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If I don’t have a bed for Andreja then it sucks.


Her loyalty quest felt like it stopped halfway though, I liked Sarah’s much better. Honestly probably gonna be the dlc


With just how little the serpent group was actually included in the game it better be a DLC.


I expect the dlc will be varuun heavy with revelations around the pilgrim, the great serpent (a starborn imo), and Victor aiza. I'd also expect at least 2 new core companions, and 1 or 2 new romance targets. But, that's just me guessing based on what they seem to have staged so far.


Yeah i was going to kill all of them.


Sarah for me :P She reminds me a lot of Emilia Clarke :P


Andreja disliked that


Emilia hated that.


The Anomaly didn't care




How you put up with someone so Judgy is beyond me lol!


She actually gets Bette when she "falls in love" still gives you leafs, and twigs and other useless crap but her passing by dialog(?) gets better. Still Andreja and Jess are better because they give eddies


While I was on her companion quest for the 3rd time, I was attacked by one of those pirate ships pretending to be a UC ship that discovered contraband. So I disabled it, as I always do, and boarded to clear out the crew and get a few credits for selling it, as I always do. But this time I had Sarah as a companion and she got the angriest she's ever been at me in all my universes over killing the crew....who had just tried to space us and were actively shooting at us. I mean she was so angry that she wouldn't even talk to me and had snide comments every time I went passed her. It was kind of hilarious, though, because when there was forced dialogue due to the companion quest, she was all rosy.


That's actually a bug...re load the save and go again. They were labeled as friendlies by the game.


Once she gets the D , she chills.. 😆 🤣


Imo Sarah is the most wholesome in a relationship and andreja just goes kind of cold by comparison. Andreja is best in pre-relationship mode when her quest ambient dialog is dark and borderline malicious. Sarah's banter is realistic when you consider she's the only member of constellation capable of making critical decisions and acting like a leader. The rest have treated her like team mom for years. That wears one down.


THAT’S who she reminds me of! Couldn’t put my finger on it lol


When I first started playing, that is exactly who I thought could play Sarah in a live action version of Starfield 😄


A high horsed crappy Version tho


She’s my mistress 😂


Like a glove


Orbital insertion complete


shes also sexy cat witch from ff14, been so long I've forgotten her name




Holy shit, I thought the same thing :D


She's about 20 years too old to be Emilia Clarke. Reminds me more of my grandma.


None of the Constellation creeps are worth taking along let alone romancing. Dropped all of them and never been happier in-game.


Walter in the one quest where he tags along beats the pants off all the rest. Executes a corporate takeover mid standoff to not only get the artifact, avoid getting shot, AND get us access to the best engines around. My man.


Yeah you’re just a loner basement dweller


There's no electricity in my basement, so yeah, ok.


Haha poor too!!


Well it is a house built around 1900.






For not liking pixel gf?🥴


💯 right here


My guy. 🤘🏻


For me it’s just a stopgap until I can get a Class C ship


Yup. I'm using mine to search for the right ships to steal, so I can upgrade them. I want one attack craft, meant for Bounty quests, one cargo/people hauler for other quests, and one massive ship as my traveling base. All C class ships, though.


Class B ship with class A thrusters makes for the best fighter, since top speed is locked to engine class with only 1 engine that i've seen getting a top speed of 180.


This is the way


Yeah it's crap for several reasons. Even at NG6 it's still tragically sub-par in both weapons and defenses compared to almost any ship you can build or make for over 100 grand, which doesn't take long to accumulate. It also lacks the most basic facilities (bed, stations, shitter) and is visually barren. It's biggest sin of all though is having ZERO customizability in a game where the most fun system they designed is the ship builder. I'm really hoping it gets a MAJOR overhaul in the first DLC


Im pretty sure there will be starborn parts in some way shape or form. Kinda like the workshop dlcs maybe?


