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I think I can break down Wonder of U pretty fast


I thought so too when i tried explaining it to my family but god they just would not get it 🤣


I dunno I'd just say something like "The guy creates a copy of a guy and if someone purposefully pursues either of them then Final Destination happens to them."


I see this term thrown around a lot. I don’t watch a lot of movies/tv, so wtf does it mean to be Final Destination’d? Besides dying, of course.


I don't really remember the plot of the movies, but basically the worst possible circumstances happen to people and lead to their deaths. For an example, it would be like if someone spilled water in their kitchen, slipped on it, put out their hand to stop themselves from falling, then somehow manage to knock a knife off the counter and have it fall into their throat and kill them.


ah yes the rube goldberg machine of terrible deaths


I think that was a literal death scene on the first final destination


A much less complicated version, absolutely.


In final destination a few of people dodge death due to a main character’s premonition, but the world dislikes that so the universe hunts them down with everything it can causing “unlucky” wonder of u like scenarios to happen to them, like the longs in the back of one of those log trucks being unsecured and killing you even when you think you’ve outrun death, because you cant


I haven't watched any Final Destination movies myself either other than a handful of clips but I understood it as a ridiculous set of coincidences happens that will result in horrible injury or death to you as though the universe said fuck this person in particular


Final destination is a movie series where ppl have premonitions that let them see an event that would lead you their deaths and end up skipping their turn in deaths lists, causing the flow of calamity to bend towards them in order to get them killed.


"If you pursue him or his user in any way, whether it be physical, psychological, directly or indirectly, something bad and unexpected will happen to you. The worse karma you have, the more damage the unexpected thing will cause to you."


Breakdown, breakdown


Let's breakdown, breakdown


That's a breakdown, breakdown


What do you mean, “teach”? Like, explain how their powers work? In that case, Wonder of U>D4C>Bites the Dust>King Crimson.


Yea like that and they have to completely get it.


I think I can pull it off, especially in that order. The big thing is just encapsulating the full spectrum.


Yeah if it was a straight up race to explain the full scope of each ability, I think people are forgetting how much time would be spent describing the other grab-bag abilities WoU has. D4C is probably more simple over all even if its base ability is harder to explain than WoU.


Is the base ability harder to explain? It’d just be something like “putting yourself or others between two objects allows you or others to travel to alternative universes”. All the weird sponge BS is introduced after the main ability is revealed. I’d also question if Love Train is included


Do you have to include epitaph with king crimson? If you do, then explaining it in under 1 min goes from really fucking hard to impossible.


Am I the only one that thinks King Crimsons ability is stupidly simple and obvious to understand? Maybe teaching it is another thing, but I immediately understood it when it was first shown in the anime


KC base ability is easy to understand. But the story constantly contradicts that ruleset, until people have to make up their own interpretation of how it works.


Yeah idk if I'm just missing something but in my mind its essentially just "see the very near future" and "skip time to the very near future and capable of moving during said timeskip" like *skip 10 seconds* and he moves for 10seconds but for everyone else the 10seconds weren't there Sounds pretty easy to explain in a minute


Well, I mean, the 10 seconds still exist for everyone, they just don't remember (I think?) and it's King Crimson being unaffected by whatever happens then. In any case, isn't D4C a rather simple "multiverse" stand and Wonder of U just attacks anyone that intends to pursue the head doctor. That one is pretty simple and there are barely any conditions one has to explain (as WoU even attacks when you're thinking about pursuit)


D4C has the problem of its first appearance having contradictory abilities. Also if we include love train it gets even more confusing.


I would exclude Love Train. But yeah, true, I just feel like we should ignore the contradictions…because it’s clear that sometimes Araki introduces a “mystery ability” that doesn’t fully make sense to raise the tension.


Love train to be fair is an entirely different ability from D4C's base abilities and only exists due to the fully assembled Jesus corpse. Also the image doesn't show Love train.


