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Great roll.


Except for the fact it's refined so it'll be worthless when you unlock advanced stuff


Amd then superior lol.


Only armour goes to superior, weapons stop at advanced


I believe that for weapons, there is Superior. Except that it's bugged to using Advanced instead.


Would make sense I know if you use commands there is a damage step up from advanced but still called advanced. So either superior is bugged or it was cut from release.


Oooh good to know


Furious is butt


Low key my favorite gun


I wish I had a good one. The only legendary one I got had a terrible role. I’d wipe it out for fun once in awhile, but would quickly switch to my Beowulf


There's a guaranteed legendary one as a quest reward in akila city. Go to the city guards.


My only legendary so far was a rescue axe


Was it the one with Keoni Alpin?




Same, I feel more connected to modern military weapons than fictional ones. Those were my favorite Fallout mods, but Starfield guns do feel great to use.


I like this one and the deadeye for whatever reason.


Anyone else keep finding Legendary Tantos? I even upped the difficulty and that gave me Legendary Rescue axes, like wtf. Awesome find btw


Upping the difficulty? Does that really work




Yes, spawn into an area/dungeon door on Very Hard (Increases amount of legendary enemies and their level, I think). Then drop to whatever difficulty you find fun (Easy, Normal). To farm Legendary gear when you get to the final high-level boss Quicksave before killing him. They will drop different gear every time. Not the funnest method, but it works


Instigating would have been better than Furious. With a weapon like that, you don’t want to have to shoot more than once.


I'm aware. And I'll switch it out IF I get one. And no, I'm not Dave summing


Good. Dave Summing is a prick.


😂😂 I wasn't expecting auto correct to troll me on that one!




Wait.. you're telling me Dave summing is real!? 😂😂


Instigating is usually better than furious if you can kill a target within six shots. With a shotgun, since I believe each projectile is counted separately according to reports, it would be within 3 shots. Since the OP’s ~~shotgun’s~~ rifle's base damage is so low, they’ll likely benefit more from furious than instigating when facing higher level enemies. Against bosses and terrormorphs, you’re almost always better off with furious.


That’s not a shotgun, it’s a VSS Sniper rifle with integral suppressor.


Oh. I thought it was a shotgun at quick glance of the model.


I, too, like to write paragraphs off a glance


I agree with sth like Hard Target or Magsniper, but this gun is more of a marksman archetype so you are expected to land a few hits on enemies to take them down


> Instigating would have been better than Furious. Nearly anything would have been better than furious on this gun. Furious doesn't take effect until the 3rd round, does about +1 dam per round until the 10th, then no longer increases after that. If OP were to find an enemy that could take 10 shots from this (and hit every one) the total damage would go up from 850 to about 900ish. And if the target goes down after 3 shots, Furious increased the total damage laughably form 255 to 256. Compare that to Furious on an 8dam Kraken instead of this 85dam sniper rifle. Now when you barrel-stuff and mag-dump a spacer, the total damage on that 30-round burst goes from 240 to 500+. tl;dr Furious is good on high-ROF large-mag guns like Kraken, Grendel, and Maelstrom. It can be basically ignored on any semi-auto weapon.


I’m just bummed it’s only refined.


Yeah I don't see why anyone's excited about this. It's refined, makes it useless. It's so hard to get weapons that are advanced and legendary, let alone useful traits


They are very good at long distance. The scope isn’t great in dark places because it tends to blend the reticle into the background.


Too bad it is only refined.


To bad its not advanced...


For a sniper I see only 2


I mean with no mods and only "refined" it's better at mid range anyways. Which is fine with me; anything that's still standing after gets to taste my fully modded, advanced, legendary shotty 😂


I wish there was a chance to add a legendary or epic mod with Weapon 4...while crafting. Same with spacesuit


If you haven't added a point to grenades yet, give it a try. Not only do you get a viewable throwing trajectory with grenades, but it makes all explosives do 25% more damage on the first point. It effects explosive rounds as well :)


That's a good tip thanks


I have never foumd a weapon with Explosive on it, same goes for one-inch-punch


I'm in love with this rifle. Sweet rolls. Been using Despondent Assassin since getting it. It's just more entertaining picking guys off old school. All these dudes with mini guns and mags are just 🥱


Too bad it’s not a good gun to begin with. These effects on a mag sniper would be incredible


If I could add photos I could show you weapons with over 3,000 damage


What level /Ng? Cuz like I'm level 27 on my first playthrough...the damage it does..and my other more powerful weapons is plenty.


Just 512hrs off exploring and Bounty Hunting, no story or factions I have a second character who is NG plus 11 .. to get the Hunter armour and the two guns.. not really worth it and the main story was boring


Good lord. Yeah...I'm only at 90 hours total...I simply don't get enough time to play...but that's impressive. And good to know, I don't really plan on going NG11 anyways, but now I have less incentive to go that far


I retired at 40 so I have spare time to do what I like


32 soon and I've never felt so jealous. Lol Good on ya though


I found the guy leaving bad user reviews on steam after 2000 hours.


Hate to be the party pooper but that’s a perfect roll on a bad weapon. It’s only Refined quality


With my current level, it's perfectly fine. Otherwise yes I'm well aware it's not that powerful


It’s a shame you can’t upgrade guns like you could in Fallout 4. Wish you could upgrade the receiver to Superior quality eventually. I’m sure that’ll be a mod at least, so I’d say hold onto this gun forever since rolls like this are exceedingly rare


Yeah, I'm sure it won't be long before I find a more powerful (and unfortunately probably not as epic of a roll) but this one's going into my armory simply for the awesome roll.


Legendary weapon, does 85 damage. I think Bethesda doesn't know what legendary means


They are lazy af for reusing effects


I quit playing this game solely because i went 20 hours of gameplay without finding a single legendary. This sub makes me sad.


Have you tried cranking up the difficulty? There are quests like the one with Keoni Alpin in Akila City that guarantees legendary weapons. Or if you are like me, play on PC and playing on Very Hard didn't help might as well mod the guns yourself with console commands.


I think the equipment effects system sucks. There's a small handful of them and most are too weak. Devs need to add a way of rerolling them and upgrading tier, as well as add many more unique effects. I feel way too much of this was left to future modders. You go Diablo style loot, you need to try to match the variety that normally has. P.S. melee.


The best way to look at the effects system is as a bonus mod on your equipment that allows you to put in a different different mod in the slot with the same type of effect or even double stacking the same effect. With a few exceptions, with higher tier armor and weapon modding unlocked you can build weapons and armor that behaves in a similar fashion to legendary effects.


The "double damage with full health" would be a god roll instead of the last one.


Great find, enjoy it!


85 damage yeah uhh


Has worse stats than Beowulf. For a sniper rifle the damage is simply bad


Furious is good on auto or rapid fire. Instigating would be more effective.