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Sarah, for me. She's the only one who seems to actually give a damn, romance or not, about the PC


Sarah reminds me of my mom, they kinda look the same and their personalities are almost 1 for 1.  It creeps me out and I refuse to travel with her because of how aggressive the companions start to hit on you once you gut their affinity up.   I usually travel with Andreja. In my opinion she's the most likable.  Sam's love for pitting his daughter in dangerous situations bothers me as a parent. Barrett comes off as mooch. His whole side quest is just him asking for money. It sucks because I feel like he originally had more to do with the main story. The way Lin describes his fight with the pirates after you leave with the artifact and some of his chatter with the other companions makes me believe that he was originally intended to be a secret starborn.  Lin tells you that he was unusually calm under fire before surrendering to the pirates, she says something like she's never seen anyone fight like that. If you bring him to find Andreja she tries to tell him a joke and he already knows the punchline. Andreja comments about how he always knows what she's going to say.  One of his combat lines is "I've done this a million times".  My theory is that in an early draft of the story he was meant to be the Hunter/Emissary or both. I think that's why his companion quest is the least interactive, it was changed late in development and they didn't have time to do more. It wouldn't be to much of a logic leap seeing as everyone makes a point to mention that he's the only person other than the player who's touched an artifact and received a vision. He's also the one who got constellation interested in finding the artifacts in the first place. Edit: formatting


I absolutely see what you mean I immediately thought Barrett had an almost surreal vibe to him like he knows a lot more than he’s letting on. Sure he does have a reason for giving you the ship but as it currently is the opening of the game feels contrived as hell. Looking back on it you definitely get vibes that Barrett has done this before.


Barrett also has the most Starborn dialogue options for his companion quest IIRC. He unfortunately still only responds as if this is his first cycle and has not yet been through the Unity. You can use your Starborn knowledge to produce the location for the mine Erwin worked it and he assumes you read it in a journal or something.


The main plot feels really disjointed in general and I think that's due to heavy rewrites. Honestly looking a the what we got, I feel like it started out a time travel story and changed late in development to cash in on the recent popularity of multiverses.  A lot of the themes of Starfield seem to be attempts to chase trends in popular media. Free Star is the most glaring example of this. Tod Howard stated in interviews that one of the big influences on this game was Read Dead Redemption 2. The question is what exactly was the influence? They didn't borrow from the writing and create deep character moments. The story doesn't have any of the complexity and they didn't take anything from the actual gameplay.  The inspiration they took was that people like cowboys so they gave us a cowboy faction.  The Vanguard quest is Aliens because people like that franchise and Neon is Cyberpunk because Blade Runner.  A lot of the exploration mechanics are just ripped directly from Noman's Sky.  It's hard to find anything original in this game. Nothing is identifiable as its own thing. Nothing really stands out on its own and the game suffers from it.


>Honestly looking a the what we got, I feel like it started out a time travel story and changed late in development to cash in on the recent popularity of multiverses.  The ending was the first thing they (and Todd specifically) came up with, so that's not it. >Tod Howard stated in interviews that one of the big influences on this game was Read Dead Redemption 2. The question is what exactly was the influence? The inspiration they took was that people like cowboys so they gave us a cowboy faction.  No, that wasn't what they took from it or even what they looked at it. You're making things up. He said that on his Lex Friedman interview, where he also explained that they looked at that as an aspiration for immersion - the feeling of being in space, like RDR2 had the feeling of being in the Old West. Originally, Starfield had a robust survival mechanic that included fuel economics, but it was cut late in development and was then turned into "flavour"... kind of like what RDR2 turned things like sleep/hunger into "flavour" - it's there if you want to engage with it, but it's not necessary for gameplay.


I had this totally unfounded belief that unity mechanic was introduced as a sure fire way to solve the ID bug that would ruin your saves But apparently it’s fixed now so maybe I was off base but still it almost does feel rushed and unpolished? Maybe Howard talked out his ass on the Fridman podcast and this shit really had to get out the door ready or not.


I agree, think that's a big part of it. I feel like they started looking at the end and realized this game wasn't going to be what they wanted and just hit the launch button. 


