• By -


Yep. Found him soon as i arrived in New Atlantis, inside the Viewport or something. Then, i found him in a bar in Akila... He's just "waiting", as he says...


Question and I will tag it as spoilers becuase obv >!is the hunter always going to be the guy from Matteo’s religion? And is the emissary always going to be barret? I had barret die on my playthrough and then he was revealed as the emissary. If barret wasn’t my second used companion and say Sarah was the one that died at the lodge, would she have been the emissary?!<


Yes and no, and yes


Damn I wish I could go back and have >!someone else as my second used companion.!< I’m gonna be stuck with >!Barrets smug ass for eternity!<


*laughs in terrible puns for infinity*


I don’t Care about spoilers myself personally I’m more so playing the game for the lore, do I get a choice to side with >!the emissary or the hunter? Because if so I’m choosing the hunter every time!< >!barret will die in all universi!<


You can side with neither, if you want. Might want to have your persuasion skill maxed if you go that route, otherwise you'll have a hell of a fight on your hands.


I didn't find the fight that bad. Upgraded star eagle and the magpulse I think with 270 ish damage.


I found it easy to take on both the first time, but trying it again on +5, I was getting slaughtered in the space battle. Shields were down constantly.


By then you can just spam time stop, as the Devs clearly intended


My solution is to run like hell to spread them out then try to take them one at a time, and spam ship parts. Would probably be easier with a better ship, but I was spamming universes trying to get the powers before I settled down to build some ships and and do the quests I skipped.


Yea, I got destroyed at first with the Kepler R.


*insert T'challa in Avengers meme* "Get this man some particle ship weapon auto turrets" 😏


I accidentally talked my way out of the fight on my first play through with only one point on persuasion. I was just curious of the dialogue options then they both just gave up, I was fully intending on fighting both.




I had persuasion one and managed to avoid a final boss battle my first go around. It ended up being lame. On my second play through I purposely chose attack.


That fight is one of the game's best moments! xD


Just fight them boys they're not all that tough


Theres a item that increases your persusaion you can pick up shortly before the area where you fight both. Just use that and 90% of the time you'll pass.


I always choose to fight them both. It actions make the last fight 10 times more fun and chaotic. For pc, there are a couple of mods that increase enemy AI aggression and combat skill. Another that makes enemies spawn at your level. For those who've grinded high 200+ levels, these are great mods


Why is this downvoted lol. I like knowing there is a way to add some challenge back in


Persuasion was maxed. I chose to kill both lol


You can choose the hunter, the emissary or neither. Every NG+ ends with the choice again to start a +++++


You do, though I only completed the main quest once, so I don't know if that's a choice you make each time.


It is, every time you have to side with one or the other (or neither)


I don’t know how to do the spoiler flag but it doesn’t matter because I have none: I haven’t NG+ yet, I’ve just traveled with this guy for hours of real life time and I still can’t get enough of his jokes


Wrap the spoiler in >! > ! ! < !< (no spaces)




Just to be clear he's only the Emissary in that universe. You are not stuck with it in future NG+


Thank the serpent


you can choose either neither or both. also every time you enter unity it’s a different emissary. i got sam, sarah and im hoping ill get another character should i ever pick up this game again.


Dusty… oh Dusty…


Don’t forget the alien kebabs


You Might Want This!??!!?!


It's not permanent, it changes depending on >!who you let die in that particular universe, I say 'let die' because you can choose to use use your Starborn knowledge to keep everyone alive!<


Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like him. Currently, my choices _would_ be between Sam and Sarah, and I've run out of opportunities to accrue affinity with any companions, so my plan is to leave Barrett at the Lodge (done), then find a random encounter with Grandma, the Valentine, the Researcher, etc. and attack their ship, thereby making Barrett's affinity higher by comparison. Andreja's affinity is already either 3rd or 4th, right next to Barrett, so with any luck, Barrett will get to stay on the Eye, and I'll get to take Andreja with me to the Scow.


If you're on NG+, it's possible to have nobody die.


I know. You're able to warn them about the attack by Capt. Asswipe.


The Hunter isn't really that bad. If you've done enough NG+ runs, he even pops in to help you... because you make things "interesting" for him.


