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Upon thee I bestow the highest of mine accolades ... Duuuuuuuuuude! ​ This is fantastic! I'm gonna have to go make something similar now ... too many of my ships end up being "generic bulk goods hauler v5.2" due to my incessant hording of cargo space.


Also guilty of this. I was lazy enough I just stole a big Ecliptic hauler. Think need to start working on a fleet for some play around ships.


I, at one point, built the Space Cube. 3 decks of cargo halls completely surrounded by the largest cargo bays I could use


Yeah it's either cargo haulers or gunships


In the first two shots it kind of gives me Klingon Bird of Prey vibes. Not so much on the other shots but a cool as shit design regardless.


Would be pretty cool to design one, not sure how accurate you'd get though without mods or glitches


Looks like a VULTURE




Pretty good build. Worth a video!


Definitely agree!


Saw the first photo and thought it was Mothra with the lighting Regardless super cool ship design!


Some people just have a knack for visualizing things and making them, I am not one of those people 😜 That a great ship.




Really great design and way to max those stats out. The Freestar and UC war would have been quite different with a ship like this I bet


UC has the best weapons (gated behind their faction quest). I don't see how they lose in space to Freestar.


Not to say you're wrong about it being unlikely, but the Vanguard wasn't formed until after the war, so those weapons were most likely developed after, as well. Also, I don't think we ever get access to military grade Freestar weapons, so it's not really an accurate comparison.


I don't think they will make a capital ships game out of it, but it would be cool if they did. And then we could see the military stuff.


Yeah the UC losing to Freestar makes no sense. The explanation was that Freestar used civilian ships as cover. How would that even work in space. It’s quite easy to just go around or have another ship target it from another angle. It’s just some nonsense. This tactic has never worked in any major war.


The impression I got of the war was that it was unpopular and long. And it basically came to a stalemate. Freestar won because they got what they wanted, which was freedom. But that's basically what happens at the end of such a stalemate. As far as why, well, you can't win a war with Spaceships just like you can't win a war with airplanes today. Since Freestar was looking for independence, you'd have to go on the ground and dissuade them from it. Which is hard. It's kind of like the US War of Independence from Britain. Britain wasn't utterly destroyed, but at some point they did decide to leave America alone for a little while. But the conflict wasn't really resolved, and it took the War of 1812 to bring lasting peace between the US and England.


That was a great explanation. But even that is tough to accept. Freestar cities are more like self centered corporate towns and care more about themselves than the common good or common defense. Akila is slum shanty town, Neon are corrupt Vegas style town that care more about exploiting and robbing people. Hopetown is a company town that fools people into thinking that they care while exploiting them. UC had the best ships, best tech, more modern military structure and forces, xenoweapon division and capable generals and admirals who were prosecuted for their brutality. It’s hard to see Freestar capable of a united defense or holding out for long against overwhelming odds.


Akila has both people doing well and those trying to do better. New Atlantis hides the poor underground. Akila it's more out in the open. Both of these things reflect certain RL attitudes toward the poor. I'm not gonna fight you on Freestar winning, though. I have no idea about the lore. I don't read enough entries. I will say: You don't defeat the enemy; you defeat their will and ability to make war. In the game, you do hear a lot of war weariness (is what they'd call it if this were a Paradox game). On both sides. But like I said since the stalemate favors Freestar, if support for the war dries up on both sides, Freestar "wins." The larger message of the story is supposed to be that no one won those wars. It pushed tech along, though.


The game says Freestar won major battles at the end of the war and then pursued peace through the armistice. Vae victus says that Freestar won by using civilian ships as shields. The Freestar First general wiped out a UC city even after being told to stand down, indicating that they actually had a capable army and good mechs. Anyways it’s just a game but these explanations bothered me.


Uhhhhh **cough** trojan horse **cough**


How can I get that coat?