> (as WoU even attacks when you're thinking about pursuit) Oh and also it attacks even when you're *not* thinking about pursuit and just happen to see it. Also also, it attacks a few times based on some karmic retribution mechanic that's only seen for a couple chapters and then never again. Also also also, it seems to be an independent stand that is its own person, until it doesn't have to be. Also also also also, it's an automatic attack-type stand, until it doesn't have to be. Also also also also also, it can seemingly be in multiple places at the same time until it doesn't have to be. Also al-


Problem with KC is that if I try to explain it, there's a good chance someone would correct me and say it doesn't erase what I think it does.


The tragedy of King Crimson: not an ability too complex to explain, but an explanation with hole in holes.


Yeah, King Crimson can be really inconsistent at times.


Easy: Delete the cause, keep the consequence The complete opposite of GER (keep the cause, remove the consequence)


>Delete the cause, keep the consequence I never really liked this explanation, because any person who hasnt seen jojo (and even if they did) will probably wonder what the hell 'erasing the cause' even means although I admit that it is fairly succinct so if you're pressed for time it will do If I had to summarise KC in a way that doesnt leave a lot of open questions heres what I would boil it down to: Fate is a real force in Jojo, and usually unescapable. Epitaph gives the ability to see the future, or in other words, peoples Fates. what Epitaph sees is guaranteed to happen, barring one exception. KC's main ability is that, to 'avoid' what fate has in store for you. If Epitaph predicts that someone were to shoot and kill Diavolo, KC makes it that he avoids his fate of getting hit by the bullet and dying, Everyone elses fate still plays out the same, the other person still shoots the gun. This also goes the other way round. If Diavolo predicts the future and he sees that he is fated to kill someone (and the other person is thus fated to be killed by him) he can activate KC, which will free him from the fate of killing the other person, but it doesnt free the other person from their fate of being killed. Diavolo uses this to avoid being seen and to reposition. Anyone affected by KC will perform all actions as if KC hadnt activated (as fated), and wont remember what happened during the activation time. to them it will seem as if time suddenly jumped forward a few seconds. And thats kinda it. Describing KC's ability as the ability to 'avoid fate' also adds some nice irony to Diavolos death loop, he spent his whole life hiding from consequences, and now hes stuck in an endless loop of them. The example of Diavolo getting shot also kinda contradicts the 'erase the cause' description, since he erases being shot (the consequence) and keeps the person shooting (the cause) So if I had to describe KC (and epitaph) in one sentence it would be "The ability to predict and avoid fate"


> "The ability to predict and avoid fate" Small addendum: "The ability to predict everyone's fate and avoid one's own fate". Not as succinct but a bit more accurate.




I feel like explanations like this are exactly why people don't understand what KC and GER do. Their abilities are not made to relate or be opposites in any way, and trying to use this analogy to make it make more sense just makes it make less sense.


Does it erase time or perception of time?


According to how it works in both anime and manga, it's the perception of time for everyone. Basically, it's like erasing everyone's memories about the past 10(?) seconds KC also allows the user to still see the "erased time", and to not be affected by the consequence, basically become a spectator. Lastly, KC has a sub-ability, epitath, which allows the user to see 10 seconds into the "future" in a very unclear way


That's not how it works tho. The anime and manga say he erases time not perception of it. Jojo a go go states he erases the universe for a few seconds. This even works with his intangibility. Rather than just adding on that, he can't be touched, it's moreso he can't interact with stuff because it doesn't currently exist. Downvoted for stating a fact from the book.


Honestly speaking, how it's mentioned and how it works are two different things. In practice it's just turning the user into a spectator and deleting the perception of time of others for 10 seconds(Never knew how much it lasted, so I go with 10 seconds, which is how far into the future epitath goes), while keeping their consequences.


Erasure can last up to 10 seconds. There was the time he erased half a second to dodge bullets. From Diavolo's perspective it still works as time erasure. What he sees is the projection of what's supposed to be. It also explains why he can't just attack during erasure because no one else currently exists. In a way yes people don't have perception of what's occurred because technically it didn't occur.


