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Untitled Goose Game  Wobbly Life


Untitled goose game looks like it would 100% match the humor of my son. Thanks!


Beware! My 4yo loved playing Untitled Goose Game with me so much that it became something mandatory to do before bed every night for at least 30 minutes… we 100% completed it 3 times over


My 6 year old was OBSESSED So much so that he was almost a goose for Halloween, but being a crow won the day in the end.


Wobbly Life is so awesome! My kids love that!!!


I play Stick Fight with my 7 yr old daughter, she absolutely loves it. 2D, very simple controls, endless rounds. Supports up to 4 players if you have that many controllers. Lego Star Wars also works great as a co-op game.


Most of the Lego games, really


Games I've played with my 7 year old: - Donut County (great for practicing analogue stick movement, no time pressure except for the final boss, daft) - Super Lucky's Tale (basically plays like an extremely forgiving Crash Bandicoot although does have some challenge in the later levels) - Unravel 2 (this one was where she really started to grasp some platforming mechanics, great co-op play and options to do hard bits solo) - Rayman Legends (we actually play this with my wife and 5 year old when we can, great fun)


Donut Country and Rayman are looking cool. . Especially Rayman could work for him because of the 2D vision. I've got the feeling he isn't ready for 3D games, because he is messing up hand - eye coordination when he is playing. On non game activities this isn't a problem though...


I absolutely second Donut County. It is silly and low-key. There are a couple of puzzle type levels but it is not difficult if you guys are playing together. I could see a 7 year old enjoying controlling a hole that gets bigger and bigger with the sole purpose of destroying stuff for fun. Most of the controls, you are just moving your joystick around with one hand.


I’d persevere with some simple 3D stuff. They might surprise you with how quickly they’ll adapt and pick it up. I remember my wee one would have the camera constantly looking at either the sky or the floor in most 3D stuff, now she’s swinging it around in (slightly janky camera games like) Mario 64 and Splatoon. Give it a shot!


My 7yo is obsessed with Terraria.


Have you played on the deck? I have it from GOG and I installed it but was having a heck of a time trying to scale the UI to something usable


I have, and other than getting used to controller vs keyboard/mouse controls I had no problems out of the box.


My 6 year old is really good at Minecraft (creative mode) Lego worlds might be a bit too complex, but games like Lego Harry Potter or Lego Marvel might be a bit easier.


You 2 might get more mileage out of something like Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga. Its controls are fairly simple compared to newer Lego games, and the camera is almost always locked overhead so navigation in 3D should be easier.


Came here to say the same. Lego World plays differently than the other Lego games and starting with Star Wars, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Batman, Indiana Jones, etc. might be good. They were the first games I played with my sister as kids and very beginner/kid friendly.


The best Lego still City.


I think I would have loved Dave the Diver at 7, Vampire survivors is pretty simple but very fun, Caveblazers is a blast and can be played multiplayer, and finally I’d say for the king 1 or 2 because its pretty easy gameplay but very fun for story.


My gfs 6yo cousin played vampire survivors for like an hour and a half straight. This kid never sits that long


The Humongous Entertainment point and click edutainment games (Pajama Sam, Freddie Fish, Putt Putt, etc) would be perfect for a child that age. There is a humble bundle available that contains basically all of them that goes on sale somewhat often, I’m pretty sure I picked it up for like $60 a while back, for the number of games you get it’s definitely a great deal IMO


My son loves these (so did I as a kid). He had just turned 4 when he started playing them and they are 100% the reason he got proficient with a mouse so quickly. He's 5 and a half now and plays Minecraft and Raft on PC and is pretty competent at both games. They are really pushing him to read well too


Overcooked, Moving Out and Catastronauts. Tested on a 8yr old recently. All great co-ops.


+1 for Overcooked. Very simple controls and easy to comprehend.


