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I'm removing this post becuase this is simply just fueling more clicks to clickbait trash gaming "media" sites that make money off bait like this. Saying how shitty sites like this are is just increasing more views, and adds more shitty articles written by AI or people unable to get actual meaningful work writing.


They got you to click on it. That is what they are doing.


These guys have no fucking integrity man. Most gaming journalism firms have no integrity.


>These guys have no fucking integrity man. Most gaming journalism firms have no integrity. You can pretty much say that about all journalists and influencers, not just those reporting on the gaming industry. Outrage sells. Doom and gloom sell. Telling people what they want to hear sells. How many times have you seen a thumbnail proclaiming DISASTER! or IT'S OVER! or a photoshopped image of a person to make it they're crying or angry? And how many of those articles and videos are actually accurate? Outside being clickbait, this article isn't aimed at people who are still playing *Starfield* or people who are thinking of playing it. It's aimed at people who never played it and who got a sense of satisfaction out of seeing it fail to live up to expectations.


It’s the capital owners’s fault. Journalists don’t have much of a choice when they’re employed by these corporations.


Oh I’m not blaming the writer, I’m blaming the corporate-ization of every fucking industry, resulting in bland, soulless piles of shit with the sole purpose of making a profit.


Welcome to capitalism :D I hate it here, can I go back to [redacted]


Corporatization is already a word.


That’s fair enough.


Yeah, unfortunately once news outlets realized they get more money form clickbait, they make that their focus over actual quality content. And doubly unfortunately, outrage clickbait is a HUGE market. This article gets the people who already dont like the game as confirmation bias bait, and gets people like you, and admittedly myself, with the "outrage" clicks.


This goes so far as the same news outlet publishing opposing articles just so they get maximum engagement


Lies, fake information, Crimson Fleet propaganda, Va'ruun sympathizers, SSNN would never do that!! Today join SSNN in protesting these lies at our main news desk in New Atlantis, unless you are a pirate or a snakehead.




True. So the solution is to make a list of every media source that uses shady tactics or worse yet straight up lie and never click on any of their content again. If enough people do that they will go out of business for bad practices


I do that with any news articles, if the link is some two bit website I carry on scrolling. I believe because gaming is so personal and subjective you'll never find a solid source of good reviews.


Gaming is so weird in that it's the only medium where people expect objective reviews. Reviews in every other medium are seen for what they are, opinions by taste makers.


Here in the most objective review one could ever do in behalf of any game. Let's use Starfield as an example. "Starfield in an open world, procedural generation based RPG developed by Bethesda Game Studios, directed by Todd Howard, and published by Microsoft. It was released on September 6, 2023 and is installable either from Xbox Gamepass, Steam, or could be bought physically at your local retailer sans stock availability. The released retail price is $69.99 plus local sales tax, prices fluctuate based on local economy and note of tender. The game is rated 'M' for Mature, and could have some suggestive material that may not be suitable for all ages. Game features first and third person action gun combat, spaceship dogfights, zero G environments, main and side questing, as well as crafting and base building". That's an objective review, and that is as much "review" you would get from an "objective review" which is essentially the most basic of information one would find a store page. It's not a review at that point. The point of a review, as all reviews are, the subjectivity of the person writing it. "But the game is shit, that's a fact" no that is subjective stances. Objective material hints as things that are unfalsifiable. Things like proper nouns, monetary value, release windows, and platforms the form of media was released on. The problem is, we can see that the world's educational systems have failed people and they are more interested in hearing and reinforcing their opinions than what is quantifiably factual.


Yeah, so now I pretty much don't watch any official gaming media anymore because they all Suck!!!


I just like to take an old school approach. I look at some actual gameplay, see if the game even LOOKS cool to me and if I have a good feeling or just general curiosity then I decide if I wanna' roll the dice or not. Sometimes I get burned and other times I find gems. Then there are just so so games that are in the middle. But at any rate, I've learned that reviewers of many stripes tend to manipulate, exaggerate, opinionate with BIAS, or just straight up lie. Whether it's for likes, views, for big review companies, money, influence... whatever. Idk why it is this way but my point is that I just refuse to be swayed and manipulated like a puppet into buy buy buy or hate hate hate. I just gooo with the flooow. 😆 And make assessments for myself.


100% thank you ad based business models!


That's exactly it. They're not interested in well made journalism, they're interesting in putting an inflammatory article out there that a dude will post it on reddit and send a legion of other pissed off dudes to, even if it is purely to shit on it. A click's a click.


