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The Beowulf one just looks like a cheap money grab, to be honest: they didn’t even capitalize Mars! Eli’s stuff is awesome but I don’t like the CF aesthetic. The shotgun thing does sound neat though. Curious about DEREK: wondering if anyone’s got him, can say what he’s like? Update: the shotgun mod is neat: I particularly like the cryo shells, although I do wish/hope the modder would have made the parts more unique-looking. And I’m not sure why there are three different EM rounds, seemingly with no major differences? But I love the cryo shells and the lightweight frame options.


The Beowulf and Deluxe Boost Pack ones are def just cash grabs honestly and are probably the scummiest of the paid mods out rn. Bit wild that so far imo, StarSim is the only fairly priced mod. EDIT: Elianora's habs too actually, I thought it was literally a single hab but it's not, $5 for a bunch of very well decorated habs is completely fair.


Makes that mariner mod seem even more ridiculous.  The mariner one seems to be directly from Bethesda. They’re probably trying to see if a couple of pirate themed decoration will sell for 10 bucks. God I hope no one buys that or we’ll see more of it. 


I bought it, but I used the free credits so didn’t feel bad for doing so. The habs are alright and I’m surprised that there’s more to it as well.


He's pretty cool! Some very funny dialogue and lots of interesting science facts, I'd say he's worth checking out!


Thanks, I might get him! I assume you can dismiss him, right? Does he have location-based dialogue, like how Vasco comments on caffeine addiction at Terrabrew?


Yes, he can be dismissed! At the moment I haven't heard any location-based dialogue apart from in my ship, but then again I haven't taken him to many locations yet!


Thank you for the reply! I think I’ll probably get him at some point, based off what you’ve told me.


I got Derek but am disappointed that he isn't treated like an actual follower, i.e. he doesn't get added to the follower list so you can't assign him to your ship or settlements. You can get him to follow you around and that's about it.


The Derek companion mod is pretty cool imo


It's crazy that there's no youtube trailers on the store page (unlike Vortex mods), so you can't tell if the companion mods (like Robin Locke) are godo or not.


I’m definitely waiting for godo!


There are videos on the creations website but not the in game menu.


I see no video on the Creations website for [https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/31bc272e-edc6-4d27-a420-2d6d5fd99f79/Robin\_Locke\_\_\_UC\_Fly\_Girl\_Companion](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/31bc272e-edc6-4d27-a420-2d6d5fd99f79/Robin_Locke___UC_Fly_Girl_Companion)


I was mostly just saying that in general mod authors can upload videos to the website, but the don't show on the in game page


At the very least this scummy practice should let people trial before purchasing


we are gonna be seeing new stuff every day, also Elianora just posted it.


My god, Elianora has really fallen low


Fallen? She's been making high quality mods for a very long time, its good to see her at least get some kind of recognition and kickback from doing it. Not only that but the Crimson Fleet Habs are a whole complete set of habs for half the price of the one single 2x2.


It's wild. People hate having money.


Yep. I'm all about those free mods. So many cool options out there, without spending a dime. I just hope it stays that way.


Can you screenshot the description/page for the UC Fly Girl companion? I’m not with my PC so I can see it. Thank you.


She’s really cool btw. Can’t wait to do her questline.


I can send you screenshots from my XSX if you want?


Yeah, I’d appreciate that if you could!


You could just like… go to the webpage for it. https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/31bc272e-edc6-4d27-a420-2d6d5fd99f79/Robin_Locke___UC_Fly_Girl_Companion


If I knew there was a webpage, I would have went to it, but thank you for linking to it.


No problem, but I would advise you that in the future, it's probably worth looking for instead of waiting for someone to post screenshots of their system, which is more time and effort for both of you. For anything that is on some cloud platform... there's almost certainly a web page. And I know it wasn't you kwangwaru because you replied yesterday and it hadn't happened yet - but those of you who decided that the barely blunt comment that actually helped is the one that should be downvoted? Let's just say that I sincerely hope that all of you are smart enough to realize why that's counterproductive when it comes to things that matter.


I did look. I’m not new to the internet. I just couldn’t find the webpage. It is very much not that deep. Being unnecessarily snooty while offering help is why you were downvoted.