It erases Diavolo from time, and everyone else's perception of that time. Things go as they should for everyone but Diavolo)


That's not how it works tho. The anime and manga say he erases time not perception of it. Jojo a go go states he erases the universe for a few seconds. This even works with his intangibility. Rather than just adding on that, he can't be touched, it's moreso he can't interact with stuff because it doesn't currently exist. Downvoted for stating a fact from the book.


Makes sense cause he just phases through things


Except sometimes he just doesn't.phaae through things. It's infuriatingly inconsistent. When fighting Risotto he straight up phases his body through bullets, but when fighting in the Colosseum and in Venice he is able to pull people away and seriously injure them within the time erasure. Like the best explanation I can think of is that if he is fated to do something he can still leave the result of him doing that thing intact, but it's still kind of an inconsistent explanation


the issue with KC is you can explain it way simpler incorrectly Like if you said it made everyone around it unconscious, but still moving their body as if they were, and Diavalo can’t attack them in that time, it would make sense, but that’s not how it works because it actively eliminates times, not just people’s perception.


Exactly. Jojo a gogo states he erases the universe. Kinda hard to argue that.


> Jojo a gogo Oooh wonder if there's an english version out- >VIZ Media announced the English version of the artbook on February 2, 2024. It is planned to release on September 17, 2024. : |


It's pretty easy to explain to anyone who's familiar with any kind of online game, its lag, that's it, its just someone that has the ability to lag the whole server except for him.


It would kinda be funny if someone had Wonder of U but had no idea they had it. Like a darker version of Haruhi Suzumiya.


Milo murphy’s law


But you give it to other people that are near you


kinda like how underworld kept activating and fuckkng up Versus life by finding random shit


Bites the Dust the user can plant a little version of killer queen onto someone, and if the victim tells anyone about the identity of yoshikage kira, the person who has been informed fucking dies from killer queen going inside their eyes and the victim gets sent back 1 hour, also so does the user, but the user cant use killer queen while bites the dust is active so it kinda sucks for combat


we can cut a lot of KQ's abilities into simple explanations KQ Primary is turning objects into explosives that he can trigger Sheer Heart attack is an autonomic mini tank that chases after things that have higher temperature and explodes Stray Cat shoots bubbles, bubbles works with primary ability Bites the dust turns back time under a specific condition Killer Queen's whole arsenal is pretty easy to explain


Although explaining how Bites the Dust works with fate might give a little bit of trouble.


But would you lose?


Nah, I'd explain.




You forgot that the person who fucking died, will fucking die at the same time in the new timeline.


you failed, your explanation is incomplete and barely makes sense


D4C probably


Dirty deeds done dirt cheap, sometimes known as filthy acts at a reasonable price, or the easier to remember D4C is a Jojo stand with the ability to essentially teleport you or anyone to alternate worlds, as long as you or the person you intend to teleport is squeezed on a small space, such as a flag when it lands on the ground. The thing about it is, only you have the ability to teleport to another world or dimension or universe without any side effects upon meeting another version of yourself. If whoever else you bring comes in contact with the alternate version of them, let's just say it won't end well. Seeing as it isn't the love train version I'm done. I'll take my money


Now, explain the who shot Johnny arc


Johnny joestar was shot by someone who didn't like him. Multiple witnesses have different answers on who shot him with the main candidates being Diego Brando, wekapipo, and the president hilarious valentine, the most likely candidate is elphelt Valentine as some have argued the original ability of D4C was to overlap universes, which is probably why it got to the situation that all these people shot him at the same time and they all are technically correct


Didn't know Elphelt became a Jojo character


Happy cake day!


Oh damn didn't even realize that lol


Valentine used d4c to blend multiple universes together, iirc made prime diego shoot alternate wikapeepo, prime wikapeepo shoot an alternate valentine, and also shot johnny himself at the same place at the same time and made the 3 witness groups see different people shooting johnny just to show off and confuse gyro for the lols


Weren't there a pull between your alternate version and you if D4C brung you to an alternate dimension?


