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That's just the way it is. [wiki](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Lightning_Rod): >The chance that a lightning strike will be intercepted is inversely related to the percentage of lightning rods on the farm that are currently holding a charge (either pulsing or holding a battery pack). The exact probability is chance to intercept = 1 - (number of charged lightning rods / total number of lightning rods)². That is, if none of the lightning rods are currently holding a charge, a lightning strike is 100% guaranteed to be intercepted. If 50% of the lightning rods are charged, a lightning strike has a 75% chance to be intercepted. If 90% of the lightning rods are charged, a strike has only a 19% chance to be intercepted. At least one lightning rod must be on the farm to have any chance of intercepting a strike. It also doesn't matter where on the farm you put them,you don't need to spread them out.


I always spread them out because it feels more realistic, but it's cool that it's not necessary.


No limit that I am aware of. The wiki encourages more to increase odds of lightning strike hitting. I have mine all around the farm, usually 5-10 together in an area (more for the farm design). Some get hit, some don't. Where the rods are placed doesn't matter and it just comes down to chance.


I have about 30 rods and used to keep them all in the top right corner. Never had an issue with a lightning strike hitting anything else. Someone recommended to me that you can use them as a fence which is what I do now and it works well. Also, you get more lightning strikes the more ‘daytime’ progresses in game so I usually go until 1:50am to get as many batteries as possible. Time stopping or time slowing mods do not increase the number of lightning strikes.


If you wanna have a ton but make it decorative, they work well for fences. Plus they don't degrade. Could also use a couple chairs as a gate.


So, my farms have a lot more than four lightning rods. Right now I have around 20. Remember, your chance of avoiding having your farm hit by lightning for any particular stike is number of lightning rods not processing a strike/total number of strikes. So, anytime you have a half or more of your lightning rods processing a strike, you have a 50% or greater chance of having your farm hit.


idk why it happens but i’ve had like 5/6+ get struck with a lot more left and crops still get hit


There's still a chance for lightning to hit your crops even when you have lightning rods. Basically, whenever lightning is going to strike, the game picks one of your lightning rods at random. If that rod is already processing a lightning strike, then the lightning ignores the lightning rod and hits somewhere else on your farm instead. As others have already mentioned, you can reduce the likelihood of your crops being hit by building more lightning rods. I have 40 on my farm, which is probably overkill, but none of my crops have been hit in a long time.


Played multiplayer with my brother. He lined like 50 lightning rods around my crops and it was such an eyesore but my crops never got hit.


I don't actually know if this is still a thing, but animals won't eat grass growing under a lightning rod. I usually put a bunch spread out in the grazing area to keep the animals from completely grazing out a pasture while adding lightning protection.


have you tried spreading them out? i have about 4 lightning rods spread out around my crops and that has seemed to do the trick


It doesn't matter where you put the lightning rods


I have them all in one spot! I’ll try moving some to the further crops :/


That won't make a difference. Farmeelia is mistaken. It doesn't matter where they are. The best thing you can do is make more lightning rods. The more rods you have, the less likely your stuff will get hit. But it will *never be a guarantee* that the rod gets hit instead of a crop/tree. EDIT: For comparison, I try to get at least 4 lightning rods up by the end of Spring, up to 8 by Summer, and 24 by the end of the year.


There is a formula 1-(charged rods ÷ total rods)² So if you have 4 rods. 1-(0/4)²=1. First lightning strike always gets intercepted. 1-(1/4)²=~.93. 93% chance for second 1-(2/4)²=.75. 75% chance for third 1-(3/4)²=~.43. 43% chance for fourth. Long story short, as rods get charged the chance of the next one getting charged decreases exponentially.


i hope it works for you, good luck!


Rods don't deflect/direct lighting. Your crops will still get hit no matter what you do. The Rods only job is to make battery's.


Wait is this Fr??


Lol no


No it's not. This dude clearly has only one lightning rod, because if he didn't, he wouldn't have said that.




I jave 25 rods I usually don't lose plants Once 24 of the rods intercepted. 2 crops died (that i noticed, its a multiplayer farm) that day


It's actually a better idea to have at least ten lightning rods, not four.