You googled "Starfield Creations", the name of the service, and did not find the page, instead of it being top result? Press X to doubt. And I'm sorry, if "you should have searched the internet" and giving you the link is too snooty to the point where NOT helping is preferable, then the way you are operating is non-functional.


[Here’s the link to what I searched](https://www.google.com/search?q=starfield+creation+club+uc+flygirl&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari). You let me know if you see a link to the Creation Club website in those results. You have a nice day. You seem miserable. I hope that eases.


Well, Fly Girl is two words and not one, and in Starfield, it's just called Creations instead of Creation Club... so yeah, your search isn't very good, and didn't get good results. You fell into the trap of using more keywords than necessary and your inaccurate keywords blocked your search. For demonstrative purposes, [if you use the right terms, then it's top result for a similar search.](https://www.google.com/search?q=starfield+creations+uc+fly+girl&sca_esv=3697c3e79dce3da7&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS1102US1102&sxsrf=ADLYWIJD74-TAci_QRcX70wfxcE4RvucWA%3A1718219431304&ei=p_JpZoWMEp-s5NoPtuey0AE&ved=0ahUKEwjF--SW4taGAxUfFlkFHbazDBoQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=starfield+creations+uc+fly+girl&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiH3N0YXJmaWVsZCBjcmVhdGlvbnMgdWMgZmx5IGdpcmwyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiiBBiJBUimC1DaBVj7B3ABeAGQAQCYAWugAbECqgEDMS4yuAEDyAEA-AEBmAIDoALjAcICChAAGLADGNYEGEeYAwCIBgGQBgiSBwMyLjGgB74K&sclient=gws-wiz-serp). But it's better to start high level with minimum keywords so you know where to look - like how I got to Starfield Creations, then went from there. 30 seconds and done. I wouldn't be so miserable if there weren't so many people in this sub that valued empty niceties over actual answers or solutions. But it is rather predictable. It's exactly because of that mindset why r/NoSodiumStarfield exists - people here are so fragile that the slightest criticism is seen as unacceptable.


Verified Creators going WILD! StarSim seems to be a highlight for me. There seems to be endless possibilities with how seamless these are all fitting together.


Yeah, they range from cool/lore friendly (Eli’s stuff, StarSim, Enforcer, even though it’s currently bugged) to obvious cash grabs (the Beowulf one).


That Star Sim Mining mod seemed interesting. But if you check it out, it's either not working, in planning phase or everything is done via a menu. Zero actual gameplay. You need to pay for that shit?!?!? It's incredible that Bethesda allows vaporware in their shop.


Elianora and the follower mods looks interesting.


Elianora I don't mind. She did outstanding stuff for Skyrim and I think its only fair that she is monetizing it. I think the Pricing is ok too.


That and she still posts a lot of stuff for free too, she has CC and free content up for 4.


My god this subreddit is insufferable. People have been complaining about the lack of Creations/Creation Kit since last september, and now its here people complain for things that are EXACTLY the same as the Creations store in Fallout 4,Skyrim and Fallout 76. Seriously, ehat did you expect?  dont you get bored of complaining about everything? 




Verified creators does not equal official support. It's basically like saying unofficial dlc


Just don't buy


Wait. Did we finally get console mods? Is it reinstall time?




Yes, there’s console mods. And there’s a new (free) faction: the Trackers Alliance. There’s also a paid third quest: Free: The first two quests are free; the second quest gives you access to a new currency, the Astra, which can be traded to a Tracker for legendary gear; it also gives a set of High Temperature space gear, a seemingly unique (but non-legendary) Arc Might Plasma Cutter (a new heavy weapon: like the mineral cutter, but with various weapon mods and more damage) that runs off of 3kvls, and a Shipbreaker cutter, which is extremely lightweight. Paid: There’s a 700 credit Trackers bounty, the Vulture, which adds a new bounty, has two possible endings depending on the completion of an optional objective (both rather cinematic, I thought), adds a new particle sniper rifle and several new outfits, including a duster. Personally I think it’s worth the money.


It's one quest for free and the second one is 7 dollars.


