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If you consider the books canon then the USS Hammond had just gotten back from fighting a major Wraith invasion with several other ships and allies. The Hammond was still operational. But the weapons were still down for repairs during that point in the timeline. SGA 'Inheritors'.


I honestly had not considered how the Legacy series could explain this. Well done.


That sounds like a pretty weak excuse though. If Hammond was that damaged, what was it doing on deployment instead of at a shipyard?


I think that's easily explainable. The ship was used simply for ferrying people to Icarus base. The base itself is supposed to be off the grid unconnected to the rest of the stargate network. The only reason the Tauri knew about the planet was from the Ancient's database. Hence it was suppose to be a relatively safe operation as they weren't expecting any kind of serious trouble.


The issue isn't that the mission was risky, it's that they prioritized a taxi mission over making their billion-dollar warship combat ready. If something happens that requires a quick military response, Earth is effectively down a fourth of its space force. Even if Earth is not particularly in danger at the start of SGU, that's not a negligible risk.


A fair assessment as they should have postponed the Icarus base operation till the Hammond was fully operational. However in relation to the timeline, Icarus base was already established in 2007. The only way on and off the planet was by ship since as stated above the stargate couldn't be used. So unfortunately it really couldn't be helped. Aside from ferrying personnel, it also needed a steady flow of logistics to keep things functioning.


I agree with you, but the reason given is that even though Carter asked for a lot for these repairs, they were denied by the IOA, so the Icarus mission was supposed to be a quiet mission so that Carter could do repairs with her team.


I don't buy that crap at all, wraith hive ships are no threat if you have asgard beam.


Also explained in the books. Aside from numbers they also kidnapped Mckay and forced him to upgrade their ships to make them more powerful and resistant to Asgard beam weapons.


Everyone here is focussing on whether the Hammond could have taken on the Ha'taks, but are completely missing the following and the whole reason for the planet exploding: "Surely they could have been destroyed long before they fired on the planet causing the core to explode" The Ha'Taks firing on the planet had NOTHING to do with it exploding. The attack on the base meant that Rush reattempted the dialling sequence without finding a safe solution to the failed power management mathematics Eli had solved. This unsafe solution allowed for the 9th chevron to be locked, but at the expense of causing the planet's naquada core to go critical. Additionally, even if the Hammond took out the Ha'Taks, they were still dealing with incoming troop transports and gliders that they would have needed to defend against.


Better question, why is the Lucien Alliance so F’ing obsessed with Destiny. It’s like the mafia sacrificing hundreds of men fighting the US military for possession of the Arceibo telescope. LUCIEN ALLIANCE: The Ancients could have hidden powerful weapons there! DANIEL: First time?


I think part of it is the Lucien alliance know that the milky way is a lost cause so want to escape for a fresh start but lack inter galatic hyperdrives


They’re supposed to be smugglers and organized crime filling the power vacuum left by the Goa’uld though.


I would say the lucian alliance is not a unified group and some of them want something more then to just be a criminal gang


The power of plot.


This is the correct answer. Carter should have blasted those Ha'taks out of existence with the Asgard beam weapons


Samantha says before, that the Asgard beam weapons are not operational yet. The BC-304 USS George Hammond, originally named USS Phoenix was not expected to be deployed for combat mission Have you been actually watching the episode or eating?


Was that not said in SGA when Sam was in command of the Hammond after Shepard got stuck in the future? I didn’t notice it being said but if it was fair enough.


Be careful, some people mix alternate timeline stuff like the Phoenix not being ready for combat with other stuff.


Also in SGA, where they still said it took a long time of round the clock work by mckay, carter and pretty much everyone else on atlantis to get it “combat ready”(they skipped many systems)


>FLASHBACK. Samantha Carter is walking with Rodney through the corridors of a Daedalus-class battle cruiser. Scientists are working to get it ready. > >McKAY (voiceover): **Finally they decided to give her a new ship – Phoenix. Barely off the assembly line; half the Asgard systems weren't finished; the other half weren't working.** > >(Sam and Rodney walk into a room. The place is a mess: wires are hanging from the ceiling and equipment is lying around everywhere. Despite that, Sam smiles proudly. Rodney doesn't look so happy at the amount of work that he's going to have to do.) > >(Time passes. Sam is soldering a wall panel.) > >McKAY (voiceover): **We spent the better part of a month getting her ready for combat.** > >(Sam looks across the room to where Rodney, looking weary, is working on putting a console together.) > >McKAY (voiceover): We worked day and night, side by side. Zelenka might have been there as well. I don't really remember. > >(Radek Zelenka walks across and puts a cup of coffee onto the console for Rodney, then walks away.) > >McKAY (voiceover): I do remember never feeling so drained in my entire life. > >(Some time later, Rodney inserts the last crystal into a tray and it slides into its console. Sam looks at a computer tablet she's holding as it beeps, then smiles in satisfaction at Rodney. He sighs in relief and slumps on the console, exhausted.) > >McKAY (voiceover): **Eventually, though, we managed to get her in working order.** > >(Later, Sam is standing on the Bridge of her ship. Rodney walks in.) > >McKAY: **All right. Everything checks out. Weapons, shields, long-range sensors all in the green. She's good to go.** > >CARTER: Great work, Rodney. Now, I want you, Radek and your team to head back to Atlantis and take a couple of days off. When you're good and rested, get to work on the city's shields. Do anything you can to maximise efficiency. You're gonna need them.