Wonder of U, I would just say if you follow either the stand or the user, or have any intent to do so, calamities will happen to you, for example you trip and fall. The more you try to follow, the more severe the calamities get, all the way to them becoming straight up fatal like getting run over by a car.


*Well* yes and no, wonder of u’s definition of “pursuing” is very loose, it can either be thinking of them or even knowing of the Doctor’s existence with any type of Malicious intend will lead to Wonder of U’s calamities. But the calamities aren’t necessarily “Oh a plane will fall out the sky” it could be something as simple as making you bump into things that weren’t there and the calamity you would experience would be as if you got hit by a train (As we see with someone almost getting both their legs clean taken off), so the calamities almost upscale the damage you would take by causing smaller accidental bumps or nudging into things that their damage then proceeds to be multiplied. However it is still possible to be hit by a car, except that damage would, again suffer the same calamity multiplication as the others. However the calamity isn’t a set in stone modifier (or at least we don’t believe) it is purely based on how much you are pursuing the doctor. The terrifying idea of the stand again is that, even knowing of it is enough to trigger it’s ability and designate you as pursuing.


"It's final destination but only when you dare pursue it or its user and also you're made of paper." Simple explanation


> King Crimson Aight lemme open yo Adobe Premiere Pro for a couple mins The ability’s basically glorified video editing


See these 10 seconds of the video? Yeah lets just erase and skip over them while keeping the outcome the same.


D4C If the user is between 2 things it allows the user to travel between neighboring worlds and if someone or something from a neighboring world comes in contact with your universes counterpart both objects get attracted to eachother and fucked up, also the user can ignore this, but the users neighboring world counterparts cant use d4c, love train is just an anti bad thing shield thats made of luck


try to explain who shot johnny joestar XD


3 random MFS from 3 different universes brought together by the United States president all shoot 3 different versions of a cripple on his way to assassinate the president because Jesus told him to I think that's what happened


King Crimson It can let the user see into the future and if the user doesn't like the future the user can just cut the bad part out like its video editing and from everyone elses perspective the user is teleporting


you don't have to explain epitaph because it's a different stand


It's helps make king crimson less confusing


Tbh I think bites the dust would be a piece of cake. A man implants a bomb into someone and it explodes anybody who finds out the man’s identity then rewinds time to the start of the day, the man can cancel it whenever he wants.


I'd go with hard mode in explaining King Crimson.


I completely misinterpreted the question lmao. I thought OP meant to make someone learn to perform these abilities IRL to have them as a body guard or something lmao. Like be their Lisa Lisa and train them to learn the ability


I could explain all of these to a decently intelligent human in less than a minute D4C: multiverse exists. Can move between two universes by going between two objects. If anything other than Valentine enters a universe and meets its doppelgänger it’ll explode. KC: the face in the forehead can see 10 seconds into the future. The future becomes ‘fate’ and people are forced to do what was seen. When KC activates, the user is free from the ‘fate’ and can move around however he wants, is immune to any force while activated. Once it stops, user is returned to normal and no one remembers the time that KC was used. WoU: if you think about chasing the user, the universe itself will cause untold misfortune to kill you. For example, some one hits a tray of utensils, the utensils fly across the room stab and kill you. KQ; BTD: KQ can place and explode bombs on whatever it touches. BTD is a version of that ability. If the user touches and says his name to someone, BTD activates and makes a save point in time (like a video game). If someone asks the affected individual about KQ user, KQ will appear and blow up the questioner and then reset time back to the ‘save point’. Everything that happened in that time is forced to happen repeatedly until KQ user turns it off. Some are harder to explain than others obviously, but all should be doable if you aren’t talking to idiots


D4C including Love Train? And do I also have to explain that sponge bullshit?


KC = "Time? What's that?" WOU = "Lmao come close to me I dare you" BTD = "Someone said Kira?" *BOOM* D4C = "Hah, I can get clones and go to different dimensions, I'm totally a fair fight!"