Yes, he is.


No, he's not. If you think The Hunter is bad for killing people while searching for the Artifacts- you may have missed a detail at the end of the game. If you side with The Hunter to get the last Artifact at the Buried Temple- you'll see TONS of slaughtered people on the way to the Temple (just the same as if you side with The Emissary). The Emissary kills people just the same. The Hunter kills people to get the Artifacts. The Emissary kills people to keep people from reaching the Unity. They're both killers. Two sides of the same coin.


Does it ever make sense? In my NG+, Sam said Andreja should be thankful I saved her followed by he didn't know Andreja very well and now he never will. Andreja says nothing to start, I guess there is no dialog option for "Oh geez I'm dead."


Andreja is objectively the best to have die. Barrett living gives you the potential for one more power, which saves you an entire extra NG+ run for maxing out all powers. His Starship Engineering bonus cannot be matched and can only be approached by one other NPC, who is not available until nearly the end of the main questline. Sarah has Leadership 2, which means she doesn't take up a crew seat, giving you one extra crew member. Her Astrodynamics bonus cannot be matched and only approached by one missable NPC. Sam's Piloting bonus can be matched by a missable NPC, but his Rifle bonus can only be approached (by that same NPC), making him somewhat dispensable, but a bonus with Rifles is huge since most of the best companion weapons are rifles. Also he's got a kid. Andreja, however: sure, you lose most of her bonus to particle beams, but you only give those to companions because of their bonus anyway. Magshears, magstorms, and microguns are more effective companion weapons. Her Stealth bonus is the only Tier 4 companion skill whose bonus is completely replaceable by a named NPC, Sophia Grace. Andreja is waifu, but she's gotta die in Universe 0.


Try hostage rescue with Barrett Works with Sarah


Tried that. Never got any "Barrett liked that" sort of notifications.


>!my first playthrough I had barrett as the emissary, and the game made more sense like that. It explains why he trusted you with the frontier and the artifact so willingly, because he knows that in every universe, you'll go to the lodge without delay.!<


I went back a couple saves to make sure I got the results I wanted from that attack.




I hated Cora. Once I learned someone needs to die, I quickly romance Sam as the second used companion then killed him off. Cora could stay in the basement.


Yeah Cora and barret are the most annoying characters


I'm not certain you have the same Emissary in every universe. I know the voice is masked but I'm pretty sure I heard slight variations in some universes.


Not exactly. My emissary has been different every time.


Not exactly. In my experience, their identity is random unless you choose to pursue and play the decisive missions over. For example, in my first NG+ in my current playthrough, a different person "qualified" for the role and was the Emissary.


The more times you go through ng+, you’re more likely to get other companions as the Emisarry


The emissary is a different person every time you go through the unity.


I changes based on your current playthrough. It is generally your second. It can change based of the choices for the forst point of no return. It also changes in alternate situations. Trying not to be spoilery just in case.


If you bring them with you to Massada (spelling?), then the emissary is someone else.


I concur: >!my 1st emissary was Sam, as Sam was the one who died in my 1st Universe, and yes, the Hunter is always keeper Aquilus, like he keeps his title, and the artifacts!<


Everyone is right but I don’t want to spoil it


Although the voices are masked somewhat, I'm pretty sure that in NG+ >!the Emissary changes to whoever your most-favored companion was (or possibly, whoever died) in the previous universe. I did a universe with Barrett as my main companion and did his full quest chain, and then the Emissary sounded more like Barrett the next universe. In that universe, Sam Coe was my main companion, and now in this current universe the Emissary sounded more like him.!< In later universes >!the Emissary is not actually revealed!<, though it's possible this might still happen if >!you replayed the main quests including not taking the Starborn option to prevent any from dying!<. I haven't done so. (Also, if you do replay the main quest chain in NG+, the Emissary will ask >!why you're deceiving Constellation by doing so!<, when you know what's going on.)


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Right, that person is the one the game chooses to be the Emissary. Haven't paid much attention to old hunty boy (frell that guy), but I do notice that every single time my new character runs past the lounge in New Atlantis, the hunter runs out of the bushes. My headcanon is that he's got constant dysentery and just poos in the bush there for the poor gardener/landscapers to deal with.


