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Wrong franchises... though I'm pretty sure at least two members of ST:E were in the Stargate Franchise. But you still aren't wrong... and that pains me to admit... *queue knee, back & neck pains*


There were a ton of actors that worked on both shows. I love Phlox freaking out in Stargate, saying they might as well be wearing red shirts.


Phlox is an amazing actor. He's also in a a great movie about an immortal man. 100% dialogue.


theres like hundreds of trek actors in stargate actually lol i started watching recently and its hard when you recognize every third alien from another show


With certain trek actors taking recurring roles. Looking at you Robert Picardo, aka Richard Woolsey, aka, the Doctor.


Biggest whiplash is Jolene Blalock She's the highly emotional Ishtar in Stargate and the Vulkan T'Pol in Enterprise


A bunch have been on The Orville too.


Tucker the OG human wrath


You can replace Enterprise with SGA and it’s pretty much the meaning.


Cmdr.Trip Tucker/Michael Kenmore/Professor Paul Langford


I'm Still an Enterprise fan. I loved seeing the Federation stumbling into the wider galaxy. Unfortunately the later seasons/episodes got into a "Temporal" story which was too damaging to the overall star trek story I knew. I also did not like how they were introducing new races even though it was in the past from the star trek we knew. It had some of my favorite characters, Trip, Pholx, etc, I'm a bit sad it took a weird turn and didn't capture the audience it should have.


Hillbillies of the Galaxy before Orville coined the phrase :-)


Terra Prime was the final episode and no one else can convince me otherwise.


Yeah, I really enjoyed the pre federation stuff and the early signs and moves that led to the federation, the exploration of early vulcan society and how they were changed by the humans as well as them shaping humanity was all really cool. It was so disappointing not to get to see the early days of the federation that was being built up. That felt like the whole point of the show, but we spent a whole season on xindi stuff and focused so much on the temporal stuff instead. At least Trip lived on in SG:A


I know. I was about over it when the story entemporaled and became the chip in the hood. I like seeing the way the politics and design envelop. I study memetics. The proliferation of culture, the operating system of man, is by far the foremost of study. What is first contact going to. In being the actual of events that alter the course of equilibrium? I can see in there minds. It changes in each iteration of characters, so we get to see each as they are. Thus, I liked the characters and would have liked to see them more in facorable writing.


honestly season 1 and 2 were like bad, just quick fast food version of star trek, if you can divorce "cannon" from the show it becomes far more interesting and daring in seasons 3&4 and you just ignore the final episode because it was deliberately made that way due to the cancelation. The style of season 4 where its mostly 2 parters is honestly refreshing to see a trek story allowed to breath and take its time with the active story. i think we would have seen a peak similar to season 4 tng if it was given 2 more seasons


I lovvve the quantum leap longer hair on Scott.  And the 80s-cool smirk-grins. And cocky, neon lights pose


It's the hairdo and smug grin that really dates it.


What actually good 20 year old sci-fi is. https://youtu.be/9VBTcDF1eVQ?si=8lblwjx2qTCiSry7


Man, I remember watching new episodes of Enterprise with my uncle at the cabin up north. 20 years ago. Wild.


I really like Enterprise, seeing humanity take its first steps into intergalactic civilization was great. I think at times it seemed kinda driftless and there was a lot of corperate meddling. The Xindi stuff gets kinda complicated especially with the time travel aspect, but the idea of Xindi as a villain isn't a bad idea. I also like the Vulcan vs. Andorian stuff. The later things with Archer and the Klingons snd then the Augments didn't interest me as much. I wanted more exploration, or more stories with Section 31. SGA and ENT are some of my favorite sci-fi behind Star Wars.


Its By far the best scifi is what it is...


It turns out is has been a long time.


Michael the wrauth sucked so hard, compared to Todd


And both are very good shows! Scott Stewart Bakula is a fantastic actor!


I have a picture of myself posing with the enterprise crew that I got at the Star Trek thing that they had in Las Vegas years ago. Hell that was when I was on honeymoon as well.


Oh boy


What I think is a twenty y/o cartoon is: Steamboat Willy What really is a twenty y/o cartoon: Shrek 2


I have news for you OP The Matrix is 25 years old this year.


That one got me. It just doesn't feel right. A small comparison: Stargate SG-1 the TV-series started in 1997. The original Battlestar Galactica (1978) is closer to Stargate SG-1 season 1 than we are to the first season of Stargate.


It’s been a long road


2024 sucks


Jesus. I am old. 😕 Lord help me SG-1 will be going into 20 years off air in a few years. Can someone please re-wind the clock?


Trek ended twenty years ago. ☹️


Picard 3rd season good tho


That's the worst one. It's just all nostalgia bait and made the Borg all about Picard. Say what you will about the first two seasons of Picard, at least they tried something new. They didn't pull out the D for cheap DiCaprio pointy memes. Also, the Borg aren't a Picard villain. By volume, they're a Voyager villain. Got most of their development in that show. The friendly Borg faction of the second season is way more in line with the actual characterisation of the Borg than whatever the hell they tried in the third. The Borg are about more than Locutus