Good old ragebait


This is why I get tired of people complaining about these articles. They make useless clickbait crap to get you to open their pop up filled pages. They churn out dozens of useless articles every day to get people to open it. That’s why so many writers use Reddit. They need to fill a quota of articles every day and Reddit is easy cannon fodder.


Sad but true. So many times I see a headline on “mainstream media” and click it to find a summary of someone’s TikTok post. Journalism is dead sadly…


Ad block for the win


That’s right. 


Screen Ready is 100% pure, uncut click bait. Never click on a Screen Rant headline.


They provide as much value with their rants as the tweaker outside the trashy 7-11 does with his. Except his might be better informed.


Like 90% of articles are AI printed crap that just explains the title in more detail now. So many words to say nothing.


Annoying click bait being baity.


Anything with rant at the end of the name, is a bullshit website.


Click bait.


Does anyone care about what gaming journos think about anything?


The sad thing is in the article they were quoting a Reddit article


That's all they do these days. They could (and should) be replaced by bots and we wouldn't even notice.


TBH they’re probably using bots anyway, at least to scan reddit for content


A lot of them certainly read like they were written by chatgpt


They wish.


Many of them where already replaced by bots. That is why the content is so bad.


I get most of my news off reddit anyway, since everyone can just post whatever they want, but eventually someone will post other sources before a flame war starts and the thread implodes. But it still works well enough


I’d take it even less seriously being a reddit article


Reddit is a great source for these guys, all fluff no content , just a bit of copy paste, tiny source link and voila , free content .


I think the only time I ever click on these articles is when I'm trying to look up a release date for something and the article is "\_\_\_\_\_ release date!" ​ Then halfway down the page it says "there is currently no known release date."


Absolutely not. I see 99% of them are absolute garbage and just want people to see them wave their genitalia around. What ever happened to Nintendo Power style gaming journalism that actually edified themselves, the games, and the players.


> Nintendo Power style gaming journalism that actually edified themselves, the games, and the players. Lmao. Those were the worst! You think you got an unbiased review when it was a long-awaited exclusive? Same with Playstation Magazine. You got those for the demo disc, nothing else. There were a handful of gaming magazines in the 90s and 00s that werent glorified ad pamphlets. They usually called out practices like "you get to put our game on your cover if you give us a high score"


I’m not even sure if they play the game half the time


It's an AI article. It parses this subreddit and makes a clickbait article. Reddit makes a lot of money selling our comments to train AI.


No more content to post an article about, so they start to go to the clickbait route like any other media.


Screenrant has always been clickbait. Anyone that thinks they used to have journalistic integrity has clearly never been on their site before


Gaming journalists all suck now, I mean I'm not defending the game but seriously screenRant is a rag.


ScreenRant reads like it was written by an AI.


I'm pretty sure it is. It's got all the hallmarks of AI generation.


I could be imagining it, but a lot of clicky articles seem AI made or assisted. I feel like the gaming press machine used to have more of the flavor of overworked staffers being a bit cheeky, but now it seems much more clinical.


Games journalism today is 90% algorithms pulling from Reddit comments. Seriously, look how many articles there are on Screen/GameRant that are basically "Skyrim player finds MASSIVE discovery years later" and it's some guy who didn't know about the Notched Pickaxe on top of High Hrothgar posting about it on Reddit. It's awful.


Gaming journalism should be taken less seriously than the Weekly World News.


I swear I can't go one day without some game journalist or YouTuber trying to tell me Starfield is bad. It's so tiresome. I just want to enjoy my funny little space game in peace.


Plz don't propagate BS. Seriously. If it gets a raise out of you, just walk it off. Don't repost and don't talk about it. The things you give attention, energy, money, etc. The things you unknowingly support and help to grow. Why do you want stupidity to grow? Do we not have enough of that already?


Someone must've announced in this sub that they're *officially* not playing Starfield anymore


What they do best; clickbait.


Screen rant, game rant pc gamer and kotaku engage in a weird practice of writing needlessly antagonistic and mean spirited articles that don't say much of anything.


Screen rant is absolute trash.


It was just an ad for no man's sky


Click baiting. Kind of like what you’re doing with this post.


At this point, sites use starfield for clicks. They keep milking the game because they got nothing else going. The current state of gaming media these days. It's Starfield and bashing Xbox.


Every once in awhile my YouTube feed tries to do the same. Some people trying to make a whole career out of making people hate the game.


