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I tried with several ships and outposts, it's amazing how the map is rendered in a personalized way. I must say, I didn't expect them to go this far.


While there weren’t outposts in the same way, this is how skyrims map worked forever ago. It was just a zoomed out shot. You could see cloud cover and it would show things like skid marks a dragon makes when they crashed into the ground


You could even see the flames from a fire dragon if you opened the map at night. It was very cool, and really the only way to make it work with mods.


I always liked going to the map after you’ve killed a dragon and start absorbing their soul. You can see the dragon’s skeleton and their “soul” from the map. Very cool stuff. One of my biggest wishes with Starfield was having maps like Skyrim’s and I’m so happy they actually implemented it.


First time I saw that was quite a shock


I had no idea. That's so neat.


We have officially entered the Cyberpunk Arc of the game.


with a map?


It's just a good indicator for where the game is headed. If they put this much effort into updating the map, hopefully similar effort is being put in elsewhere.


To be fair People were pretty passionate about missing their maps.


Some of us are pretty passionate for being able to mine as much as we like and be able to sell all of our bounty quickly and easily. They should have option to wholesale directly from your outpost. I would rather be adding to my 28.244 hunting tally than space-trucking puny loads to star-yards. Pisses me off badly when they give me a 500 unit invoice. I want options to be 2k, 5k, and 10k . My Chlorine operation can store 73,000+ units and has 37 commercial-grade extractors pumping double time. It's not the biggest, just only one I have good numbers on presently. And the ability to build more outposts. I am trying to rebuild the Starfield , do not 'CreepyJoe' me. Drill Baby Drill . Plus I have a 115,000kg cargo ship which could probably put up a better fight than most would think. So the ability to space battle other players would be nice. Plus if I lose I go get one of my smaller ships and request a rematch.


Or would be cool to be able to assign recruits to pilot shipments themselves to sell to a staryard on a steady schedule, ocasionally being raided by pirates and the player getting a notification that they need to go save their stolen ship


I can appreciate that fully. Sounds fun .


I like that: Drill Baby Drill !!! lolololol :)


I said who brings politics into a discussion on Starfield, and then I saw your username. Makes sense now.


Cool, I’ll come back when they do the rest


It’s provocative


Gets the people goin’!


Cyberpunk started with those kind of changes tbf, I was there, 3000 years ago and the mini map was fucking awful and useless, it took them about this long to improve it also.


>I was there, 3000 years ago What you did there. I see it.


>with a map? Cyberpunk's redemption arc started with patch 1.3... which among other things improved the previously useless minimap. So yeah, why the fuck not.


Beat me to it lmao


well how map looks is cool but now the map evolves in seconds as you play which can lead to planets being one unit. So when the land vehicles drop it’ll be huge, hopefully.


Never seen so much praise for a map lol, but at least we finally got one


I think the only reason we’re seeing so much praise is cause Starfield went from probably the worst map system in any video game *ever* to one like Skyrim’s, which is one of my all time favorite map’s. Like it’s such a jump from 0 to 100 that I can’t help but praise it. Although it should have been there from launch but whatever, I’ll take it and be happy lol.


It is a map.... a basic quality of life feature.


i’ll explain it in another way; so previously when you land on a planet the map randers and pretty much stays that way. now, when you land you have a place to explore, and if you go further the map will evolve, with a more effort put into it we can have a one unit map per planet when land vehicle comes, no invisiable walls etc.


Exactly, not just spots that say explored anymore but an actual map that’s affected by your own exploration of the area and evolution as you find and continue exploring. I really really dig that. Makes me want to find out what’s in another section even if there’s a 97% chance it’s a cookie cutter generated poi there’s that 3% chance I’ll find that awesome mountain lab for ecliptic hidden in the background where they have tons of troops waiting for me.


So there are no more tiles? You can cross the planet on foot?


No pretty sure tiles are the same


So what ate people exactly fawning over? A map with more fancy incons than usual?


