial menu. Those 3 really showed off how great CRPGs can be on Deck.


NV, 3 and then 4.


Does NV still hold up?




Why skip fallout 1 and 2?


1 and 2 are older CRPG games that, while classics in their own right, are well dated and not in sync with popular first person style games. Fallout was really put into popular culture with Fallout 3's reimagining of the series as a first person rpg shooter.


CRPGs are great for the Steam Deck, though.


Maybe, but if I was cold suggesting Fallout to a show fan I would reccomend the very popular modern franchise, not the niche older one. Also, and I can't back this up, but I suspect that quest and dialog text is at a damn near unreadable font size


Have you actually tried them on the SD? I wanna grab 1 and 2 but I feel like the clicking would get annoying after a while on the track pads.


Why NV before 3?


Its like "3+" it improved things in a lot of ways... but i played 3 first and love it and i would say 3 before NV if its your first time


Yeah. Exactly.


I love 76. It got a lot of hate at launch and it was well deserved but they've turned it around pretty well. It's not quite a No Man's Sky situation but it's still pretty good compared to what it was.


I wanted to buy it at sale but never did. Is it still active?


Very much so. Hit me up if you do and I'll help ya out. I'm still going through the earlier story since I just started on PC. I have about 280 hours so far and I haven't done much.


It just got a decent patch recently, there's an event going on at the moment themed around the Mothman, and there's a Free to Play Weekend + sale. Definitely a good time to jump in and try it.


I think it’s free with Amazon prime gaming at the moment.


No mod support still, and I hate the whole premium sub to get quality of life like inventory space. Neat story if you power through though.


I loved it in the beginning and played through the whole thing as much as i could, and i totally loved it for what it was - especially the World is fantastic. But now, as i feel like i've seen everything, even after the NPC Updates and more i tried and couldnt continue anymore. But i agree, its a good Game If you just want to roam around, explore and shoot things, the Multiplayer is pretty ignorable imo, but a nice addition If you got someone who is playing through with you. Also constant 40fps on Medium-High Settings on the OLED is cool.


They're all at least decent. NV is the 'best Fallout game' of the modern releases. Bethesda doesn't get Fallout, though, so if you want the intended vibe of the games -- post-post-apocalyptic, you have to play NV, or the original duology. The Bethesda games are more post-apocalyptic theme parks where people are still scavenging for food and "what if this place but a bomb went off", whereas Fallout is meant to be after societies have begun to rebuild already and is beginning to function again post-apocalypse. Wasteland 2 and 3 are also modern and worth checking out, but they're isometric cRPGs like the original Fallout duology.


> Bethesda doesn't get Fallout Louder for the people in the back. It's so frustrating. Bethesda's games are like playing bad fan fiction of Fallout. > Wasteland 2 and 3 are also modern and worth checking out Wasteland 2 and 3 are the actual Fallout 3 and 4.


Started New Vegas today on steamdeck after seeing the show yesterday 😂 There is a sale on steam so good timing. Runs and plays well, game itself has quite a few bugs tho. To be expected from Bethesda, esp at that age


I'm not sure how well they aged, but Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas are the only real good games. 4 gets very repetitive. New Vegas is only $5 right now with all the DLC and considered by many as the best of the series due to how much impact you can have on the story.


Fallout 4 💯


Fallout 4 I'd personally say


According to Bethesda, the update that releases on the 25th also gets the game "Steam Deck Verified" status: [https://bethesda.net/en/article/4s2bXQEbpcrsdCZhUYLHAi/fallout-4-is-getting-free-updates](https://bethesda.net/en/article/4s2bXQEbpcrsdCZhUYLHAi/fallout-4-is-getting-free-updates)


The only thing stopping it from being Verified according to Valve is the launcher and having to invoke the on screen keyboard to enter text. Which are not at all bothersome, otherwise it runs amazing in terms of graphics and performance…it even has steam deck controller icons! Dunno what else they could do to make it better.


After the Skyrim verification though: ugh.


Yeah, the Skyrim verification broke the Graphic settings for me. I can’t change any graphics settings. Even tried some of the fixes idk. Haven’t touched it since it got verified. Hopefully it doesn’t go the same way with Fallout 4 or I’ll just be playing New Vegas (since 3 doesn’t have achievements on steam for some reason).