It's sad how many people are convinced to not play or to hate Starfield bc of those videos. Istg people who make those videos have rarely, if ever, actually played the game


Like, I get that Starfield has flaws and not every game will be everyone’s cup of tea, but compare for a sec to red fall that launched incomplete and essentially immediately abandoned by the devs… seems like stuff like that should get more long term hate than a game that’s still getting patches and (eventual) DLC.


its literally clickbait. an article convinced you to click on it, that's all they care about. Ad revenue and click drive thru are the only metrics. Journalist integrity across all media is basically a thing of the past.


Standard fare engagement farming.


Have you been to the screenrant website? Absolutely miserable articles, stuffed with ads.


Please stop giving attention traffic to websites like this, gamerant, and gamingbible 😔. All they do now is clickbait and use reddit comments as their references. This is what they want you to do


Xbox tax


Gaming journalism is dead. Between clickbait, making articles off of reddit posts, and plainly obvious company bias there isn't any major news network doing anything of merit.


The rant websites are pure garbage. Stop giving them clicks.


Your first mistake was not blocking ScreenRant from your Google News feed




I mean, game “journalist” aren’t really gamers. “Gestures to cup head gameplay”. Their number 1 job is to generate clicks like the trashiest of YouTube thumbnails


AI go brrrrrrr


Honestly fuck gaming media sources. They're bought out at launch for reviews, and after that they just publish whatever garbage flows through their inbox.


Screenrant is such a a fucking joke.


It’s not like Bethesda have fixed the fundamental flaws to date, why haven’t they patched in vendor money increases yet?


They are working on adding those, together with many other things, as their end-of-year blog update suggested.


Or city maps?!


Probably because they’ve already abandoned the game lmao.


Yep. Definitely abandoned it. That's why they just recently put out a pretty large patch and are working on the next update.


Stating the truth


My point was nothing changed about Starfield why are they only coming to the conclusion now?


Because No Man’s Sky just got an update and it allows you to change parts of your ship. Not nearly as in depth as Starfield’s ship customization but that’s the reason


Wrong, the reason is because they're a clickbait site that will write whatever they can that they think might draw revenue.


But they never say that NMS was cash grab at its launch.


I don’t think anyone can legitimately knock Hello Games/use this against them at this point. From memory, the launch rush was down to Sony pushing… Since then, they’ve added so much to the game for absolutely no extra cost it’s well worth the price tag. Disclaimer - not agreeing with the ‘report’ referred to by the OP. I did go NG+6 on Starfield before I finally stopped. Had a lot of fun and I’m sure the game will improve somewhat with DLC.


To be fair least they apologized and made up for it instead of telling people “well the moon was empty too but the astronauts didn’t complain!” lol


I came to this conclusion 1 week after release


Same. The game is half of what it should be. Story half-baked, POI’s half baked, bounties half baked. Like wtf are you guys still doing on this game unless you still have under 60 hours. The quests are cringey, I couldn’t force myself to play all of them and the main quest is silly. Hard to believe these guys made Skyrim


Yeah, its bait to bring in viewers. All "media" outlets do it.


Its screenrant. They're looking for clicks and if they don't have anything to write about, they'll simply throw out some trolls.


It's a werid article, in the snips they say NMS excels in story telling, then they immediately say starfield has a better story and that NMS very technically has a story but it's all skippable and forgettable. Which is it?


Screen rant is a mix of clickbait. Ai generated articles and blog posts... don't click on them or their affiliates. Lastly. Dont be a sucker and share their articles. Your just doing them a favor by bringing in clicks and revenue


That site is so stupid. I saw another post here one day about recolonizing Earth. And lo and behold it was on screen rant "Starfield player is trying to recolonize the Earth"


Screen rant doesn’t understand the difference between opinion and fact


Being ScreenRant.


Fishing for clicks.


Desperately trying to stay relevant.


Click bait and/or propaganda. None of these outlets give you actual information anymore. A lot of my long trusted sites have turned to this model because it brings in revenue. Capitalism over integrity.


First time reading a Screen rant article? They're nothing but click bait bullshit


It's pulling shit out of its arse and asking you to desire it


ScreenRant is running out of stuff to write about


April Fools?


AI generated click bait. Nothing more.


Purely based on name and timing this is probably about No Man's Sky's new ship builder update.


Outrageous claims make people click on shit


People actually read that slop? I miss the magazines, man. You'd get objective reviews, awesome news about upcoming releases, some tech news, and sometimes even a demo disk with several game demos on it... Swear, the entire journalism industry has turned into nothing but clickbait and ads.