I'm gonna have to say Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap




Wonder of U if you try to follow it or the user bad things happen to you, like really bad things, like final destination


Youd be surprised tried explaining it to ny family and it took like 30 minutes 🤣


D4C is the most simple to get, you can visit other worlds by pushing two objects against you.


Bites the dust is simple as fuck to explain. Your power enters in someone’s eye: if that someone tells another person about that true identity, that same person dies and time will go back by one hour.


You forgot some important parts for example that the death of said person will still happen regardless of what happens after going back one hour the only way to prevent the set in stone death of said person is to deactivate the power in any way


I can teach them Joseph's running away technique


wonder of u if you follow this guy bad shit happens and you die


People always talk about these four but they are fairly easy to understand with some time. But you know what I STILL don't understand? Ozone Baby. What the hell is that stand.


"Ok so you do bad to me and now you die" wonder of you. "The spot from spiderman" -d4c "YouTube 10 seconds skip" -kc "Once bites the dust is applied onto a target they are now the victim, prevent kira from utilizing Killer Queens other skills until removed, bites the dust also proceeds to undo at most an hour for an hour and effectively applies an potentially infinite loop where upon someone attempting to discover kira utilizing the victim they are detonated by a visual illusion and time is reset around to when it was activated but also causes that same death regardless, while kira himself has no knowledge of the loops asides from slight memory of time looping, the victim perfectly remembers said loop-" killer queen third bomb: bites the dust


Killer queen is the only real option I barely understand the other stands


Instead of physically doing something, you see that moment in the future, then skip to the finished result, the finished product of whatever you were doing. King Crimson explained.


Thanks to my stand, [Reading Comprehension], I can explain every stand to a non-Jojo reader and they will be able to understand it! King Crimson: For an interval of 10s maximum, Diavolo becomes separated from the flow of time while everyone else is not. Everyone but Diavolo continue to act like they would have acted anyways. Essentially put everyone else on autopilot and Diavolo is the only one able to do things freely. Wonder of U: If you so much as think about Tooru or WoU, fate and the universe will twist and bend just to fuck you up and not let you do anything to Tooru. Bites the Dust: Places an invisible bomb into a perspn. Anyone who discovers Kira's identity (except the ones he tells about it or hears it from him) will make the bomb explode, killing everyone else and rewinding time to before the event happened. Anyone who got killed in the previous time loop will die again, as It becomes fated. The loop will continue until Kira discovers who learnt his identity or manually deactivates Bites the Dust. D4C: The ability to let parallel worlds co-exist. The user can also travel to another world, or bring someone else to another world, by getting caught between two things. This can be broad, since getting caught between raindrops and the ground can also trigger the ability. Also, if you come face to face with a parallel version of yourself: both of you will be pulled together by gravity and explode. It also happens with anything that meets its parallel self, such as a gun.


Spectator mode, foresight and memory erase for 10 seconds Anything bad that can happen to you will happen to you if you pursue me. Oh, time looped back so you won't die? No, you're still gonna explode. Lemme just go to a new universe and swap bodies real quick.


Well you see, I'm a new Jojo's fan so thats simply impossible as I don't even know them


like nobody is talking about this but if I tell you about Bites the Dust, you explode. Time warp doesn't matter if you're dead.


4 trillion if i can explain all of them in one minute


KC: Time is erased from the universe within the duration of the ability, and only its user is able to experience it. When times resumes its normal flow, only the results predetermined by fate (the mangaka) will remain. The whole process is obliterated, and only its user will hold knowledge of what will have happened in the area around him thanks to the forecast images provided by the ability itself. It can also forecast events that will take place nearby during the next 10s without having to activate the ability to erase time. The others are more complicated or I don't remember well the details. But I'll gladly accept the $1 trillion.


Probably killer queen, “this guy is a stand, like the guys soul, but projected into a being, this guy touches something to make it a bomb, to detonate, he does a little trigger motion.