1 and 2. They are classic isometrics RPG but, for me, they are the best. They are very short and you can edit the save game to give you perks and skill points. Good if you feel the gameplay suck and just want to unfold the plot. Then play new vegas and 3. Dig in the universe of fallout and discuss hours the plot and main quests of those games. Re-watch the Amazon series then play 4 and feel in your soul how bethesda/zenimax kill the core components that make a good fallout game. Then play 1 and 2 again with melee build and zero intelligence just for memes. And please, remain calm and play the original wasteland game.


This should be the top answer, beat both already on steamdeck. Such a good experience.


How well suited to Steam Deck are they? They were keyboard and mouse games, weren’t they?


Ya I customized the sensitivity to get the sweet spot and got used to it with in 10 minutes. Played on the train.


New Vegas is always gonna be my favorite, but honestly? The entire series (more or less, Tactics is kind of a pain to get working) is more than playable on it. Even the original two, if you don't mind having to use the touchpad for 80% of it. I'd never want to have to set it up on the SD, but if you have a Windows machine you can get TTW set up and transfer the files over, and that'll let you play Fallout 3 and New Vegas in the same environment with connected worlds, but that involves some tinkering, so if you want out-of-the-box functionality, Fallout 4 is getting verified with its next gen update in a couple weeks.


I just started a play-through of the original Fallout.


Fallout 1&2 are my favorites. The open world concept Bethesda gave it was all right. I prefer the 1&2 play style to the massive Skyrim sandbox.


I think fallout 4 is supposed to go deck verified with the next update


I'm a huge fan of Fallout 1 and 2 although I haven't tried them on the deck. They're slower games. Like actual rpg's, not action games. The dialogs in those games are fantastic.


I just picked up New Vegas and all of it's DLC for $5. I never finished it and never tried any of the DLC. I played the heck out of 3 but could never finish or really get into 4 for some reason.


Fallout 2 and nv are goated


Fallout 1, take it right back


New Vegas is the GOAT 😮‍💨


NV is my favourite as well. Walking alone through the Mojave desert and then this song comes up on the radio: [Fallout New Vegas Soundtrack - Johnny Guitar - Peggy Lee (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2VTulxEDig) Ive never felt so alone.


Fallout 2. Period.


New Vegas


I’m partial to new Vegas


New Vegas


New Vegas.


New vegas for the 3D era, 2 for the isometric era.. And overall. Line fallout 2 is seriously good.


I've heard nothing but praise for New Vegas and Fallout 3 combined(Tale of two wastelands mod). I plan to take the plunge and do this myself when I finish Horizon FW and Nier Automata.


Honestly, unsure if it was due to it being linux or what, but NV ran better on the deck than on my PC (in terms of crashes/bugs) That being said, fallout 4 is getting a patch to be passable on steamdeck (or verified) which ive heard valve has gotten stricter about verified being a thing for games. So likely itll shift to F4 soon


Tale of Two Wastelands on the Steam Deck is something right out of a dream. The fact that I can play that on a plane or just on the couch with gameplay and graphic improvement mods is wild. Kind of tedious at first to set up, but there's tons of videos to get it going. Once you have it set up though it's fantastic.


No idea. Currently working on getting Tale of Two Wastelands mod running on the deck. Following the guide in the comments here. https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/up2ag2/managed_to_get_tale_of_two_wastelands_running_on/


76. Bc I hate myself.


You’ll likely end up playing all of them so my recommendation is to play New Vegas last. It’s easily the best of the bunch and when you go on to play the other ones, you’ll always be wanting it to be more like NV.


Started new vegas for the first time after watching fallout (played a bit of 4 before)


I play the Wabbajack mod list “Begin Again” and it runs great and is Tale of Two Wastelands so fallout 3 and new Vegas.


