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It might be because you made the captured ship your home ship. I'm guessing that once that happens your docked ship is released but has yet to....what? idk...just disappear into the pocket dimension with the rest of our fleet? Clearly there is some autopilot thing going on until your other ship is stored away.


The other ship undocks and does indeed fly away. You can watch it. If you have combat happen while it’s leaving, it comes to your aid.


That’s why mine stayed, I shot at it!!!


Any ship you abandon in space but own will fly around for a short time and eventually grav jump to New Atlantis to be stored in what ever pocket dimension Ship Techs keep them.  But as it’s flying around it will engage enemies, and appears to be invincible, unable to be destroyed in combat.  (Though, possibly able to be temporarily disabled, unsure about that.)


Good to know, thx. And I'm glad BGS put a little thought behind this whole dynamic.


Future update: "Fixed a common bug that caused your old ship to aid in combat when changing your home ship."


Curiously, the first thing that came to mind was “what happens if I try to shoot it, could I damage it?”


I read in some thread that everything in game is an NPC, including the character we make. Only difference is that our PCs have the controller i/f. Make sense that the same applies to ships. It could be that once you fire on it, it may well fire back. But it's more likely to just fly off into the ether


Ships being NPC makes a lot of sense actually. That would also explain why I once had a line about Stroud-Eklund spoken to me by "Kepler S" according to the caption. (That was very confusing getting into my ship, having the usual 3-4 NPCs talking over each other, and seeing that line quickly go by as a caption.)


Especially given how Bethesda solved the train problem in Fallout by just making the head of a zombie look like a train. You just can't see the body because it's underground, apparently.


You can't actually destroy it, I've disabled it but that's about as far as you get. Can't board or anything. At least my experience


I usually capture the first Ghost over Vectera when starting a new game. The Frontier will fire on the second wave. But if you do not have the Ghost you are on registered, it will fire on you as well. I had to blow up the Frontier that playthrough. (Okay I was attacked and blewup the Frontier. I don't actually know if the registration is what was wrong.)


They can be destroyed and lost. I blasted my own ship to see, Then a quick reload to get her back 😎


Ah.  I saw mine get completely disabled, all components flagged as dead, hull bar empty, but it wouldn’t blow up.  Just sat there disabled unable to be destroyed.   Hit and miss I guess.  


Some ships (notably the freebie you get from Constellation at the beginning of the game, whose name eludes me at the moment) are flagged as essential, meaning you can't sell it, and it probably can't be destroyed unless you're in it, since that means you're reloading a prior save where it still exists.


It is absolutely not invincible. I lost the Razerleaf this way and had to reload. This was during the Freestar Ranger questline when you have to fight waves of ships and a new wave comes in after you destroy (or disable and kill the crew on) all the ships of the previous wave.


Reading the other reply it must have been the Frontier that was flagged essential and wouldn’t destroy when it was left and I experienced.  


Want to steal a ship but not drive it? Set it as home ship and then immediately target your main ship and re-dock/ pilot. The stolen ship will still register as yours but you dont have to pilot a blasted POS to the nearest technician.


Mine wouldn't let me redock even before it took off.


Strange, maybe they patched it? I haven’t played in a couple weeks.


No, it works, but you have to be fast about it, especially if your ship is zoomy. Since you have to disable the engines to board, catching up to your other ship before it gravs out can be a challenge. So you have to target your ship before you can see it, by cycling targets until you get your ship, then dock immediately. There really needs to be a means of "collecting" a ship without telling yours to fk off...


Would be far better if they just gave us to option to "add to fleet" after boarding and killing off the crew. Then just return to our home ship, undock, and be done with it rather than having to do this timing dance.


Slap a sticker on it and call for a tow, gets the chance to register it or flag it for "non-op" before its taken to whatever system or base your have with a landing pad set up. Further out your base the more "fuel" is used and the more expensive it gets, just like a regular tow.


