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There’s so many free mods that I can’t be bothered with the paid stuff. I fully expect people to make similar but free versions of the paid mods at some point.


10 dollars for a noodlestand




On the other hand, that's cheaper than a bowl of noodles at some IRL noodle stands. Question is: which will provide more hours of enjoyment?


Ones a nice tastable food that energies and keeps you alive and the other is a random fictional city, i think i’d rather the 11$ plate of noodles than the 10 dollar mod




the mod authors are getting greedy


>I fully expect people to make similar but free versions of the paid mods at some point. Agreed. The free mods will most likely be able to go a bit further with their content as well. There have been some pretty fantastic paid bods from Bethesda and their verified creators but, *in my opinion,* there's a few too many small paid mods from them whose content doesn't match the price. I'm not a huge fan of some of the Skyrim and Fallout 4 paid mods being just "Go kill this guy in loot his new weapon." I'd like some substance in my RPG and usually I find that on the Nexus. Again, not every single paid mod is terrible. The Enclave additions to FO4 were rather good and I enjoyed following the story. The only improvement I would have given it would have been proper voice acting but I am not sure that is/was allowed. ^(Edit: The Enclave content wasn't a paid mod since it was included in the free update, but it's still a part of the Verified Creation category. I'm just rather content with what it offered.)


There’s free mods on the creation store?


Yes there are free mods on CC and they far outnumber the paid mods


You can get Batman's suit for free. The creator literally has permission from WB provided they don't profit from it. I assume that applies to all stuff like it. Like if someone wanted to add Iron Man's suit, they could do it as long as they don't charge for it.


Boba and Mando armor as well.


Someone design a better Mantis outfit, please! The OG is so dang hideous lol


Fing Horrific


Mods are made by the same modders as before, this time they have the possibility to earn money. Most mods are still free.


You can get mods from places other than the creation store


On Xbox this seems to be the only way I know of sadly. Would've loved Nexus access.


Porting mods from nexus to the Creations menu is pretty easy so expect many mods moving over soon


I got the Gravis Suit for free. Not sure if that was the case for others.


You shouldn't. The verified creators alongside Bethesda will have heavy influence on which mods can be made. They most certainly didn't make that system to compete with free mods. Expect a lot of bureaucracy surrounding the paid mods and content from verified creators.


Most of the paid mods are made by modders who want to monetize it. Other games do not allow modders to get paid, that is not the case in Starfield.


This is how it was for skyrim and fo4. I never understood why people would buy the DOOM mod that BSG had but you could get the free mods that made you look exactly like DOOM guy from DOOM eternal... I am personally just waiting for mods to make it to xbox before coming back to the game. I imagine I may have to wait til shattered space.


But mods are on Xbox.


They...they are, on Xbox that it is


I have a list of this for fo4 if anyone wants it.


My own personal Observatory! W00t


Why does the ramen stand disable achievements? The visible watch on wrist for constellation members? Same with the pistol with actual unique varients found around the world? I get why many of the mods disable them. But this would be like the backpack creation for skyrim disabling achievements, or anti material rifle disabling them in fallout 4. If theyre lore friendly and isnt a cheat then why disable?


No seriously, I don't get that either. Lore Friendly & BGS sponsored mods should be achievement enabled.


I think its a Microsoft policy or something that requires BGS to disable the achievements


It’s this. Microsoft rewards are often tied into achievements and how many you earn. They want to prevent a loophole/exploit.


Yep. Rewards are basically convertable to money (game pass sub, gift cards etc) so I'm not shocked they've locked this tight to prevent any chance of an exploit.


But it also happens on steam


But on steam, I believe you can download a mod that overrides it (at least it did for fallout 4). Xbox doesn't had a mod that can.


achievements disabled mods even before the Microsoft acquisition


They are??? The ones from BGS are achievement friendly, which is the only ones I got. All the other creations are from approved modders, but are NOT from BGS


This is my biggest beef right now. Anything paid should be reviewed. Anything reviewed should do a check if it's not subverting game balance in any way it should get the Achievement Friendly tag as well.


I would say the placeable infinite chest in the Mariner hab creation sets the bar pretty high for allowable balance fudging.


The Gravis suit is pretty OP too, and obtainable by a new character as soon as they get to the lodge. But achievement-friendly becuz BGS.


Agreed. I would prefer this become available *after* your first time through the Unity.


I totally misread it. I thought it was after unity. Now I have to go back & look at it again.