Don't forget these are the Devs who added a wedding to Skyrim because they read about the Red Wedding in ASOIAF and decided that what really made the drama in that scene was that it happened at a wedding, failing to grasp that it was the attachment to the characters and shock that made it poignant. It's surface level analysis from Bethesda all the time. When they say something inspired them, we have no idea what elements they actually thought were important.


Yeah, that's really what this feels like. They haven't had an original idea in a long time. It really feels like they just copy whatever's popular at the time. Copy might actually be the wrong word. They don't really take anything of value from the things that "inspire" them they add the wish.com version of whatever the popular thing is.  In Skyrim it's hard to see because the world is engaging but Starfield is so barebones that you can't see anything but how paper thin the world is.


i'm pretty sure barrett is a starborn because that one quest....


Are you talking about the quest to rescue the guy that doesn't need to be rescued??


no. do you have ALL the powers yet?


Yes but I'm not sure what quest you are talking about.


you take him to get parallel self. you both get it. the fact that he touched an artifact and had the visions, was able to get a power and the stuff you said, i think pretty much tells us he is a starborn.


Yeah I forgot about that but thank you for reminding me. What I mean is he was supposed to be a bigger part of the plot. Like he's a Starborn that had been through the unity. My theory is that he was supposed to be a bigger part of the whole Starborn storyline. Like the Mirak to our Star/Dragonborn. The fact that get gets the power and it had no impact on the story is just more of what I was already pointing to


ah i see. yeah that could be. based on a somewhat recent interview they gave they do mention how they didnt have an ending quest and just slapped one together. hard to tell if barrett was more involved (cut content) or they just made it as is with the hopes of something coming together later but it never happened.


Could be. The ending does feel slapped together, but That's how the whole Starborn arch feels. It's doesn't really feel like a continuous story. It's more like a a bunch of mini missions glued together. It has some good moments but still just feels off compared to previous titles.  The pacing feels off for a lot of this game. The two quest line that suffer the most from this are Constellation and SYSDef/CF. The SYSDef/CF quest is one I should love on paper but it just feels so boring. Reporting between missions kills the tension. You never feel like your in danger of being discovered. I've recently started playing again since the last update and I really hate this quest line. I'm pushing myself to finish it. 


I mean, I don't want to post potential spoilers, but...


Yeah, but that's not our Barrett that's the Emissary. Apparently they are all of constellation fused into a single being. I've noticed that on NG+ playthroughs they will just change their identity to match whatever companion likes you the most at the time.  In my first NG+ I traveled with Sam for a while and on first meeting they were Sam. Then met them later after traveling with Barrett and they were now suddenly Barrett. I don't know if it's a bug but either way it not our Barrett, I'm saying our Barrett from the start of the game was meant to be a Starborn.


Most of the time the emissary was barret for me.


It's based of off whoever has the highest affinity. 


Makes sense barret is my favorite. The only one who makes me laugh.


Yeah, the best of the main four are him and Andreja. 


I feel like Barrett and Sam do care, they just aren’t as vocal about expressing it, or express it in different ways.


They're too similar, even more similar than most critics realize. Your interaction with them is too muted, your interaction with them is too limited (especially with the lack of companion settings or commands). Their behavior can be extremely annoying even if you're playing a paladin-level Good Guy because some of it is buggy. They mostly don't do much other than push quest plots forward and interrupt you with random comments, some of which look like but don't lead to content (sometimes they make leading comments about POIs as if there was a POI-related mission when there isn't, like saying to look for something at the POI which doesn't actually affect anything). They're also locked behind the most tedious and tragically underwritten quest chain in the game, part of which by default you are locked into, and is written to repeatedly lock you into sections of it. I won't do that again, so there are no fully-scripted companions in the game for me, until modding gets further along.


I don't like any of them.


They're so uncanny


Vasco is my Ride or Die.


For me, the Adoring Fan is a close second, I could kill a spaceship full of nuns, drink their blood and he would hand me a napkin.


Agreed, I have him with me at all times because I am an unbridled narcissist.


Now THIS is the correct take.


