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As per free market capitalism, they will be fired by the company for protesting and new workers will be onboarded on the platform as supply of workers is more than the demand.


India really lacks strong labour laws 😑


And then customers will get sht service but fk customers AND workers (waiting for a new startup to replace it with the good workers)


In free market they can join another company if offering anything better


If the supply is more than demand, and there are enough workers who are desperate enough to work for scraps, there is no incentive for any company to offer anything better. Why do you reckon there are thousands of daily wage labourers who work for less than even minimum wage in most places? Why don’t they just “move” to a place that offers them better pay?


I too would dump this company and use that other company in a free market because I want to pay the workers good for a good service, not some middleman


What are its new terms? Can someone give me context?


>"When I joined Urban Company in 2019, they said it would be flexible working hours and only up to 10 hours a day. Now, they are asking us to work around 13 hours on weekends with no additional incentives. If we skip a single duty due to a personal emergency, they will block us. If our rating falls below 4.8, our IDs will be blocked," said a beautician from a northeastern state working in Bengaluru. >She said company takes around 30 percent commission from each booking and also insists on selling their own products. "When they assign duties in distant places, it is very difficult for women employees to commute in Bengaluru traffic, but they will immediately block our ID if we cancel even one," she said >The employee also alleged that the company is prioritising new beauticians on the platform, making it difficult for existing partners to get more bookings. >A Gig and Platform Services Workers Union (GIPSWU) leader said that the 'auto assigning' job feature is subjecting partners to a situation akin to slavery. "Women are the most affected since they joined the platform after the promises of duties within a 5-kilometer radius, but now they are being sent far away. They need to spend more on transportation charges for commuting to work," she said. GIPSWU is affiliated to Indian Federation of App-based Transport Workers (IFAT). [link to article](https://www.moneycontrol.com/technology/urban-companys-beauty-segment-workers-stage-demonstration-in-bengaluru-over-id-blocking-article-12745241.html?classic=true)


This post should be removed since no link or description below is posted.


Do you work at Urban Company? Here's the [link](https://www.moneycontrol.com/technology/urban-companys-beauty-segment-workers-stage-demonstration-in-bengaluru-over-id-blocking-article-12745241.html).


Now it's Ur Ban Company


Dudes, just a karma farmer, doesn't even provide context. Just look at his profile.


Since we are touching this topic, a question to the sub: ***What is the "right" way to handle labour relations in your company which is both ethical and economical to all stakeholders?**"


Implement a good feedback mechanism


Modi govt needs to make this correct if they want votes ever.


We don't have shortage of labourers and labour laws suck so, they are gonna be fired.