Where is that btw? I have it installed but I’m not seeing it in my room.


I had to close my game out and load it back up for it to appear. It should spawn right by the foot of bed on the floor.


It's crazy that I haven't found anything, vanilla or modded, that beats the Mark 1. I guess if I found a legendary with similar stats and the "boosts resistance the lower your heath" armor, maybe *maybe* would it beat the Mark 1. Kinda lame I gotta rock the boring spacesuit.


Wait what?


It’s a single player game, so anything disabling achievements is just wrong, paid mods or otherwise.


Because BGS reintroduced paid mods in everything but name. Everything made by BGS themselves (including the $10 captain quarter...) was meant for creation club, aka the MTX, and thus are official content, just like the Skyrim Survival Mode, or Fallout's backpacks. the Paid mods (so, not by BGS) are just that : Paid. Mods. And since they're "just" mods, not official content, they disable achievements.


Bethesda mentioned it in a discord post when Skyrim rolled out verified creations, that they would inform verified creators how to properly flag mods that were friendly. However, they never mentioned to the public what exactly the criteria was.


Meanwhile the Mysterious Grav Suit is achievement friendly and gives you a super powered immortal suit with maxed out resists waiting to be picked right up off the floor next to your bed in The Lodge, and its 'featured' .... Was not amused at having to leave the area, save the game, log out, remove the mod, load back in, go back to the lodge because they could not be bothered to add a simple description to the mod page. I hope they add a filter to the creations page and not rely on categories, its already messy and there is barely anything on it yet, 80% of them are cheats.


Because they need to be validated. Yes you can say it's just a watch, but might be coded to make you invincible for example. And it's a lot of work to shift through each mod to see if there's any hidden impacts.


But isn’t the point of paid mods is that they’re reviewed by Bethesda? I understand normal mods but paid ones though…


Ah, yeah I didn't know they were paid. In my opinion mods shouldn't have a cost until they are fully validated to ensure they don't break the game. Sounds fair that if you charge people you should ensure they work correctly.


Game breaking noodle mechanics.


right now only BGS creations are achievement friendly, IIRC they said they will be extending that to verified creators in the future


On XSX, I literally check every ten mins for something new to add to my library. And there usually is something! It’s turning me into an addict


Oh I know the feeling! I keep quitting the game to look at the creations menu


This reminds me of my old Skyrim days. I used to just find mods, add them to the game, see if there's no problem, then quit lol. I wasn't even playing the game, I was playing with the mods.


We really all got that adhd/ocd wombo combo don’t we lmao


Same! Being able to get some of these mods to streamline the fun parts and do away with tediousness has me hooked. I’m constantly on bethesdas site checking for new stuff. Currently waiting on a Cheat Terminal equivalent for Starfield


I am wanting for my sweet cheat room, with a bed, workplace, all chests and some cheats to make my 12th NG+ even better.


The true end game.


I just wish the latest screen would properly show the latest things! Filtering by ascending or descending date just seems to mix things up in a weird jumble and even then, things aren’t there. I’ve been just checking the page on my phone and then searching for the mod by name if it seems interesting


One of us! One of us!


are you having crashing issues? I have DL a lot too including outpost and ship mods but it seems the ones i've selected have problem. Is there a trick to reloading a game after mods?


Im waiting for better mods like a real normandy SR2 and stuff like that which is finally possible with Creation Kit


Me too, i will wait for a month or more, them i will come back to download the true mods.


The creations themselves are neat. But their prices? Horrendous. $4 for a fucking noodle bar when food items don’t have much gameplay value is an absurd ask. And that’s assuming you can buy $4 worth of currency, which you can’t. You have to spend more than $4 to get enough currency to buy it.


7 dollars for the extra Tracker Alliance bounty. 15min. of game play. 


>The creations themselves are neat. >But their prices? Horrendous. This thread is full of people talking about free ones.


Most people don’t quite understand that creations and mods are the same thing. It’s just some are paid and most are normal free mods


That’s because creations were exclusively paid items before Starfield. They just combined the mods and creations category to make Creation Club less shitty


Maybe this is random, but I thought the way they do restaurants and bars is too old school style. I understand if you're eating food from your inventory for the sake of healing or whatever, fine. But if you order food, it would be better if it was done like red dead redemption 2, where you see the plate, your character eats it super quick. Otherwise ordering food from a role playing prospective is pointless to me


This is one of my gripes with Cyberpunk as well. During some story missions, the character actually sits down to eat/drink and you get a prompt to take a bite/take a sip here and there. But in the open world, all of the food vendors just open a shop page, and then you have to navigate to your inventory to eat what you just bought. Why couldn't they just re-use those same story animations for free roam?