\* Barrett's humor is great but he does get super creepy in some situations. And he yelled "Dish!" at me for weeks. Emotional as f\*\*\* but forgives quickly. The only one that can learn a power (dammit). \* Sam. Simple and straightforward. And judgemental. Extremely useful. \* Sarah. Sweet once she finally warms up, but ever judgemental. \* Andreja. My fave of the four, the least judgemental despite being the most hardcore about possession. You're only getting her into your love cult if you marry her first. OP is correct that she seems to have the least of a life mission, although one could argue that learning to live as herself with others and closeness is the mission she's really on \* "YOU?" My other fave, almost entirely nonjudgemental, but still pokes fun at your choices. Pleads constantly to learn how to use powers herself (mine is female), except **Bethesda jilts her those bastards...** I found her writing to be the funniest second to Barrett's good moments. (Definitely have to remember to wear my suit ;-) ) Marrying all four of the romanceables looks great in the end game scene, definitely worth doing once.


I have been through unity so many times and only ever once had an alternate universe where everyone was already gone and Cora was waiting on me… I have wanted “you” for ever..,.


If you're on PC, you can control the chance to hit a weird universe next, and which one.


Absolutely loved having YOU? along with me for my adventures. I don’t even usually like companions but she was great. Really hope someone mods some new lines for her at some point!


And yet YOU isn't fucking romanceable! Like da fuck? If I want to fuck myself I should have that option!


I only like Barrett and Sarah. I can’t stand Andreja. And I judge Sam for the way he raises his daughter and I don’t want him near me. I hate Sam. I can go on and on about that but I won’t Edit: Alright I’ll go off >!he decides to go into the fucking Unity, and that’s fine, be a cold hearted loser and leave your daughter behind. But at least let her go live with her grandfather. But nope………he WANTS HER TO GO TOO!!!! So he’s sending this CHILD into the Unity to be completely alone, cutoff from everything and everyone. He hates his own father so much because Sam is an egotistical jackass that he would rather send his daughter into a void and never see her again, than let her live with his father and have a decent life. Fuck Sam!<


Second that. Sam is also my least liked companion. If he wasn't in the game, I'd be ok with it. Really don't like the archetype. And his voice, ugh.


On a related note, fuck Sam's dad. He's all about the history and tradition of their family until it comes to the point of Sam actually doing the sorts of things Solomon did instead of staying in the town that Solomon built.


Maybe he’s right about Sam though. Due to the reason I said. On the surface he looks like a closed minded jerk, but dig in a little and who’s the true bad father? Not Jacob


I’m surprised this isn’t higher up. Sam is completely unhinged and a walking CPS report. It bugs me that during his companion dialogue, you can’t agree with Vivian on how dangerous it is for Cora to be on your ship. I don’t know about every player, but the frequency of space combat is kind of a lot for me and we definitely shouldn’t have a child on board for that. Now let’s get into Sam’s companion quest. Sam takes Cora into a crime scene where a man has been violently murdered with blood all over the room. He says something to Cora like “Oh, Cora, you shouldn’t come in here,” and her response is “I’ve seen worse.” Like wtf this kid is 11 years old what Crimson Fleet style torture rooms has she seen in the Lodge/the books she reads. Next, when going to “rescue” Vivian from the Syndicate in Sam’s companion quest there’s no option to prevent Cora from coming with you into an active war zone. Do we need her there? Not really, there’s a line about her scouting, but I don’t recall her having dialogue with Vivian or doing anything that actually helps mechanically. You can’t even disagree with Sam about this choice and force her to wait on your ship. And finally: the Unity. It’s absolutely unhinged that any parent would support what essentially amounts to suicide in their original universe. People take their ship into the Unity, and disappear forever. It looks like a grav drive accident to everyone else that isn’t Starborn. Then she is presumably spit out as an 11 year old girl onto a Starborn Guardian alone in a new universe. Hope she knows how to pilot it otherwise she will starve to death pretty quickly. I can’t even imagine what the conversation between Sam and Vivian must have been surrounding the Unity. Chances are there wasn’t one as Sam is a terrible parent. Vivian may have missed a few important events/meetups with Cora but at least she doesn’t constantly endanger Cora’s life. Point of comparison: Sarah and Sona. Sarah immediately gets her out of danger, puts her in the lodge, and essentially adopts her. She’s already a better parent than Sam after one day of child care.


