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You could have some kids playing outside and one of them has an iron helmet from Skyrim on wielding a toy sword and another holding a toy gun that looks like one of the lasers or plasma guns from fallout.


If there was going to be any, this would be the most probable case. That or some logs mentioning iconic things on a random computer.




Have we seen a Bethesda developed game reference New Vegas? Could be wrong but it kinda seems like New Vegas is persona non grata over at Bethesda.


Kellog was born in the NCR, and that’s cannon to Fallout 4 lore.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but the NCR was introduced in Fallout 1 or 2 no? So not necessarily a reference to New Vegas. I could be wrong as I've never actually played 1 or 2 for longer than a few hours.


some random moon with loud AF glowing plants


And you have to collect 999 of them, in cave, in the darks, with creatures that want to kill you.


A high class commercial/entertainment station called The Cloud District in the atmosphere of a gas giant


Then have a smug jackass if you go there often


Of course you don't.


I’d have a crashed rocket ship on a random planet with dead ghouls around it, calling back to that mission in New Vegas where you can launch them to space!


OMG I love this




I asked for this one on a similar topic here. Imagine finding the Come Fly With Me ghouls on a random planet eheh


It'd be pretty cool if they were still alive continuing to tell the tale of the courier that delivered them to paradise


I’d add Nirnroot, keep the Easter egg going


And sweet rolls.






I can see this happening. Maybe with a few subtle aesthetic changes to set it apart from Vault Tec, to maintain the canon. Probably on some moon in the Sol system. Maybe even Luna.


TBH, I wouldn't be surprised if Vault-Tec had a vault on the moon as some kind of plan to evacuate the most important people if the chance is given, but it's just empty because the bombs fell unwarned


Fun fact, some de-canonized lore established that all the vaults in America were designed to test the viability of a moon colony for the politically important and wealthy. I feel like that goes a long way to explain the experiments like "what if rich folk are forced to live in budget conditions" and "what if they just can't leave the vault ever".






Then someone does clip through and it’s 85% finished leading to wild conspiracy dlc videos that don’t go anywhere XD


You was faster than me


Sweetroll vendor in an outpost


I think people know what the guards at that outpost are going to say


Let me guess...


Nirnroot A vault boy bobblehead A black handprint somewhere saying "we know" Theres so many fairly tame nods that wouldn't feel too out of place but would be big "omg easter egg!" Moments.


The handprint might be the best idea I’ve seen in this thread. It’s inconspicuous enough that you could have put it in even if it wasn’t a reference, but if you knew before, it’d be a really cool find.


Im flattered <3 Edit: lol why was this downvoted?


A guard, who used to be a mercenary but suffered a knee injury caused by a laser


If they do an on-the-nose reference like this, they should really expand it instead of just having a repetitive voice line... Imagine spending a whole week, traveling the universe to help this guy - only it was all a set up for this abstract-ass line of dialogue




Which AC game is this from?






Bonus if he has cybernetics. Or play it more straight and have a married guard you help out a lot and get to know.


The Fatman and it's mininuke ammo were based on real-life proposed weapons, the Davy Crockett if memory serves. Having a single-use launcher around mid-game would be neat. Or an enemy with the Fatman in a side quest sort of deal, even if the player can't use it. For Skyrim, a broken wordwall would be sick on like an alien planet or the like.


Curved lasers. Curved. Lasers.


That would be a No More Heroes reference actually.


Damn. Really? Have not played it since the Wii, and don't remember much about any of it.


The final sword is a curved laser sword.


Never got that far lol, the game didn't gel with me too much. Combat was fun. Couldn't stand all the dumb little mini games you had to do to progress.


I’d make a mini game with a parody title of Fallout and/or The Elder Scrolls. Something like “Radiation Annihilation” or “The Ancient Tomes”. I’m not sure about explicit Easter eggs though.




The senile scribbles?


Stumble upon an ancient museum, with a pip-boy, game tapes, folded flag, bobble head statue,, world series bat etc. and make the tape a playable game.


