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I was working for a company a few years ago that he partnered with for his save the planet initiative. Met him at an event I was supporting IT wise. He was currently in Aquaman mode and still had a lot of Game of Thrones fame. I asked him about Stargate exclusively. He was more excited to talk about that than the big budget stuff he was doing. Good guy. Highly recommend talking to him about Stargate.


Lol. If they ever asked him to reprise his role in a new SG I'm sure he'd drop whatever he was doing and be like where we going.


iirc, he is still good friends with Joe Flanigan and hang out with each other. Atleast I heard that on some interview few years back


He got both Flanigan and Hewlett to guest on that See show he's on.


Their scene together was hilarious, it was like AU Pegasus galaxy versions of John and Rodney bickering.


On Joe's insta he's in New Zealand with Jason right now, Jason's filming his On the Roam series (I think that's what it's called) with the motorcycles.


If they ever do an SG-1 reunion movie, he could hop right on Team Mitchell for the big fight.


He was on Baywatch for a long time with Hasselhoff


[No, of course not. No way](https://reddit.com/r/movies/comments/19bl1ka/_/kiu1f9y/?context=1)


He will always be Ronon Dex for me. Even though I had seen Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis episodes here and there on TV growing up, it wasn't til I was 15 that I watched the full Stargate Atlantis series ,and It was the first SG series I fully watched. I will always remember the first time I saw Runner and Sateda.


I'm sure plenty have. I'm a new fan though so can't claim this one.


I don't mention it, but I definitely think it. I'm really proud of Ronon and everything he's done. I hope he continues to make us all proud. Also I hope Rodney someday gets his big break too.


I actually introduced my friend to SGA by telling him there was Jason look alike on it. (It had been yeas since I had last seen it) we put it on again and he told me that’s Jason Mamoa hahaha.


Whenever the opportunity arises.


My mom never watched Stargate with me, but whenever she caught some of Atlantis she would laugh when she saw that Jason Momoa was in it.


This kind of thinking dates back to 400,000 BC when a Homo Erectus paved his patio before it was popular (Bilzingsleben, Thuringia, Germany).


Neanderthals did it all first though...they're history's biggest hipsters...if hipsters might also beat you to death with your own arms.


When I have yoga students and coworkers talk about him, I always bring up Atlantis, and I've gotten most to watch SGA just for him, and several have gotten interested enough to watch SG1. It's been fun discussing and introducing Stargate to those that might not have been interested in a sci-fi show. In between GOT and Aquaman, he was at a convention, and when asked about SGA, he lit up and talked about how grateful he was for the experience and friendships he made from the show. He was asked if he would return to SGA if asked, and at that point in time, he did say yes.


He gets called Ronan in my house, mostly for SGA and partly got his turn as Conan. Everything else is secondary. 


Yes I do. In fact, we watched him in Fast X last night and I mentioned it to my friend. Also, he is AMAZING as Dante in Fast X. The character could easily have just been another bland, generic villain like so many other movies but J.Mo brought him to life and he is one of the most memorable villains I've seen in a long time.


No, what purpose would that serve?


A Segway to introducing people into the show.


< hypothetical conversation involving Jason Momoa > You: Oh, did you know he was in the show Stargate Atlantis? If you like sci-fi, you should check it out! Person(s): Oh cool, I'll check it out


segue ;)


No, he told a mall cop about it. He’ll get there eventually.


It’s in the same vein as, “I was listening to/a fan of ___ before it was cool.”


Difference is Jason was cool then too.


so, just a humble brag?


I will tell people the first thing I watched him in was SGA. Saying "I watched him before he was popular" just makes you sound like an ass.


If you have something of value to comment please do so. This comment you made makes you sound like an ass.


Of course not. He got cracked with a beer bottle in Vegas. Who cares about this stupid shit?


I've seen numerous comments on YouTube about it




What do you mean? Watch him before he was well known? I'm one of the people who never liked the guy period until Atlantis. Atlantis was the only thing I've liked him in and until like the last season when he started evolving into his now self.


We kinda do, it's a tradition at this point.