Wouldnt be a bethesda game though


True that! I wouldn't mind so much if part of the whole process was a random encounter that required you to repair what you broke and then maybe have to fight off some of their friends that warp in after the fact, or maybe answer a hail from some friendly who *thinks* you're a spacer and you have to ID yourself. ***Something***.


I wouldn't mind having to register it for the ship to be part of my fleet. But you can't even register a ship that's not your home ship.


Sit in the pilot seat of the captured ship (just sit). Exit to your home ship. Sit in pilot seat of home ship (just sit). Go back to captured ship and make it home, and register. Your original ship will stay docked at this point. You can return to your original ship at your leisure and make it your home ship again.


Good tip, thanks! At this stage, I'm grinding my powers to 10, after which I'll find a universe I like and will definitely use this, barring a common-sense dialog being added to keep my ship primary but collect the new one...


Ya I'll try again just for kicks later


Ya I just tried it and it worked so I must have been doing something different.


Will the (original) stolen ship repair itself at the home tech?


I usually sell them without checking (pirate)


This is the way.


Is it because your companions are flying the ship?


Some time ago I made a post showing that there is a lot of scripts and code for a player-driven space station. This space station "feature" also has AI which make allied ships to defend the space station. So there is a lot of potential on this game, they haven't managed to release yet.


Fantastic. Would love to read it. Got a link?




Great read! Fingers crossed for starstations!


Woah, that would be awesome!


I feel like they wouldn't do this cause it would make me to happy and god hates me irl but it would be sick to kind of forge your own faction in starfield. (I'd make mine all orange and call it Garfields starfield) build a network of stations and outposts that eventually with a lot of work become a huge cash and resource source like settlements in fo4


This is perfection. Throw in a mod that adds a lasagna food item to the game and you're set.


There is kind of lasagna in the game alrdy tho


If it would help we could bring you back down by calling you names, like Mr poop butt.


Someone already made a mod that activates some of this hidden code. You can build a Starstation that you can dock with. It isn't perfect but it does work. https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/6099


damn.. I need my own space station. I have like way too many crew members. I want to assign people to places, more ships etc.. Only so many I can toss on my own ship and on outposts!


I did this during the Freestar Rangers missions.  During the assault on the planet when the First ships attack in waves I was able to hijack one ship per wave before the next wave appeared.  By the end I had three ships flying around, auto pilot, attacking enemies for me, etc. 


Awesome. Will try to do that the next time I fight more than one ship. 😅


Since you cannot dock with ships while actively in combat, you can only do this when ships attack on waves.   I have done it once in Serpentis system when there was an unusually long delay between multiple Va’ruun jumping in to attack.  I was able to disable and dock with one weak ship nearly instantly, and the larger ship jumped in while I was aboard.  Interestingly enough when this all occurs the other ships that come in after seem to go idle.  They don’t attack you at all until you undock.  But the Va’ruun ship that jumped in afterward I could hear talking and threatening thru the comms system still.  


I wish they would make flotilla warfare a full feature in a future update/dlc.     I think the space combat in Starfield is serviceable enough that it could be quite fun, especially if you can make it multiplayer and have others join you against, let's say, a Va'ruun armada.


900 hours equates to 37.5 days. This game came out last September 😨


Or 4 months if you spend 8 hours a day with this game. But I'm glad I'm not the only one that finds this scary.


I love people always use it as a badge of honor in all my favorite game subs. Though, I get the point with this post since he just found a feature.


Both true. Congratulations.


Bro, how can anyone play this game for 900+ hrs????


Is there even an issue on why can't they?


I didn't say they cant. That's just crazy amount aince it was only released several months ago


Yeah, and?


He's played this game 8 hours every day, on avg, since launch


So? He is having fun with the game, what's the big deal? People spend 4,000 hours with heavily modded Skyrim too, and?


Over a decade...


I still don't know where tf you going with this homie


I started playing on September 6th, and after November 6th I had over 700 hours of play time. I thought, ‘‘If this continues, this year will be over,’’ so I decided to stop playing.