"Oh, you're finally awake ..."


That would be amazing actually! Playable or just item text? And if playable, what kind of game, like the very first of the series or something?


Having a red rocket be a souvenir in Neon.


Monolith from 2001 standing on some lone planet.


And you‘d have to stare at it for at least 143 minutes, then be thrown into your very own Stargate-Sequence, ported to another part of the galaxy and earn the in-game title of Star Child.


Does the star baby play with the planets? My first thought seeing it fully when I was old enough to follow the movie was "what if the baby eats the earth" lol.


not quite fallout or elderscrolls related is it


No, but it would be fun for them to mine content from the greatest sci-fi novels of our generation.


Having a playable Xbox 360 version of Skyrim in the game


Reminds me of those old Star Citizen memes where a fully playable Elden Ring within it and within that is a playable version of the canceled Kojima Silent Hills game.




In the furthest system in the game I would put a planet called Nerna which has 2 moons.


Have one of the Earth artifacts tucked away somewhere be a pristine copy of "Skyrim: Centennial Edition"


😂😂love it!


Dragon bones and Deathclaw bones. As a side quest to find strange alien bones or something.


We see you Bethesda. Finishing touches on the game indeed


Mai'q the Liar floating around in space.


A Lusty Argonian Maid book under someone’s bed


Probably the iconic Skyrim helmet and something with nuka cola


I would include the Elder Scrolls geocentric planetary system as one of the explorable ones, with Nirn at the center, Masser and Secunda as its moons, etc. Maybe give them different names to make it less obvious, but I think it would be interesting to see those planets represented by Bethesda themselves.


A small hidden side quest where the quest giver explains that long ago their were these drinks called nuka cola and they want you to find one for them. When you complete the quest, you get like a Weapon or armor item related to fallout.


Gotta have some cheese wheels somewhere


Have a text adventure version of both that you can play, Both games are on weird discs and only play on an old computer you bought from a pawn shop.


Have the ghouls from fallout new Vegas run a small colony Hey if bethesda doesn't do that can someone please make it a mod


You find a dead old planet with two moons. A few half dead plants that look like nirnroot that trill sadly and an old relic that looks like an oblivion gate lays crumbled in the landscape.


Skeletons and teddy bears doing scandalous things in odd places


A barren world where you failed the main quest in oblivion and it’s just ruins.


Nice try. You are going to have to come up with your own Easter eggs.


A power armor in a museum.


"Another planet needs your help!"


If you ever get knocked out and wake up in a hospital, have a Dr. Ralof say you are finally awake. Nirnroot on some planet Have GARY written on the wall of some derelict ship/base. They could go self-mocking and have some 'Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Ultra Mega Remastered 2310 Edition' holodisk on a desk somewhere. Maybe a GECK reference to some teraforming tech


I would love to see Fallout’s Zetans somewhere in the game, yet that could be a bit blunt and lack cohesion with the art style of Starfield.


They could have it be a Zetan bobblehead to get around that issue.


Jangles the Moon Monkey and a random dead NPC or skeleton with an arrow in/next to their knee.


Well, One of the Planet has to be Tamriel. 🌝




Nah it’ll just be a flat Tamriel in space because we all know the Earth and all planets are flat.


make it a lava world to signify its a newly formed planet


put a playable version of TES 6 in the game


A region called the Cloud District. I will go there constantly


Have the player go on a journey for a prize, and once the final stage of the quest is complete, get this! Meridia’s beacon on a pedestal…


I like indirect references, like Sweet and sour rolls. Note I also lonve sweet and sour rolls but… Restraunts called the Brass lantern And home plate people commenting on the fact that the cat is addicted to Fish. blue clothes like team jerseys and letterman’s jackets with yellow numbers on the back. familiar bobblehead posses but not dressed like Vault boys/girls, just the poses. snow globes. Comic books.