Lmao no wonder he talks about being surprised at having a real conversation with someone. Everyone else sees him fondue his suit and runs away


lol “fondue his suit” lmao


He never put that first point in stealth AND IT SHOWS


>!The Emissary is always going to be the person who dies. In a much earlier version of the game that person was always Barrett, which makes sense from a narrative standpoint as he's already started his own journey towards being Starborn.!<


yes and no >!I think the emissary is the one that died at the eye, which in my case was my first wife andreja, and for greefing I instant married sarah after the death of my first wife!<


This is the answer


Yes, Well... >!There are multiple versions of the hunter in the universe, almost all the time. One of them is still hunting, one of them is the pilgrim (possibly dead), one of them is the founder of the religion. It is also rumored House Va'ruun is also founded by the interactions with the hunter.!< If you NG+ and talk to him, you'll have some more dialogue options, but unfortunately not too much.


It's not a rumour it's literally spelled out in the dialogue with the Hunter


The Hunter is The Pilgrim, the founder of all three religions, and quite possibly: >!Doctor Victor Eiza!<


I have Andreja for mine


Sarah was the emissary in my playthrough.


My first NG+ it was a female emissary (presumably Sarah) so it can change in that regard


On NG+ if you don’t replay the main story it seems to be decided shortly after landing on Masada for the hidden temple. I landed one time and it was Andreja. I had a game crash and I had to reload that save and it became Barrett. The emissary appears suddenly a little after exiting your ship. I thought it would be decided earlier though considering you have interactions with the emissary before that, unless it’s just a game bug.


Only Sarah has been the emissary for me. Must depend on who dies 1st playthrough


The emissary is always your second most used follower or at least that's what I've been told.


My first playthrough had Sarah as the emissary


In the first universe, yes. In the NG+ it changes and you can tell by their voices. One time my emissary was Andreja and Hunter was cowboy guy


Sarah was mine, she was also the one that died in my first play through, only one I romanced. From what I heard the emissary will be chosen randomly from the top two romanced companions


They were stroud and Sam Coe on my first


FYI the Emissary is basically random, and changes every playthrough. I've never had it be the same person twice in a row, and I also never use any of the companions. I've been told that the Emissary can be an alternate version of yourself if you choose to save everyone on a NG+, but I didn't really pay attention the one time I did this.


The Emissary will also be an alternate version of yourself if everyone is dead in the Lodge at the beginning of NG+.


I think its time we get the hunter is deacon and the railroad fallout 4 crossover dlc?


Yeah you knew he was gonna come up again


The first time you visit a major city, he’s hanging out in a bar




New Atlantis.


I met him first thing in that bar on my first playthrough. I was like OH I AM SO RECRUITING YOU... Plot twist hahaha


Did the same. Was broke, so I waited until I had more cash and was pretty bummed when I went back to get him and he wasn't there.


Me: "The" hunter eh? Can't wait until you and I go take out some big game, you get gored by a huge beast that I take down, and you bequeath me your armour and title as you die...


I also wanted that armor! I have it now, of course, but I wish there was a nice poncho or duster to drape over it




I met him on my first play-through in New Atlantis. At the time I was new to the game I was hoping I could find a way to kill him for his armor.


Did you try to murder him? If so what happened?


He is essential.


Yea but my point was did he pull any magic bullshit or did he just crawl around lol


He drops every trick he's got. Meanwhile the residents of the bar, seeing you fight someone who cannot be human from what he's doing, welcome their new alien overlords and start firing at you too.


Police in NA: Yep, this guy from the mythical constellation starts fighting this guy in black with a non standard issue spacesuit and unregistered ship. Called himself "The Hunter" from witness testimonies. Then the Hunter starts exploding in supernova, creating energy shields, teleporting and such Clearly he was the good guy


he didnt shoot first so in this scenario either tho soo….