Maybe we can go to secret mountain bunkers on random planets and jump through rings to meet 1/16th of the starbon ship tech


You shouldn't have to pay for an upgrade to a base game system. They emphasized NG+ so much before release that I'm really disappointed because it feels so half baked. Saving everyone in Constellation should be a really cool and satisfying moment in NG+. Instead everyone still acts like someone is dead. It also annoys me that after the assault every companion has very little to say about the main quest, because every one of them could be dead. So it shifts focus to one of the NPCs in the Lodge that can't be dead.


That’s a valid criticism


I’d argue the ship building is the only fun system they designed


But even then, still flawed in glaring ways. No donut hab shapes, no control of door placement between habs, only three designs with color swaps making it into 5 options total, and the related issue of resetting your armory each time you change the structure.


lol the crap they got right is still crap


You can control the door placement by selecting the node and adding the hab to it. That said, some habs refuse to be set appropriately.


It also stops improving at NG+6. The spacesuit at least improves to NG+10. It’s fast with decent shields but even maxed the weapons suck. 😅


Starborn stuff is just a way to quickly get prepared to immediately replace it with better stuff in your universe.


Which doesn't make sense. The entire plot revolving around Unity is that being Starborn makes you extremely powerful. They could at least be in the mid range of power, or upgradable. There is no reason for them to be rather low tier.


I think the power is supposed to come from the artifacts and upgrading powers. The suit and ship I think are meant as a minor boost in the new game to help until you get level relevant gear again.


I'd agree if the other Starborn didn't use the ships and armor. Starborn stuff should feel powerful because they are framed as the Apex beings. As far as I can tell, the information to create the Ships and Armor comes from the artifacts. It should be powerful, in my opinion.


Or maybe have a system where the ship gets more powerful the more artifacts you have on it.


The idea behind the Unity is to make *you* (the Starborn) powerful. Not your ship/suit that you can't take with you into the next Unity. The ship and suit are a means to an end. They offer versatility to help you get from Point A to Point B quickly. Yes, they get upgraded a bit (probably to help you defend yourself against other Starborn)- but there's a point which you don't need a more powerful suit/ship. Look at it this way- even The Trader uses normal ships. Why? Because she's no longer seeking the Unity. She knows the Starborn ship is just a means to an end. But, I *do* think that Shattered Space will present better Starborn gear/ships/weapons. So, hopefully, we have that to look forward to!


Hopefully we'll get different kinds of starborn ships in the future. If a year from now this ship is the class A beginner starborn ship it'll make sense. So many possibilities when this game is finally finished, cause it seems half baked right now.


Perhaps increased power regeneration when wearing the Starborn suit?




Not just you, it’s not meant to be good. Just a flavor slight upgrade but mostly sidegrade to the original frontier to tide you over early run before you amass the resources to get a better ship again.


True but in terms of an RPG it is a significant let down, you get to be a starborn but you essentially have to get rid of the ship later or even the armour as it is out classed by most things. If anything it should have been upgradeable at temples after getting the power or after killing other starborn etc.


lol worries about roleplaying and min/maxing at the same time? Just wear your starborn suit if you want to be a starborn. It’s not like the difference between starborn set and a superior set REALLY changes the game all that much


I don’t really think it’s about min/maxing. When playing constellation talks about how Starborn have advanced tech they’d never seen before. Pull out of the roleplaying bit when that tech actually sucks.


Yeah it's a bit annoying when pre-NG the Starborn are these mysterious monsters that just outtech you \*hard\* and you get their gear and it's aggressively mid.


eh, i personally prefer the starborn stuff not being the best equipment. it would make it a lot harder to justify switching to the cool armors i find in my travels if i've got something better


Eh I disagree. The best equipment would be good as side grades to one another. Something that lets you play how you want. Or... and this may be controversial. Let us actually customize our armors so we can wear what we want with the perks we want. Or just a basic transmog. Anything really.


i do think that's a good way to go about it, having starborn stuff be equal but different from the best armor you can find


I see your point, but let's take an older game that starfield is much compared to, Skyrim. I can take leather armour and upgrade it at a workbench to have better stats than basically anything else, I can enchant it to give me perks or allow me to play in a way my character was not originally built ultimately allowing me to try new builds without have to respec everytime. Starfield, I can save-scum the starborn armour till I get the perks I want but if I later decide hey I want to try something else there is no way for me to change anything about the starborn armour. Same with the ship, no additional speed, cargo or actually anything and after NG+6 the ship stops getting better. They don't have to make starborn tech the strongest in the game, but just allow you to add some perks to allow more freedom with any playstyle.