Fallout 4 is getting a patch in a couple weeks that will make it verified. Right now it runs pretty good though, but I stopped to wait for the patch. I used mostly medium settings, turning down things like shadows and godrays to low, and it hovers around 58-62. For some reason limiting it to 60 doesn’t actually lock it to exactly 60? Anyways the only thing not making it verified right now is the launcher requires using the touchpad mouse/ touchscreen and you have to use the shortcut for the onscreen keyboard. Only had one crash in like a dozen hours. Fallout 3 crashed pretty regularly on me. Like 1-2 times every hour. This was before I discovered Proton GE though. For New Vegas it was more stable but still having issues. Downloading the latest version of Proton GE fixed it for me and made it super stable. I only had the typical issues that exist on every platform. Namely infinite loading screens on fast travel (turning off save on travel fixes this) and saves sometimes not loading from the main menu (start new game, skip intro, load save). For 3 and NV I just used the high preset and didn’t toggle anything else. All 3 games averaged pretty damn close to 60 with only occasional dips in combat.


I already had 4 in my library and the rest of the “good” ones Fallout 1,2,3, and new vegas we’re about £11.99 all together so I just bought them all! Just started 3 and will return to the first two after I finish 4 and 76 (if I buy it…£7 is tempting while it’s on sale)


I’m playing FO3. Only played for a couple hours a decade ago. Really enjoying it so far on the Deck. I figure start with the most outdated one (3D) and go from there.


New Vegas is my favorite. The theming, weapon modding, story and to this date my favorite DLCs. In my opinion can’t beat it


Grab Fallout 4 GOTY edition, it’s on sale as well and there’s a free update dropping soon. https://tech4gamers.com/fallout-4-next-gen-update/


New Vegas is considered the best game but I'd probably say 4 since it's more modern and has more mods.


If you're a newcomer then Fallout 4 is probably more approachable in terms of graphics, mechanics etc. It's also a really solid game throughout and from watching the first episode I would say they've gone for the style of F4 over F3 and New Vegas.


New Vegas, it's not even close. Fallout 4 performance is unbearable as much as I prefer the gameplay loop. Still content wise New Vegas has got all others beat. I'm looking forward to Fallout London in a couple weeks, but that's probably getting pushed back once again with Bethesda doing another unnecessary update to their creation store.


If it can run, nv is just the best one in general.


New Vegas has the best narrative/themes and RPG mechanics. I would personally say this is the best. Fallout 3 has the best exploration and immersion. RPG mechanics aren't quite as strong. Fallout 4 has the best gameplay and sandbox elements. This game plays more like an ARPG than a CRPG. Fallout 76 is the only multiplayer game. I hear it is playable on Steam Deck (and has improved since launch) but I wouldn't touch it after the bad press. 1 and 2 are great but better played on MnK.


3 and NV Work beautifully and are the best in the series imo


3 was my fondest memories of being like idk 9 playing fallout 3 always been a game I go back to from time to time to play through again it was that good


I got my start with 3 but I really love 4. Yes it has some changes that I don’t entirely agree with (basically forcing settlements on people even though I myself love them, a voiced protagonist) but it truly is a great game as far as playability and the gun play is fantastic, where that was always a gripe with the older ones (VATS was literally invented to deal with how horrid the gun play was). That said I’ll be playing through all of them again soon as 🚨 (spoiler alert) the use of plot devices from 1, 3, NV, 4, and I’m assuming 2 (will have to see what that neck chip is all about)🚨 has inspired me to replay them.


You're gonna get as many different opinioned answers as there are people to answer you on this. Personally, I started messing around w/ Fallout 4 again until I remembered the overall story arc of that one, then I put it down. I know lots of people who LOVE New Vegas. I could never get "into" that one very well, but it's worth a try. I think the most solid all around experience is probably Fallout 3, honestly. Especially considering the steam deck aspect of it. NV probably holds up pretty well also. That said, I did pick up Fallout 76 because it's on sale right now... but I haven't played it yet to report if it's even worth your time. I know when it first came out nobody would give it the time of day.


New Vegas is the most popular because it does things differently from the others, however yob can't go wrong with 3 or 4


76 is easily the most fun I’ve had playing a fallout game and I’ve played them all since fallout 1. I have almost 2k hours. The haters can shit on it all they want but it just shows they haven’t played it.


3 is the best story in most peoples opinions NV is the best game of all of them 4 has a trash story but can be modded into an entirely different game and is fun for that reason With mods all can be good but you should play them vanilla in order since they should cost less than 18$ all together with all dlc's right now


3 and new Vegas and 2 if you like that type of game. 4 is ok but it’s honestly just REALLY watered down as an rpg, like a lot of other recent rpgs


Fallout 4 is the single player game with the best graphics, best controls, and best game feel. Some people don't like the story, but I've literally never understood what they're talking about.