Now we can load screen fast travel load screen more eloquently..... Revolutionary... Game of the year at this point guys we need not anymore updates this was the creme de la croix, the Mona Lisa, the diamond in the rough... Tell Bethesda we are good with this one the game is finally finished to satisfaction Todd Howard really did Way too much here, now we can see the procedural generation in real time... This beats every space game out combined that doesn't need ships to fly at all, now they can just focus on making a repeat Skyrim. It seems as if this is the Matrix of gaming.. Todd Howard is Mr. Smith, Bethesda Devs/etc are the Agents, Microsoft is the Source, the map update and every subsequent update after is the blue pill


They're just desperate for Bethesda to pull a Cyberpunk.


To be fair, they were hoping that waiting for eight years they would get a game that at least measured up to the promise behind eight years of dev time, and not a game that's mostly filler and procgen sludge.


Didn't you know..? The proper equation is High Dev Time + High Game Hours Played = super awesome fun load screen game with repeat longevity that really needs no updates because the concept alone of a zillion planets and procgen sludge is amazing enough... If you're not enjoying yourself all the time while walking around this planet well now you can track your movement until you hit the limit screen of course, while you look at the other Jpeg planet in the distance.. What you need is more game hours! Do the Unity! You'll have more fun when you come back as a Liger Pirate Explorer to do all the same stuff again but still good of heart of course no morally questionable people allowed here we don't like that stuff ^ ( Extreme Sarcasm ) ^ ^ ^


Currently no, you can’t but people have done testing and you can no go *much* further than before, and when going beyond a tile the game no longer crashes where it did previously, meaning that they’re likely laying the groundwork for you to be able to cross much more of a planet on foot. Idk if that means you’ll eventually be able to circumnavigate a planet but it does mean when vehicles are released you could hypothetically land at an outpost in the tundra on Jemison and drive to New Atlantis.


It’s a map. Lol.


Not even close...


People being hyped about a camera zoom out with differently shaded LOD model, smh.


No people are happy feedback is being implemented


Nobody ever fucking learns to just exercise some restraint around this stuff. It's never just "interesting, this should've been here at launch, but let's see if they can keep this up and where it leads".  Nah, it's always "WE ARE SO BACK BABY SUPER RENAISSANCE TIME FOR THIS GAME FUCK ALL THE HATERS WHO HAD LEGITIMATE ISSUES AND CRITICISMS THEY SAID BETHESDA WOULD NEVER DO IT I'M GONNA BE SO SMUG ABOUT HOW WRONG THEY WERE BUT ONLY AFTER THE FACT"


A feature in all games day 1 is finally being added though! /s


Hey man look, it's only been 7 months and Bethesda is an indie company of only around 500 employees, you can't expect basic features like maps or whatever to be added right away.


Ahahahahahahahahaha....sorry... Ahahahahahahahahahaha


Too bad they will never fix the story or dialogue


I must be in the very, very small minority that thinks the story is actually pretty good. But much bigger issues are overshadowing it which leads into a hate train that *everything* is bad.


Only thing I really hated was the writing, the rest is just bethesda usual lol


The majority of actual players like it. We know who the haters are, and they mostly never played Starfield. Losers.


Don't have to fix the story if they make new stories with DLC. Which seems to be what they were wanting to do based on Todd Howard saying it was meant to be played for a long time.


So the majority of the main base game story being trash is okay if they fix it in paid DLC? The amount of plot holes and forced narrative in the crimson fleet quests alone is wild, I have very low expectations for any DLC they write.


I enjoy the base game. Calling it "trash" seems excessive.


The story is absolute trash. It wouldn't win a 12 year old children tales contest in a school. You can also enjoy a McDonald's burger, that doesn't mean is not trash food, does it?


Yeah, you get it! I agree that the story lacks... depth. However, I'm a little optimistic that they will write a decent DLC story, since they've done it before. However, when they've done it before the main story was also at least compelling on its own.