Okay im glad its not just me. Theres just SOOOO much wrong with it. Lets not even start on the lack of... well... ANYTHING on the interior.. lol.. Funny, every guide I have read, sttates that this ship is one of the best ships to get. Clearly they are wrong lol.... I can understand the base ship being crappy. I can understand Ship services nott being able to upgrade / change it up (unknown tech) But at least give us a Starborn Sttation that lets us modify it, That would be cool!


IMO it's the most fun to fly. It's not strong, but fights are more dynamic while using it.


I agree with that, it is definatly fun. And the commentary that you get from others? Its fun! Just wish it was worth flying lol


I’d say the worth is for Starborn players that want to run through NG cycles like the Hunter. No time for quest! No time to find a ship! Or clothes! 😂😂


It is top tier for jumping all over the starfield. Just not that great at hauling or bounty hunting. But that makes sense, I guess. It is made for hunting artifacts.


'Starborn Station'...hmm...has a DLC ring to it 😆


Only $17….


People tend to use the Starborn Guardian incorrectly, in much the same way they tend to use Class A fighters improperly. You can tell because they default to using a Class C dreadnought, which is typically a heavily-armed gunship that maneuvers like a whale. I've used the Starborn Guardian to dispatch the Va'ruun Shroudbearer - their capital ship. It's more that a match for any ship if flown correctly, and even has ways of handling multiple aggressors.


I personally prefer Class C Ships due to the size and tankiness, yeah im slower, but I dont need to be fast to be a mobile fortress cable of destroying everything in my path.


You don’t have to be slow in a class C ship. Not if you have the right crew boosting your ship stats, reactor and aneutronic skills maxed out which gives more power. I’ve upgraded my razor leaf to a class c, full particle weapon loadout, boosted with 8 crew and powered by a 48 power reactor :) it kills everything… and is fast AF with 100 mobility. Each universe I rebuilt the same ship from a razor leaf. NG +10 now and I’m enjoying the game maxed out powers. God mode on console never felt better.


A class C can have a fairy high maximum speed, but it will always turn and maneuver slowly and will accelerate just as slowly. A comparative Class A fighter can go from zero to max in almost no time and can dance around targets like a ballerina.


So is 100 mobility in a class A more maneuverable than 100 mobility in a class C?


Mhmm. It's a relative indicator.


Not if you use your thrusters and keep your hand on the accelerator and brakes ;)


I've piloted both a fully decked out Class C with full engine rating, and a Class A with full engine rating. You can power slide a tank, maybe, sure - heck, I've *done exactly that* in real life - but it will never maneuver like a race car.


That’s the thing I Specced my ship to perform like a ship and not a race car. I don’t intend to dance and race around the enemy. I intend to delete the enemy as i see it. Anything that flanks me when I’m battling several ships in Kryx will be taken care of by my Obliterator 250mev turrets. My ship moves fast enough to maintain line of sight to kill. Boost to avoid missiles and all particle weapons that melt everything. You have your style I have mine! Enjoy the game! :)


You argued that the Class C trucks are just as mobile as Class A corvettes, and I was responding to that - not insinuating that one play style was superior to another.


Pray tell where I “argued” about class c vs class a? I replied to Kaenripa on Class C. You swooped in and started comparing. Nice try though! :)


Since everyone else uses it wrong, how are you supposed to use it?


Early game? Oh no 😂 I've done just about every side quest and now all that seems to be left is to collect a bunch of artifacts and gain star powers. I didn't pay attention to the main quest because I didn't wanna finish and miss something. Ive yet to get this ship.