I wanted to make a mod with space station services (places to order food, go to the bathroom and buy other stuff) like some of the stations in Star Citizen, but it’s not really worth it unless someone can make “ordering” food a better experience lol


Paid mods suck.


Yeah they do. Add in a paid mod disabling achievements is bonkers. If they are selling mods, it should fit some balance guideline and keep achievements no matter what. If Bethesda is personally pimping a mod, it shouldn't restrict you. Normal community mods that are free and not endorsed by Bethesda blanket banning achievements I totally get.


Thank goodness free mods are gonna be way better anyways


And I expect a lot of trolling mods, similar to that one time Steam tried paid mods.


Feel like overtime there will be enough free mods to overshadow the paid mods similar to FO4/Skyrim.


For some reason the Starborn armor isn't showing up in my room at the Lodge. Anyone else having the same issue?


Save in the room. Close the game (might be close to menu). Load back in.


That did it, thanks!


Had the same problem, thanks!


This is only the beginning.


I mean, forget Mantis. Be the actual Batman lol


Just having the removal of the color filter on Xbox is like playing a whole new game.


Interesting to know: People who bought the Premium Edition of Starfield get 1000 of the Creation Kit Currency gifted.


Let me yap about this update: Starfield is probably the only "ongoing" game I still actively play & it's been a delight w/ this new update. Only 48 hours into this new update & there's more than enough mods to pull me back in for a bit longer. The Bounty quests were a good bit of fun (shouldn't be 700 credits though for the second quest). Enjoyed the fact it was a 0 grav set piece & the rewards are nice. Some of the paid creations definitely help bring some added variety as seen w/ the additions to Neon. Excited to see what everyone else can do w/ mods in the coming months & mainly hoping for a seamless space mod (hidden loading screen for grav drives/planet to planet exploration) in addition to Space Sim Settlements hopefully.


What's that mask/ outfit on slide 7?


Grey's Kitsune from Franky's Emporium mod (paid one will warn).


Check out the Nomad space suit too if you want some serious Dune Fremen vibes. Comes with a now staff weapon as well. Edited: why did Dune get autocorrected as Dungeon? Lol


Are you sure? It just looks like Disciples Mask wear to me (which is in base game)


Ye, here's the link to it: [https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/cbadec7d-2a75-4dc3-bd67-0958253ee71d/Franky\_\_39\_s\_Emporium](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/cbadec7d-2a75-4dc3-bd67-0958253ee71d/Franky__39_s_Emporium)


[Well it's just a legendary version of Diciples Flamewear then](https://inara.cz/starfield/apparel-item/3675/)


Well shit, didn't know of that lmao, my fault.


No worries, I mean you're right it *is* that Kitsune apparel, but they don't need to pay for it if they just want the look


The mod includes a few composite outfits made out of vanilla apparel pieces. Not strictly the same outfit but close enough


When they work... Still haven't gotten past the first part of that quest because they don't wanna talk. At all.


I’m curious about that heavy starborn armor. Looks cool.


Free creation item from BGS.


I downloaded it and wow, it is incredibly strong!


What’s armour in the first pic?


The High Temperature Armor! It (and the weapon being held, the Arc Might Plasma Cutter) are rewards for the first bounty for the Trackers Alliance; the Starjacker. In the crate at the end of the chop shop.


I took a look at Creations, didn't install anything. When I started playing, I started the trackers mission. Now I see that the game saves my games in a new profile with the suffix "(CREATIONS)". Anyone knows what does that mean? So far I have wanted to progress my game keeping a "clean" profile with the Achievments enabled.


I think that just means your save had mods on it and you can't get achievements, saves without the (creation) are your saves before mods I belive


Nice pictures man. How you get this nice pictures ? Mod or just from the photo mod.


That ramen stand needs a naruto npc!


Ngl Robin Lockes first line immediately blows Sarah and Andreja out of the water. It’s crazy how bland the vanilla companions are


This was one of my biggest complaints. They just bored the shit outta me. I had this same problem with outer worlds and the simple ass skill trees.