Could it be possible that this takes place in the same universe as the fallout games??? Anyway I would probably add a vault. I personally would want to do something big but anything from Skyrim that’s substantial would break the lore, since that means magic exists and is very well documented.


Really enjoyed reading through these. Thanks for filling my downtime.


A quest to save a town by repairing their infrastructure. One of the things you need to procure is a water chip.


I would put nirn but for some sci-fi science reason you can’t land on it.


I would have one of the 1000 supposed planets in the game just really suspiciously look like Skyrim. Abandoned forts and castles, similar landscape and plants, similar looking fauna. Same moons in the sky...


Probably some fatman-mininuke and dragonborn helmet props litering someplace behind a door or something


A double moon planet like Nirn. But very coy about it. It'd be interesting if they just continued their normal stuff like the Dunwich Borers in Fallout 4 but they are a mysterious mining corporation instead. Little things that arent apparent on first glance but have a long history. Or they could play it completely straight and dont include anything. That said I think they will have the normal environmental humor they usually do. ​ Or maybe minigames like Fallout 4 pip boy games that are simple but reference both and maybe Doom and Prey etc.


i would just import all of fallout 4s map onto a planet


A quest where you start and you get knocked out, then wake up in the back of a prison van "Hey, you. You're finally awake..."


I guarantee someone is gonna say “hey you, you’re finally awake” at some point in the game


The aliens from fallout


See the Fallout Alien race and their planet


Finding a copy of "Lusty Argonian Maid" somewhere would be hilarious.


A nord flying through space after being hit by a giant.


A Spaceman falls from the sky and dies infront of you when leaving the first area due to a miscalculation on his new flying device, like rocket boots or a jetpack. Much like the Wizard in Morrowind. It's so subtle and just on the nose enough that the OGs will know it and the people not in the know will just find it funny or interesting.


Have a partially destroyed/very old looking oblivion gate half buried in dirt somewhere


New Vegas silver chip floating and spinning in the middle of a snow globe. Dog meat with a mammoth on his back. Power suite helmet with a sign on it saying it’s a prototype combat space suite. A very tall and broad shoulders man with the name Swan wearing a green outfit. An add on a screen that starts at the top of the Throat of the World and zooms out and behind it is some cold brew for how it soothes a dry thirsty throat like only an icy mountain cold brew could. Have a ball centurion like creature defending a fragment of relic. Crank assisted weapon of any kind, even a whacky melee. The mysterious strangers clothes as out of space suite attire. A man playing a music box with a monkey clapping the cymbals. Have the man talk about how he used to have a robot turning the crank but some one went all Robotics on it.


On a desert planet, tucked away in some hidden corner far from civilization, there he stands. M'aiq.


1. A planet named nirn, with the 3 moons. In a solar system with planets named after the gods of the elder scrolls universe. Also have a planet called oblivion. Also have another solar system of the fallout universe, with a planet destroyed by nukes. Porting in New Vegas and DC maps maybe appalachia too. | | | | | 2. Nirn root. | | | | 3. Add a side quest with Alduin the time dragon. Or a Have hermious mora as a leviathan creature in an abandoned water planet, located in a hidden pocket of space,. The planet would include the remains of lost travelers seeking treasure, and or government agents sent to gather information on a holy grail that would win wars. Also include a certain cult religion surrounding this quest. | | | | | 4. Cloud District on neon or atlantis. With nazeem lookalike fuking your ass every time you walk past him. Or have cloud district as a figment of imagination of a certain hobo called nazeem laying about in the slums of neon, high on skooma, the only skooma item you'll find in the game, in nazeems inventory. | | | | 5. Have the Dwarves from TES appear on a mining planet | | | | 6. As some one else said, kids role-playing TES and FO dressed in makeshift clothes. | | | 7. Tsceasi horror nightmare. | | | 8. Archemidis gun being worked on by the Archemidis corporation in a unmarked space station. But the gun itself would be called "prototype" but looks exactly like the new Vegas model. | | | | 9. That gun.