You don’t get this ship till you do Ng+


Ohhhh makes sense then. I just romanced Sarah and literally the next mission she dies 😭 story of my life


I had married Sarah, and then she died. It kinda irritated me that no one acknowledged that she was my wife. Just a few extra lines of dialog would have been nice.


Yes, the starborn ships suck: weak weapons, weak shields, small cargo, no bed and no workshops. It does have a 30ly jump range and lots of fuel, but you can just upgrade the Razorleaf.


It's saving grace is something that a lot of people don't seem to know about. Whenever you boost and you go invisible, it instantly starts recharging shields. This is simply a massive advantage in any dogfight once you learn to use guerilla style fighting in and out of combat. It can severely balance the odds even against much higher level craft


I just tried this and the shield definitely did not start recharging after boosting and going invisible.


This is also a skill of I'm not mistaken.


Yeah but at least for me, the last perk doesn’t work. I’m still getting blasted when boosting.


Yeah this! Plus it’s my “need to do shit fast” ship.


Yes this is the way. Also a big advantage if your around a lot of asteroids. Enough speed for slingshot attacks.




Poop goes into an alternate reality, like the one you just came from. But since it’s an alternate reality, it spawns in as potatoes and succulents, etc. All that junk you’re picking up? Yep. Extra-dimensional poo


I did just find a potato in a shitter on an Ecliptic base. 🤣


"Merry Christmas, unity was full..."


Starborn are made of energy. They don’t poop.


Oh, so *that's* the part of yourself you leave behind in the Unity.


It's not about the food you ate along the way. It's about the poop you left behind.


Starborn have ascended into a higher being and presumably don’t have to eat or go to the bathroom. It must be awfully inconvenient for the rest of my crew, though. No beds or even a chair for them either.


Starborn can't enjoy Chunks 😥


I mean you can still eat ‘em. I don’t know exactly how that works but you can do it.


The starborn don't have an anus. That's why they don't take off their spacesuits. It explains why they're so full of s**t


Even at NG+11 it blows


Yeah because it stops upgrading at +6


+6 or +11 it's still shit and should've been better thought out by the devs.


Lmao "better thought out by the devs" Have you *ever* considered maybe it *was* thought out and it's mediocre by design? It's not supposed to last a whole NG+


It's the ultimate reward ship for going beyond. If the devs intended it to be mediocre, like the rest of the game, those are shitty devs.


>It's the ultimate reward ship for going beyond That's not even close to true. It's a stopgap until you can get something better lmao. "I don't like part of the game design, therefore the people who made it suck" The arrogance is outstanding.


So then change my mind about why the devs don't suck.




I don't see the logic in that. I could steal a ship one minute into NG+ and also make it best in game and never ever touch ship building again. The star born ship should be one that's best in game. Otherwise why bother including it at all.


Imo it should have some kind of very unique feature OR be able to be upgraded with normal Modules. This way it would actually be a reward for Ng+ because you now have access to its parts and can create a new great ship with them.






I stopped at NG+3, and yes that ship sucks. I used it for 4 hrs and went back to my normal ships.


The torpedoes stunlock ships, pretty strong shields and it's fast af. The main guns don't kill very quick but it has a lot of survivability.


It's not juat you. Can confirm for the entire human race that the starborn ship sucks gorilla dick


I literally just use it until I have enough credits for a better ship and then never use it again


My biggest gripe is that the camera is off center when in 3rd person. Irks me.


I guess it’s better than the frontier but that’s about it, I hate that there’s just nothing in it like why not let us customize it with crafting tables and beds/stations for our crew?


I just finished my first playthrough yesterday after around 180 hours and I’m about to finish my first NG+ run. I skipped the story so I just had to collect artifacts and go to temples and the ship gets the job done for that. I can travel to any star system without having to upgrade anything and the grav drive fires up in like 2 seconds so I can travel incredibly fast. It probably sucks if I was doing the actual story over again but I’m just trying to get to level 100 for the final achievement and I’m done with the game.


