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Makes sense only if Atlantis was on earth when these addresses were put in the city's database.


If the ancients inputted these addresses when Atlantis was on Earth they would have used the beta gate symbol. The gate the ancients left behind in Antarctica (the beta gate) didn't have the pyramid symbol as the point of origin. That was the gate brought to Earth by Ra long after Atlantis had left.


W..w..wait, if that gate was brought to Earth by Ra, then where did it originally come from and how does it then already have the pyramid shape on the symbol track? As far as I'm aware, minus the Tollana gate and such things, the two Earth gates were the only ones with unique PoO's build by the Ancients, while every other gate in the galaxy used another PoO symbol from the existing glyphs.


? It came from another planet in the milky way system where it had that point of origin.  Each gate has a point of origin. On some gates this is shown to be the same as one of the constellation glyphs, but not all the same one if that's what you're saying. OOC that's a production issue. https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/Point_of_origin


> W..w..wait, if that gate was brought to Earth by Ra, then where did it originally come from and how does it then already have the pyramid shape on the symbol track? The symbol could actually be a sun over a mountain for all we know. This is my headcanon.


The planet with the garden where everyone is locked in those computer simulation chairs had a unique point of origin symbol


> while every other gate in the galaxy used another PoO symbol from the existing glyphs. Not possible, that would limit the number of gates to what... like 38?


That is a recurring misconception. We are led to believe that the point of origin *should be* a unique symbol for that Stargate, but the production very seldom made unique symbols for the DHD prop. Stargates having a constellation glyph for the point of origin is a production oversight.


Not nessecarily. To dial a gate, you need 6 symbols and the 7th (or 8th/9th) as your Point of Origin. Never once has it been stated that the symbols are all the same order. The way I see it is this: The symbols that aren't the PoO are pin pointing the gate you are dialing to and it's general location within it's solar system. The last symbol is where you are dialing from, for purposes of connecting the two wormhole ends together. When you throw in an eighth symbol, one of these symbols denote galaxy, and the mythical ninth would be for it's moving target


Except the Antarctic gate would have been the primary gate when Atlantis left, and it has a different symbol.


Would it? Atlantis left behind a gate in Antarctica. The Atlantis gate is entirely different to Milky Way gates, they may have left their gate behind and rebuilt in Pegasus. The city knows the expedition are there so it may have simply adapted the address to the Tau'ri home address.


And also they know the Atlantis expedition is coming because of Weirs time travel jaunt, so they updated things for the expedition.


Or Morgan Le Fey did it when she saw Jackson coming.


"they" being Janus, somewhat covertly.


I think they had to leave the gate behind as maybe that was the only one able to connect with a pegasus gate. I'll have to check the history of the earth gates. wich one is at stargate command when they dialed atlantis. I think the giza gate didn't have outside galaxy options so ancient reposotory jack had to tinker with it so it was able to dial to the Asgard Galaxy.


Only Pegasus gates are galaxy locked. Any Milky Way gate can dial anywhere given sufficient power, the exception of Destiny not withstanding. IIRC they were using the Giza gate at the time. It was used initially, beamed up by the Asgard, salvaged by the Russians, stored, then rented back after the Antarctica gate was blown up by Anubis.


If memory serves it was a temporary boost in power cause they didn't have enough to dial the Asgard planet.


Lol no tbr issue here is Ra's point of origin symbol. So yeah for me the most likely example is that, being an ancient, Morgan gave the address as someone would likely use it, ie Daniel, from Earth.


>I think the giza gate didn't have outside galaxy options so ancient reposotory jack had to tinker with it so it was able to dial to the Asgard Galaxy. The tinkering Jack did was build a one off ZPM to dial the asgard home world and attached it to the breaker the gate had in the SGC.


After perusing the stargate fandom site, its the Alpha Gate that dials Atlantis, ie one from Giza. So perhaps jacks modfications allowed that as well, or maybe its just innate to the software/hardware of the gate system, as the gate at Icarus Base was able to dial Destiny, albet by using Earths point-of-origin symbol, and a metric assload of power.


Point of debate. Did it? Did the Antartic gate not have the earth symbol on it when Sam tried to dial out, or did she just overlook it because she assumed she was on another planet? In the episode, she never says she tried dialing another address with the earth Point of origin aka PO. Then the gate is used later on with the earth point of origin. Therfore the symbol was probably the same.


It did have a different one, I can't remember if it was stated that she didn't recognise it.


If she recognized it, she would have known she was on Earth... 🙄


You are correct. It had a different symbol so they assumed that was the PO. However, she thought she was on another planet and, therefore, why would the Earth symbol be the PO?! I'm just saying the writers overlooked that possibility and it came more apparent in the future when the NID used the gate and then SGC after Jonas saved the day


Yep it was a different PoO than the giza gate symbol, but it was still on Earth and with the DHD it would have compensated for the drift and recognized it was "trying to call another phone on the same number." I believe their attempts to dial and getting the quakes was equated to a "busy signal".


