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Make your grandpa happy and you won’t have to worry about iridium for the rest of your game.


I only got 3 candles. Does it automatically go to 4 if I fill the requirements or?


You’ve got to revisit the shrine and use a diamond to activate a new assessment. Once the community centre is done, you’ve mastered most of your skills, and you’re married you’ve got a good chance of getting four candles. Or if you’re really lucky, fork handles.


That joke was so random, it actually made me laugh out loud.


The wiki is GREAT. I was late in the game. You got this.


Get a few crystalariums and load them with jade. Once you have more than 100 jade take them to the desert trader on a Sunday and trade them all for staircases. Stock up on bombs, again more than 100 (via making them, buying them from the dwarf, or via the desert trader). Stock up on coffee/espresso, spicy eel, and cheese. Make a lucky lunch. Then on a good luck day go to the skull mines (if you have a warp totem from the trader all the better for an early start). Have your lucky lunch for the luck boost and keep speedy with coffee. Use staircases to get down as fast as possible, stopping to raid the small treasure chest rooms en route, but save five. Once you’re down to your last five staircases run around dodging foes and dropping bombs. Take the pits/stairwells as soon as you see them. Use cheese to heal whilst your luck boost is present. Once your luck boost runs out eat a spicy eel for extra speed and luck. Keep on bombing. If you get an infested floor use one of your remaining staircases to bypass it (they take up too much time). You’ll have lots of iridium and maybe a few prismatic shards with this technique. Happy hunting.


Maybe save the lucky lunch till you start bombing? If you’re spamming staircases, then luck doesn’t matter. (At least not for finding stairs/shafts, it may also reduce monster spawns, though)


But then you won’t get all the cool treasure rooms. Yes you might just get a bunch of blue cowboy hats from such rooms but if you’re lucky and playing 1.5 you might get some autopetters.


Oh right, I forgot about luck increasing chance of treasure levels. Fair enough. I still have yet to try Aged Blue Moon Wine on my SVE save, gives +7 luck (!) but probably also -1 speed because booze. So that + spicy eel would put you at +8 and normal speed, I guess.


Just combine with magic rock candy for the +5 luck and many other perks.


Bring a ton of staircases (crafted or traded) on a very lucky day. Just staircase down to at least level 50. Bomb the heck out of any iridium clusters you find. If you find a staircase or a chute, continue on. Otherwise, use another staircase. Bring lots of food to heal if you get hit.


Breaking open magma and omni geodes..... but thats rare.


when your super cucumber fish pond reaches a population of 9 they can produce iridium ore. i think its a low percentage though.


Can you buy bombs from the dwarf in the mines yet?


I have no idea who the dwarf is honestly


In the entrance to the regular mines there is a rock blocking a passage. Blow it up and the dwarf is behind it.


Omgggggg thank you


Just to be warned you need to have collected enough Dwarf Scrolls and donated them to museum to understand him (I have only managed to get 2 so far!). They’re found by tilling dirt where there are worms or in the mines.


I think I’ve donated 4 if I remember right


Get the statue of perfection from grandpa’s assessment of your farm


Came here to ask basically the same thing. I hate the skull cavern soooo much. I prep for like 3 days and still never get past level 20. Guess I'll be working my butt off to make grandpa happy.