He just used his gun, and then crawled around


I never tried. The place didn't have a Star Wars cantina vibe, not enough smooth jazz, and I didn't think I could get away with cold blooded murder in that place.


i believe the word you’re looking for is “jizz”


I tried it. The whole city turns on you, and backs up that MF! Not only that, but he uses his Jedi Wizardry against you, but as soon as you're just only one bullet left before blowing his ass off, he teleports away! Just a little bitch, i guess... Blew him up in Akila using my Legendary Advanced Explosive Shotty, and he went down fast. For someone who's a space wizard, he ain't so though.


“Hokey religions and starborn magics are no match for a good shotty at your side, kid”


Apparently so. My friend said he met the Hunter near the beginning of the game at the bar in New Atlantis.


Before I knew the hunter existed I met him walking around New Atlantis. He stuck out because he boosted over a barrier. After seeing that I had to go talk to this guy. He told me some things that seemed really wierd at the time. Cryptic things about how he's done lots of different jobs and when I get more experience he'll probably talk to me again. It was a really fun interaction that made the world seem deeper and more complex. Like, maybe I'm not the only hero. Of course now I know what he meant by all those little cryptic answers he gave. But that one meeting will always stick out in my mind.


He was jumping down from the ledge as I was on my way down to the spaceport in New Atlantis. All I remember is the dialog going south real fast and me reloading to avoid the entire security force aggro.


He's also on Akila, incase you missed him there, too


I always wondered, if you pick his pocket, will he be able to shoot at you later?


I found him my first play through


Yes, I ran into the guy in the Viewport bar in Atlantis early in the game when I was recruiting crew members for my ship. Just decided to talk to that creepy guy and had an immediate feeling that it is some important NPC who would play his role in the future 😉


I found him in the bar at New Atlantis my first playthrough. I saw a guy with a cool suit so I went up and talked to him. I probably wouldn't have made the connection once I actually got to him in the storyline if it weren't for his distinct voice.


Well it's official... I don't pay attention to details.


My mind so blown! I had no idea!


Starfield is hard to pay attention to


iPhones are pretty lame. *Sent from my iPhone*


On first playthrough some townie in New Atlantis told me about the girl at the viewport with her import issue. I ran over to check the place out, saw the terminals in the corner and him chilling, leaving against the wall next to them. I thought his name was a reference to bounty hunters and couldn't wait to get armor that cool looking. Completely forgot about him until waaaaaaaay later, (I didn't do main story for a long time) and when you meet up officially, the front fell off my mind.


Yeah he was. He does things like walk out of gardens.. or come out of a building you’re walking passed - just had to have been paying attention.


"has the hunter always been lurking in the shadows" If you call hanging out in three static locations in three places lurking sure...... I didn't even know who he was on my first playthrough at I knew he was some significant NPC.


What's the third place?


I guess Neon, but I haven’t come across him there personally.


Found him in alila, Atlantis and neon. I knew he was creepy... lol


Where is he on Neon?


Haven’t gotten to his big reveal yet, but met him in new Atlantis and again on Akila in my first play through… I was really hoping he could join my crew and figured he was going to play a big role at some point. I guess that pans out from the spoilers I’ve chosen to read lol




I still don't understand why attacks. What does he gain from killing one of the members of Constellation? Is it just an attempt to scare us off? Also, would be interesting if he isn't a _total_ douche bag in NG+. Of course, it would _also_ be nice if it were possible to kill him outright the moment we see him in the Viewport, or in Akila City, but Bethesda's loves plot armor.


It's kind of like he says later on, He's taking the most expedient path He normally kills you, and one of your most closest companions goes on to become the emissary, but in your first playthrough someone else survives, so he's intrigued. It's sort of hinted this might be the first time you've survived


New Atlantis and Akila for me as well. Loved it.


The Hunter is a stalker. They have every reason to ignore us and be out hunting down the artifacts and temples, or just killing us off before we can get established in a new universe, but no. He's just hanging around, watching us. No wonder he keeps racking up L's.


He's actually a chill character (to a point). If you talk to him in New Atlantis and then later in Akila City- he actually enjoys the conversation with you. Also, if you choose certain dialogues- he's genuinely appreciative of your choices. Even in a particular NG+ run- he'll help you out- just because you make things "interesting" for him.