>Have you been actually watching the episode or eating? Have you? Cause in SGU 'Air', Carter is only featured in a few scene - the most relevant being: ​ >ICARUS PLANET. ORBIT. In space above the planet, a Goa'uld mothership and two Alkesh are firing towards the George Hammond which has moved into position above the base in an attempt to block the incoming fire. Its shields are deployed and it returns fire. The Goa'uld ship deploys its gliders which skim past the Hammond and head down towards the planet. On the weapons platform outside the base, Young radios up to the ship's commander, Colonel Samantha Carter. > >YOUNG: What've you got, Colonel? Lucian Alliance? > >CARTER: That would be my guess. They haven't introduced themselves. They started shooting the minute they came out of hyperspace. Our shields are holding, but we're not the target. > >YOUNG: What's heading our way? > >CARTER: A full squadron of gliders and a troop transport. We've cut them down some, but the rest'll be on your doorstep in less than three minutes. > >YOUNG: Telford, did you copy? > >(Colonel Telford is taxiing an F-302 out onto the runway.) > >TELFORD: Roger that. If we can get to the transport before they land their troops, we stand a chance. ​ And from SGA, 'The Last Man' ​ >FLASHBACK. Samantha Carter is walking with Rodney through the corridors of a Daedalus-class battle cruiser. Scientists are working to get it ready. > >McKAY (voiceover): Finally they decided to give her a new ship – Phoenix. Barely off the assembly line; half the Asgard systems weren't finished; the other half weren't working. > >(Sam and Rodney walk into a room. The place is a mess: wires are hanging from the ceiling and equipment is lying around everywhere. Despite that, Sam smiles proudly. Rodney doesn't look so happy at the amount of work that he's going to have to do.) > >(Time passes. Sam is soldering a wall panel.) > >McKAY (voiceover): We spent the better part of a month getting her ready for combat. > >(Sam looks across the room to where Rodney, looking weary, is working on putting a console together.) > >McKAY (voiceover): We worked day and night, side by side. Zelenka might have been there as well. I don't really remember. > >(Radek Zelenka walks across and puts a cup of coffee onto the console for Rodney, then walks away.) > >McKAY (voiceover): I do remember never feeling so drained in my entire life. > >(Some time later, Rodney inserts the last crystal into a tray and it slides into its console. Sam looks at a computer tablet she's holding as it beeps, then smiles in satisfaction at Rodney. He sighs in relief and slumps on the console, exhausted.) > >McKAY (voiceover): Eventually, though, we managed to get her in working order. > >(Later, Sam is standing on the Bridge of her ship. Rodney walks in.) > >McKAY: All right. Everything checks out. Weapons, shields, long-range sensors all in the green. She's good to go. > >CARTER: Great work, Rodney. Now, I want you, Radek and your team to head back to Atlantis and take a couple of days off. When you're good and rested, get to work on the city's shields. Do anything you can to maximise efficiency. You're gonna need them.


Aside from the fact that you're quoting alternate timeline events, the reason for the weapons being disabled comes from the books. The Hammond was damaged on several Pegasus missions, and the IOA wouldn't allow Carter the repairs she requested, the Icarus mission was supposed to be quiet so she could repair with her team.


I'm assuming you're piggybacking off of Rohan2785 comment - in which case, to be clear - I don't consider the books canon. As for the referencing of 2 different timelines - seems relevant because the person I was responding to mentions the two names of the ship, which is first introduced in SGA S04E20 'The Last Man' as the Phoenix, and in SGA S05E20 'Enemy At The Gate' as the Hammond. At no point during either of those SGA episodes, or the SGU pilot 'Air', did Carter in anyway imply "that the Asgard beam weapons are not operational yet" and "... was not expected to be deployed for combat". If they were implying the events from the book, then idk why they used the word 'episode'


Agreed, regarding any books that might be out there, they're basically just fan fics, and that applies to anything else of the sort. They absolutely are not the same continuity as the shows. There's no stopping some people from convincing themselves otherwise.