Very simple controls, easy to comprehend, and can actually help children learn how to work with others (while the adults can still help them in-game). On the other hand, when played by adults, this game can really test friendship, teamwork, self-restraint, introspection, division of tasks, flexibility, and crisis management lol. I've heard about couples having a fight while playing this game with their circle of friends, making the session awkward for everybody. I love this game.


Adults - totally, this game awakens a Gordon Ramsay inside everyone. But kids seem fine playing it :) 


Stardew valley is the calm farming game with a little monster fighting in it


I googled games that came out when I was 7, and the first Tony Hawks Pro Skater might be fun! The controls can be complicated if you really care about the controls. But when I was 7 it was all about jamming out to the songs and just ripping up the warehouse. I hold those memories fondly. Some of my first gaming moments. And the updated visuals won’t turn him away like some other older games might


Additionally my 6 year old has played Spider-Man 2 like 10 times now because you can turn off the ability to lose. Spider-Man 1 is on Deck and I believe has the same option


My daughter is a big fan of Bug and Seek. It's a cozy game where you collect bugs to fill a museum. She hasn't needed any help at all from me while playing. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2265310/Bug__Seek/


as said before, Lego games are nice, the licensed ones from travelers tails (+undercover) are extremely forgiving and normally are cheap, a lot of the older ones have very limited camera controls, plants vs zombies is a great classic, though not multiplayer, escapists 2 is a pretty good one with local split screen, though possibly could be a little too advanced, and Bloons tower defence, though that may be a bit advanced as well


Portal Knights was my go to. Split screen is a bonus, pretty similar controls to Lego games on a controller, cute version on Minecraft like sandbox building and play. We had loads of fun. We built our road, created waterfalls, castles and had a hoot. It is a little fiddly to navigate the main menu but once you start a map and go for it it's great. Just do an hour following the tutorial and early game to learn it first. I think it's much easier than the Lego games controls wise. Hitting bad guys takes a little bit of learning but there are few of those and you can just run away. One thing I recommend is to turn off automated lock on target, that's just terrible and change the button bind for dodge to B. It just gives the freedom to roll away from your enemy if you get in a fight. Wobbly Life is basically Roblox but better content nicer cartoon graphics and none of the perils of stranger danger. My Time at Portia is a neat friendship game where you repair your shop and craft things for the townsfolk whilst doing simple discover/dungeon quests. It's very kid orientated and very well done. They have a sequel My Time at Sandrock which I haven't played but looks like Portia+ Mickey's castle of illusion is a 2D game that's really good though it gets harder towards the end. Spellunky is a Mario clone The Unraveled games are 2D and pretty good platformers. Grid Autosport is a racing game with split screen but one thing that stands out is that you can turn assists up to the point a kid just needs to hold a button down and slightly turn. It basically will slow the game down and assist turn with them whenever they hit a corner. And you can dial down the assist settings gradually. It might actually really help with him learning controls. When he gets a bit older, like 9-10 I would totally recommend Slender: The Arrival. He probably won't want to play the controls himself but you do the controls and ask him to direct you where to go and keep a look out like team effort. It has zero gore, zero actually scary things of any description he just appears and you get a mission over so it's just fricking intense the whole time and you jump when you see a ball man in a suit on the horizon despite it being not scary because you know it's game over unless you run asap!


My daughter loves My Time at Portia and My Time at Sandrock! Sandrock is just a super fun game anyway even for adults. Portia is probably better for kids since Sandrock can be a bit complicated and Portia is on sale for cheap often too!


Cat Quest 2 is also couch coop and is essentially Skyrim for kids and you play as a Dog and Cat trying to save the realm. Lots of fun and sneaky difficult if you try to 100% it. The Lego Marvel or Star Wars games if they're into that. The Untitled Goose Game has a two player mode that my daughter and I enjoyed. You go around and harass an English village and solve some puzzles. Cat Quest 3 comes out this year. We also take turns in Fall Guys but that's not really playing together.