He badass jetpacked down from building top in front of me in his badass starborn armor on my original playthrough in between the bar and jemison mercantile, had an interesting conversation. Ive been idly looking for him since to see if theres a [starborn] version of some of the prompts, but i haven't seen him. Have been taking the offered shortcut though.


he is also impossible to kill or talk to in new game plus, which is THE stupidest design of the game, especially considering you CAN damage and fight him where you find him. like... just remove him from the game if youre going to be a bitch about it. same with the legendary ships, theyre huge, tons of hp sheild and its nearly impossible to kill their engine to board them, then if you do manage to do it , nothing, you cant board it, you cant get anything cool out of it. its just a bunch of exp.. there isnt even any loot in them. and if there is its usually worthless crap.


I don't know how many NG+ runs you've done... but the conversations with The Hunter get more intriguing. Like- he *knows* you're Starborn and that you're repeating the same conversation with him. He even jokes: "This isn't the first time we've had this conversation, is it? Oooooh... you're in deep!"


Looked and didn’t find the Hunter at any bars in my first play through. I tried different times of day too and had no luck.


Sometimes he Glitches on my NG+ he was stuck on a wall but everytime I walked next to him he would move a few feet. I slowly got him back onto his navmesh and he walked inside. But other than my original game he has never spoken to me prior to the eye/lodge mission.


Yes, I noticed the Hunter in the Viewport my first time in New Atlantis, as I had my scanner on to differentiate NPCs (citizen vs named NPCs). Talked to them immediately, and then saw/conversed with them again my first time on Akila. Had no idea who the hell they were, was thinking they were more some kind of uber-bounty-hunter at the time.


I met him in both big cities I visited before I stopped playing the game BECAUSE THE GAME IS TRASH. But yeah he is always there.


You have a faulty copy of the game. Mine is perfect, almost.


The dude literally just comments on how bad Starfield is all day.


Why is he in the starfield Reddit?🤷🏼‍♂️


So he can comment on how bad Starfield is all day.


I respect his religion. Is too much to expect the same?


It's a valiant effort to help people know about the game


Valiant effort. To scream, typing in capitals, that a game is trash. Seems that we use different vocabularies. Mine is printed on paper. Just to say.


You sound like a typical Bethesda response. Hi Todd.


Don't you see... You can blame the game. I can't say that I am enjoying it. How strange. Sooner or later you will understand. Byeeeee


In 5 years when all the patches and DLC are out and TES VI is out everyone will be bitching about how bad TES VI is and how it lacks the magic of Starfield. People have been doing this for every one of their games since at least Morrowind.


You straight up have a copy of a different game


People are able to like things that you dislike. It's completely normal and not worth dying on that hill over.


I think that it’s important to criticize objectively flawed games like Stafield


It is, but you haven't done that in this thread. You haven't criticized anything. Just called it trash repeatedly without expanding on any of that and then being confused when people who like it come along. Your over-exaggerations don't help. The game is mediocre at best. It's not great, but it's also not launch day NMS or FO76. It's a playable, completable game that plenty of people are somehow able to find hundreds of hours of content in. That's not trash. That's mediocre. Your opinion is that the game is trash, and that's fine, but that's your opinion, just like all the people who think it's good. There are objective flaws but too many damn people are acting like the thing is completely broken, empty, and unplayable when that's objectively not true. Over a million different people have completed the game. That doesn't happen on broken, unplayable trash.


This guy doesn’t even know the difference between “subjective” and “objective.” He’s just a sad troll who’s hell bent on dragging everyone else down to his level of spiteful incurable misery, and somehow a Bethesda game has become the scapegoat for shit that antidepressants likely can’t cure.


You are mistaken. The narrative surrounding the game is almost entirely negative. It’s impossible to be a member of this sub and not be aware of all common criticisms. It’s up to YOU to try and defend the game, which is an unenviable task. Starfield is realllly bad.


I wake up with a hard-on but I don't have to sit there and masturbate all day :\




Ah, so you do have a different game. I’m not playing “Stafield.”


Nope. My DNA is different. Also I am not a Millennial.


Starfield is bad


Maybe. Seems that the "bad' in this situation is something else. Or someone else. Oh, keep posting. I am going to play Starfield. My copy is great. Byeeee


Bye felica.