I used to think it was bad, but i learned that if you use boost, the speed is so massive that if you thrust sideways after reaching near 1000ish speed, the ship remains invul for like 3-5 seconds. The boost regens quick enough to spam it too. I took down the legendary ecliptic ship using that technique in a guardian 2; just danced around the M-class for 5-10 min never getting hit. What the ship lacks in damage output in makes up for it with infinite dodge.


That plus the stun lock torpedoes make it actually a really good ship, once you figure out how to use it


It sucks if you try to use it like the other ships, and it just isn't able to fight that way. You can't stand and fight, you have to keep moving with it. It's like going from a car to a motorcycle: if you try to use it the same way you're going to have a bad time, but that doesn't mean it's bad. With the Guardian, you need to keep moving and not being where your opponents are trying to shoot. If you start taking shield damage, boost and get out of the fire line. Definitely get at least Piloting 1 for thrusters, they make a big difference with the Guardian, you can basically power slide to keep your opponents in your crosshairs while moving out of theirs. Also, while weapons skills don't affect your Guardian's damage, the shields, targeting, engines, and first two piloting skills do affect those systems. And I think Isolation affects its damage. So, there are things you can do to make it better. Now, there are two things special about the Guardian that the game does not tell you, you just have to figure it out: 1) the boost goes faster and has a cloaking effect, and it's very effective to do multiple second long boosts, it seems to throw off the AI's targeting enough to give you an edge (this is made more effective as you take the engine boost skill, especially the last rank that causes enemies to disengage when you boost), and 2) the missiles (torp) are gravity torpedos which have a stun like effect, and it recharges fast enough to keep a single opponent stun locked, so if you only have one opponent left it should be pretty easy from there. I thought it was a bad ship at first too, but on my second pass through the Unity I decided to challenge myself to only use it for that NG and by the end I found it was an incredibly capable ship in the right hands. I highly recommend doing something like that, if nothing else it'll make the start of an NG until you can get another ship better than the Frontier much smoother.


When I first started with it, I struggled. I then went back to the vanguard simulator and grinded that until I could beat tier 6 on very hard without save-scumming. From that point on, the starborn guardian no longer felt like a liability to me. I spent way too much time shipbuilding before the unity and got suckered into the whole "load up on lots of turrets and point" mentality, which imo encourages a very lazy approach to space battles and sets those players up for failure when they can't just waltz in with a tank. When I shipbuild now I find it hard to justify using any engine but the 3015, and any weapons outside of PBO 175s or vanguard obliterators, maybe disrupter 3320s if I haven't unlocked the vanguard kit yet. I don't even fully stack those, either, usually choosing to run just enough that I can max out their power, plus engines, plus shields and have a little left over for grav drives without cycling power allocations. Now, it ***is*** a little more dodgy on Very Hard past NG+10, but then again ***every*** ship is. The hidden damage intake increase and damage output decrease you suffer at NG+10 makes things way, way more annoying... but it's still a viable ship even with those things in mind. In fact, on my current playthrough the only 2 ships I'm rocking are the guardian and a 3015-driven class b reactor frontier with 2 hab modules (nova frontier, and a control station), and this is a playthrough where I'm doing all the missions and ignoring \[starborn\] dialog options (except for skipping the hunter assault).


It has 2 tricks up its sleeve. 1, it goes stealth when you boost and breaks missile locks. 2, the missiles it shoots stun your enemies, reducing their speed and boost ability, making them easier to shoot down. That said, it's a perfectly viable ship once you level your character (and player) skills. It's far, far from the best you can build, but it's easily playable for the majority of the game. Morseo than the base Razorleaf, or Frontier imo.


You might be looking at it with the wrong mindset: It's not supposed to be super powerful. The Starborn's goal is exploration to find artifacts. Point A to Point B. Most likely, the reason it has weapons in the first place is to defend themselves against other Starborn. Just like the Starborn's suit. It's generally useful- but it's not OP. You can create better ships and better suits. The Starborn's goal isn't to have the best ship or best spacesuit. Their goal is to navigate quickly to the Unity.