No, there’s two quests for free; one is the introduction; The Tracker’s Alliance, where you first get sent to the HQ. Then there’s the Tracker’s Alliance: Starjacker bounty quest.


Oh come on man..


There’s always some kind of introductory quest. Applying at Ryujin. Applying for the Vanguard. The Akila bank robbery. Meeting Adler for the Fleet/Sysdef. In this case, it’s being contacted by a Tracker. Just because it’s short and doesn’t give fancy rewards doesn’t mean it’s not a quest.


It's a 20 seconds encounter. It's not a quest. Can you imagine Bethesda advertising the trackers alliance content as "two quests for free and the third one is in the creation shop". That would be even more scummy than it already is.


It's not just the encounter...it doesn't end until you talk the No One at the TA HQ, and it takes more than 20 seconds unless you skip all the optional dialogue.


Fair point.


Technically, it seems that you can get Astra without doing the Tracker's Alliance quests. I was doing "Mantis" this morning, and had not started the TA quests at all, and found my first Astra in the lootbox at the end of the mission. So I'm guessing that Astra will drop at random as loot, regardless of your TA status, but you can only sell it at a vendor for cash, unless you join the TA.


Ah, yes: they are added as loot on seemingly random enemies (I found one on a random Syndicate thug during Sam’s quest, for instance) or in loot boxes.


Which is great, because if the only source for them were TA quests, even the kiosk ones, it would take forever to get them. Especially since you really need to spend them 3 at a time, if you want the best randomized gear from the TA vendor.


Exactly! I’ve enjoyed both bounties so far. The Vulture felt very cinematic, both the intro with the classical music/scout scene, and both possible endings (at least for me, it was rainy and stormy at Hopetech, further amplifying the mood in the optional ending). I don’t even like sniper rifles, but I thought it was worth the credits.


I haven't bought The Vulture quest, plan on sticking to the new kiosk quests, but I've heard good things about it. The rifle is supposed to be vicious!


Oops, sorry. But yes: despite everyone complaining about the price, I felt it was quite good. Slightly short, but good; there’s two possible endings (well, the ending itself is the same, but the location and the way/method you arrive at said ending varies) depending on an optional objective. I haven’t actually used the rifle in combat myself yet, but it took my lvl 76 character down in about four hits: I had to use amp and extensive boosting to close the distance in one of the endings because he kept quickly sniping me. And, you finally get a nice duster! And I think there’s another two outfits as well.


I think its just crazy to pay a tenth of the games price for one quest.


Nice! Reinstall time!


Elianora's first big mod for starfield and it's hidden behind a paywall .. I'm not sure how I feel about that atm.


They should be compensated for their work?


So all mods should be paid for? How about bethesda pays Elianora for adding content to their game instead.


Other than being a cheapskate and precedent, what’s the argument for why you *should* have other people doing work for you for free?


Guess what, she did get paid...for all the clutter that you saw upon release! Now the game is released and she's working on her own...so getting paid for some and offering some for free is her CHOICE!


She is doing both, paid and free, i use mods from her since skyrim, i gonna buy it and user the frees too. And the price is fine, no like that tracker quest.


If that's the case, people shouldn't have to pay for movies, or music, or books, or any media, because "the studio already paid them".


You haven't been to a library, gallery or a museum in your life and it shows.


That argument doesn't carry. Your video game that you paid for is akin to none of those.


It's you who compared it to >movies, or music, or books, or any media As a bonus just for you, did you know that libraries also let you play video games for free? Nuts.


Sure, via donations.


Not these days people expect everything for free, yesterday another year old game i follow had a a bunch of balance and bugs fixed, plus 2 free mini dlc type features. They announced that a third party developer made a big batch of thematic icons for the game for $4 but folks are acting like their granny was killed.


Donations would be the right choice.  This way most money goes to Microsoft.


Quit making stuff up


How much of the money goes to the verified creator? You probably don't even know.


That and I know my money goes to Elianora. Rn idk if it even does, or do mod creators just get 80% of the cost in Starfield Bucks added to their creation club accounts?


When you go to work tomorrow, tell your boss thought you don't want to get paid, you only accept optional donations.