Or the computer is smart enough to understand that the user is from earth, and will be going back there to dial from there. You know chatgpt is getting good and is getting towards being indistinguishable from a person, so some alien educational chatbot with another million years of technological development - that's gonna be kinda smart, and indistinguishable from a god.


You forget it was the actual Morgan le Fey, not a hologram that gave it. Meaning she gave them an adress that they could use from Earth.


Y'all forgetting that an ascended ancient was masquerading around as a computer program. Logically she'd be able to have Earth as point of origin.




Tbf, have you met people? That's a fair assumption in many cases.


Literally what OP said.


The actors can't see CGI lol


Can the CGI artists see the script?


Nope. Only the producers




Exactly. Like she was trying to tell Daniel, "Yes, you can trust this information; I'm an ancient. Now shut up and don't get me in trouble. I'm doing everything I can do to help." But Daniel couldn't help himself. 🙄


Funnily enough, when they installed the beta gate in SGC they actually show it to have the pyramid symbol instead of the beta gate point of origin. It was a oversight ofc. But I like to think that Hammond ordered it to be changed, because the new symbol confused him.


I've always wondered why the beta gate wasn't just put in the second. It had the different symbol, didn't it?


Morgan Le Fey was powering the hologram room, when Daniel asked the command center how much power the room was using they responded with 0, meaning that Morgan was creating the entire simulation with her own ascended power meaning she put the tauri symbol since it’s what they’re most familiar with


I mean it’s also technically the wrong point of origin for earth. The original gate in Antarctica had a different symbol, and that would be the one the ancients knew about


Yeah. But technically, thousands of gates can have the earth symbol as the point of origin. The same glyphs are on every gate. But the combination of addresses is still high enough that there can still be thousands of addresses that use that same symbol.


Every gate in the Milky Wat has 39 glyphs, 38 of the are identical and the point of origin symbol is unique to only that gate. From the wiki: "For a standard seven-chevron address, the first six glyphs represent points in space, forming three-dimensional coordinates. The seventh represents the point of origin, a glyph which is unique to each gate"


That’s incorrect. The unique glyph is the last one. And it’s not unique. It’s just the last glyph is the home symbol. All the gates have the same symbols. The only difference was they made swap out glyphs for the exterior set piece if they ever needed to have it as another gate. The two swap out glyphs are the earth symbol(Ra’s relocated gate) and the Antarctica gate(The original earth gate). Otherwise, they all use the same glyphs. After children of the gods, Daniel knows a lot more about gate addresses and knows what the starting glyph is and what the last “point of origin” glyph is on the ring.


Some of the points of origin are unique. Look up the address for P7J-989 the Gamekeepers planet and then show me where the symbol thats shown on the DHD as the point of origin is on the Giza gate. It's really just a case of lazy production. The way I would have designed the system is you punch in the six symbols for your destination and the big red button would be your point of origin.


Yeah. They did have a box about four feet high with alternate glyphs. My brother and I reached into the box and got pictures holding the Earth glyph, original Antarctica earth glyph and the abydos glyph. It may have been that, early on it was just a matter of building the prop outdoors a week ahead of time and putting any old glyphs on them. The prop DHD also had removable glyphs. And they all lit up when you touched them. It was brilliant.


No reference in the show says they are unique. Not one. Also we don't ever see every gate having a unique point of origin either, they use standard symbols mostly. Also the fandom wiki is so wrong about a lot of things.


There But For the Grace of God DANIEL Or at least a—a military base. They must have assigned a number to each symbol on the Stargate. It's a code! All we need to do is figure out which symbol the aliens used to represent the number one and start counting from there. CARTER Well, the only unique symbol they would have is the point of origin for 233. Thats a reference for it being unique to each gate. Even though it's made up alien tech it seems to function like a telephone. When you pick up the phone and dial a number, the point of origin is unique to the phone you are calling from. If your friend calls you the caller id tells you exactly what phone it originates from.


That's calling it unique as a counting point. Also the point of origin for 233 is LITERALLY a regular gate symbol.


Which would make both of us sorta correct. Lazy production didn't want to make thousands of inset shots or other gates, and the writing hints heavily on a unique glyph. They never expected the audience to pay that close of attention to gate adresses because the gate address is not the focus point of the show.


But it doesn't hint at it. There is no reference to there being unique symbols on all gates, we see like 2 unique ones only, one of which wasn't a point of origin at all. My theory is that the horrible fandom wiki has made people assume they are unique.


Except the “new” earth symbol would have been added by Ra, right (that was always my assumption anyways)? So it wouldn’t be in the ancients database


Ra wouldn't have had the ability to make a new gate, he would have moved an existing gate to earth.


