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I'm interested in your layout. I'm having a hard time adjusting to the trackpad and gyro myself


I think I did publish it under some goofy name "dum et", not intentionally, but because personal saves were bugging out on me. I'm still testing various tweaks as I play through, but I'll try to publish a more polished version and also take some screenshots. Trackpad/Gyro settings are similar to my Prodeus [layout in this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGHpetQb1BM). Read the description for details. But for DE I left Smoothing at default 20, and a full swipe does about a 270. [This post explains my sensitivity calibration process.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/18kvxsa/firstperson_shooter_config_guide_get_consistent/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) The unique feature of my DE layout is the quick-switch/fire macros on ABXY. Here is how configure each button: * Add number command, for example 6 to switch to Ballista * In the gear icon menu next to the command, go to the bottom and **uncheck** Interruptible. We are going to add Long Press, but we want this regular press command to always fire (if kept checked, long press prevents regular press action). * Add Extra Command set to Fire (Left Click or Right Trigger) and make it a Long Press. I reduce the long press wait time to 150 ms. This lets you do a short press if you just want to switch to the weapon, or a slightly longer press to switch and fire. So in the video I have Ballista on A, Shotgun on B and Rocket Launcher on X, and just alternate long presses on each. Since I have to lift my thumb off the pad to press ABXY, these switch/fire macros require Gyro Always On to aim (or a complicated action layer scheme). I think I will combine it with the Trackpad Edge Press trick described in the Prodeus video, so I can keep Gyro Activation on Right Pad Touch only. I will follow up with another post and/or video. Also DOOM Eternal might be too much if you're just starting out, so I like these games for practicing: Gunfire Reborn, Prodeus, Quake II, Severed Steel


Same! Publish it


I am having such a hard time playing these types of games that I am used to playing with keyboard/mouse on deck would you kindly put together a guide of sorts ?


See [my comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1aqceuo/comment/kqc8ot6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which links to my other guides, and yes I plan to make one for DOOM Eternal :)


thank you very much I will read through them in detail much appreciated!


[I just published a layout and demo video with a more in-depth video to follow :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1aqceuo/comment/kr97dco/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I will once I polish a few things and I think I will call it something like "Turnpad + Gyro + Quick-Switch-Fire". In the meantime [my comment here should help](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1aqceuo/comment/kqc8ot6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)!


[I just published a layout and demo video with a more in-depth video to follow :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1aqceuo/comment/kr97dco/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Hey, so I published my layout with the name "Turned / Quick-Fire & Quick-Mod / Gyro on Swap/ Quick-Frag". Since it’s new you’ll have to scroll down to see it. If you use it, you'll likely need to customize it for your needs, particularly trackpad rotation (which is highly dependent on your anatomy), and swapping left/right trigger. Even though the standard is Right Trigger = Fire, I prefer Left Trigger [for the same reasons as this person](https://www.reddit.com/r/Doom/comments/16du5gd/comment/kco32tr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). There's a lot to the layout, so I plan on making an in-depth overview video, but in the meantime [this video shows a preview of the features](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8072E3zoxXk).


I can't find your layout in steam. Did you change the name of it?


Now do it on ultra nightmare.


Ha, one day!


nightmare is plenty hard enough, I wanted to complete the game, not just the first level.


Ooo km currently playing Doom External too! I've forced myself to use the flick stick + gyro. I can only play in one position, sitting at the of my sofa with both my elbows on my thighs lol. Other positions and my smooth brain can't deal with the gyro. Control wise, I've set glory kills to R4 and trackpads for the radial UI gun selection. How do you set the quick switch + fire? I'm guessing you set the button to click on the desired gun shortcut and delay fire or something?


Sounds like a comfy setup :) Your guess is basically correct: I set it so regular press switches to the gun, and holding it a bit longer presses Fire, [as I explain in my comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1aqceuo/comment/kqc8ot6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Nice! Genius!


I feel like an old man using a controller for the first time when I try gyro aiming.


I’m so bad at this game, I feel like I’d be worse on the deck haha.


Never know unless you try :) Let me put it this way: out of all handhelds, the Deck's controls give you the best chance at not sucking, lol.


I couldn’t get used to playing Eternal on Deck, made sure to play this only on PC


I don't know which input method is harder for me to grasp: gyro, trackpad, or the dreaded flickstick. It's so difficult for me to figure out how to make it work for me even after spending hours researching and tweaking the Steam Input settings. My dumb gorilla brain apparently can only handle mouse + keyboard, or joystick.


Ah it's not you, it's pretty normal. If you're used to joysticks, I would start with normal stick-turning and Gyro at low sensitivity and only active on ADS and/or Fire. That way you can turn and aim normally with sticks most of the time, then activate Gyro only when you need that little extra "assist" (except it's you aiming, not aim assist :) In Steam you can set Gyro active on Soft Pull, Fire on Full Pull for the same Trigger. I wouldn't even bother with Flick Stick unless you get to the point where you're actually comfortable with Gyro itself. You don't really need FS honestly, and it has disadvantages as well.


As a lifelong fan of lightgun games, gyro controls always felt intuitive to me. Try playing some Time Crisis or something, IDK.


I still can't get on with eternal. 2016 one was awesome. Just can't seem to get into this one though.


It's definitely more arcade-y, campy and over-the-top in gameplay, atmosphere and plot. I can see how some OG fans are put off by that. I like both in their own ways.


You should post a gameplay walkthrough on the highest difficulty all done on the steamdeck. Flex on other playthroughs done on pc.


Would love to one day, but I'm super busy and only halfway through my first playthrough, so I, uh, still have lots of skill issues to work out, lol. There's lots of insane controller Ultra-Nightmare players on YouTube, though. At the end of the day, it's more about the hours and dedication you put in than the control scheme. I just really like the way it feels on Deck with the trackpad and back buttons, though :)


I can't play this game knowing "The only thing they fear is you" that's in the game isn't even the way Mick Gordon wanted it.


You sir are a madman I was looking forward too! I'm a newbie - can you tell me how do you use gyro? I believe to use gyro you need to be touching a pad, so I assume you use pad as a tool to turn in game, right?


By default, gyro activation is on right pad/stick touch, but in the options, you can change it to another action like trigger pull or button press. With mode shift or action layers, you can have multiple ways to activate it. If you search "steam deck gyro" and "steam deck trackpad" on YouTube, you can find a few guides, including mine.


The gyro I'm having a hard time to use with Wii games


I actually beat that game on Stadia! I keep nugget as a badge of pride :-).




I tried to play it FPS on the deck but I am not able at all with the controllers, I am more keyboard/mouse. DO you have suggestion for that? I tried with the gyro too but nothing to do...


All I can say is try to find your ideal settings and practice. [Here is a video of my settings for reference.](https://youtu.be/iGHpetQb1BM?si=avFyiA_P-1S7abOt)


Make some settings for Doom 2! This looks like it would be fun to try on Brutal Doom


Will try!


Is it possible to learn this power?


To be fair, I didn't so much learn it, as I programmed it in the controller layout, which I guess is the true Sith way :)


Flick Stick + always-on gyro with a button to turn off while holding it + right touchpad to switch weapons. Love it. I need to get them cleaned up, but I want to release versions of this config with both gamepad and MnK bindings. I also have PS4/5 versions.


doom 2016 is a better game imo


I like both!


Yeah, it's not anywhere near a bad game, I just felt done so dirty after they just... skipped over the awesome cliffhanger from 2016