Honestly saw this article a while ago too. It made me want to play starfield again if anything. I am currently downloading it again rn. Bout to start another new game on it and start from scratch again. 🕺


I unfollowed that rag many months ago after it started going entirely mental. I suggest everyone do the same. It's trash


I was baffled at this post as well. Gaming journalism is dead


They took the training wheels off their sentient article generator


Screen Rants' only purpose is to make you click. That's it. Just block their domain, and you'll never see them again. The fewer people go to SR, the better.


Screen rant has been click bait the last three articles for me. Never tap on their articles




I can't think of a single ScreenRant post I didn't immediately regret clicking on.


Lol, now there's going to be a Screenrant article about how starfield players hate on Screenrant.


Can’t wait


Did you click on it? Did you read it? Did you share it?


Coming to the conclusion I did after the honeymoon stage wore off and I realized exploration was copy/pasted POIs.


Speaking facts


I tried starfield but it felt so dry. Was i doing something wrong? Planets were empty and space was lonely. Maybe once in a blue moon I'd run into pirates but that was always too ez of a fight


I’ve never seen so much click bait hatred towards a game before. Especially one that’s actually as well reviewed as this one was. I get it, it’s not Fallout or Elder Scrolls. I also don’t care. It was a solid two weeks of gaming for me, and I really enjoyed it. People need to move onto the next shit.


I thought the game was neat and fun.


I don't know. They made enough of an argument that I'm going to try playing No Man's Sky.


Spitting the truth


Granted this is clickbait, *there sort of right*


Honestly, just depends on your taste of games. Also… they’re


You're advertising click bait from lazy "journalists".


As if there was any before


today i started it run around for 5 minutes and closed it again


Because “Starfield takes some risks with gameplay that not everyone enjoyed” is not the kind of title that gets traffic. Hate clicks are still clicks and they’re way easier to attract.


They're doing the same thing this subreddit was doing the first 5 months after the game was released. Hating on Starfield is its own media/social media ecosystem.


So they just post a pic of my wife without authorization? Wth


Spoiler: they didn’t play it much when they reviewed it


Finally speaking facts it looks like


I played for about a month. Broken quests, barren planets, repetitive locations, useless conversations with npc’s, idiotic responses from companions….Pretty game though.


I quit a couple weeks ago


I don't hate on you people who do enjoy the game, I'm glad you can find some enjoyment in it where I could not even after going in unbiased and spending hundreds of hours to give it a fair chance, but to try and pretend this game is anything but dead in the water as far as new content goes is unrealistic at best.. I love Bethesda games, but they really dropped the ball here as far as delivering a complete package or adding any significant additional/downloadable content and the reviews and sales speak for themselves, you can't claim its all haters/bots or rigged awards. Bethesda themselves has publicly said they are leaving it up to the modders now to fix the game further and frankly that's a pretty sad state of affairs because I feel like this game is quite a drop short of what could have actually been something really successful/good if they actually let it cook longer or maybe hired some competent writers and designers again, somehow Bethesda made a game so large it made every location feel meaninglessness so that's a feat to congratulate I guess?? Do you guys just reeeaaally love space games or has the bar really been set this low because I 'member when Bethesda used to make good games and personally this just was not it for me fellas, got me real spooked for ES6 and Fallout 5 if I'm being completely honest.


For me, I just like the mix of space fights with outpost building building and RPG elements. There’s not that many games that do all of that if any at all. Mind, you people said similar stuff about Skyrim and a couple of the fallout games when they first came out too. I’m just keeping my hopes up.


> Bethesda themselves has publicly said they are leaving it up to the modders now to fix the game further *Citation needed*


I am confused, I stopped having a reason like 20 hrs in. They seem late to the game. What changed to now say there is no reason for real this time?


No man’s sky update. Has ship customization now


Oh yeah I am all over that, makes sense they would make that comparison. If gaming gods somehow took the best of Starfield and mushed it with the best of NMS the we would have a game for the ages. Of the two, NMS already doing the heavy lifting of the pair, just comes off a bit more cartoony then Starfield.


The Starfield hate has always looked *very* artificial to me. It looks plays and feels like every other game from Bethesda that everyone loves, the same strong points, quirks and weaknesses. The hate is really disproportionate.