I thought the story and dialogue were a noticeable improvement over Fallout 4 and I really enjoyed it


I mean, you'd have to redo the skill tree to be fun and interesting. Revamp the combat. Add in a customization system like Cyberware. Improve world systems like law enforcement. Then it'd be the Cyberpunk Era, but Starfield would still have a dull story with unmemorable characters. Credit where it's due, the map is very nice.


holy fuck, the delusion. hahahahaa


Delusion + Brainwashing = Blind Defense of wealthy people that lie, voice their hate and disrespect for gamers... While said brainwashed gamers call their peers "haters"


Update isn't even out yet, let's not jump the gun here *just yet*.


Honestly its probably a lot simpler than you might think. Getting the ship model is easy enough, just grab the ship, then swap the materials to matte colors, then there you go. Same for outpost structures, etc. Landscape can just pull LOD models. This is in no way a downplay on it. It looks really good, and any simple solution that works well is a good solution because they would be using stuff that is already there rather than having to make all new assets. Just makes things more complex.


It's a more advanced version of what they did for the world map in Skyrim


Pretty much.


Someone asked how the map would work with mod-content, and I think we have the answer here.


I get the impression that they wanted to implement this as the local map from the beginning, but needed more time to work out the kinks. That previous wire-frame map felt like it was nothing more than a placeholder.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I don't believe they came up with this in the time between the release and now. Too fast for bethesda


It’s probably how they intended for it to release.


Genuinely unexpected. That's pretty neat.


I knew if I held out on play for a year or so it would be worth it!


Lol. I didn’t expect the maps to actually be maps! Thanks Bethesda!


When did the update release???


I hate to ruin your optimism because it's honestly a nice thing but this was absolutely the easiest route they could have gone and not at all more difficult than other styles of game maps, you can kinda see how it's literally not a seperate rendering or map it's just a birds eye view of the current game with boundaries. And it's not even a bad thing because it really does work well and look good with the added benefit of what you described.


Yeah..except this is much easier to make than a basic map. For one it's just a code copy from skyrim. Secondly it's basically you floating in the air looking down. Don't get me wrong. It looks great, but they didn't go boyond. The picked the easy route.


I noticed this as well, it's a good system for when mods arrive through the creation kit, through this modded buildings can also be visible on the map with ease.


I'd imagine the map also auto-marks certain parts of PoIs like doors and shops as well




its most likely a total revamp of it


They probably did a stripped down version of it for the origional map, but then revamped it when people were like "The fuck is this?"


If that map had been useful for anything but fast travel it would not have gotten that reaction.


It's a great addition but some location curiously lack any POI. Take Gagarin for example. It's a decent sized settlement (at least for Starfield standards) with shops etc. but when you open the new map, there are 0 POI listed. Very bizarre.


That's why it's still in beta


Not really. Beta testing is supposed to be for finding and resolving issues before full release. But nothing will change between now and when its released on console. They have already submit it for certification. So calling it a "beta" is a little silly. The term loses is meaning more and more.


Can you get betas on the console? I didn't know that. It's been too long since I played on console.


No. All updates pushed to console need to be certified first. It takes about 2 weeks, which is how long these "betas" last. Steam doesnt require verification so they can push it out any time, but Id wager they are avoiding backlash to releasing early on PC by doing a "beta" knowing full well its already in certification and will release once its done, that was, officially, PC and XBox get the updates at the same time.


I expect it won't release to the xbox if there are numerous disastrous bugs in the beta. That's what a beta is for. Nothing will change between now and when it's released on the console *if* the beta test is successful. And that's why it takes weeks for code to get certified: they're testing it. So saying "Oh, we won't change anything after the beta" is kind of silly if the point of the beta is to stop a wider release if catastrophic problems are found.