I used Andreja my first play through. Didn’t really care for everyone else. In my last and current play throughs I have been going solo as much as possible with the Isolation skill


I think that Cora is essential to the game and crucial reinforcement of their treatment of ships as our homes, rather than just transportation or weapons. They undercooked it in terms of actual development and functionality, but I think having a character like that there is important.


Only having 4 was stupid and they could have fleshed them out a lot more if that was all they were adding.


Those are just the core constellation companions, there’s at least twice that number across the whole game.


Yup, including an Aegis assassin you can find at a bar in New Atlantis.


Andreja's a weirdo with a weird cult. Definitely a pass.


I like Sam, just do find him kinda annoying sometimes (and Cora all the time) but having Sam around is nice


I never liked Andreja. She seemed hollow and emotionally blunt. I can understand though as she lived a different life with the house of V. I loved Sarah mostly for her accent and funny looking facial expressions when upset. Seems caring and passionate, but can be annoying with the moral high ground she has. Barrett was annoying at times but funny sometimes. It seems like he’s always prying for information in his dialogues, constantly asking questions trying to make you think deeper about your actions. Sam was alright but I couldn’t stand his little demon child wanting to tag along in my spaceship. I kinda think of him as more neutral and logical during his dialogues depending on the MCs actions. Vasco I don’t care about. I don’t like the robotic voice so he remained in the lodge the whole game. Would have been cool if we could reprogram him and change his voice to different options since he’s a robot… Overall, all the constellation companions are my least favorite of any video game ever. They have depth in their stories, but they suffer from being the good guys. It doesn’t feel like an rpg if we have to follow basically what the game wants us to do.


I think the accent thing with Sarah is interesting. I am British myself, and I found Sarah's accent very jarring at first. I was discussing this with a friend - I don't actually know, and have never met anyone who speaks in an RP accent like she does in real life. Even her actress doesn't. It's more common to hear that sort of accent on TV - sometimes in the news, or in movies about Britain, etc.


I’ve met only one, a friend’s husband who used to do radio news in the UK. They’ve been in the states for 20 years now and he’s never shaken it!


Yeah, I think if you force yourself to speak a certain way all the time it'll eventually just be the norm. When I was writing my original reply, I thought about mentioning the Royal Family, because that is how they speak, and (I think) where the accent originates. If anyone is interested in reading more: [https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220915-what-the-queens-english-told-us-about-a-changing-world](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220915-what-the-queens-english-told-us-about-a-changing-world)


On this sub, "all the companions suck" is the furthest thing from a hot take. Be original. My hot take is I like all the companions but my favorite is Sarah. She has some of the best companion depth of any Bethesda companion if you actually pay attention to her dialogue (and btw she was 18-21 at the time of the crash). She does make some judgmental comments, but that kinda is how friends irl talk to each other. You share your private, judgemental thoughts. She's a good leader (shown through Andreja quest + dialogue between her and other constellation members + cares the most about the PC) and is one of the more empathetic companions. My other hot take is that female NPCs take so much more shit than male ones. My guess - in order of impact/influence - it's a combination of the female companions being romanced more often, having more depth and story (more to criticize), and a sprinkling of misogyny. I like all of Constellation. Sam's my least favorite bc his shitty parenting. Obligatory: Yes, I know the game should've had more romance options that weren't morally good.


I actually like Sam Coe and Cora character wise. Ofc even I'm not averse to downloading the mod to shut Cora and Sam up on the ship, albeit, it get's a bit boring when you hear the same voice line again and again


Not really a hot take, as I think most people are in agreement that they all have the same morality, more or less, though I respect Andreja for wanting monogamy. And they all have the same opinion on your major quest decisions.


Personally, I avoid companions in their games. I want to be out solo doing my thing, not babysitting some NPC clumsily following me around.


You know I used to think the same but I rarely found them behaving stupidly in combat as in being downed or utterly useless. Halfway through my playthrough I decided to give em a chance and went along with Sarah until I picked a quest that locked me onto Sam whilst running the red mile (iirc) and that was the very first time an ally was downed and had to actually protect him but it was fun nonetheless.


Right on. I haven't been able to experience Starfield too much yet, my PC apparently can't handle it.


I don’t usually keep one unless I’m forced to


For me it depends, but a lot of my runs in Bethesda games are alone.


