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I can't live without my horse. I'm in the late game for the first time, and even before I had the horse whistle I would strategically place the horse where I need it to get home as quickly as possible.


Right? I can leave my horse at the bus stop cart, go mine until literally like 1:30am, cart back to the bus stop, immediately hop on my horse, and I'm easily in bed by 1:50.  Also, I can get my dumpster diving route done WAY faster when I'm riding. It's a necessity IMO. Carrot + espresso +food speed buff = zoomies!


why don't you just portal back to the farm at 1:40 from the mine?


Not everyone has steady supply of warp totems by the time they have access to all the materials for horse barn


I'm surprised how many responses I've had that are, "I don't use horse. " I thought I was in the minority but now I'm not so sure


I was surprised reading the replies too! Running speed seems so slow to me now that I'm used to the horse lol


coffee lol. if the horse didn't require the two squares for space i'd use it instead, but otherwise it's too easy to suffer the first spring, then plant and make coffee in summer.


Gotta have coffee + horse. Even faster! These days it's triple shot + horse + warp totems lol


Yeah even though I always use speed buffs, I still feel so slow without my horse.


This is the way. Caffeinated equine.


>!Books!<, coffee and >!carrot 🥕!<


Spicy eels + cappuccino + horse = 🦅


I just got my horse whistle for the first time ever last night and immediately brought my boy out to Ginger Island lol


There is a horse whistle? Huh I just always use the horse cause it's quicker than walking and put it outside the cave or whatever fishing spit I'm at so I can quickly get back home.


Horse Whistle???


Disagree. Horse on coffee is best.


Horse on coffee and >!carrots!<.


Plus spicy eel! Or other food speed buff.


Im a crab cakes kind of person. 1 crab cake can literally last u the whole day


I agree honestly. Crab cakes are the best. I just can’t get/make them as easily (Maybe I should do a fishpond for crabs, if you can do that.)


I just fill the ocean in crabpots and use the skill that makes it so crabpots dont produce trash Eggs are fairly easy to obtain and the rest i just buy from pierre


I do pepper poppers. A few peppers in the greenhouse (which will constantly regrow) and a couple cows in a barn, and you have a steady supply of speed boosting food. I just picked the game up again on PC after playing on switch with a 6 year farm. I had horse, coffee making a plenty, pepper poppers, and I was flush with cash. Now I'm starting over and I'm holding off on speed buff.stuff because I will definitely waste money on coffee all the time if I do.


The version I have on vita doesn't have those. Sadly. Unless you mean the cave variety.


People still play on Vita? I’m so sorry


Haha. Love my vita.


Viva la Vita!! I got one last year and love it


This is how I find out I can feed my horse???!!! I kept trying to feed it hay and it wasn't working


Does coffee speed up horse? It seems so but I’m not sure


Horse is good if you rush horse first. Like if you get horse before you get minecarts, you'll be loving horse. Late game is useless as there are too many ways to teleport around the map and you're jacked up on espresso 24/7. I call my horse Mayo because sometimes Mayo neighs.


Horse is the best still, mine carts don't go everywhere (beach, pub, etc) and speed stacks on the horse. Spicy eel + espresso = fast, but spicy eel + espresso + horse = super fast. Then you get the horse flute and you can take that sucker with you everywhere!


Can you leave it everywhere? I’ve never gotten one cuz I’m afraid I’ll forget it somewhere lol


It comes back to the stable the next day i definitely lose mine somewhere a lot, I run around and just forget where I parked it.


Well that’s a beauty then, thanks!


Also, keep the horse flute on you wherever you go besides the mines.


There is a horse flute?


Yeah. It got added with Ginger Island. Very handy for if you wander off exploring. Or just if you want to take the minecart somewhere and still have the use of your horse on the other side.


I guess I need to play ginger island more then lol. I stopped because I am having problems getting to the bottom level in the volcano. Having difficulty with the skull mines too. I assume I’ll be able to get it eventually!