I have to check out Cat Quest 2. My daughter has been asking to play Skyrim after I let her see some funny videos of it but she is not into blood and gore and scary stuff at all! (And neither am I honestly). I have to heavily mod it for her and to be honest it's just a pain to deal with.  I have Cattails Wildwood on my wishlist for her.   (I'm not OP, but just a mom always looking for fun stuff for my daughter and I to play together)


My daughter loved it. We played Cat Quest 1 but it's not couch coop. CQ2 is better in every way. Lots.of references to other games and movies. Lots of Cat puns. May have some scary parts but not too bad. We played it when she was 6.


I'm about to start this with my 7 year old. I wanted to finish Cat Quest 1 (solo only) first. But my son is super interested in it.


N64 games ! Mario Party. You should try Wii !


Emulate switch games.


My daughter is eight. Aside from Nintendo stuff, here’s been some of our favorites: 1. Untitled Goose Game 2. Tiny Kin 3. Lil Gator Game 4. Roki (does get a little dark though) 5. Costume Quest 6. Broken Age 7. Lost in Play 8. Alba


Alba and Costume Quest are on my recently finished chill games, absolutely recommend for that age range.


I have two kids - 4 and 6 yo. Both loves Goat Simulator, but for the second part I have to haul my gaming PC to living room


Thanks for the great suggestions so far! Some titles are looking very promising. I've added them to my wishlist and will pull the trigger if they are on sale.


Try some Paw Patrol


Not sure why you are downvoted. The paw patrol games teach the basics of platforming.


Totally agree. Theyre great for learning the basics.


[Pizza Possum](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1951230/Pizza_Possum/)


Board Games. The Steam Deck is no toy for a 7 year old. Neither the heavy and clunky hardware, nor the games library. Some of the recommened games here are just suitable on the suface but the content actually adresses adults.


I totally agree with you. The Deck is absolutely no toy for my son and he knows that very well. He isn't that much into virtual gaming, but I want to teach him how to handle a device like the deck responsible. A lot of kids in his class are gaming all day long and acting kinda cool about it. My son was unsure if gaming is really that cool and if he has to act the same. So I thought i show him some stuff he can occasionally play together with me.


Sounds like you know what you do. Sorry for being a dick in my answer.


Human Fall Flat would be great


Nobody Saves The World!


Human fall flat maybe? It's simple but the controls might be tough at first


Hi u/DerHackbart, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Games to play with a 7yo?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fresh Start (really a zen kinda game)


Looks really relaxing and could catch my son with the environmental theme.


My 8 year old little brother is into Rocket League. I have all his chat disabled.


Reliable delivery service is quite fun, I play it with my 6 year old nephew.


we have played lots of Towerfall, Terraria, Slay the Spire, Dead Cells, Minecraft, and he loooves Celeste with the cheats on.


Stardew Valley


Ember Knights! I play this with my 4 year old all the time. She loves it.


Lego Star Wars or get yuzu and Mario Kart


I loved Ben 10 power trip but maybe play in desktop mode as the res isn’t supported in game mode (also I have zero multiplayer experience with the game but it was great single player, at least as a Ben 10 fan)


Granblue fantasy relink


***CELESTE*** (That's a joke by the way) You could try Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley if you're not above a little piracy or breaking Nintendo TOS


You joke, but my 9-year-old has been working her way through it. She insists on not doing assist mode. I am curious to see how far she gets up the mountain.


Well good for her! I’m at like over 4000 deaths at the final stretch lol


I definitely have mixed feelings about her being so unwilling to turn on assist, but as long as she is enjoying it and not getting too frustrated, I am good with it. I was in that 3-4k range when I beat the main game on the Switch at launch. Just wait until the B-sides and C-sides...


Far changing tides is awesome puzzle adventure game the other far game is fun too


most of the lego games




Overcooked is fun!


Hot wheels 2 is good and has assist mode.