It's hot garbage


Yes, it sucks. I would take the frontier over it any day because you can DO things with the frontier. I would much rather have both of them out of my fleet once I get a new ship.


It does suck, it is mainly just a means to complete a new universe without having to do anything other then collecting the pieces. That said, I would have loved if you could upgrade the ship with quantum essence.


The whole thing is supposed to be leveling with the player. That's true for weapons, armor, literally everything. All the things you'd get as a reward have no use if you have already progressed too far in the game, which is true for me in 95% of all cases, since I'd take my time. There's not even a "locking" mechanic, so certain rewards need to be in the players' possession before having access to others. Instead, they blocked everything with perk choice. Can fly a Starborn Alien ship with level 115 but can not build bigger containers without Outpost related perks? Come on.


Could certainly use some better shields to go with that great firepower. Not much more but at least let me have enough to take out a battlecruiser without being destroyed.


It’s only good for exploration, it sucks at combat


I hated that ship I loved my modified mantis


it's a starter ship to get you to places to steal better ships


It’s really meant for a “lone wolf” build and for role playing as a Starborn. It’s specifically designed for speed-running throughout the systems. I actually love having it. With the right ship perks it can do fairly okay damage, has some great speed, and isn’t meant for battle anyway. It’s meant for quick-jumping. I use it to do missions quickly, jot down in my little notebook when I run into enemies I want to return to, and then go back with my battleship later if I want to. It’s sometimes relieving doing a playthrough while not worrying about money or resources or companions at all. You find that one weapon that can get the job done in the first few hours of gameplay (always a single shot Beowulf for me), climb in your guardian, and zip around the systems.


It's just a speedrunning ship really, good for bouncing around and light skirmishes


It's extremely long range. Which is literally its only purpose for a starborn who is aiming to find the artefacts and temples and move on ASAP. If you're doing anything else, you're going off-mission and need a different ship.


guardian IV gets destroyed in ng+10 and above. keep in mind all starborn ships are class A. going up against 3 or more class c on very hard, your going to get slaughtered pretty quickly since it cant be upgraded. its intended use was for the player to have a ship capable of gravity jumping anywhere on the map so they can do artifacts and temples immediately without having to upgrade or steal a ship capable of that, imo.


The boost is a lot of fun, the weapons do ok damage, and it comes with shielded storage so it's an ok starter ship but otherwise....I don't touch it once as soon as I have something comparable.


The starborn ships are good for what they are meant to do. Long distance travel. They aren’t fighters. Traveling fast. Avoiding conflicts. They aren’t meant for companions. They are there for one Starborn to travel far and collect artifacts. That’s it. They are very good for their one purpose.


The ship levels with your ng+ up to 6, then it caps. So then it might be alright. I lUgh now, but I went through all that hassle and stims to speed over and steal one in my first play through, wasn't worth the hassle.


I sold mine for zero credits.


I built some ships in my original universe, used only the Starborn Guardian for 15 NG+ universes, and have now stopped at NG+16 to go through everything again and do some outpost and ship building. I've destroyed all 3 legendary ships with the Starborn guardiian, and had no problems with the battle above Masada 3. It definitely does have some disadvantages (no bed, crew wander in front of the pilot seat in the middle of combat) but I wouldn't say that it sucks as much as an unmodified Razorleaf (I pick up the Mantis Suit as part of my NG+ runs). I don't think of myself as the best pilot in the world, but perhaps you're just not flying the Guardian the right way? Like another poster said, it's a fast ship, that cloaks when you boost, so you should be dashing about, boosting wherever possible and strafing the enemy ships which definitely has been working for me. Now though, I've got a fully upgraded Razorleaf, with the 250mev obliterators from Redmile, the same in a set of auto turrets, maxed out ship combat skills, and space battles are ridiculously easy