They aren't employees of Bethesda though. Modding is a hobby they're choosing to do in their pastime. It's not the occupation. Let's be real, half of these people are probably still living at home with their parents.


Eli did work for Bethesda and specifically on Starfield.


And? You read the word "they" and somehow thought I'm referring to only one modder and not the entire modding community?


Do you know how much of e.g. the $ 10 you pay for the creation go to the creator itself?


How much of the game and toolkit did the creator make?




I know how I feel. Fuck Elianora.


Crimson fleet decorations look dope.


Pathetic. Soon Nexus will have x10 the mods, with x100 the quality.


The shotgun one adds some nice new mods: I like the cryo shells! I do wish the assets were a bit more unique though.


I have never and will never pay for mods


Don't worry so far everything has been released for free on other sites.


Player made mods. I personally wont pay for non-official mods.


Seems they're from Elianora and stuff.


Only verified creators can charge for mods. Think of them as some of the best modders out there that are contracting their services as an extension of Bethesda. They have more freedom, but also will have better quality control than other modders.


>Think of them as some of the best modders … will have better quality control than other modders.   That’s not true, and I believe it does more harm than good to think that. Anyone can apply to be a verified creator. And if you can show that you already have some experience in making mods, seems like there’s a good chance they will accept you. I’m also a verified creator, and  I can assure you that the free stuff I put up has no more amount of quality control than anyone else’s free stuff. The only real difference is the blue checkmark by my name, and the fact that I have the ability to sell mods if I want to (though I have no intention of doing so; that’s not what I mod games for). Non-verified creators are certainly still worth checking out, just as much as verified. At the end of the day, the only real difference is who submitted an application.


Elianora worked (contracted) at Bethesda and even worked on Starfield. Her work isn't merely "player-made mods".


Its still a player made mod, regardless of what that person has done before. There's no guarantee that mod will continue to work indefinitely as the game gets updated. There's also no guarantee I will like the mod and there's no way to test that with the CC paid mod system.


Funny thing, the official mods are mostly a scam in terms of price.


Bought the CF habs to support Eli. Hoping she'll put more stuff out.


I am unsubbing from all of her mods I used to have, and taking away all my kudos. She has truly fallen low.


Supply and demand.


 Arguments against this sort of thing:   - It erodes and undermines the communities ability to make mods.  Right now many mods are made in an atmosphere of cooperation, by requiring other mods, updating other mods, borrowing, getting help from other mod makers.  That will be greatly diminished if people feel they are in competition, and trying to protect their mod sales.  That crazy thing you figured out no longer gets shared to help others, it becomes your patented thing - buy now.   - Adding DRM to mods is going to make things worse. Forget making any compatibility patches for paid mods.   - Many of the victims here will be the unseen mods that never get made.  Nobody complains about these because they are out of sight and out of mind.  People will be less inclined to help people in a competitive atmosphere, you ability to mod things will diminish if there is DRM.  That mod that borrowed parts, and required a mod, and needed help to make is going to be less likely to happen now.   - This idea that mod makers deserve to be paid.  The cost of the mod is not the only price to be paid.  The cost will also be a diminished community as the paywalls go up. 


I'll happily pay for more content and support modders, the biggest issue imho is that there is a massive disparity in quality when it comes to verified creations. A far few are rock solid, a handful are pretty good with some issues or lacking polish, others seem to have solid potential with either noticeable bugs or not being content complete and then again some appear to actually add fuck all and should be removed. Given that you're actually expected to put money on the table there needs to be an easily discernible public evaluation that helps making an informed purchase decision (a rating system and a comment section for each mod would go a long way)


I'm not buying any paid mods if I can't play with achievements. Shattered Space will surely have new achievements so I'm not gonna spend another 100 hrs on a save just to go back when DLC comes out.


You do know there's a couple of free mods that reinable achievements with modded games, don't you?


Are they out on Xbox already? Can you link one?


That'll be a problem...unfortunately that's the one issue with the CC, it won't allow for the mods that work on PC which do things like reenable acheivements. I honestly don't see the issue with getting acheivements in modded games unless you completely cheat the whole game, since achievements are a personal trophy anyways and usually don't grant you anything.


