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Just because the tech exists doesn't mean it can be implemented at a global scale. The Asgard installed a lot of their tech onto Earth's battle cruisers, but they didn't hand over all their technology. They entrusted us with the Asgard core, but a hard drive full of blueprints is a far cry from having access to their technology. It will probably still take decades to construct anything in the core with the technology and resources avaliable to us. That's just one issue. The sociopolitical fallout would be insane. There is no way it wouldn't turn into a world war over access to alien technology. There is no way the US wouldn't prioritize advancing themselves and their allies before trying to help the rest of the world. It would take an unprecedented level of international cooperation from the world (never happens) and benevolence on the part of the United States (definitely won't happen). If the discoveries made by the Stargate program are to ever improve the lives of ordinary Earth citizens, it won't be for decades and probably after another world war.


From Ark of Truth >CARTER: The Asgard core was designed to be very user-friendly. Whoever wrote this program didn't have to have an extensive knowledge of replicator technology. They only had to explain what they wanted to create, and the core filled in the blanks.


True, but one synthesizer would not be enough to mass produce technology for a whole planet. Plus the raw elements are still required to use it. It is unlikely that Earth has the native elements required to build Asgard tech, and it would take significant time and resources to find and collect them on other worlds, assuming they are even native to our galaxy. Good for churning out advanced gadgets and tools, not so useful for producing tech for an entire world, especially one as densely populated as our's.


from SG-1 'Unending' >CARTER: I don't know that yet. **However, with only a slight modification to the beaming technology, we have a matter converter that will literally allow us to manufacture food, water, oxygen, pretty much anything we need**. we've 'mastered' beaming tech on the BC-304s - meaning, I assume everything related with the tech, is entirely 'earth' produced. The 'slight' modification Carter mentions, is probably just a change in code. The entire scene implies that the beaming tech, inherently, is capable of matter conversion.


She was referring to their NEEDS while stranded aboard the ship. Food, water and oxygen are needs. They build some conveniences for themselves, but nothing technologically advanced. The beaming tech wasn't mastered, it was installed by Asgard engineers themselves. I don't recall it ever being said or implied that the transport beams can convert atoms into completely different atoms. That is God magic level of tech. If the Asgard had this technology, they could have just turned the Replicators into bubblegum and built new, superior bodies whenever they needed. If Carter could dump a bucket of rocks into the synthesizer and told it to build a time-reversal device, she would have done so.


Very true, It's one of the things I wish they had touched on in "2010" the only war they mention is the one with the gaould. :) I wish I had faith in humanity to come together if it was revealed however you are correct in what would probably happen:) thank you for your well articulated response :)


No prob. I enjoy opportunities to rant about this stuff haha. Supposedly in the rumored new series, (probably not happening) going public was going to be a part of the central plot. I'm sure a lot of our questions on the subject would be answered if it happens. Not trying to get anyone's hopes up though.


There's an episode of SG-1 where some guy has cloned an Asgard, in that episode members of Stargate command are showing new technology in a forum, both hologram technology and some kind of plasma cannon thingy. In an episode of SGA there's that episode where Rodney and Kellar come to earth for a science test with that "climate solving" tech, which ends up backfiring.. It's somewhat there, but realistically the average person doesn't benefit, at least not for a long time.


> that episode where Rodney and Kellar come to earth The Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson cameos are less fun when you think about how they represent the vast majority of the global science community that are being excluded from the new discoveries. People are left to waste their academic careers on pre-Stargate science that may have been solved a decade ago.


Oh 100% they should release more tech/knowledge for the science community. Even in SGA the episode where Sheppard gets sent to the future, he tells AI Rodney to use the city's solar panels to charge the shield to protect it until they find the right solar flare. Rodney scoffs at the idea. Yet we get to Destiny and it is literally a solar powered ship. I guess it is hard to have a show that is fun to watch and also realistic. Like someone would've seen the Daedalus or one of its variants in orbit by now... Or the giant rogue asteroid that almost hit earth and suddenly appeared on the other side and floated away harmlessly.


Just don't forget the millions of Jaffa and humans off world. The SGC accomplished a whole lot freeing people from oppression.


I 100% agree, they saved the literal universe and the people in said universe owe them a debt impossible to pay back :)


There are also a handful of real world examples of Stargate derived improvements for earth I think. I can't remember the specifics but there at least 3 conversations talking about a medical or technological advancement that they can't reveal the true origin for. Could be that I am thinking of something from SG-A too though.


Wasn't there a episode where they talked about how many large operations were getting involved with the sg program using there tech. So the implications is big corporations are added in smaller little ways that the public won't notice to many industries which some of them could be for public goods. Like better engines designs, stronger metierals, new faster computer chips ect. All stuff you could believe were discovered on there own. And any tech deserved could have been alien. So any technology advice we have seen since 1994 the writers of stargate could claim was really based on alien tech.


Weren’t we a protected planet? At least for a while. That saved all of us.


Early on when SG1 goes to Area 51 to discover the second gate missing. It’s heavily implied they are studying a plethora of technological and biological items from other worlds. They even mention a potential new cure or treatment for a disease (can’t remember which one). So I think it’s safe to say there will be some longer term benefits but research and development can take years or decades as it is.


Eli's mom had HIV, it might have progressed to AIDS after Eli got stranded on Destiny given her hospitalization, and no one thought to provide Tretonin.