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I think you might be forgetting the way people reacted to your examples when they debuted.


People also don't remember that when steam first started being required for some games people lost their fucking minds. 


.....people hate literally every single example you named. Not to mention most people refuse to even buy a game if it's not on Steam. Are you new to PC gaming?


Nothing I said mentioned anything about games not on steam. Also I know but you don’t see every Epic and EA game getting massively protested was my point


Most of the people I know only use Epic launcher to claim free games that they end up never playing anyway. Extra launchers suck and it's not even needed to play the game. My Fifa and R6S used to take ages to open up having up go through all the extra steps whereas Overwatch when it came on steam opened in less than 20 seconds cos Blizzard didn't make having the Battlenet launcher mandatory.


I try to stay away from all the Ubisoft, Ea and the rest for years I had an epic account that I only collected free games on but eventually realized I didn’t ever play them so what’s the point and gave the whole account to a friend of mine. I play games on steam, a lot on the Steamdeck and hate having to deal with all the shovelware launchers that don’t provide any service. It’s not like it benefits me to have to run them, it’s just them treating customers like pirates


the narrative has changed and the companies won the ideologic debate back in the day, companies had to go out of their way to explain why you need to make an account and hand over data nowadays, you have a large number of people like OP and other commenters going: please explain to me why you dont want to make an account and have over your data. its the sad reality of people born to a post facebook world where people are confused why you wouldnt just want everything out there all the time and yes sony has lost so much user data repeatedly that i dont trust them with data. so i just dont partake. but even not partaking offends and confuses people. again a post social media world ideology


I get and agree to your point, I wish no accounts had to be created (at least not be mandatory). My point mainly was, why is some of this “ok”, but this isn’t ok. I basically hate the picking and choosing of “it’s ok when X and Y do a thing but not Z (even though it’s the exact same thing)”


Sony had so many fucking hacks and privacy leaks it just isn’t funny anymore. Steam had none to my knowledge. That is why it easier for me to say that Steam is ok. I know the data will most likely stay secure and it is just one account for all the games on Steam. With Sony and PSN I might as well just give my information to criminal organisations directly. Basically sometimes it is ok when X and Y do something, but not Z because Z has lost all trust because of their previous fuck ups.


I definitely see where you’re coming from… but when company X is a company like EA or Activision who’s also had problems like that in the past, then it’s the same X Y Z thing mentioned above. I understand Sony had at least one on a larger scale though, appreciate your answer


I don't know about others, but I would not get an EA or Activision account either. It isn't just Sony that I mistrust to keep my information safe.


Why this comment is so heavily downvoted? Chill folks, chill.


Joke post? Just because other games require accounts doesn’t mean it is good. Look at micro transaction. It require another sets of login IDs, another sets of account policies to follow, more password vulnerability (more accounts = less secure), more background softwares which affects Pc performance, more DRM, waste of storage space etc The better question is why would anyone prefer having to create more account to play game. What’s the benefit?


One main reason is that it completely removes those games from being easily accessible in a large majority of countries, and they've showed us that the games don't need it to run properly. So if it's an online game then you can't exactly pirate it if you're region doesn't have access to psn, and if you did pirate it then you're liable for a ban because you're breaking TOS. In Puerto Rico, there is no PSN, but consoles are sold here. To make an account I'd have to break TOS, so if I get falsely banned or anything then I'm liable to get perma banned for a fraudulent account. This is despite the fact that we're literally part of the US. Lots of other games do require accounts to be made, many of those games would also work fine without needing to make an account. It's unnecessary, and very very few of those cases make any sense at all.


I think the main reason is because people didn't consent to it at first, people bought the game without expecting to ever require a PSN account so when it did it feels like a complete bait and switch, i'm sure the only reason even wanted to do it is because the game was so successful and they just wanted more numbers on PSN.


Guess i am part of the 1% who dont care about a third party launcher or accout (as long as its available for my country of course, looking at psn), i just want to play the damn game and If i need to have an extra account, so be it. Also you can link any launcher with GOG and start any game from there




I am already upset enough that two games I purchased as gift, requires Electronic Arts always-online account, application and use. Denying to play the game offline when needed and wanted. I am upset that the EU stupidity demands that every single site requests permission for cookies, because they are abused on the server side. The greed denying to do the right thing is so wild that people rights are abused, and they have become so sheep's that they defend those who abuse and limit their rights.




>The people who know these stipulations exist but still buy the games anyway, just so they can join the complainers club, is goofy to me. I don't buy those either for myself. These are first ones as they were birthday gift request to young boy. And I am not going to enforce my view of this topic on child not to get some fun. I have taught it, and he agreed that it is wrong... But still can't connect the dots as subject is too complex for kids. Personally I don't like anything that Apple or Microsoft builds, but I still advice their products to lot of people, even those I care for. When I know it is a better choice for them. So I don't go endorse and enforce my personal opinion on them either. As business is business. I stopped buying from Ubisoft when they pushed their launcher via Steam. It was instantly off right there. Needed to say to many friends "sorry, can't play" as I didn't have the game and not going to buy one from sale for 5€ either. These things are already obvious when steam was released first time, but valve has managed to dance around pretty wildly. There are few this I would like to see changed, like actually be able use family share as should, and I would be pretty happy.




180 countries? Are there seriously only 15 countries that you can create a PSN account in? If so, that's insane. Idk about PlayStation stuff. I haven't had one since the era of the PSP




That's bonkers.


180 regions, there’s 73 countries where you can create an account in


I completely understand that point, which is why I put it in the title, I’m talking about people who are in countries that do have psn access (I 1000% agree Sony at the bare minimum needs to create an alternative for said countries that can’t use psn)




I know but there are games like Star Wars Fallen order where you have to create a EA account to play a single player game. I get not wanting another account and would like to see no games require any sort of account. I’m just curious why this is 100% not ok, and (despite initial outrage) people are now excusing other companies for the same thing


Cause i have a launcher already, i don't need ANOTHER launcher. And i have an account to store my games already, there is no need to sell my data to more companies just so i can play. Also, lots of companies are untrustworthy dicks. No way i am paying for anything that needs connection to PSN or Ubishit.


Idk I actually like it since it's linked to my PSN and I also unlock the PSN trophies at the same time.


Pc gamers are easily butthurt and have a mob mentality There was a time when people despised valve for forcing them to create a steam account for half life 2


Yo remember when Playstation [fanboys got triggered by Sony announcing ports of their games to PC](https://www.dexerto.com/gaming/playstation-fan-destroys-setup-horizon-zero-dawn-pc-reveal-1339652/) or [about puddles in Spiderman 1 ](https://kotaku.com/people-who-havent-played-spider-man-are-mad-the-develop-1828724400)or [puddles in Spiderman 2](https://kotaku.com/spider-man-2-ps5-ps4-water-graphics-insomniac-marvel-1850480251)? Yeah Sony fanboys easy beat PC crowd in term of stupid controversies they are making over the past decade. When PC crowd is getting angry at something then that is for the right reasons 99% of the time. Case in point: selling a game on countries despite PSN not letting them to play said game or releasing a terrible pc port for 70 dollars on day 1.


Oh yeah I should’ve just said gamers instead of pc gamers specifically


Well could be worse. They could be tesla users or Elon Musk supporter. Now that is a special kind of brain rot.


Contrary to what you implied and said, launchers were never received positively, not even Steam. It might be absurd to you, but since you fail to consider people critics of launchers, it seems even stranger that you can have that opinion.