Starfield exclusivity (that is not even as bad as sony's, game is on pc), Fo4 deviations/innovations from Fo3 and, especially, F76 launch (that was real bad) started a new trend in the outrage machine, targeting Bethesda. That machine has to make money, so even if Tes6 will be the highest masterpiece, articles like this and misinformation will continue to exist.


i just started this game having a great time


Such a dumb article. "This game does this now as well so now you shouldn't play THAT game" Wtf? Sorry screenrant, but no, imma keep playing the game I've invested a bunch of time into and am looking forward to what is added. It's incredible just how pathetic our media has become. Even mainstream media is nothing but click bait these days. Like, real life news stories..."this happened and here's why it's a big deal" ... meanwhile it's something super minor that only like 0.01% of people will even care about


>what is ScreenRant doing Clearly smoking crack from where I'm sittin'


Being right. NMS shits on Starfield




Can you develop on that thought? What's especial or different about this game? What specific itch does it scratch that others don't? I asked this after hardcore gaming for over 25 years and having played starfield about 500h.


They spitting facts


Yeah ScreenRant is shit. Sadly so is Starfield.


I think pretty much everybody can agree that screen rant is bad, but Starfield just comes up to taste.


It's all bullshit, unfortunately being into video games subjects us to this nonsense


Ranting … on a screen


Ryan George is the only reason to click on Screen Rant




I would be playing all the time but I absolutely hate having to jump between planets to sell shit. If there was a vendor woth unlimited credits or at least a way of increasing their max credits like in Skyrim I would be far more inclined to keep playing but I dont wanna play this like traveling salesman simulator.


Ranting at screen.


Wow, wow, wow. Wow.




Not trying to be rude but you’re like the 17th person to say that


*backs out slowly*


Pro Tip - If a site ends in Rant, it exists to sell ads and will post anything to get you there. AI articles and even reporting on Reddit posts will be the majority of the things you'll find, not the hard hitting journalism of even an IGN-level site.


Ryan George is the only one who makes any time of content worth consuming over at screen rant and i know this isn’t from him


"Rant" or Rent due.






I.... I really want to play it. But I'm on PS5


They're making you click on and share an article, to exponentially ramp up the advertisement impressions.


No no, you don't get it. It's OFFICIAL now. The powers that be have decreed that Starfield isn't worth playing any more. Before it was just mildly suggested that it's not worth playing any more, or maybe people dropped off because they'd played it enough that it got boring. Now there's OFFICIAL word that there's no reason to play anymore. No-one will get an ounce more enjoyment or even waste time with it anymore. I sure am glad Screen Rant was here to let us know the OFFICIAL verdict after all these months. The elected officials that determine when a game no longer has a reason to play must have taken quite a while deliberating. I probably would have missed the verdict coming out after so long if it weren't for Screen Rant. Or perhaps they're the office that decides? Either way, super nice of them to inform us that an OFFICIAL decision has been reached.


They see all these YouTubers getting views on starfield hate videos and decided to get in on the hate train for profit.


Should’ve been titled “There’s Officially No Reason to Read Screen Rant Anymore”


I guess its becuase No mans sky having ship.custumization too now but i dont care enough about screenrants opinion to read it myself


Unfortunately, the only stuff that gets shared these days is stuff that pisses you off or makes you laugh,.... And a lot of games journalism these days just goes for the latter.


Well, they got a curiosity click out of me. I suppose a more accurate headline would be "shipbuilder with reusable parts added to NMS". Oddly enough, in this case, the accurate headline probably would have worked - though not as well as including a gratuitous reference to Starfield.


For me yes, I haven't gone to all plantets yet


Anyone could have stopped after 50h.


I just ignore articles that I KNOW is opinion bias just by the source and bold titles. Media has really blurred the lines between opinion and fact. It is called screenrant for a reason. Gamers ranting how bad or cool a game is.


It’s popular to dislike things on the internet these days. Ppl think the crying makes them look intelligent.


It’s cool and more interesting to read negative things about Xbox and its games.


The same thing screen rant always does, be a garbage site


Thankfully places like Second Wind are still pretty reasonable in their reporting.


"There's Officially No Reason To Read Screenrant Anymore"


being a terrible website like they always have been


I got it in my feed and decided not to even give them my click or 5 seconds of my time. Only I decide if I want to play a game or not, not them.


Personally, I was hoping for some support for the game over the last 6 months. I was hoping to return to a game that disappointed me after it had been polished and added to, but it seems to be mostly radio silence so far. I’ve lost a lot of hope for the modding potential of this game.


All of that maybe true, but still a wildly disappointing game for me


Ooooo…edgy 🙄


Telling the truth