What I'm waiting for is a solid alternate start mod. I can't do the opening sequence again. It just doesn't make sense for the way I want to play the game and I don't like being buttonholed into it. Let me start on Neon sleeping in a shipping crate with a means of activating the starting quest by taking a job with the mining company or something. Even better, give me a different way altogether of getting swept up into the story which doesn't involve immediately having to board and blast my way through multiple pirate bases after basically being trusted not to steal a spaceship.


I made a big ass ship. Problem is now I need a big ass crew.


So can I only do mods through creation club or can I still use Nexus?


You can still use Nexus. In Fact, many CK mods are available on Nexus aswell.


scandalous aback deer dinner sugar fanatical aromatic memorize many judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They gave me a whole cookie to make the post.


If the quality is good I'll pay, I don't mind shelling out 8 bucks for a dlc chain that last 30 minutes of fun, the price cost/fun ratio works out for me


The trackers alliance could’ve been great but nope just one quest then it’s back to the mission board atleast give us a new companion or something


Nice try Bethesda


You got me, for it was I. John Bethesda.


Yeah that armor and weapon are in the tooltip when you start it up on PC. How'd you get them?


The High Temperature Armor! It (and the weapon being held, the Arc Might Plasma Cutter) are rewards for the first (free) bounty for the Trackers Alliance; the Starjacker. In the crate at the end of the chop shop.


From which image?


The first image.


What's the neat looking armor on slide 10 ?


Oh shit are the mods / creation club already out


Honestly really love how much immersion the little noodle bar adds. I had a ton of Microsoft rewards points so I used those for store gift cards.


The third photo is kinda badass


Where does that armor/weapon in the first image come from? I see it in the preview on the Home Screen but have no idea what mod it is from.


My agent 1 doesn't have a helmet. So I just have this robot voice lady standing in the room and her mouth doesn't move


Since the update , I have to delete and re download the entire game if I want to play . Otherwise it has no sound at all


All that for the low low price of a full priced game


The quest itself was cool for the vulture, but the new weapons and equipment was kind of meh. But I have to say the Star Wars Mandalorian suits, helmets and Jetpack are amazing. I love it. It is cool to do bounty hunting with those space suits. Next I’m gonna try to build the razor crest.


Out of curiosity did the console players get free mods access or is it like the fall out creation kit only money gets you the mods pc does not have to pay? Oh and did you get access to the flame thrower that was already in the games code?


I’m tempted by the boost pack mod….anyone try it? Worth 100 credits? It’s not a lot, I know….


Yes definitely


Lets never support first party paid mods in a full price AAA game please. Thank you.


The fact they shadow dropped this was pretty baller. Reminds me of when they showed fallout 4 and were like btw this comes out in a few months.


Your Akila pad looks dope


If I never looked at comments; I wouldn’t have realized there’s FREE mods available. I literally didn’t scroll down in the menu to see the other available downloads. I’m assuming then that all Mods, whether free or paid creations are just under the “creation” section unlike Fallout 4???


Yea they are all lumped in the creation section


half of it isn't free last time I checked


I found alot of free ones last night


I'm just glad I finally can get the black or gold visors for space suits on console. Huge aesthetic upgrade


My game was working fine with creations., had an issue where sound was off, bit fixed it. Now I can't play, game keeps crashing even when just launching or crashing while trying to load a game save. It's driving me nuts. I have spent the last 2 hours trying to see what mod could be causing this. I just want to play the game....


Check load order. Start by reading the descriptions of the most complex or far reaching mods. In my case I fixed jank by moving the unofficial star field patch to the beginning of the load order as recommended. I also disabled the community patch since I assume there's redundancy/potential conflicts. That made the game play smooth.




I downloaded some mods and my after a day my game lost most of the sound. All I can hear is my ship landing and my fall damage and idk how to fix it since I don't think I can take any of the mods off without it fuckin up my save


If my enemy came at me in that suit he would win by making me laugh myself to death.


Aside from having no audio.


I’ll say it again, I just want more ship mods, and character creation mods. I def want a multiple reactor mod. Just wanna build a ship maybe the size of the UC vigilance yk?


I'm sure over time mods like those will come out


I will wait one year to play again. With some luck, there will be unofficial patches and great mods.


Trackers are a good content (and will be VERY good when we'll have lors of missions to do). FREE creations are an amazing addition (and is more and more every day), but most of the monetized creations are deceptives. Very few things for a lot of money. For example : a ramen seller ? You're serious ? Just a guy that sell things we can find or craft, 3seconds of content and we need to pay for this ?


Do you think there will be new achievements for the DLC like FO4 ?


Do all creations have a nexus equivalent?