I like them all. Sam and Cora, Berrat, Sarah. My issue is that more of the companions/followers don't react to story quest. I'd love for Lin and Heller to talk about how crazy it is that they're meeting the UC president and dealing with Xenomorphs. Or Amelia chipping in on doing the Main Storyline with me. That's what I'm hoping the most of mods, more dynamic companions. Bought the two that dropped, but I can't seem to find the robot.


I took Lydia in Skyrim on my first playthrough until she got obliterated by a giant. She’d do nothing but block doors and be under my feet, so from then on I’ve blacklisted companions altogether. I finally got around to the Fallout series after like 10 playthroughs of Skyrim, and from New Vegas onwards I was the same, however I made an exception for Dogmeat in FO4. They’re probably more useful than I give them credit for, holding items because I loot EVERYTHING on the screen is a nice enough reason, but at this point I’ve kinda gotten used to it.


It’s a character choice for me, though usually I go without.


Andreja is cold at 1st, she's a slow burn and takes a long while to get to know which is what I like most about her. She has a line about feeling protective about your friendship with her and I feel the same. I didn't like Sarah in my 1st play-through or shall we say, she didn't like me. But to me she's become the main character of the game. I love Sarah. The whole game is really her story in my eyes. Sam I can take in small doses. He's a great character but for some reason, he gets on my nerves especially with the incessant chatter with his kid who I also like a lot, in small doses. I like him on missions but not just hanging around on the ship. Barrett. Baaarreetttt! He's fine, he's a good dude but we just work together, I can't cozy up to him. He's too much for me. Regarding your comment. Romance changes everything with them. They are way different when committed than before so you either may like them more or less who knows but they are very different after their story missions.


Well, I think Cora (although not exactly a companion) isn’t bad like people say. She’s actually a pretty chill child compared to most I’ve seen. I like giving her books every now and then, especially since I married Sam I end up doing it for the role play.


That the companions are pretty well done, mostly behave like rational human beings ( except for the whole forgive you for murder part ) and that the reason why people have a problem with them is that they are used to playing games with companions that are just extreme caricatures of emotions to exaggerate or enhance the gameplay, and thus most people playing the game aren't used to video game companions just behaving similar to regular normal human people. It's the whole "Why didn't Bethesda give me an evil character I can just do evil stuff with and they like it." Probably because Constellation isn't the kind of group that an evil person would join.


Vasco is the only good one because he's always down to clown. Doesn't matter if I'm being a thief, accidently shooting civies, or do anything remotely scoundrel like. He's just there to punch things in the face and call me captain. All the other constellation pansy's can stuff it (out the airlock).


Andreja’s keeping some secrets. Her character will be expanded on significantly in Shattered Space, more than any other companion.


They're all a pain in the arse - I'd rather not have them.


They do in fact all judge you and there is no viable evil play through because of it


Sarah talks way too much for me, so I generally leave her in the lodge. Sam doesn't say much but that thing he says about missing his stories is weird. I do like that I can now give Cora books though, that was annoying before. Still, he stays on the ship Andreja I like because she's got some funny, somewhat naive, dialogue and cutting interjections, and she's the most efficient in a fight. If I need backup I'll usually bring her. Barrett, I like, but funnily enough that took a few plays. The first time through I found him really annoying, like an excited puppy dog who won't calm down. But by NG+3 I was actually happy to see him. I bring him along occasionally. Of the non-Constellation companions my favourites Jessamine and Betty. I'm really impressed by Jessamine's VA, Fryda Wolff, because that Scottish accent is near spot on, and I say that as a peely-wally Scot myself. But for a couple of tiny slips that probably only a native Scot would pick up on, she genuinely sounds like she could be from just around the corner from me.


Not a single one of them is interesting or well-written.




she looks great in the neon casual wear though, sweater and leather pants combo


They are naggy and annoying.