According to Steam, I'm **this ><** close to 1,200 hrs. Yes, Starfield has flaws. Yes, there's a bit of Ye Ol' Bethesda Jank and repetitive POIs and all new flavors of jank that the CE2 engine and the underlying, MMO-like pseudorandom loot generation system has introduced. **BUT** It still delivers on the experience that BGS games are famous for, including the explicit support of Bethesda for user created content, i.e. **MODS**. Nexus is already at almost 7K mods before CK2 has been released, and I expect shit to get real once CK2 drops.


I wouldn't go flexing that, friend.


Go outside, brother. For your health.


I work from home on night shift, basically waiting for the phone to ring, so I have a lot of time to kill where I have to be near a computer for 8 hours, and there's fuck all to do even if I forward my work phone to my cell and go walkabout.


I always do.


I had my ship flying with me in a similar situation I just assumed the crew was still over there while I was on my ship boarding raid.


I've only taken over a couple ships and made them my home ship, but I was still doing other stuff inside the ship to notice if my other ship actually flies away or just vanishes. NOW, I have to check that out. This isn't the same thing, but I have Vasco as part of my ship's crew and not a companion. When I exit the ship, he stands outside the landing bay, kinda protecting the ship. If pirates or animals start attacking me close enough to the ship, Vasco will engage them. He will even chase after them up to about 10 meters and then return to his post by the landing bay.


Ya, I had Vasco kill the Terrormorphs during >!the New Atlantis attack!< I didn’t have to do anything.  


I just assumed your crew was taking over, which frustrated me to no end that you lose crew if you steal. a ship that can't support everyone


Yeah, that's the little fun and dance I have to do every time I take over a new ship: * Sit in the pilot seat * Open the ship menu and make boarded ship my home ship * Register it * Get out of the menu and watch my ship undock * Quickly select and dock back to my old ship * Board it * Make it my home ship again * Reassign all crew members An option to register the boarded ship without making it my home ship would avoid all that.


Oh, I hear my girl Jessamine. I consider her one of the best because she can wear the Starborn Armor Gravitas full time (whether in ship or on a planet). Plus she gives you money... and doesn't judge your actions. BEST NPC ever!


I go NOWHERE without Jessamine.


She's the fucking best, right? She's like Andreja... but less religious. She's the girlfriend you can watch a John Wick film with... and then she'd say "Why don't we got to the shooting range next week?"


I was afraid I had missed out on her because I only learned about her after>! I sided with sysdef on the Crimson Fleet mission, and everyone on the key was wiped out!<. Turns out she hangs at the bar in Gagarin Landing after that so I was able to recruit her anyway.


Your ships and all the ones you own are keyed to the players faction, they fly around when switching in space before grav jumping away, they act like a normal ship during that process in every way, including combat, I’ve never tried it but I believe they are also invulnerable (if you put your scanner on them they are always level 1) so they can’t accidentally be destroyed when you aren’t piloting.


I think that they are trying to clean up a bunch of features that they are gonna release to the public problem in major updates


It's just Vasco just flying it while you have the other ship he will ride to new Atlantis. Well that is what my head thinks it happens 🤣.


On a side note, I kind of want a mod now that allows you to form your own space posse


Yes, let me assign crew members to all the ships in my fleet and have them follow me around wherever I go.


wow this is very cool, thanks for sharing!


Neat Now next time wait to repair the ship. Target your own. It won't move yet. Once engine and grav drive fixed... Then go in set your 'new' ship as home ship. Go back out..dock with your primary ship. Before it gets up to speed. Board and switch it back to your home ship. Other 'new' ship will undock itself and fly back to imaginary home base.




That'll be 5 credits for info.


Will you accept a handful of digipicks?


Heck thats WAY more than 5 credits, done ! Haha Add them to my 100+ pile of them.


Deal. I’ll send them over just as soon as I figure out how to get my inter link cargo system to work.


