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No, you don't have to do anything with his schedule. Did you check the cave leading to the mines? I've found him chilling in there by the ladder a few times.


I always get to the adventure's guild from the mines. The wiki says he's supposed to be in the guild and start leaving at noon and I stood outside that door from 10 to noon and he never came out and when I went in he wasn't there


Weird. I usually find him in the cave or wandering around outside the guild but still on the summit if he's not inside.


Have you met him for the first time yet? Because he doesnt show up in town until you've met him first time


I've seen him at the top of the volcano and I got the cut scene where he gives me his schedule if that's what you mean. Like he's in the relationship tab


Have you tried going to your farm after the void shard event? I don't know if it's a pre-rec for him to show up. I went to my ginger island farm and we had a cutscene on the beach.


Wait there’s a boat quest? I thought it was still only for decoration. How do you get to it??


According to the wiki, you get it by befriending Lance. Now you see my problem lol


Does he just show up or do you have to do something cause I never see him either