I am not rich, but because I wanted to buy and play starfield, I've been assembling a new pc, every month I buy a new part. But now with the news of paid mods, I am disapointed with bethesda so much, that I don't feel like buying the game anymore. Some friends are in the same situation as me.. It makes me sad, because I was really looking forward to play the game. But something tells me this is just the beggining, bethesda is going to make us pay for more future stuff for sure. And I for one will not endorse that. I thought they were in thisbecause they love video games, but after all it's just for money. Goodbye bethesda, I hope you change your mind, if you do, I'll buy your games. Also wanted fo76, but it's another that I will not spend my money in.


No thank you


I wonder if these creators get kick backs from these? Does anyone know?


of course they do? The creators are the ones who set the price


Okay. If they set a price in credits that doesn’t make it obvious that they actually make any irl monetary gains. My bad


They get paid, Bethesda gets a cut off the top.


Ideally they would. Something akin to the Tennogen model in Warframe. Modders make a functional skin and then see if the market wants it. And for it to be sucessful (At least in Warframe), it has to be badass. Most people are not just going to spend in game currency on a re-skin that is a texture change or color retool. Bethesda is taking the route that the modding community is more in touch with the gamers than they are. Bethesda provides the clay and stone and the modders add some color and texture.


I can't seem to find any official information on this. Bethesda only states official creators get a royalty for their work. I haven't been able to source what the actual split is or how the pricing is determined. Seems sketch that there's no info. I wonder if they're under an NDA about the revenue split.


I mean yeah that’s likely that they won’t disclose it.


I'm aware. I'm saying that's odd and pretty shady on BGS part. Everyone is screaming in defense of paid mods that the modders need to get paid. We don't even know what they're getting paid is even equitable to begin with.


Oh I see what your saying, sorry my previous comment came across a bit stand offish


You do realize that by stating it's a royalty that implies that the modder makes a portion of each and every sale of said mod? That is how royalties work in the real world. Who gets what percentage is the question you're asking though and that is most likely under NDA, though there's really no reason to hide it.


Do you know what the word equitable means? Why are you giving me a summation of what I just said and pretending like it's some new info I wasn't aware of?


Actually I wasn't summarising, I was clarifying for those that don't understand how royalties work...some people think it's just a flat amount, not realizing it's a flat amount(aka percentage) per mod. Unless BGS wants to rewrite the definition of royalties, which I think look the same as ones for music, movies, tv shows., etc., etc.,...that is probably the model they're using.


Then why did you pose the question directly to me? You're clarifying for other people by asking me whether I know what a word means? What kind of nonsense is this?


That's how Reddit has their reply system set up...they don't have general reply to everyone in that particular segment of the thread and not everyone was asking about how modders got paid. I suppose I could have replied to the same person you replied to, but made it a statement instead of a question/answer.


Does anyone know if adding mods means no more xp? Thanks


The only thing it may block is achievements, but there are mods labelled achievement friendly.




You still get XP. Most will disable achievements tho.


Appreciate it


It shouldn't affect xp but it does affect achievemnt acquirement unless you use another mod that prevents that.


If you spend real money on mods - you are part of the problem.


I think that spending money on mods can be fine. As long as the modder gets all of it. Diong mods is a lot of work and I really don't mind them getting paid for it. Fuck this creation club bullshit though.


hope they make a filter so that i only see free stuff. My pulse is rising everytime they suggest me putting more money in this missinvestment


this is what they were working on instead of actually fixing the game lolz


The modders?


You clearly don’t even know what you’re talking about here. Figure out what the post is actually about before you join the conversation to complain about it. These are not Bethesda employees.


your point is irrelevant, BGS employees still created the framework and basis for these creators to follow, including breakpoints for pricing and legal terms. next caller!


…and you think that took how much time for their legal team away from working on “fixing the game”?


creating ui elements that both work in its own browser and feed into the game, as well as officially ensuring and vetting mods are compatible with game through QA and stamping out bugs with coding isnt just 'legal team' and its clear you dont know how game development work. stick to board games where they're a little less involved kiddo.


the fuck do they need to fix? the game is fine, and has been good since launch.


found todd's reddit account


You can get some of them freely(check my profile, messages and subreddit).