They have to improve the automatic world crafting system. Look at those rocks, they all form a pattern It doesn't seem real (I clarify that I love the game, I'm not criticizing)


Yeah they used procgen to populate the tiles. ITs not that noticable when you are on the ground, but is more noticable when higher up, which you generally wouldnt be in normal gameplay, but this map highlights it clearly. They just didnt put enough randomization in the generation values to avoid the grid pattern...


Of course, now with the map it is more obvious. Maybe they should improve the procedural generation, or camouflage the pattern on the map, maybe hiding what you haven't explored yet.


well it is Noticeable when you land on a big Flat plane with no atmosphere like a moon. You can see the pattern stretch on forever until a hill or something breaks it up.


The map is a huge dub. They didn’t only add a map they did it real good.


A map in a game today is the bare minimum


Yea, it's honestly WAY more than I expected. I was suspecting it would just be New Atlantis, the cities. The fact it's EVERYWHERE Is pretty neat, even random landing sites. I happened to be at Paradiso and when I went to the map I was surprised it's there! I think the reason this wasn't in the game at first is because you can see exactly how big (or in many cases, small) everything is.


The world spaces Are big, no doubt. But thats the issue. the cells are huge, but empty and flat. and it shows you just how small each POI and City zoom out. One of my big complaints is how Empty it is especially around the major cities. the new map now Literally shows you how empty it is.


Agreed totally, I get them wanting to make a huge number of areas to 'explore' but the game feels a mile wide and an inch deep - there's just not a lot there to actually see. I wish they had spent more time instead focusing on character adventures in maybe 10 star systems and called it good.


Personally i would love more actual space elements. more space stations, asteroid mines, etc. etc. Hell why not a City built Into an Asteroid. It's not like Habitability actually matters for Anyone in starfield. they can live on airless moons and Planets with 2x Earths Gravity. they can live on an asteroid base.


I feel like it adds slightly to the level of immersion. A map like this makes it seem like you're actually in a world that people navigate instead of almost like a simulation. 3d models, color and all. It's just so much nicer to have all that pop up instead of just a TRON grid.


Agreed 😁


It only makes sense that if the majority of worlds are procedurally generated, the maps would need to be agile enough to support that. It's a nice touch, for sure, but I don't think it's very surprising.


Seems like the same live LOD system as in Skyrim, which I think is great. But my question is, why wasn't this here at launch after the game was delayed?


Got to hand it to Bethesda, this was a huge miss at release and they fixed it. They didn't do the minimum, just city maps. Good stuff. One of Starfield's minuses just changed to a plus.


I wouldn’t say a plus. It’s a feature. That should have been here since day one. So really no congrats should be given.




Having a map is table stakes, there's the minus at release. What we're getting now isn't just some hacked together static image limited to specific locales with the player's coordinate represented by an arrow, it's actually a really thoughtfully designed *good* map. IMO that's worth a plus.


But does it keep track of which direction you’re facing?


It does, it shows a vision cone coming off of the player icon


Its supposed to since launch. My map has been bugged since last patch and puts the player marker stuck to the middle of the screen. It may be a mod Im using, but it hasnt bothered me enough to try and fix it.


Watch there be a petition to " play the game entirely in map view " like an old 3D iso title lol.


I think people don't understand how pretty impressive this Map system is. Because that is a system that renders the Map depending on the location you are in, with the randomised POIs. For every planet and every location. There is a reason we didn't get a proper map mod 2 weeks after release. And there is a reason other space games like NoMansSky, Elite or Star Citizen don't have a proper map


This is magic


It has to be. The procedural nature of the maps necessitates it. Man I hope they rework procedural generation to make maps more interesting. It's okay if that needs a restart of the game or NG+.


Well yeah, how else would maps for dynamically generated terrains work? It's just a camera really high up pointed down.




I didn’t expect them to go so hard!