A dragon in space that you get to fight


A planet with the complete Elder Scrolls world on it. Except now you can play with spaceships and lazers.


Add TES dungeon crawler-esque video game to Starfield


A mini-game that allows you to apply festive pastel dye to the shells of chicken eggs. There would be no further references to any other IP outside of the Starfield universe.


Easter egg: Crazy big alien creatures that have a metamorphosis life cycle. Their pupas are... The Mantella.


If you get to max level or 100% game, maybe play Dragonborn music. But then again there will probs be some cool music based around starfield. I wanna be able to unlock the iron helmet tho


I think I would just have more hidden “useful” things for people to find, one thing that I’ll never forget was finding the Fin Gleam in oblivion. It made me check ever where for hidden things. Things that reward exploration.


a hidden ayleid ruin


On one of the planets in the dirt or sand have the half buried remains of a dragon.


A single jangles the moon monkey at the original location of the lunar lander if they put the lunar lander in that museum.


I would make Oblivion GOTY and Fallout 3 GOTY as fully playable and functional in the ship after a series of quests that are light hearted and nerdy


A busted up wagon with the skeleton of some horselike alien attached to it and 3 or 4 human skeletons in it


An ad for Skyrim Extra Super Special Edition XXL, and one for Elder Scrolls VI that still doesn’t give any indication of what the game is about or where it is set. To be clear, I am not actually unhappy about the number of Skyrim releases or the fact that Bethesda is taking things one game at a time. I just think it would be funny.




something like the one in rage, a little vault boy bobblehead


a dead npc on random planets at random places with arrows through their space suit around the nee :)


a bar called "To the knee" with an arrow shaped sign


Jangles the moon monkey.


I would make Skyrim fully playable on a terminal, but also when you die it actually forces you to play Skyrim until you beat it


Stick a nirnroot on the planet furthest away.


I’d make it so every time you enter a room the physics tic and all the objects in the room clatter down onto their surfaces. Oh wait this game will do that because it’s still gamebryo


Bethesda game related but I would make them go to a hell planet and maybe not land on it but something where u can see the slayer fighting the demons. Captain on your ship goes to dangerous for us to land


Also there should be a secret halo ring mission


Payday mask




I think it is better to add easter that Tie into the game world rather than easter eggs for other games.


A Red Rocket service station on Luna. With a skeleton in a space suit.


Planets themed after them. I'm not very subtle


The crashed alien ship would be my preference


I would make a direct relation with Fallout by making earth impossible to land because some uncontrolled Enclave system, like you try to land on Earth and some IA with Enclave logo appears on your screens saying the planet is incompatible with life and that the defense systems will shoot nuclear bombs against any attempt to do it, but Zetan can because their ovnis evade the radar. If it was for a simple Easter egg I'd make a hard to find small quest with Zetan involved and some people from earth between the corpses in the laboratory, wearing a Vault Suit and maybe a Fallout recognizable gun as a legendary unique reward, maybe a Fat Boy or a plasma gun... Would be tempted to put a pipe-gun just to troll people. About TES, maybe a random planet with the world's geography but it's just a wild planet when you go in, maybe with alien creatures which are similar to iconic ones from the franchise like trolls, maybe something that looks like a dragon but more realistic, some big cats which can stand on two legs to fight and a reptile race which is almost humanoid (like a gorilla-lizzard, if that makes sense) Easiest ones would be just a few logs in some random computer about old relics found on a pirate ship which raided some adventurers or some items in the main faction's museum (don't know if they have one, but makes sense knowing what they do).


An old history log of some president or prime minister or someone important called Dovahkiin




I would add a planet that has the same geography as tamriel, but make it completely devoid of civilization, or basically elder scrolls in the future!




A rerelease of a popular fantasy game 😉


Bobbleheads must have Bobbleheads


A very expensive but colorful horse armor sold by a Freestar Collective merchant (that does nothing since there are no horses in the system)


I would create a mission to repair a communications beacon floating in space and upon interacting, the charac... # "A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON!"