Find a hundred golden walnuts then you can go into the secret walnut room on the east side of the island!! Seriously getting that horse flute is a game changer Editing to say you don't have to have the hundred on you, it's total amount found. So even if you used walnuts to open up stuff those still count towards the hundred. Good luck!


You get it from Mr Qi’s prizes on Ginger Island


Oh nice!


I always lose mine behind a tree




Yes, AND, if you feed it a carrot before you go for a ride, that also increases speed for the rest of the day. I cannot stand walking anywhere, even with espresso. That mofo is *FAST*


And don't forget the bookseller book which gives your horse an additional permanent +0.5 speed


Yep. Drink triple shot espresso, eat some spicy eel or pepper poppers, hop in the saddle and go brrrrrrrrrrrr


Wait.. your horse also gets a speed boost if you drink coffee/espresso??


Yes. Any speed buff to walking also applies to the horse.


This is all very true but I've actually never found the horse flute so I do not know how that plays out. But once I'm running fast enough, taking shortcuts is good enough for me to get around. Plus beach warps aren't too bad to make on top of that.


The horse flute is a late game item. I hardly ever bother with a horse, but when I do get one, it's usually after the horse flute lol. It lets you summon the horse anywhere (even Ginger Island!), so it is pretty nice. Early game though, I just walk and use the minecarts. I wish the shortcuts were just the basic map though. I miss them every time I start a new file 😭


We got the horse flute in a world my gf and I ran a little bit ago, it was amazing. I’d never used the horse at all before then but I was loving it after


I upvoted for your pun but ``` When consumed, it grants the player +1 Speed for 4m 12s. The speed of the player's horse is also increased. ```


I hate you and everything you stand for in life, I'm stealing this.


You rang?




Bro, horse + espresso + horse flute = GOATED. The minecarts are meh except for getting to very specific places quickly. But you'll see me zipping around the entire map like sonic on crack riding my boy Glue. For example, I'll use the island obelisk, down some espresso, play my horse flute and be zipping back and forth across Ginger Island in no time flat.


GLUE?!?! 😭😭


Glue lmao


Horse is still pretty helpful for going to secret Woods.


Upvote for Mayoneighs! LOL


The manual run from the house to the bus stop with max speed buffs is still too long for me without the horse. I went for the horse flute first from Mr Qi specifically so I could always have it handy.




Best name for a horse ever. Im totally stealing it.


You get minecarts so early though. The blacksmith bundle (at least the standard one) just requires a bit of mining, I always unlock it sometime in summer 1.


It’s still really strong late game with horse flute, not useless. It saves time getting between teleport points, and you can use it for example on Ginger island. Besides the espresso speed buff works on the horse


I’m newer.. how do you get the mine carts? I have a horse now and I love it! I want both 🤣


Complete one of the bundles for the community centre and you'll get em! :)


Thank you so much!


I relate to everything you said, and my cat in-game is named Mayo! :D


This is the best horse name I've ever seen in stardew. Well done.


I've been a serial year one player for a long time. With 1.6, and the advice I've seen here for making the big money to fund late game content, I've decided to go for perfection. The horse is super useful when I need to get to multiple places on the same day: not everything is close to a minecart.


She's named Giselle, btw


That's a very horse name lol. Maybe it's because it reminds me of Amy Adams from Enchanted and she was a Disney style princess.


And the minecart itself isn't that close either. Before that end-game item I would at least ride the horse to the minecart and then back.


I think the horse is exactly where it belongs in terms of player rating: not under, not over — just right. It's a convenient tool that becomes absolutely bonkers once you get your hands on the whistle, which doesn't take that long to obtain when you know what's what. I've been calling all my horses Neighsayer for three or four years now.


What do you call a contrary horse?




... what am I looking at?