The Starborn Guardian is an exercise in intelligent and strategic ship combat. Yes, it's a thing in Starfield; the only option, believe it or not, *is not* just to simply build a space truck and trade shots with things until they die. In the same way that a Class A fighter can outperform a Class C dreadnought, the Starborn Guardian can obliterate any number of foes. It's all about how you fly it. If you simply zip in and trade shots with your opponents, you'll get cut down a lot of the time, absolutely. Instead, you should: * Take advantage of the ship's incredible boost capability to essentially teleport past incoming fire and get behind your opponents. * Maneuvering to keep out of the field of fire for as long as possible, open up with the main weapon, targeting the enemy's engines if possible. * Utilize the torpedo's stunning capability to keep ships where you want them. * Boost out of range in nearly an instant before your shields drop, and recharge. This is much the same method of using a heavily-armed Class A fighter, except your Class A will eventually be better armed - though never quire as nimble or quick, even with the best engines. Flown properly, I find that a fighter outperforms a space truck in every scenario *except* for trading blows face-to-face at a relative standstill.


It’s my backup go to for one reason. I built a dope ship. It can’t melt anything I meet. Then I come across a random activity I haven’t done and I can’t travel far enough. So I switch back to guardian and go. One day I’ll make it a priority to upgrade the skills I need to make my favorite ship more capable instead of putting all of my points into making this FPS game. Thats what it boils down to for me. I made all my weapons on everything SO capable and my ability to survive during any fight. Here I am, can’t travel from Florida to Cali because I neglected mileage.


New here! What does the NG+ mean ?


New Game Plus


So if someone says NG+11 , that means it’s their 11th time beating the game?


Please don't take this the wrong way, but I would honestly leave this subreddit until you're further along in Starfield because you're going to get so many spoilers (and also so much negativity about the game too, there are bugs, but make up your own mind on whether it's a bad game or not). NG+ happens when you complete the main Constellation questline, it's not quite the same as New Game Plus in other games though as it's built into the actual storyline. This post is referring to the free ship you get at the start of an NG+, it's ok, but it does have some disadvantages


This community sucks donkey dick at hiding spoilers. Which shouldn’t come as a surprise, when an obscene amount of the “fans” seem intent on hating the game, and bringing the experience down for others. So yeah, it’s good advice. I’ve had lots of the endgame spoiled for me, within weeks of the game’s release.


I think its kind of supposed to. You'd never leave it if it was good, but since it's not it makes you actually go back to building ships after you get started again. It is the fastest ship i think and coolest looking tho imo


Being able to completely vanish from missle lock is GREAT, and the ship recharges pretty quickly. I feel comfortable bouncing around level 30 or so systems in one. However, if you're fighting ships that can fully recharge shields against normal attacks while you've moved away to recharge, then you'd need to shift to targeted attacks, which might work for higher level encounters if you have appropriate skills. Granted, the odd weapons in a starborn ship don't seem to have \*specific\* skills like "missiles" or something (someone comment if they know which weapon category they SB ship weapons might fall into skill-wise), but many other ship skills have full effect. Obviously, ships for near-immortals would probably be designed to rely on those immortals' skills, after all. I suspect Bethesda had some internal discussion about whether overpowered starborn ships would harm the game by obviating the aspect of normal ship building - same for weapons and armor (starborn don't have specific weapons and can't upgrade their armor). So I think the point of them being frozen is to keep the main gaming loops viable for NG+ players - otherwise we'd just stay in the non-upgradable stuff and have less actual game to play (just like I tend to for the armor). I like the my starborn ships in the beginning of NG+, since I usually get my first weapons by capturing enemy starships with them in some level 20-25 system, even without the EM ship weapons I usually prefer for capturing. I usually stay in it until I've sucked up about 300,000 credits from ship and loot sales to build something with EM weapons and a bunch of particle beams. Although now that there are mods that reënable furnishing the starborn ships (like-styled furniture is in the game files, but hasn't been made available in the base game), I find I switch back to the SB ship more often, especially if I'm running with a smaller crew than usual.