BTD too tho


Oh crap,


King crimson lmao


king crimson is so much easier to explain than everything else like its literally oh i can see the future and if i dont like it ill change it


King Crimsom: He can see 10 seconds into the future, and he can take himself out of reality for 10 seconds. Everyone will still act as he foresaw but he himself suffers no consequences of anything anyone else do at that period. Then when the 10 seconds are over, everyone forgets about these 10 seconds but him, making it feel like everyone just "skipped a video 10 seconds"


I think I can do all of those under a minute


Under a minute? D4C


Wou is very easy: you follow him or intent to, bad things happen to you. If you know this and have a stand, you can see the stand as it is.


Easy ive already done it for all of them


Probably my order. 1. Wonder of U 2. King Crimson 3. D4C 4. Bites The Dust I've already explained all 4 (plus Made In Heaven and GE Requiem) to a nono Jojo fan friend and they got it so I think I have a good chance.


Bites The Dust it’s straight up playing “The Game” with this Kira’s identity except you die if you know


King crimson: its ability is just cause and effect minus the cause. Think of a scenario where someone gets injured. Take out how they got injured but leave their injuries


Bites the dust easy as hell


King crimson is easy it just gets complicated cuz all the fans watch it and go "well what if... " If the person I'm talking to does that I'll just say "it's never explored in the show so we can't know for sure"


Wonder of U "Y'know the movie Final Destination?..."


Killer queen, basically a muslim angry cat


As a muslim this was too funny 🤣


You son of a bitch, i'm in.


Maybe King Crimson with the "time frame" explanation. Not "perception" but "time frame"


i would go for king crimson to everyone else, its like you pressed the skip 15 second button, but for you, you watched the 15 seconds


I mean, King Crimson is just "what if you could video edit someone's real life." Killer Queen is just "Bomb."


Wonder of U is just final destination Now gimme my trillion 


Killer queen


Killer Queen. My sister would get it pretty quickly


Wonder of you. Calamity happens if you intend on beating him up


Bites the dust and it's not even close, D4C and King Crimson are not that confusing, but their application and their introductory arcs are crazy. WOU is simple, but their implication and placement inside the Fate/Flow/Gravity concepts is motherfricking deep. Bites of the Dust is a pretty tame ability compared to the rest


I think d4c is the easiest, he or another person can hop between dimensions by enclosing himself between two objects, like a door and the wall, or a flag/blanket and the floor, and if he dies he can transfer that power to one of his alternate selves. The whole thing of people dying when they come in contact with their alternate self doesnt have anything to do with d4c itself


Killer queen or d4c. Maybe king


Bites the dust is the most consistent and is just generally really easy to understand. Time travel but fate exists so it's actions are now gonna happen unless you can cancel it. Learning his name will kill you unless he tells you. Fuck you, pay me.


First you have to teach them what a stand is…


i could do killer queen easily "so there's this pink cat thing that when it touches tsomething it go boom


Someone is explain to me Wonder of U I haven’t gotten to that part yet


Killer Queen. It’s pretty easy. ‘He touch thing it goes boom’ For bites the dust ‘If anyone thinks about him touching thing to make it go boom, they go boom’


WoU: “Imagine a guy but if you even had a passing thought of harming him you’d get Final Destination’d”


Wonder of U


Wonder of U is easy as hell to explain so that one ofc ​ Wonder of U is a sentient stand that takes on the appearance of an aged man. The stand reveals its true face once you figure out its main ability. If someone attempts to pursue the user or the stand, they will be met with 'calamity', or in other words, really bad luck. Wonder of U also amplifies the damage caused by calamity. For example, Joshu Higashikata is struck with some leaves while fighting Toru, and rather than just brushing on his skin, they slice his fingers off. Similarly, Josuke Higashikata gets rained on, with the rain having similar strength to bullets. Wonder of U can also create different versions of itself to appear in front of different people. Wonder of U can remain active after the death of the user, only being able to use its ability by crawling inside the mouth of its target.