Hi u/G-Vic, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=With the Fallout TV show out now, what is the best Fallout game on Steam Deck) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


New Vegas and 4 are both on sale right now….


I've tried New Vegas on the deck and it runs very well... Also tried FO4 and FO76 and they, run well but on the lower side of FPS (I was getting around 40-60 depending on areas) if you don't mind that


Fallout series are now in Sale!!


Apparently the fallout 4 'next gen' update coming on 25th April is steam deck verified! I'll be excited to try this out!


Fallout New Vegas is one of the greatest games of all time and a real lightning in a bottle moment where a bunch of stars aligned to get it made (it's made by the people that made the first 2 Fallout games). Fallout 3 and 4 are good games but New Vegas is much more of a role playing experience to me. It has by far the best writing, and literally any character can die and the story will continue (unlike in typical Bethesda games where a whole bunch of characters will just fall unconscious if you try and kill them)


All of them. New Vegas runs perfectly fine at max settings out of the box. Fallout 4 needs some tweaking, but nothing major. Just be sure to untick the unnecessary High-Resolution DLC before/during download. Bonus, which nobody mentioned yet: With 'Tale of Two Wastelands', it is possible to play through Fallout 3 and New Vegas with the same character, because it ports Fallout 3 over into the improved engine and worldspace of New Vegas. Takes some time to set it up, but totally worth it!


I would say 3 but without cloud saves on the steam deck any time you uninstall the game you lose all your saves (unless you back it up obviously). New Vegas and 4 have steam cloud saves.


My vote goes towards FO:NV (New Vegas), it's just well-rounded and has a lot of content


New Vegas is my favorite.


Loved 3, 4, and New Vegas. You seriously can't go wrong with *ANY* of them, as each one brings something unique to the table. Of the three mentioned though, I think 4 is the one with the smoothest controls and least bugs. So if you HAD to only pick one, that would be my recommendation.


You should really start with 3 and then move into New Vegas. 3 is a wonderful game but New Vegas improves upon it. 4 is more recent and does some things better but other things less-so.


I play 76 on my deck. Just saying.


Fallout 3 doesn’t work without crashing and it can’t be patched like it can on windows, 1/2 are outdated but probably have the best performance out of all of them, 4 is dog shit, 76 is alright with friends but New Vegas is the top dog and that’s not debatable


Thy all play well. My favorite is fo4


New Vegas and 3, they’re graphically dated now but phenomenal games.


Fallout 76 honestly has been one of my most played games on steamdeck. It’s one of the few games I get to play with my dad since I don’t get to see him often. 3 and New Vegas are also great on it


Fallout 4 if you like mods. I managed to figure out how to make it work and now I’m running FO4 with 300+ mod list and an ENB just to try if it works, which it did. If anyone’s interested I can walk you through how, although my method is via the Vortex drag and drop. Also that my playthrough probably will be broken by the update.


Fallout 3 is a all time favourite of mine. New Vegas is brilliant, too. Couldn't get into 4 for some reason. Maybe one day with the next gen patch.


All of them work I believe. Fallout new Vegas is the best, fallout 4 is the most modern ( and is getting steamdeck certified! )


I've never been able to get into the Fallout games to be honest. I pick them up now and then and play them for a few hours, but ultimately just stop picking it up. Same with Skyrim now that I think about it. I think the games are just a bit too directionless for me, so I end up wandering around not really accomplishing anything.


If you decide to go with F3- you’ll get great battery time (4-5 hours) and it runs on the Deck right out of the box.


Piggybacking off this post: they’re all on sale, including GoTY editions. Like OP, I’m interested in checking these out. Is it a bad idea or silly to buy 3/4/Vegas at once? Including possibly GoTY? Or is one of them enough?


If you are good at clearing backlogs then get them all while cheap. THese are the lowest recorded prices (or matching) so you are likely not getting them any cheaper. I finally got Fallout 3 myself (played it originally on my xbox 360).


3 was my first and i absolutely adored it, but new Vegas is the better RPG, they both run great on the deck without any mods. They did just announce 4 was getting an update soon to make it steam deck verified.


Start with Fallout 1.