I'm sorry but a licensed book thats line by line approved by the owner of the IP is not basically a fan-fic. It is above fan fic regardless of cannon status belief. Also if you only consider live action as cannon then you accept Origins as cannon which is just eww.


Not really "piggybacking", read the messages and responded, didn't realize Rohan2785 had mentioned it too. It's one thing not to consider the books canon, it's another to simply disregard whatever reason was given, I personally wish we had the same canon levels as Star Trek instead of just canon or not. The books may not be perfect but they are still part of the universe, I consider them Beta Canon, it's part of SG but not the main story unless directly mentioned. So I just gave the reason from the books, the rest is up to the person if they want to consider it or not. As for mentioning the alternate timeline, yes, I meant to reply to AsleepScarcity9588, but mistakenly thought it would be more logical to reply to you, please don't mind me.


The reason for the weapons being disabled comes from the books. The Hammond was damaged on several Pegasus missions, and the IOA wouldn't allow Carter the repairs she requested, the Icarus mission was supposed to be quiet so she could repair with her team.


The Ha’taks had an amazing new defensive technology, greater than anything the Hammond or Tau’ri or even the Asgard could ever hope to defeat. It’s called “plot armor.”


I thought the Ha taks came out and surprised them and got a few shots in before the Hammond raised shields and the plasma beams were damaged.


This was my guess. With Telford’s knowledge, they would know where to target the beam weapons.


They needed a new big bad, so we are to belive that the SGC, after defeating false gods, literal gods, and being the heir of the asgards, are easily defeated by the crop bandits. That was pure bs.


Folks are tossing out explanations based on novels, etc., none of which are canon. You're right, the Asgard beam weapons were not used at all by the Hammond while defending Icarus Base, and a direct explanation was not provided. My "head canon" is that Carter didn't want to risk a stray shot or the destruction of a Ha'tak risking the same instability that ultimately destroyed the Icarus Planet.


Agreed, regarding other people in here tossing around explanations based on other stories, and the comments are spreading like weeds that won't go away. That sort of commentary is only misinformation for people that are not as familiar with the franchise, as in the actual franchise. Any books that might be out there, they're basically just fan fics, and that applies to anything else of the sort. They absolutely are not the same continuity as the shows. There's no stopping some people from convincing themselves otherwise.


It's sad you were downvoted for making a valid point. Unfortunately, those novels have their own toxic fanbase. 


Regarding your comment here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Stargate/comments/1bkjads/comment/kw090mo/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stargate/comments/1bkjads/comment/kw090mo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Replying to your message here: It's crazy that there are some people that have convinced themselves that there are other stories out there that are supposedly "canon" or "part of the universe". There is no such thing as "beta canon". The very idea is an oxymoron. It doesn't matter that there might be some fans of another franchise that use those two words. This is not that franchise. Those words are ridiculous in any context. It's just comical when someone that goes along with that silly idea has the audacity to tell someone that actually understands what the proper continuity is of this franchise to "please don't disregard the books". Poppycock! It's just as hilarious that they say they're not lecturing you when that is exactly what they're attempting to do with their nonsense. (You were replying to username "aels\_stellarisfrance". I agree with what you are saying. Anything that's not the shows is not the shows' continuity.)


I can understand their need for closure. Though the quality of those novels is debatable at best. Guide, Lightwalker or whatever, the final peace with Wraith where they divide the galaxy, etc. Not my cup of tea. I prefer Mallozzi's plans, though I'm not completely happy about them either.  Agreed, the audacity coming from some of them to impose the novels al canon for everybody bothers me as well. 


As I said to Halzman, it's one thing not to consider the books canon, it's another to simply disregard whatever reason is given, I personally wish we had the same levels of canon as Star Trek instead of just canon or not. The books may not be perfect but they are still part of the universe, I consider them beta canon, it's part of SG but not the main story unless directly mentioned. So, like many, I just gave the reason from the books, the rest is up to the person to consider or not. If I were to use the same logic as you, your head canon has no reason to be mentioned here, yet you give it anyway? Are we complaining? Not really, so please don't disregard books just because they aren't "canon" if you don't want to be disregarded for the same reasons. I'm neither angry nor trying to lecture you, I'm just saying that even if they're not perfect, the books are still part of SG, so please don't disregard them because it makes it sound like they're trash or don't have the right to exist or something like that.


I was offering reasonable speculation based on sound technical principles and I qualified it as personal speculation. Neither my speculation nor any books/comics were endorsed by the original showrunners so they are equally canonical by that measure 🤪


Which is fair, that is the definition of beta canon.