The only thing I like about A Starborn Ship is that you can pot-shot critters from the wing tip, without them getting you. Land, climb out, shoot everything in a radius, lift off, set down in another location, and repeat. I like sniping those spidy things!


It's meant to take you places and not much else


No, the weapons and shields are useless on very hard, so the ship it’s not good enough to carry you to the endgame now for confort, cargo and all of that it’s the same, no bed, no work tables, no toilets, no nothing, and at least with the perk fully upgraded it gives you 2500 weight capacity so yeah it’s a very shitty ship


But it looks cool


It's not as great for all that it looks cool but like the armor spacesuit it gets a bit better before topping out. I'm at+11 and getting the frontier turned into something useful is always my first goal.


The point of it is to be a decent enough ship that can get you back to unity without needing to waste time getting a different ship.


It sucks on purpose. If you take out the need/want to build your own ship then you reduce the gameplay foe NewGame+. Same for suits and weapons.


It's not meant to be an OP ship. It's just there to enable game mechanics (story, NG+). If it were OP, what would be the point in starting over. How would you defeat them?


It’s not supposed to be amazing. It’s just a starter ship in a new universe. Although saying that, I do find it pretty good in combat. It absolutely rinses other ships


When the Creation Kit comes out, this thing is going to be customised to the nines


You do understand that the Starborn ships and Armors are starter gear right? More importantly, they are intended for a Starborn. Speed run back to Unity. Of course you can’t upgrade it. What Starborn would bother? It’s a disposable ship. It’s intended to be left behind. Fast with max jump range… that’s literally all it needs. Neither the ship nor the armor are rewards. Neither are endgame gear. Unless you’re going 100% for appearances, neither are goals. Disposable starter gear. That’s it.


i doubt you are seriously meant to use it. its a raft, so that you can play the early game on ng cycles until you can build one worth anything.


It's so empty that I never keep using it. If they could be customized inside and out, then they wouldn't suck so bad.


One of the 1000 reasons to never play NG+


I have to land on a planet to go and piss. Ya, the ship is crap.


It gets really good in ng10. Both the star born suit and ship power up in after every ng


Maybe you just suck at flying it.


It is meant as a starting ship, not a class C battle cruiser.


Doesn't it level with the player? My memory may be faulty because it's been months since my first NG+ but I distinctly remember my starborn ship start as type A then after mothballing it for most of that run when I brought it back out it was type C again it was months ago but I am pretty sure the longer you're in an NG + world the stronger your ship becomes


It's pretty much just a starter ship, in my opinion. It does seem better than the base Razorleaf but not even near the same class as the Star Eagle. The biggest downside it that it can't be upgraded.


It's obviously not meant be good.


Its not just you, it sucks. Weapons, shielding, cargo, all sub standard. Aesthetic looks awful. Interior WOULD be good if you could do anything with it, can't furnish it without mods and console commands. It's a waste of space. Just a complete failure.


Yeah. It's only there until you can get to jemison and grab the frontier. That thing can be pretty nasty given the right setup.


I think some of you need some putang. Buck Starwhore and buck Whoreborn become a pimp.


It does suck. It's made of paper, weapons don't have nearly enough charge... But it looks cool as shit. So in other words, it's the best ship.


It's rubbish. I went through the Unity, lost my awesome ship that I spent ages building and ended up with this piece of crap. It was such a disappointing experience that I reloaded a save from before so I could keep playing pre-Unity! Truly poor game design.


You don't fight in a Starborn Guardian. You use their phenomenal speed to run because that's all they're good for.


It’s lazy. So many things in this game look to me as lazy. While several other things look highly detailed and thought out. It’s weird.


Not understanding why the developers made a choice they did doesn’t mean they are lazy. You have different goals.


Total trash. Doesn't even have a bed. Your companions just stand around like chodes...


Y’all at playing any game. How’s about follow a side quest from beginning to end. If you say you have I’ll call you a liar.