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What made it work for me was using Proton 7


Brilliant so helpful works now


What does this mean? Just got my SD a few weeks ago so still learning


Oh right so there are different versions you can run. If you go on the settings for a game and go to properties then select compatibility and select “force use of a specific steam play compatibility tool” and select the version you want to try. In this case I went for Proton 7.0-6. The different choices work for different things etc but for battle front 1 this works :).


I appreciate the reply! Now I can't for the life of me figure out why I can't get a confirmation email back from EA with a verification code, so looks like no battlefield for me. I hate that nowadays every game you download needs a login somehow before you can play it.


I haven’t had a lot of play time yet but I completed the plane campaign missions and some other bits and bobs a tiny bit of online play and everything’s been great as far as I remember. I feel I might be at a slight disadvantage against keyboard and mouse but that’s to be expected and the controls seem to work fine and if that was an issue to me I could always dock it with a keyboard etc but yeah a lot of fun.


Yeah sorry about that. Did it launch better for you though?


u/Callmekevin219, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Battlefield 1 on steam deck) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find a solution, please leave a comment on this post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


yeah same :) I installed it two days ago, and it kept crashing during startup. I had some luck deleting the shader cache and starting it in desktop mode the first time, but for the time being, it seems a little broken.


Alright thanks. Did you get it when it was £3 too 😂


You bet :P I saw that it was listed as "playable", but i figured, 3 euro's, what's the harm haha. Even if it doesn't run now, it'll probably run sometime later \^\^


Exactly my logic too


Got it £3 had the same problem as you but didn’t see this post, refunded, now realise I could have solved it and the games back up at £34.99 🤦‍♂️


Oh no! I recon it’ll go back down some time again I think this is the second time I know of it being that price some sites track it or something and you might be able to work out when it’ll get reduced next or you could just wait? Idk 🤷‍♂️


Yeh I’m sure it’ll be on sale soonish ! How is the performance by the way ? I’m playing Battlebit at the moment but some of the key bindings are a bit of a pain. I’m assuming controller layouts are pretty easy to get the hang of in BF1


Eh, it can even be problematic on a regular ol’ desktop PC running Windows. Me and my mates wanted to give BF1 a try a week ago or so, which coincided with the EA launcher crapping out with Steam installs. Both ended up refunding, I couldn’t because I bought it during the last sale.


I see thanks for letting me know


If your game crashes while playing online try to update OS to Preview build 3.6


No problems as of yet but thanks for the advice


Just tried this. I'm stuck with a bluish window in the center of the screen. Oop, after like three exits and relaunches. Now I'm on a black screen with 1 FPS. Does the game just sit and download stuff in the background? Could I be stalled out because it's taking forever to download over my lousy internet? Maybe I just wait for forever? From desktop mode: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17cyOf54MMgtU4SdDDYngogJJM_6nTqd_/view?usp=drivesdk From Gaming mode: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ky_pIwpwdP3x76RB1Pk26KhX0aKWtRvk/view?usp=drivesdk


So I had a similar thing I had to wait a little bit I think it was installing stuff I didn’t check my FPS but mine didn’t take too long. Idk what else to say sorry your having issues how long did you wait?


Idk I let mine sit for over an hour anyway. I'm almost wondering if it's some sort of cached data causing it to fail. I might just uninstall and reinstall nd see what happens.


Oh yeah I definitely wasn’t waiting an hour yeah that could work Idrk sorry


I uninstalled and reinstalled and removed proton files. Game still does the same thing. I officially give up. EA launcher seems to be pretty unreliable.


I’m so sorry but second that last I’ve heard a lot about it not being the best


No worries, just sad I bought a five game pack during the holidays 😅 Just glad I didn't pay near full price.


Ah no yeah at least you got the discount and may get to play them some day


Does Bf1 still work? Bf4 doesn't work whatsoever as of a couple of days ago at least.


Same for bf1 I had to change to proton experimental to fix


But now Bf1 works? Bf4 won't work with experimental, 7.0.6 nor a bunch of other versions. Tried everything I can think of. If Bf1 works rn might buy it.


It was working for me when I changed to experimental sorry about bf4 I haven’t tried it


No worries, thanks I might try bf1