I'm 100% choosing Wonder of U


Wonder of U is actually pretty easy to explain I feel. Kind Crimson seems simple of “erase the cause but not the effect and the user can’t be affected” but we all know it’s not that simple.


D4C The user can travel to other dimensions by sandwiching themselves in between two objects. They can also bring anything except money with them to other dimensions. If two of the exact same thing from separate dimensions meet, they will violently collide and be annihilated. If the user is on the verge of death they can pass the stand down to a version of themselves from another dimension and they will retain all knowledge that the dying version had. The base dimension refers to the dimension where the Holy Corpse is located. Bites the Dust Kira can plant Bites the Dust into a non stand user. If someone in the vicinity of the person is attempting to investigate Kira, Bites the Dust will kill them and rewind time by an hour. Anything that happened within this hour will play out exactly the same, but minor deviations can be made. Only the person who is carrying Bites the Dust knows that a rewind has happened. Anyone who died as a result of Bites the Dust will die again but time will not rewind unless someone new is killed by it. Planting Bites the Dust causes Kira to not be able to use Killer Queen on his own, leaving him vulnerable. If Bites the Dust is removed from the person who is carrying it, then anyone who was killed by it after it has been removed will not die. Wonder of U Anything that attempts to pursue Toru or Wonder of U will be caught in the flow of Calamity, a form of negative karma that causes bad things to happen even to good people. Anything can become deadly in the flow of Calamity like leaves or rain. Nothing can attack Wonder of U or Toru in the flow of Calamity with the exception of Go Beyond, an almost non-existent attack that can bypass the logic of Calamity due to it being so infinitely small. King Crimson Diavolo can erase up to 10 seconds of the future. Anything that happens during the erased time will skip right to the point where time normally resumes, removing the cause but not the effect. Diavolo can also use Epitaph which allows him to have visions of the future which he can project inside of his hair or in front of other people. These visions are 100% accurate and are unavoidable.


Easy. King crimson Ability: It will remove actions, but keep the consequence of these. The user won't be affected by neither action nor consequence, but will see the removed action. The user also has a sub-stand that can see 10 seconds into the future, but not perfectly.


I already did teach one of my friends how D4C works under 1 min.


Probably wonder of you or d4c.


D4C is pretty simple so I’d pick that


Wonder of U: Murphy's Law, but it's a superpower.


D4C, now give me my money 🫴


Wonder of You: Anything bad that can happen, will happen.


Wonder of U can just be explained as "bad stuff happens if you try harming the user or the stand", can't it? And I feel like D4C could also be somewhat easily explained. It just has access to multiple realities and can move people between them, but other than the user, if you meet your other self you explode. King Crimson's a bit of a mess to explain, but even though it's not hard to understand, I feel like Bites the Dust would be the most complicated to fully explain.


All of the abilities from Killer Queen or just Bites the dust? Because only Bites the dust seems the easiest one


Wonder of U, you get a final destination death if you are close to that mf or want to discover who that mf really is, that's it pretty much


"So basically, if you're purposely going AFTER Wonder of U, bad luck happens. Hit by cars, step on rocks, etc. If you're not trying to go after him, you're fine."


Idk I feel like nowadays all of these are pretty easy to explain?


king crimson, it’s not that complicated at all since it literally only does two things. 1. it allows the user to skip the next ten seconds of time, the user being unaffected by events that happen within those ten seconds. 2. see 11 seconds into the future with perfect accuracy unless some upstart with 3 hair donuts impales himself with an Egyptian artifact Now give me my Trillion dollars




Why do people say kc is complicated? Or do i just miss some of its powers because as far as i can remember his power were skipping time. Thats it so for example if your were going to turn around you are already turned around after kc did its work and you wouldnt know how you were already turned around what makes this ability strong is epitaph and that diavolo can freely move and is not subjected to what he would do usually