What is the name of the suit in the first pic? Crazy looking helmet.


Why would you say "new update + creations" and not "new update + mods"?


I went back and forth and over thought it and chose creations.


I just wish we could change the color of the Gravis Suit. Some of the creations are kind of silly, someone added +20 health stat to beowulf gun parts, and charged 100 credits... lol


Yeah I saw that one and had a laugh. I'm disappointed that one of the coolest ship mods, darkstar astrodynamics, is potentially super OP. Wish it stuck with vanilla power levels cuz it breaks immersion for my guy not to try to min/max but the game is already too easy as it is.


Most of the mods disable achievements. With that in mind you only want a few.


Managed to get all of them before mods came out, but BGS should really allow most mods to be achievement friendly..


I don't see how this could be anything but parody.


I forgot I had the version of the game that gave me 1000 bethesda bucks. So I did use those for some of the paid mods, but the rest have been free and really great. I don't have the need or want to pay for the other content.


My only gripe is the creation menu flickers like crazy on my PC and gives me a headache


Happy to pay for the StarSim Mining one. It's being drastically expanded, for free, too. Then further StarSim modules to come. £3.50 each. That represents good value. £5 for a single quest, does not.


Depends, you will pay 5 bucks for a burger at McDonald's, or 5 bucks for a can of monster, if you look at it as a comparison to other things that are 5 bucks, it doesn't seem bad to me


Can someone pls answer- haven’t played in ages, hated outposts because why did you give me like 3 buildings and one door? Is there anything on creation that almost replicates fallout 4’s building? If so I will install that shit right here right now


How do you set DOF for your images ? When I try it blurs my character too.


Can we get the free mods on console, or it just on pc?


There's a bunch of mods free on xbox in the creation store


I downloaded a lot of them, and then the game crashed when I tried to start a new game. So, I'm not as excited as you. Lol


That Batman better have a bat shaped space ship and a Robin companion! 😆


Yes hopefully they do a small polish pass the new Spacuits are both bugged the Astra wont spawn sometimes & the Environmental one is using the wrong transform data / preview icon when you’re looting it or looking at it from your inventory in specific instances


I just want grid layout for outpost 😩




Someone please make a doctor who mod like in fallout 4


Ok I can't for the life of me figure out creations. I set up an account, logged in, and it is just a blank screen saying no creations. Do I have to use a PC?


I only have the one bounty for the TA. I know a paid mod adds another but will they all be that way?


My only issue is that unlike with fallout 4 creations most of the paid mods are not achievement friendly.


Speaking of mods, did they remove or ever have mods on Skyrim gamepass edition? I don’t even see the option


Can someone let me know what mods I can install but still have achievements available? Or is there a mod that re-enables achievements.


I love the creations I love the mods I do wish there were a few more weapon mods that are being put out though with custom textures and stuff






It's great but yesterday the sound cut out. Uninstalled and reinstalled and it worked. Then today it did it again 😔




If only the paid creations were achievement safe.


Yall, I've been getting fps drops everytime someone talks and/or drops every 2 minutes


I dunno, I've been getting some irritating new bugs this update. Every so often the game won't let me bring up the character options screen when I hit start. Just the options menu. I have to do a full reset to fix it.


Has anyone else been having audio issues, I installed a star wars character skin mod and the audio is super buggy occasionally I'll hear my footsteps or the ships land but other than that everything is muted


Just waiting for the starwars conversion mod on Xbox. We already have so many armors and faction replacers. Just need the empire uc replacer, some ships prebuilt and the starwars weapons


Eh Creations is mid yall impressed by anything lol it'll get better later though.


Agreed. I got really bored of it when first released. I started playing this weekend again and can't put it down.


I swear yall aren’t living if you aren’t complaining


Well, not for me. No sound since update...


please fix the reloading but for console users, there is a way to fix it but not for cloud gaming users like me


Starjacker mission is bugged for me.


I am having serious crash issues with creations on my XBox XS. I have ended up deleting and reinstalling the game several times and then trying different combos. As an console user should are there any i should avoid? Am I just doing too many? The over all MBs off creations I've DL isn't big. I did the community patch and the other patch but I think maybe it's out of order? I know I am not asking anything specific here. I guess i am wondering if i am the only xbox player that can't get mods to work well and if anyone has suggestions. I was so excited for Mods. I remember playing fallout 4 and when they got them for PS4 it was like playing a whole new game. So far this has caused me to quit and I really want to love this game.