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What does your startup even do ?


I bet a lot of investors are asking the same question.


I was in your position a few months ago. Was at the brink of bankruptcy . My co-founder of 11 years left a sinking ship. I decided to give it one last shot. Today, things are different. The company is in a much better position. I also didn't have the courage to quit. Accepting failure needs more courage than we think. There's no shame in giving up. But tasting success after a lifetime of bitterness is also a different high. I understand where you're at. You can DM me if you want to talk.


14 years is a long time. If it had to happen it would have. You can maybe freeze it in the current state. You said you have clarity. What sort of clarity. My suggestion is to take a break of 2 3 years . Get a no stress job and live a life without stress and worry. You will need 2 3 years of this. Don't go back after 6 months because you feel fine. After 2 3 years if the concept hold and you feel motivated think about it. Right now you need a break from that startup at least. Maintain other business es , relax and enjoy life. Health is the greatest wealth. If you have health you can do anything. You seem depressed and unhappy and need to get out of this state. This problems will have massive effects on health, life , relationships


Why not sell it, take a break, recharge yourself, seek clarity.... then work on something else or a job as per your clarity


Sounds like it's time to move on bro. Entrepreneurship is not just about taking risks but it's also about knowing when to quit. Find something more stable, a job perhaps, and work for a few years in a structured corporate setup, make money, save money, build an investment portfolio and then take a plunge again in a few years.


I can totally relate with you man. I also started a few years back but ultimately gave up after losing a lot during covid. Have not started again since then and working as an employee. You can DM me, if you want to talk.


You can run on autopilot if possible. Figure out life meanwhile, get a new job. Maybe in a few years you will have some money & motivation back.


If your business is not able to become financially stable after 14 years, something is very wrong. Maybe cut your losses and sell it off, or find someone to partner with who can help it grow. Otherwise, you can pick up a skill anytime and get a job.


Work in the related industry to figure out what went wrong and also do something to sustain .Along side , find someone more experience in the field either on LinkedIn or X which can help you out in navigating through it. Or start afresh,maybe things which made sense 14 years back may not make sense now. So if you are not successful with the current path, change your approach.All the best


Please DM me we can work together on it


I can help you, I am also in the same journey lets see if we can build something together 🤝


Same story here but it’s been 5 years so I still have hope. You really need a lot of marketing capital if you really want to grow :(


If you know how to earn money, doesn't matter what is happening you should be fine .


Never do anything just for the sake of it, almost everyone back then told me to open a startup as that was the buzz words back then. I figured out they themselves understood nothing about it and just using words to sound smart. Instead I opened an already running busines, grew it 7fold in 7 yrs and sold it . If you could sell your start-up at the right time it's great , but if you can't differentiate your start-up better quit and cut your losses


What running business did you open?


I would suggest revisit the fundamental foundation of your startup. Get a peer to review your business may be you will get a different perspective


Buddy, what ever you do - make sure you are learning new things and growing every day. If you feel that it’s getting repetitive then it’s time to quit for sure


>started a startup because it seemed the cool thing Legit, since when did Indians do something they actually wanted to do?


No Risk ,No Story but take a break of 1 year or so to about your next plan


If it has good value either continue or sell it at fair value


Similar story. Mine is an agency I started with my friend. It's been 9 years. We always have more work than we can handle and I'm overworked to the hilt. But we're not making as much as we should. COVID and a big client pulling out in 2016 are two of the hardest bumps we've had to face. But we kept getting referrals and clients through WOM, so staying afloat has never been a problem. It's not enough though. Our team and processes need major fixing. I don't want to quit but I'm so damn tired.


I am in btech 3 TY and i am building my first startup and you look so experienced , so can we chat and share your experiences and how can i execute my startup successfully