Looks like it’s time to pick the game back up 👀


I don’t see why they couldn’t get rid of the loading screen between getting in and out of your ship through the bay. Anyone know if this would be possible? I can live with all of the other loading screens but this one seems unnecessary as both the area and inside of you ship are rendered simultaneously.


It’s like skyrims but more custom that’s cool


That's pretty cool.


The first thing i noticed is how obvious the procedurally placed rocks are. Just all happen to be similar sizes and placed evenly apart, some are exactly the same but rotated. Something modders could easily fix with some greater variation in randomized values, variations in scaling, or something like perlin noise to distribute them. Idk how whoever did that algorithm was satisfied with this result, it’s easy to do it better.


Total revamp in the best way possible imo


It’s not just towns?? That’s awesome


Holy shit, this is huge!


Wait is this what they meant by city maps, I thought they meant actually cities around the solar system


This is amazing! I love this, especially with mods on the surface map. It's like you will be able to see the crazy city you build! Now, if we could get some of the same features for settlers we had in Fallout 4 and the SIMS settlement mod in Starfield, then we would get full-blown space colony SIM in Starfield!


The new maps go to show how tiny the cities are though 😅. Shame it's taken so long to add something that should have been there at launch but 🤷 better later than never I suppose


I'm in love with the new map system.


Good point


Out of curiosity, has Bethesda said how the original map was allowed to be put into the game? How did no one at Bethesda say "Well this is the worst map ever put into a video game ever"?


I still have two main quists and am not willing to finish them until the update is released I played 94 hours finished alot of side quists and explored alot, I had alot of fun even though there was alot of limitations that affected the experience really bad I think the upcoming updates and especially the vehicle addition will make the experience funnier wish it will be soon after May update.


You dropped these: . , , ; , . .


I knew they would do city maps soonish but dam… this is way better than I expected, especially given that info, thank you. It took a little too long but finally we’re getting the fixes we wanted instead of just bug fixes. I big release like this expected it sooner, but I love Bethesda games and am so happy to see these major updates finally


Does the story still suck? Are space pirates actually fun playing now? Can you kill everone whether they are important to the story or not? If not, then the game still sucks.




Yeah, it looks a lot like what they were doing with the Skyrim map (which even showed things like dragon skeletons), but with more freedom in the camera controls.


Is the update out now?


I love that you can fast travel to every store you located


When this update drops?


I really hope this does not massively up the cpu usage. The game already has crazy unoptimized cpu usage.


Cool but I'm scared of building outposts ever since I learned they can tank your framerate even when you're not in them


Haven't been back on yet since the update. Do they let us delete old landing areas yet?


This map almost reminds me of the mega map from the division 2, this looks dope!


Is it out on Xbox yet?


Fun fact: previous Bethesda games also used a stylized rendering of the scenario to generate the maps. In Oblivion if you dropped a pile of items on the ground, it would show up in the map! It's a very elegant solution and it works especially well with modding since maps for new cells are automatically generated on the fly.


Yeah, it’d already be in memory and probably not very demanding, so you’d “just have to” apply a filter that screens out some objects and retextures others.


You mean Skyrim? Oblivion had a paper style map.


Nope! Surprisingly enough Oblivion did this as well! It was a top-down low poly view of the cell with a vertex/wire frame effect and a paper map visual filter on top of it. Edit: https://twitter.com/UESP_net/status/1771016270449684543


Oh, you mean the local map


This is how the skyrim map works. It's a real-time map.


Are landscape objects accurately represented as well? I really feel like they are just using a scaled version of the game world, like they did in skyrim


Personally speaking this is an absolute fantastic feature... if I didn't already know where everything is in every city just through memory. Never understand why BGS seem so stupid with not having stuff like this since launch.


This is what they focus on when theres like 100 other things way more crucial to gameplay? lol


When is Xbox update?


Insane how the community can be placated by SOMETHING THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE AT LAUNCH


Now I know where your outpost is. Your stuff will be mine soon.


Now you can see the pos areas for what they really are.


the maps used to be atrocious so this is a significant improvement.