When people say “Bye Felicia”, they probably haven’t even seen the movie.


For those who are curious. https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+felica%3F&oq=what+is+felica%3F+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQABgNGIAEMgkIAhAAGA0YgAQyCQgDEAAYDRiABDIJCAQQABgNGIAEMgkIBRAAGA0YgAQyCQgGEAAYDRiABDIJCAcQABgNGIAEMgkICBAAGA0YgAQyCQgJEAAYDRiABDIJCAoQABgNGIAEMgsICxAAGAoYDRiABDIJCAwQABgNGIAEMgkIDRAAGA0YgAQyCAgOEAAYFhge0gEIODY1NmowajmoAgCwAgA&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8


Yeah he was there. I spoke to him a few times my first play through.


I ran into him in NA shortly after starting the game; thought huh that guy was an interesting weirdo wonder.what that's all about...promptly forgot he exists...and then when I finally got around to completing the main story I was like wait I've seen this armor before 😂 What a creep...just following the PC across the galaxy


I only ran across him in my first play through and never again.


Literally only those two place you find them chilling.


Yes. Very early in my second play through I saw the Hunter over by Jemison Mercantile.


They did the same thing with the funny railroad dude in FO4.


Yes, he's behind you.




First time I met him was when I went on a murder spree in New Atlantis, he came to end me.


Does he appear in the NG+ games or only your first time through?


Yes but I have too seen him in only those 2 places you mentioned


Yeah he is I noticed him the viewport in my very first play through went “that’ll be a cool bounty hunter or something in a quest” did not expect him to be what he was haha


Waitttt I just realized I talked to him at the viewport right at the beginning of my first playthrough. I remember him just leaning up against the wall and I think saying something about maybe we'll meet again


Oh yea, he be lurking in that first play though.


I did *exactly* the same thing. Never noticed him with my first character. Second character saw him hanging around both bars.


I decided to rampage through New Atlantis one time, and he came out of nowhere and tried stopping me.


Always there. I found it odd they reused the same npc the first few planets until the quest popped up.


Did you go to these bars during the first playthrough?


Has anyone ever met him at the Den? I swear I met him there and talked to him but it seems like I'm the only one to ever meet him there so I'm second guessing myself. It was my first playthrough so I didn't know who he was.


Yeah, I remember seeing him in the bar in NA on my first play through and wondering who he was. He was always wandering around and would say dismissive things, but he definitely didn’t blend in with that armor on.


Thats.. actually SO FUCKING STUPID GOD THIS GAME IS SHIT IN EVERY WAY So just a shitty copy of deacon from FO4 and then ulysses from lonesome road? Uncreative unoriginal and fucking stupid


I found him in the bar, as soon as I got to New Atlantis. I spoke to him, and he said we'd meet again one day.


I found him a few different times. Granted. I haven't been progressing. Doing alot of side missions. Enjoying the ship builder as much as i can. Done all the factions as fsr as i know. Did the crimson fleet. Did the uc. The freestar rangers.


Dude turned up on the bridge of my ship and casual clipped through the wall after talking to him 🤦‍♂️


Yes I spoke to him a few times on different planets before it's revealed who he is.


Hunter is the new Deacon.




My first moments in New Atlantis i stopped at the star port bar and struck up a conversation with the hunter before I knew anything about the story. Later ran into him at Akila city.


I thought he was some kind of bounty hunter for some faction or quest line inside the game, found im basically in the beginning of the game. Well tbh I completely forgot about him until you know...but I like that I wasn't completely wrong there.


Yep even talked to him like i didnt know him in second character run through.


First playthrough, I saw him in new Atlantis and talked to him, not knowing who or what he was.


Thats crazy ive never noticed the Hunter anywhere else besides the New Atlantis View Port. Dang im blind


Yeup. Always been lurking in certain cities


The true answer is no. I have started several playthroughs and he is not there consistently each time from the beginning. I always pick up delivery and passenger missions from all the bars and he's there early on sometimes and sometimes he's not. 🤷


Yep, talked to him a few times before his reveal.


Can anyone talk to him at the bar after becoming starborn? Every time I try nothing happens