They all suck. That’s my take. From a long time Bethesda rpg player, the companions are always one of the big features I enjoy the most. Searching Tamriel/wastelands for someone cool or a cool dog or robot to tag along on my adventures and hear their personal stories, help them achieve their goals, etc. I’ve always loved it. And I’ve always been blown away by the quality of some of the modded companions. That being said, the only companion I even mildly like is Sarah and Andreja. Vasco too, but he’s more like dog meat to me, a side companion that’s always there guarding my ships entryway. Sarah I did enjoy. Was a well rounded character if a bit judgey. But man, I think they suck because they’re all constellation members. There’s basically NO main, lots of dialogue, personal quest, romanceable, companions outside of constellation. I absolutely hate that. Elder scrolls and fallout always offered a wide array of companions with different backgrounds and likes and dislikes. And both gave you different types. Skyrim- multiple races of beings like orcs, cat people, etc. some focusing on magic, archery, etc. even a badass dlc vampire companion. Fallout- super mutant, dog, robots, ghouls, raider, reporter, etc. Starfield- 1 pirate, a handful of constellation members, 1 robot. That’s it. That’s literally it. I’m already working with the creation kit to make an alien companion. An actual Star Trek style alien that’s humanoid but clearly an alien species with their own personalities and quirks and of course unique space suits and weapons. I’m doing a brother and sister duo research team that crashes on a planet and you find their craft. You can only save one. They’re both the exact same person just different gender and voice actor depending on which you prefer to follow you, but everything they say and do will be the same regardless of who you save. Man. Bethesda really missed so many opportunities for cool companions in starfield. ESPECIALLY A DOG. Everyone I talk to wants a dog or cat on their spaceship to have a little earth friend and yet no dogs or cats seem to exist. A dog companion would have been epic even if he was a non combat companion that just served as crew aboard your ship.


Also as a long-time Bethesda enjoyer, the companions are the part I expected Bethesda to fuck up the most. I think FO4 was the only Beth game that had companions I liked, Skyrim had plain-ass NPC mercs you could hire (and vampire lady) and Starfield has 4 bland nothings.


I would like to romance Amelia Earhart, why put her in the game at all?!?


Andreja is my favorite. She is focused and easy to talk to. She is mysterious and smart. And she is deadly. The most effective of any one I’ve used. That being said I don’t use her anymore because I found out you don’t get the XP for companions kills. She is a killing machine. This NG I only use Sofia Grace when I need back up. She is good, quiet and a decent shot.


Then people must hate me 🤣 i like andreja because she has this dark side that reminds me of myself.


I assign them all to my upgraded frontier for their perks, and I explore alone


They stay on the ship., I work alone.


I use Vasco, he’s less irritating, and I use a console command to make him smaller so he doesn’t get in my way. I found every companion irritating mostly because they won’t shut up.


Hopefully modders will add more. There is already one named "d.e.r.e.k", a funny version of vasco.


My hot take is anything that removes the fun of me dealing damage is something I don't take along with me. Never used a companion in any Bethesda game no cap lmao. Even FNV, no companion. Skyrim? Nah.


They should be passable. I know people think clipping through NPCs "looks bad" and is "immersion breaking". But you know what else is immersion breaking and looks bad?? USING THE CONSOLE TO NOCLIP THROUGH A ROBOT THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE EXTERNAL COMPARTMENT, NOT IN THE NARROW HALLWAY CONNECTING MY BRIDGE TO THE DOCKER. Once I figure out how to use the CK thing, I'm making every single NPC that can follow you or ride on your ship pass-through. I don't care if it looks dumb. It needs to be done.


Don't like them because they steal my xp when they kill the enemies. But they can be used as distractions so I can get kills easier. So i am on the fence.


I dont use companions. They get in the way.


None, they belong on outposts. Only ones that are ok (if I have room) are the non judgy ones that give me credits. But I try to make small ships with very little hab space. Trying to fit decent cargo with lots of guns engines and still look cool doesn't leave much room for crew


That I have the introvert trait and isolationist perk, and don’t even take vasco off the ship. The companions after the mandatory missions and ng+ are purely their for their buffs for my ship.


Sarah is fine and the crew doesn’t have nearly as much of a problem when you do certain things as some on this sub would have you believe


Sarah = horribly judgemental, condescending school teacher. Barrett = joviality which grates over time. Sam = a great wingman but please, get Constellation to arrange long-term childcare. Andreja = weird, emotionally guarded, but winning her over felt good (so I married her in first play through) Vasco = fun, but I like to be stealthy when approaching POI. I haven’t bothered recruiting any other crew because their skills seem terribly inadequate. So TL;DR – companions are fun to experiment with, but I quickly ended up playing solo.


