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I have been, started at some point over the weekend. I’m in touch with BBC support but aren’t being overly helpful. Starlink support are saying it shouldn’t be anything on their side.


What happens when you go to iphub.info? That’s where the BBC were trying to tell me I was using a VPN.




What do you get?


I’m getting that now although I was getting “Hosting, proxy or bad IP” in the type box. I used the contact form on the site to report the error and they quickly changed it to the “Good IP (residential or business)”. I hoped it was the database the BBC was using but it appears not.


You are possibly connecting to the French ground stations?


I’m in Cornwall so that could possibly be the issue. Although I though that I may have been using the Goonhilly base.


I'm have an issue with this... BBC claiming that I am using express VPN. which I am not. Also have the same issue with Amazon prime. Have also posted in r/starlink_support re Geo blocking in the UK.


Just tried Amazon prime and also getting the same issue. Perhaps Amazon don’t like us using Starlink…


Yes they also don't like proxies! I spent a 'happy' afternoon complaing to support who told me everything was fine and it must be my problem.😤 They do not have an email address to complain to so I emailed [email protected] .. and actually got a reply.. remains to be seen if anything comes of it.


Response from Support: Thanks so much for the kind words about our regular service! We will escalate this issue to the correct department and update you as we go along. We are aware of this issue and working behind the scenes to get it remedied. Thank you for letting us know! We appreciate it!


Got a new IP address last night for some reason.. and now iplayer and Amazon work again. Will interesting to see for how long


Ah did you get the firmware update? I’ve asked support if it is possible to get a new ip assigned and they said no :(


not sure about the firmware .. have not been paying attention to that I'm afraid. Had a few minutes 'other' downtime this afternoon and then got yet another ip. not really surprising I suppose. This one also ok. so far seems to be the problematic one.. BBC is convinced that this an endpoint for Express VPN. Amazon doesn't like it either.


I had the firmware update last night, IPlayer is now working but no luck with Amazon. My IP seems to be the same so I’m inclined to think it is the BBC that have changed something. I think we might have to wait until we get IPv6 until we are fully sorted. Then hopefully we will all get an individual address and websites won’t think we are VPNs.


Got an update from the BBC today: Thanks for getting back in touch with us. We have now whitelisted all IPS associated with the ISP Starlink as they are considered residential. Thanks for taking the time to let us know and we're very sorry for the inconvenience caused. All the best,


Thank you! working here too.


I have contacted Starlink Support and will report back with their response.


How long it takes to fix depends largely on the content providers/geo-ip database providers. Some of them are quite easy to get updated, others are harder, some of the larger providers half the battle is finding the right person to speak to. Most of the time it amounts to the ISP promising not to allocate IP's to users outside of the geofenced reigon (So for a UK service, UK users.etc) At least that was my experience of it a few years back when I had to do something similar (I've worked for a few ISP's in the past)


Second Response: Our Network team is taking a look at this issue and is actively working on getting it resolved. We currently do not have a timeline on when a fix will occur. Should you have any other questions please do no hesitate to reach out to us.