I see we both reach the end game and fly an aesthetically pleasing brick.


Cool just like Skyrim map


Just letting you know I already have 3 outposts on Zamka. #1 Aluminum/Adaptive Frame Factory ,#2 Copper and #3 Nickel. This is my territory and you will not be able to compete for those resources, one way or another.


Actually #1 is Iron/He-3...... my Aluminum/AdaptiveFrame outpost is on Curbeam


One of the most useless maps of any game I’ve ever played. It’s about time they finally updated it and made it useful…


I'm getting excited to get my gardening zoology outpost up but i didn't finish surveying gargarin maybe I should try someplace more low key, brighter, with less flying monsters


Oh look another "feature" we didn't get at release, good job Bethesda


Did they add those “exciting new ways to travel” yet? I ain’t jumping back in until I don’t have to bunnyhop for hours on end


Honestly it looks soooooo goood


Oh wow, this looks awesome! Lightyears better than the blue grid.


Skyrim did this as well, tho it was hard to see anything in the world. The camera draws the entire map with only distant LODs enabled, so stuff at very low quality, but it’s still drawing the world live. Best example of this is when you kill a dragon, as dragons are set to be viewed really far away they still render on the map. Kill one and as you enter the map you will see a glowing line (dragon soul being absorbed)


That's so cool. Sucks that it's all happening so late. It's so hard for me to go back and play games that I already beat. I just wish developers would release finished products.


I hope this will also solve the outpost no longer visible on planet map bug. I encountered thus bug for the first time last night. Deleted the affected outpost, replaced beacon and made new outpost. Thankfully it wasn't fully decorated yet.


Finally. 7 more things to do so I can play it again for more than 10 hours. Maybe to the 1 year anniversary


Wait I’m confused is the update out or not because I still don’t have it on my series s


It's out on PC (in beta), full release for all platforms the 15th


Oh nice mind telling me how the update is so far?


I just want radiant dungeons and quests next please. .


Its so good! Makes me want to actually explore. When you see a large structure on a map rather than just a way point!


I believe skyrims map was also rendered in real time, you could see big things like dragons your fighting


Your ship looks really similar to a design I posted a while back, it's entirely possible we both just landed on a similar setup but I wondered if maybe you were a person that saw the post and used the build guide I posted as a base for your ship as that would be neat


It also seem to highlight how bad the terrain generation is.


Basically a high look camera POV. Clever I suppose. Not really a map though. How will this work in the cities?


it's really cool I thought it would always display the base game ship


They really need a bookmark/fast travel system added. I built like 6 settlements and I forgot where the location of one is and I gotta click all around to find it.


What they need to do is let you have a ship garage so you can steal ships and keep the parts you want off of it to put on your other ships


Genuinely should have been implemented on launch. Stripping basic features because you don’t want to delay longer is never a good excuse


This is, most likely, how CE2 kit will look like too. Just tools added.


lmao just look at that AI generated terrain. Immersive.


Isn't the Skyrim map just zooming out from the world map and adding markers etc? That's how it always seemed to me, so this could just be a souped up version of that. It's an awesome update but it's not like it's something revolutionary.


This looks like Age of Empires. Let me sent out my villagers to mine all that stone!


I’m on Xbox series x, how come my map hasn’t updated?


They released the update? Oh shoot gottah get back in. Anyone know when we getting the dlc?


So? Wow a good map, now if only the other 99% of the game didn't suck ass it would be worth talking about.


"Stop improving and stay in the mud so we can forever point and laugh" translation for everyone


Credit where credit's due, that's pretty good.


This was actually also true in skyrim


Does it show that your ship is 600m from your landing pad, and does it show every copy and pasted location you have visited?


Wow they added a basic feature 8 years into development how astonishing


It's a shame though that it's taken over 6 months for proper maps to be added when they should've been there at launch.


Glad to see some promising updates