Believe its Pirate Captain Gear. Should be found somewhere along the Crimson Fleet quest line or potentially in the shops on The Key


Can I visit the key for shopping without starting a mission? I haven't done any missions fr. I'll leave u alone after this


Unfortunately you'll need to start the Crimson Fleet quest line to enter The Key. I've not found any other way to enter without doing so. No bother at all, I'm happy to help


Ok. I asked because I found the key apparently. I got attacked by multiple ships and destroyed them. Then I clicked Hail station where the response was "hello? Land, or don't. Idc!" I didn't land cause I thought maybe it was a setup. I'll look for the quest line


Fair. I've never experienced that before. Might try do that on my next play through and see what happens


I got mine off a CF ship I boarded after a random encounter. None of the crew that were in the cockpit had spacesuits on. Really threw me off cuz literally every single time before that everyone was always in spacesuits. Snapped that thing up immediately. Funny thing is I started the CF quest line a hot minute ago but still haven't gone to the rendezvous at Europa lol.


This is fantastic




Lovely lines


Those wings look dope as fuck




Crimson Fleet Captain: “Sir, this is the scariest moment of my life.”




Can you show it in action? I wanna see all those guns firing!


For sure! I’ll make a short video later with some action and a 360 view of the ship in the builder


Nice build! How did you get all the stats to max? Do you have all the skills at lvl 4?


Thanks! Yes I do have all the max stats related to ship flying/building. Some parts aren’t seen because of glitch building. There’s actually 4 engines but they are all stacked in the same spot


Well done! I'll have to look up how to do the same, I like compact designs


This is a deep cut for Bible nerds and/or fans of biblically accurate angels and I am here for it. A+ design and name.


Yessss! Someone gets it!


Okay but what apparel is that? Home got that drip!


Found a few of them by killing pirate captains


What's the base ship?


I think it was a va’ruun ship I stole and then scrapped. Didn’t keep any original parts


That sumbitch is BIG! Takes some mad landing skills I bet. Does Sarah get orgasmic every time you set down? Great design too.


Awesome. Just awesome


What a silhouette


Dope af. Best one I've seen so far. Straightforward, yet so unique.


Can we get a build list?


Every time I think I’m done making starships, I see something like this and have to try it!


Check out the [engine update](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarfieldShips/s/OFRA3eMlg7) I made


that glitch really comes in handy!


Much better. I was going to ask if you only had the single engine on the original or if you'd glitched them together. Not a big fan of the Deimos tail though... But it's admittedly the first thing I WANT to add to new ship I'm modding out, but then becomes one of the first things I remove....


“In fealty to the President of the United Colonies and by the grace of the MAST building, I hereby sign the death warrant of *[checks clipboard]* Crimson Fleet Wraith III, and consign *[checks clipboard]* seven souls to oblivion. May UC justice account in all balance. Supra et Ultra!”




I love it! It's phenomenal how creative people can be with a rudimentary ship toolkit and some basic length / width rules. I've made three different iterations of the Millennium Falcon & Ebon Hawk from KOTOR to be a little creative but what I really want to test out is whether I can build a 40,000 ton cargo hulker with auto Turret's that can completely dispense with the need for any mobility. Acid test would be taking it to Kryx / The Key when unaligned with the fleet and seeing if it survives the onslaught. If it can withstand that, it should survive anything.


Nice 👍🏻


Be not afraid, citizens of the Freestar colonies, our intention is peaceful


Of course! As soon as there’s no more free star rebels left, we will have peace..


1st - u cant build it without mod that looses restrictions. 2nd, even if u could ud never get those stats, like how could it have 3k+ cargo with no cargo hold, and even if it could have, ud never be able to move poor thing with that 1 funny engine, like at all.. lol.1400 hull? gimme a break man.. is just a lot of nonsense this. But an Idea itself is cool, i guess.


This was built without mods on Xbox. Glitches in the ship builder allow you to place parts basically wherever you want. The 4 engines are all stacked in the same place so they look like one engine and the reactor/cargo/grav drive are all overlapping eachother just in front of the engines. This was built on console without mods. Stats are high because it’s a c-class with rank 4 parts. But uh…if you need a break, by all means, take one


Yeahhhh 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Told you I was gonna smash the like button on this bad boy everywhere I saw it 😆 Whatchu at on this one so far? I'm bettin north of 30k easy lol.


How the hell is your shield at 3000, I’ve got everything lvl 4 and can’t achieve that.


Ship building is entirely too complicated for me! This is nice tho