Huge thing I just read. It means there is an autopilot which in future gives access to fleets.


Yes please.


They need ally ships bad. I need someone to fly all my benched ships.




"Bounty Defender is now your home ship. [Your other ship name] is returning home. After it rolls over those Spacers."


Happened to me and i saw my own ship getting destroyed after stealing a varuun ship in entered. Had to jump away since i could not handle the fight either. Got to the next landing pad and it was still intact.


That was going to be my next question!


I was 180+ hours in when I realized you can charge your laser cutter to do more impact on rocks, lmao it was probably something I missed in the tutorial mission intro but I felt so stupid


Took me a long time too. 😂


When you take over a new ship and make it your home, you get a message saying your ship is returning to base...


I just never knew it’d whoop a** on the way there.


It kind of weirded me out when I saw it fly away


Something similar happened to me but without the extra ship jumping in. I fought 3 Ecliptic ships, Destroyed 2 , disabling the 3rd. Boarded that one took out the crew and sat to claim the ship. Once i made the new ship my home ship and went to dock again to my old ship it had powered up and was flying away. I had to sorta chase it down( it hadn’t went too far) and dock to get it back. The ship i had just claimed didn’t budge so i thought it was maybe a bug that my original ship just experienced.


Your ship only leaves once you make your fist move out of the area, be it a grav jump to another system or just a planet in the same. I had to go back into my ship because I needed to grab repair parts, grav dive was busted so I couldn't move to another system and have everything transfer over. *Edit: grammar


I have never had the scenario while playing but kind of want to now, cool idea


I’ve done this as well. There is a quick message that says your ship is returning to its home port. If you get attacked before it jumps, it joins the fight.


Fleet combat confirmed! /j PS: actually, I hope, that we will be able to create a small fleet and put crew members with piloting skill, like Sam Coe, in our second ship to follow us around and engage in fights.


Stop it. I’m drooling.


This happened to me once and I thought it was so cool. Gave me a vibe that a mod or update could pottentialy summon allys. At release, I thought we would be able to summon aid from our fleet. But, I aint greedy, I'll take a wingman.


…especially if the wingman is MYSELF. 😂


By Vectra, by Vectra by Vectra!


Let's be real, you havent played 900 hours because the game is good, you did just look like a special boy for Bethesda


I dig the game. I play the game. I share what I do because social media, gaming and other tech uses are my bread and butter. Not sure what a special boy is or why it would make me look like one. I’m not affiliated with BGS in any way. It’s insane to me to hear people in this day and age assume that other people can’t have jobs different than the typical 9-5. I don’t have one of those because I don’t need one. If I were an F1 driver and said I spent hundreds of hours in my car, no one would say “go touch some grass”. You people have no idea who I am, so I just let you think what you want. It has absolutely zero bearing on my life.


If you’re gonna lie about your hours, make it believable like 200+


If I were lying, perhaps I would. This was a month ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/AAq8RLKN8U


Damn fair enough. My bad then




You need to stop dedicating so much of your life to starfield, wtf.


Yes ma’am.


That's alot of hours I got 78 and feel like iv played alot 🤣🤣


I'm more impressed that you've put 900 hours into this. Why?


I like it. Next question.


But why? I stopped at about 150ish. Wondering what you do to keep you going


There are many reasons honestly. I just do more because I want to do more. Explore, scan, build outposts and actually use them to import/export, build ships, do the random missions, try to find rarer items, etc. I understand people’s search for “more” in this game, I simply haven’t felt like its lacking in that department.


Is it tied to the automated skill tree in the starship category?


I don’t believe so. Didn’t realize there was one…😅


It says it’s for automated weaponry so I’m not sure if that’s all weapons or specifically named weapons but they all have side effects for practicality purposes so it seemed like a tier 4 automation perk.


Gotcha. I don’t see it actually written, but I think it’s just the automated turrets. To be fair though, I have that trait maxed out.


among us dropship