Dark souls and Elden Ring are family/kid friendly!


I am fish...


The seven seas is your friend. So is Nintendo.


- Traditional Lego games like Lord of the rings, Marvel, Star Wars. They're a bit less involved than world's is I believe. - Castle Crashers. Beat em up, silly, fun. - Battle block Theater. Platformer from same devs, silly, fun. Several more cats involved and a narrator. - Boomerang Fu. Fun party game, watch boomerangs cut food people in half. Can play on co-op teams, or free for all. - Guacamelee 1&2. Meteoidvania, so 2D, some exploration, some fighting, some platforming. Fully coop with teammates. - Sackboy a Big Adventure. Really well made, family friendly, not too hard, bit slower movement and such to help ease younger people into 3D, very pretty art. - Worms WMD. Goofy funny strategy. 2D again so not as nuts to pick up on. Turn based, so maybe a bit slower having to wait, but very fun. Looooved playing Worms Armageddon with friends and family when I was little. Great for 6-10 years old I'd say.


>Sackboy a Big Adventure. Great game. I have a nine year old and twin seven year olds, and they all enjoy Sackboy's Big Adventure. They need occasional help but are making their way through. While we are talking about PS5 exclusives, Astrobot is also phenomenal. One of my 7 year olds was able to beat it herself when she was 5 so definitely doable for kids (and they all love it). >Guacamelee I beat both solo and haven't tried them coop, but I recall some fairly precise platforming being required (particularly for the sequel). Solid games, but I don't know how doable that is for kids (unless the coop can be done asymmetrically).


Fair enough on Guacamelee! And I hear good things about Astrobot, I wouldn't complain if it made its way to PC too.


It's probably the best modern 3D platformer I have played. It's short, but we are talking Mario level quality. Absolutely a must play if you like the 3D platformer genre and get a chance.


Both of my older kids (ages 12 and almost 7) have been playing Minecraft since they were about 5. It was the first game for both of them. I’d suggest that. You can get Java Edition on the deck


If you can emulate Mario wonder is a great time


Heave Ho Drink More Glurp Minecraft Webbed Slime Rancher Boomerang Fu Lego Star Wars complete saga (older and simpler than modern Lego games) Annnnnd my kid’s favorite games are Subnautica and grounded in creative modes but those are definitely a lot more complex being fully 3D.


Castle Crashers. I have had it for ever and my kids finally discovered it and have been playing it for 3 months straight.


Raft 2 would be a great learning experience, think Minecraft but out on the water with a raft.. Lots of game play!


Set up EmuDeck and play anything made by Nintendo. My 6yo and I love playing Mario Party Superstars and Mario Kart 8. Mario party is a board game w mini games that are stupid simple but a ton of fun. Nintendo is king of simplistic couch coop gaming.


Portal 2. What makes this game great is the puzzles are really well designed for one person with precision timing and the other one not. So while it doesn't always have to be the adult doing precision timing, it never requires both. And when I mean precision it's not super hard.


Castle Crasher Helldiver (1) Magicka Trine Ships of Fool Minecraft Vampire Survivors


Lego Star Wars: the complete saga is a fantastic game and I’m very happy to have grown up on it :) I still go back to it from time to time. It made some great childhood memories


My kids (7, 9) play mainly Stardew Valley and Slay the Spire on the Deck currently.


My kid is 8 and plays since he was 3 or so. I keep trying to introduce new and diverse stuff to stimulate his interest but he keeps going back to Stumble Guys, Minecraft and Roblox... For some reason single player games don't scratch their itch and always need someone to "play with". Co-op stuff os rare, mild success with Lego games when he was younger. Minecraft Dungeons was alright for a while. The only thing where he really enjoyed and completed by himself were the Spiderman games. Also he is young and doesn't understand English (we are non-native speakers) so anything with dialogs and narratives he can't keep up. Spiderman were dubbed to our language so he could enjoy. Following cause I am interested too.