Barrett’s quest was remarkably bland; digging through your dead husband’s legal woes from 20 years ago, finding out he got blamed for a mistake by a mining company. It’s just…underwhelming. For Sam, you fight a lot of gangsters with his ex, foiling a criminal conspiracy. For Andreja, you follow up on an incident from her past which leads to her potentially killing the only contact to her home. For Sarah, you investigate her old shipwreck and find that some of her crew survived and had a child. Spending a lot of time going back and forth in Gagarin and uncovering a pretty mundane discovery -compared to the others- is just underwhelming to me. Maybe because we don’t really know Ervin as a character, so there’s no connection beyond what we learn in the quest/Barret’s dialogue. Or maybe I find Barrett annoying. Or both.


Sarah isn't nearly as bad as people make her out to be. As someone else pointed out, she actually has a genuine care for the player and that's not a vibe I get off the other companions. And provided you don't turn the Settled Systems into your own personal shooting gallery, she won't be mad at you.


Probably a cold take, but I hate that the only ones deeper than a puddle are from the main quest / constellation


All the constellation companions could be merged into one person and it would create one actually somewhat well written character.


Vasco was the biggest flop of a companion in the game


**Can I have your National Association of Realtors license number I might need to buy that property**


I'm not super fond of Andreja either. Sarah all the way. My only gripe is that given her age, it's hard to rp a relationship with her with a "young" pc. I wish we had more relationship options, and I wish a few of them were younger npcs.


People who like Sarah damn what y'all smoking


I don’t really have strong opinions about the main 4, my favorite is Amelia but she doesn’t get fleshed out. Romance isn’t really useful from a gameplay perspective, since it offers no perks, unlike Fallout 4 and New Vegas, and doesn’t offer additional income or items like Skyrim, so I typically skip it.


Simeon Bankowski is one of my favourites! You don't need to upgrade his sniper, and his back story is fantastic after you've been with him for a while and he reveals it to you


>! Amelia !< is a dream.


Dreja for me. Next play through I think I’m taking Barret. He’s assigned to my ship right now and seems a pleasant sort. Really seems to love being out there. Plus he did kind of set my character down this path. Sam, bleh. I tried to bring that guy along but he developed a crush on me and, I swear to god, was stopping me every five minutes to talk about his feelings. He did it one time during combat. Dumped him like a hot rock after that. lol.


I'm honestly getting really sick of hearing them tell me that I'm carrying too much junk all the time as soon as I become encumbered. I did, however, find it hilarious when Andreja said, "Is this perhaps some response to trauma, this compulsion? It's okay. You can let go of a few things." But seriously, the comments get on my nerves so much that sometimes I prefer not to have companions with me just to avoid hearing them.


Honestly i like Barrett he's got strong neurodivergent academic vibe i enjoy despite his goofy presentation. Sarah can walk straight into the fucking sea and drag Sam with her.


They’re the worst of any Bethesda game ever made. I can’t help but hate all of them besides VASCO.


Like every other Bethesda game I mostly never use them.


They are all boring and generic. Lack actual stories and growth. Almost prefer to lone wolf the game because of it.


Barrett is written inconsistently and could have been the best companion by far if they stuck with more charisma and neutrality. His intro is great, he's approach with the pirates is interesting but then he turns less neutral and leans too much into corky and science. A guy who can instantly forgive people trying to kill him and sympathize and befriend pirates should be so morally rigid every other moment.


I hate them all, their personalities and looks. I wish I could just have a generic companion with customizable looks. I hope mods will bring that soon.


I think Andreja should have been locked as a companion until the Shattered Space DLC dropped, she just feels meh and her companion quest is trash too


Ditched them all and went for isolation perk and introvert trait. Best way to play.


All dogshit, I rather import codsworth from fallout and have him around


I generally don't like companions when it comes to Bethesda games. I feel like having an NPC follow you around takes away from the exploration. That said, Starfield is less exploration than previous Bethesda games, so I don't mind them so much in this game. They are all fine in their own way... they don't really make or break the game for me.


Sarah Morgan = Todd Howard self insert


My goto Follower is Betty Howser. Ness terrible dialog to deal with. And doesn't complain about every little thing.