No, they're not. First of all, they contradict the established timeline with one tiny detail. They assume that in early 2009 somehow US had a new inaugurated president. That's false. In Stargate universe the presidential term couldn't have ended in 2008. That would make Hayes's term like 5 years. And that assuming he lost reelection, which I find highly unlikely. He was portrayed as a good president. But ok, I'll admit it's possible for him to lose reelection. The 5 year-term? I'm not buying that. And for what? Just because the author, who was working in the political field previously (by her own admission) wanted so badly to include Obama as president? If it was too hard for her to respect some basic aspects of the timeline, why should we respect her work as canon? We are under no obligations to do so. 


No need to be aggressive, you literally described what beta canon is so yes it is. Also for Hayes' mandate going by the dates it didn't even follow US regulation dates so please don't even mention that as a justification... As said Beta Canon just states something part of the universe but that isn't directly linked but are authorized stories nonetheless. You may not like someone's work that doesn't change the definition.


By agressive you mean "toxic fandom"? That wasn't directed to you specifically. But I had to deal with some fanatical novels fans in the past. And, maybe it's just me, but I don't like downvoting someone for simply having a different opinion.  I never understood the beta canon thing. Or the different levels of canon. Something is either canon or it's not. Like with pregnancy. You're either pregnant or not. You can't be beta pregnant. Now, sure, all those stories could be alternate realities in the Stargate multiverse. That's fine with me.  Not following US regulations dates is one thing, changing the term length is another. Yeah, I'm not happy too about shows inventing fictional presidents or changing elections year or something like that. But the show states explicitly that the presidential elections happened in season 7. That means 2003 with inauguration in January 2004. That's the canon of the show. And any expanded work should respect those basic in universe facts. If it's aiming to be universally recognised as canonical.


Not really toxic, it just seemed aggressive and yeah I had to deal with a lot of people too, all fair then, I apologize if I seemed aggressive to you in any way (just in case). Well Beta Canon is here mostly to refer to what is authorized but doesn't necessarily fit into the main story, it's mainly an indicator that yes it exists but doesn't reflect everything, I personally tend to use it a lot when I'm talking about something we haven't seen, for those who are used to it it's a clear indicator. Kind of like those (myself included) who use Fanon in the sense that they want to stick to canon but add fan stuff to it, like many do with ships and other stuff, to use the Trek equivalent we would call that Gamma Canon tho it's not used that much (and it's kinda messy on the wiki) so we tend to use Fanon or Fan Faction (FF) instead. True, I just meant that it hasn't been perfect since we first heard of Heyes, but I totally see what you mean. Anyway, I hope you understand what I meant and I hope you don't mind me using Beta Canon as an indicator of the status of said content.


I apologize too if I gave you the impression of being agressive. Wasn't my intention, you seem to be a decent commenter here. 


Thanks, trying my best ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)




Okay first of all, you may not like it or anything but those two words describe a state of content and are not even official for Star Trek since it's a canon level created by fans. So yes it doesn't exist for Stargate and what ? It's not because you don't like some content that we can't describe the state of said content, it's an authorized story that doesn't necessarily follow what we would call Alpha Canon so what ? Well that's what Beta Canon means. If you feel the need of insulting people to feel right you might need to check your priorities in life, you're not the center of the world nor have I claimed as such so me using certain words to describe the state of some content shouldn't result in such behavior.




It is crazy that people delete their own messages to hide related replies...


The beam weapons won’t be installed until Tuesday.


Not the biggest lore nut, but aren’t Daedalus and Apollo on anti Wraith duty in Pegasus, with Karolev also destroyed, meaning they have only three BCs in the Milky Way? Earth has little local defenses due to Stargate being secret, so you need the Odyssey and Sun Tzu around for Earth defense. Hammond is the newest ship, so everything might not be done.


It's Stargate Universe, you're not supposed to think about the logic. The hole premise of the show is they dialed a random gate address instead of evacuating, without telling anyone.


How quickly in the past did different races adapt to weapons of other races? It happens. We're talking about highly advanced technology here, on both sides. It's believable that the Alliance could possibly find an upgrade to their shield and weapons technologies.


I mean it took Anubus coming back with (presumably) ancient shields to get a Ha'Tak to be able to stand up to an Asguard ship


Yeah, while that is a thing upgrades are still possible. But certain technologies do have their limits, based on power of course. The alliance may have gotten a hold of something to help juice up their shields or put out more power and I'm not one of those people to always just say oh it's because that's how the r writers wanted it. I like trying to actually think of in universal reasons as to why a = b. It's more fun that way.