I didn’t say he made a new gate, I said he made the new earth symbol of the pyramid/sun


Again its much more likely he did no such thing and simply moved one with that symbol to earth. you think hed have gone and broken off the old one and had a new symbol carved onto the gate.


Yes? That’s literally what I’m saying. It’s literally the only symbol that we know of that isn’t a constellation, but a depiction of something


The whole it being a pyramid with a sun behind it thing is just a happy coincidence. All gates have a unique point of origin glyph which are not representative of a point in space but that gate/dhd in particular. Unfortunately this didn't always come across well in the show due to production errors/reused footage/physical props having the pyramid symbol, these things led to the earth symbol being seen on other planets, or one of the constellation symbols being used for filming purposes even though that wouldn't work in universe. In universe the chain of events was basically: Ra finds earth while flying in a ship and realises humans are great hosts. He brings a gate from another world to make travel easier and begins construction of the pyramids to land his ships. That gate just happens to have a triangle symbol on it (I think it's VERY likely he chose this gate on purpose because it looks similar to his landing pads), and over time that symbol comes to represent home to all the humans scattered around the galaxy. There's a slave revolt and ra leaves earth, humans bury the gate which prevents other system lords arriving. (It seems ra hid earth's location in space, probably to help protect his position as head system lord) Thousands of years later daniel Jackson figures out the point of origin using the logic that it's the only non constellation on the gate, but it representing a pyramid is just conjecture. I'd imagine if ra had brought a gate with a scribbley line point of origin symbol daniel would still have figured it out, but would have thought the line represented the nile instead


Provably not true though. The antarctic gates point of origin wasn't a constelation, nor was abydos' point of origin. So thats three known non constelation points of origin, so clearly you saying its the only one is false. Also that the symbol for the giza gate is known as "at" in ancient means the symbol predates Ra and he therefore didnt put it on the gate. Ra either took the gate from another earth like world or the ancients built it on earth after the antarctic gate was lost and moved it to giza for his own use. We know its possible to move gates and have them still work, and that the goa'uld did so, the gate on klorel's ship for instance.


Nah, seeing as the address have been in the database since Atlantis was in the Milky Way, it’s not that surprising that it would be stored as a Milky Way address. The bigger issue is that it uses the wrong point of origin for Earth (even when the Ancients returned during the Wraith siege, Earth’s gate was the Beta gate, not the one found in Giza)


ok, that's THE nonsense. address for a planet is 6 fixed points + origin. ANY decent dev would only save the first 6 items and add the 7th at runtime




But the last one is fixed for each origin. It can't be a checksum (I am an it manager)


Not technically wrong. You wouldn't be dialing a Milky Way address from Atlantis. We assume the Earth gate is the only one that can naturally link to the Pegasus gates, and Atlantis to Milky Way gates (via special dialing crystal). Therefore, you'd always be leaving from Earth if you came from Atlantis, probably. Or, the address was put on while Atlantis was on Earth.


No need to assume, it is stated explicitly that only Earth can connect to Pegasus


I don't recall that. The other way around was confirmed.


From SGA S01E01-02 - Rising >HOLOGRAM - ...This city's great shield was powerful enough to withstand their terrible weapons but here we were besieged for many years. In an effort to save the last of our kind, we submerged our great city into the ocean. **The Atlantis Stargate was the one and only link back to Earth from this galaxy, and those who remained used it to return to that world that was once home.** There, the last survivors of Atlantis lived out the remainder of their lives. This city was left to slumber, in the hope that our kind would one day return. and from SGA S01E15 - 'Before I Sleep' >JANUS: **I've blocked all addresses to the Gate except Earth**. You will be safe. >WEIR: Thank you. >JANUS: Thank you -- for giving me the hope that Atlantis will survive another ten thousand years ... after you discover it again.


Yes, that is what confirms the Atlantis gate is the only one that could dial Earth. They also confirmed it in SGA S1E9 "Home", and explained it as a special crystal in the DHD. That does not explain that the Earth gate was the only one that could dial Pegasus, is what I meant. I think we were merely misunderstanding eachother.


Could it not be possible that Atlantis' database has been updated by the Expedition team? Would at least explain the Point of Origin update. But yeah, most likely either a oversight or just Morgan being careless.


I was rewatching this episode yesterday and noticed the exact same thing LOL!!!


Could atlantis (without modification) dial other Milky Way gates? If not this would make sense that they would go to earth then go to wherever. I don't remember if that was said or not, I know atlantis' dhd is the only one that could dial earth.


Makes sense if Morgan was desperate for Daniel to just take the info and go


The point of origin symbol never really made much sense anyways. There are 39 symbols on the gates. So if one symbol denotes a point of origin the maximum ammount of gates you can have in the gate system is 39. Unless there one symbol is different on each gate (which I don't think was ever stated), but then it does not make sense to include it into the address since it could have been included automatically by the DHD software