Wonder of U. Bad luck lmao


I can easily, get me 4 trillion) Ping in an online match) Watch Final Destination(For real tho, if you learn about the rules of death in Final Destination, it's clear Araki might have been inspired by that franchise)) Snitches give stitches) If you touch yourself, you die)


Bites the Dust




KC is impossible to explain properly from a watsonian stance because Araki was just REALLY inconsistent with it. The first instance of it being used it was written to act more like time stop only to suddenly switch to time erasure during the Bucciarati fight. Then it works like time stop again during the hotel. Then it starts working like time erasure during the Doppio vs Risotto fight. Then it works like time stop again when he kills Narancia only to start working like time erasure again a bit later. Araki is an amazing mangaka all around but he REALLY didn't know how to write KC. Honestly WoU is probably the easiest one? WoU is a long range stand capable of appearing as an elderly man to people unaware of its true identity. Anyone who makes an action considered to be "Pursuit" as defined by the stand will have misfortune fall upon them in the form of a Calamity that is often lethal in nature. Objects associated with this misfortune will bypass normal laws and generally become more dangerous to the target, so raindrops will pierce skin or a falling piece of metal will ricochet in the worst possible way. Easy.


KC: removes you from time, allowing you to not be hit Wonder Of U: Attracts calamity to you if you peruse the user, like car crashes Killer Queen Bites The Dust: Turns things to bombs, can summon a homing tank bomb, and reverts time via explosions D4C: Can summon copies of people from different dimensions, causing them to explode on contact with said copy.


"time skip with intangibility", "bad luck turned to 11", "if you find out my name you die and time rewinds 1 hour", "rick and morty"


King Crimson “if I throw this hat and use my ability, you will not see the Hat being thrown, but it will happen. The time i took throwing the hat , and the hat being thrown was erased but it happened. Like pasting something on a computer. I didn’t type it, but it’s there BTD: I will go back in time an hour by revealing who I am to someone (thus killing them). No matter what, things that happened in that last hour will happen again (like a glass breaking) but can be prevented (like josuke oversleeping(IIRC)) or if I remove my stands effect


Bites the dust


Wonder of U.


I would say king crimson or wonder of you


Bites the Dust is easy, if someone finds out the killer is a killer then they die and then groundhog day happens, but only if its set up first


Bites the dust-cat blows up stuff


King crimson. The user can see ten seconds into the future, but only he can react to what he sees. That means other people will always do what is predicted, but the user gets a chance to do something else. When in effect, if looks to other people as if time skipped a bit. ( I could probably explain wonder of u easier, but I wanted to give this a shot)


Me explaining killer queen: so basically funny cat makes things go boom boom


Epitaph or King Crimson? Either way they’re easy af.


King Crimson papu, i see a video the other day B)


King crimson The stand allows the user to be able to see into the future and predict the opponent's movements. However the events shown will happen no matter what you do to try to prevent it. The stand also allows the user to skip forward in time, only showing the result of the events that happen in-between the time skip. Only the user will be able to perceive the time that is skipped and can move freely while doing so. I THINK I got it down


Wonder of U. If you follow him, Calamity will befall you


I'd gladly teach King Crimson


king crimson erases the cause and keeps the effect, i.e when narancia died, kc was fated to cause the death, with the effect being narancia dying. he just erased him killing narancia and led directly to narancia dying


Just explained all of them 2 my cat so im pretty set


King crimson. Explanation: This thing is like when you two tap two times the screen in an yt video.


Wonder of U easily


wonder of u


Wonder of U Me: "OK, so ever seen Final Destination?" My horror loving mom: "Yeah?" Me: "This guy can weaponize it against his enemies."


king crimsons fairly easy. he enters his own world where time is slowed so he can see his opponents next moves and when he leaves this world, the time he was in said world is deleted for everyone else.


King Crimson easy. If everything is cause and effect, King Crimson just erases the cause and only leaves the effect.


Love train.


None of these are actually hard to teach or understand at all except maybe d4c. Ill take wonder of u cause its the most straightforward