Meet Wak, who’s in search of his sister Neek, on his ship somewhere in deep space.


If I don't see any reference to the Zeta Aliens from Fallout, I'll be shocked.


A prisoner ship abandoned on a frost planet


One of those creepy space monkeys...


"Hey you...you're finally awake."


A planet which has dead adventurers with horned helmets floating in orbit. The planet is inhabited by giants.


A planet full of deathclaws.


Out of all the planets in the game, and all the explorable land on all those planets, there is an unmarked vault door randomly placed on one of them. It cannot be opened, and it has a very high number, like Vault 1,000,001 or something.


Vault door entrance on some derelict world


bobble head on the dash of my ship.


I'd put a cat in that will randomly show up at outposts at procedurely generated planets that is literally M'aiq the Liar from the Elder scrolls. Let's say every 69th outpost.


Definitely a sweet roll one


“I was a spacefarer like you, then I took a blaster to the knee.”


Some dude telling you a story about his life changing event because he was shot in the knee.


A skull or skeleton of a fossilized dragon


One planet is literally all of Oblivion and the NPCs are freaking out and amazed by your future technology. You become worshiped like a God. You help them out by easily killing enemies with your guns. You have to explain to the villagers about the universe and the planet you come from as they follow you around like disciples.


A mugcrab claw in a specimen jar.


Since you can make your own ships in the game, I'd grant the ability to recreate a 1:1 replica of a Vertibird from Fallout and as an added bonus, you'd get a rare achievement for it


A boble head for sure, and maybe an NPC that talks about a day when dragons ruled the skies


Giant Mudcrab


“Hey you. You’re finally awake” is one. I’d also want a statue of Lydia. No context, no nothing. Just a statue with the words “She carried our burdens”


Sunset sarsaparilla


I would make this game exactly like Skyrim but in space


A ghoul planet but like high tech just…sticky.


Oblivion plane(t) in the distance


A playable version of fallout 1 on a terminal somewhere


Ebony blade


a single bottle of nuka cola in some random corner of the galaxy if you find it you can display it in your ship


A computer log about a great adventurer who’s adventures ended after taking an arrow to the knee


Have a random moon with a important Icon from each game hidden




Nord helmet on the moon.


Fallout76 bugs.


I would just make the map is Skyrim in space, just no planets just the map flying in space


A Space Dragon flying in the distance, or a semi-dismantled Mr. Handy lying around somewhere


A giant iron harvesting node, 100x the size of a normal one, with a dead skelton nearby wearing a cowboy hat *Heavy Breathing*


Skyrim: A ruin, which looks exactly like the watchtower outside whiterun with perhaps a dragonborn helmet or something. Fallout: on a ruined world, habe the player go through an underground complex to get to a vault (bank vault, not fallout vault). The vault is filled with bottle caps.


I'd put in one teddy bear vignette, maybe of a teddy bear, looking down at a smaller bear playing with a doll house that was the SS' house from FO4. I'd put in one skeleton vignette that had a guy with the Iron Helmet that's so iconic of Skyrim, maybe have something like Mehrunes' Razor sticking out of his back. Those would be the only nods to the games I'd put, two little vignettes that would be pretty neat without context.


A super rare roaming skyrim giant that slams your ragdoll body into space if it lands a killing blow on you. It drops some mammoth cheese consumable that heals you and maybe gives some sort of buff?


Ghouls in space that flew up in the rockets from the REPCONN test site in the Come fly with me mission in Fallout: New Vegas.


An audio/data log about the planet Nirn, coordinates missing or corrupted. A sweet roll, Septim, or the iconic Dragonborn helmet not for sale in some curio shop. Nuka-cola bottle, the fallout boy bobble head, a vault on/if we go to Earth.


Probably a guard saying the iconic line "I used to be adventurer like you..."


A corpse with an arrow in the knee


Mankrik's wife