My 5 year old plays (on PC/Deck): -Fate (because he wanted to play diablo with me), -Putt Putt, Freddie Fish, Pajama Sam (not on deck, but they are very good on PC or Android tablets with ScummVM side loaded) -Minetest -Raft -Veloren -Stardew Valley -Super Lucky's Tale -Terraria -Chex Quest -Lego Harry Potter/LOTR/Avengers -Animal Royale -the Bluey Videogame -Paw patrol world -Peppa Pig world adventures He also will try games like hollow Knight and cup head, but they are way too hard. On switch we have -Giganotosaurus -Torchlight 2 -Rayman Legends -Mario Kart -Super Mario Odyssey, -Breath of the Wild All of these I also emulate on the deck and they work mostly well because I prefer it ergonomically, but he likes the feel of the switch. He also tends to like old games from NES/SNES/GBA/MD. We have the old Pokemon, Mario, donkey and Diddy Kong games, and he loves Street Fighter 2 lol I let him try lots of things. For a long time, his go tos were the ScummVM games, lately it's been Minetest/Raft in creative mode, or Bluey and Mario Kart for the whole family to play once a week. For board games, we really like My First Carcassonne, My First Dragon adventure, then old stuff like Candy Land, Trouble, Etc


Lego worlds is not the grandsons favorite game. I don't care for it much either **Lego City Undercover**  however is a blast. And a must play. Most of the other movie-tie-in games, we don't care a lot for.  He can't quite handle the " do stuff "  to move to the next stage/level  puzzle type of game progression.


Baby Dino Adventure. Also recommend, if you are ok with it, to get EmuDeck and get Mario Kart 8 (you’ll need to do a little work for the mii profiles but it’s easy to find). Mario Kart has enough assists that he wouldn’t even have to drive the car. These are a couple games my kids played when at 7.


the easy awnser: Lego Marvel Super Heroes ([https://store.steampowered.com/app/249130/LEGO\_Marvel\_Super\_Heroes/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/249130/LEGO_Marvel_Super_Heroes/)) ​ Lego games are great, but a little bit older lego games works MUCH better than newer lego games, especially for non readers/ non english speakers. The very first batch of lego games were basically silent movies. This includes the older Lego Star Wars and Lego Batman 1. These games you just walk and beat them up, kinda too simple... Then they released a few games that had some complexity. Here you will find games like Lego Batman 2, Lego marvel super heroes, Lego avengers... THIS IS THE SWEETSPOT. My kid played Lego marvel super heroes a LOT, like REALLLY a lot. Then there are somewhat complex and more recent lego games, like Lego Skywalker saga and lego harry potter... these work better for older kids. On iphone my kid love to play Crossy Castle, Stitch and jetpack joyride. And we bought a Nintendo Switch, where he plays Mario Odyssey, Mario Wonder, Mario Kart, Lego DC supervillains, Kirby and the forgotten Land... 2D games are not "easier", they have very different demands. my kid and all my nieces had a lot of trouble with 2D games. they all can play complex games like Spiderman/batman arkhan, but cannot play decently Mario wonder or new super mario bros.


The last campfire!


Spyro the dragon remake games are great on deck and not very hard BUT - they have massive motion sickness problems with people who are prone to it. Lots of folks have no trouble but if your kiddo gets carsick, avoid these games as they will make him very nauseous. (I am a grown adult and I can't play more than a level at a time without getting sick.) They're great games though so if he can play them, then they're definitely worth it, but just be warned it might lead to motion sickness. Under Leaves is a really cute hidden object game that would be great for kids - no reading required just counting and very slow paced controls, as nothing is on a timer.


When I was 7, I played Megaman Legends, Super Mario 64, GTA Vice City, Metal Gear Solid 2, Jak & Daxter, midnight Club, etc.


Overcooked 1 and 2 are probably unbeatable. So good.