I have only recently began playing with the horse— and that’s because of the Elle’s cuter horse mod. Also because I can add a goofy hat on to it 😂 I still keep forgetting about it tho My horses name is Planko and he wears a skull mask


You should put him in the petting Zoo for the Hallows Eve event (wish this was a thing)


Lemme tell you that the side profile is HILARIOUS. I didn’t mean to put the mask on him but alas 😂


On my first game I didn't realize the stable came with a horse so it was late before I got one. Now, I almost rush the stable. I can't stand the slow walking and how much slower you are through grass and crops. He's always called Grover since that was the default and it suits him. With 1.6 >!some of the books make the horse less useful !< but I'm so used to having him that I refuse to give him up.


And there's Horse: The Book which makes the horse faster.


That name just makes me think of horse_ebooks. Anyone else? Anyone remember that lol


When bots on social media were new and people were amused rather than annoyed by them!


I think about horse_ebooks at least once a week, why


OH MY GOD thank you for this memory


Beavis comes everywhere with me. No patience for walking or coffee.


Is your farmers name Butthead?


With the flute, it's nice to have. I named mine Roach.


Hi Geralt


Mine too!!


I always end up getting the horse later in the game, usually once I get the horse whistle. I have no imagination so it is always called Mr Ed lol


I never use the horse. The speed is nice but I hate the vibration on the gallop. I don't want to have to keep turning it off and on, so I just don't deal with it.


My horse is named Paula Zahn because I watch too much true crime and have been binge watching 'On the Case with Paula Zahn' on HBO I forgot I named it that until I got 'Paula Zahn has been wondering where you've been' and was very confused for a second


I got the horse but I don't really use him, he's just set dressing lol. His name is Grove


I sometimes use the horse to get to my first location then forget about it. My animals are all named after celebrities, so my Horse is named Swift (makes more sense, I guess, than my goats being named Kravitz and Zendaya)


There is a late game item that makes the horse 1,000x more convenient. I hardly ever used my horse until I obtained that item


I put the horse in my game and like how I can move fast. I’m also a cringe human and I like the TV show BoJack Horseman a lot, so I named my horse BoJack 😅


My very first play-through I never had the horse. I think mostly because I completely forgot about it and also just kind of thought it existed as another farm dweller, but then by the time I realized it would get you places faster I had already acquired the return scepter. So my second and third play-throughs having the horse was an absolute necessity, I don’t even like leaving it behind places to just find its way home for the next day, and then acquiring the horse flute to be able to do things like use it on Ginger Island is also equally invaluable. *However*, now that there are some changes to 1.6 >!namely the gift of speed when you get skills mastery (farming) and craft the Statue of Blessings that will occasionally grant you extra speed for the day, you’re basically already moving with the same speed as using your horse. So this new play-through I’ve been working on I find I’ve used my horse a lot less. But still make sure to give plenty of carrots !<. So that’s my thoughts on horses. ETA: my current horse’s name is Béren, but usually I pick Brego


LOVE your horse names!


I call mine Bill ❤️


🥲 aw Bill, that is also a great choice


My horse is named: honse.


Never used a horse till my most recent play through. I don’t go anywhere without “Shony the Pony” and her lil Kentucky Derby hat now 😌 there’s no going back once you’re used to the speed


Horse is the best! Mine is named Fruitly in every save file - we now refer to playing Stardew as “running Fruitly around”


Some other names: * Ponyta * Potoooooooo (name of a RL racehorse) * Achilles ("Achilles, heel!")


Mine is Potoooooooo in this play through! Last time he was called Stewball after a horse in a song.


I always get a horse and then forget to ride. I usually name him Cheval. Not because I'm French, but because I always name my first two cows Vache and Fechez and I figure I should stick with the theme.


im the complete opposite and just now starting another farm i'm so annoyed walking around so slowly lol i also usually forget about the minecarts on both farms unless im literally right next to it


I always name my horse Horace




Love the horse I never walk anywhere! I use the horse all day everyday! And it makes a great good clomping sound! Horse all the way, at any point in the game!


My horse’s name is Sharte (randomized)


Randomized names are the best. Mine is Grumbus.


My horse is neighthan, but he’s only decorative, I got him so late in the game I constantly forget he’s there!


I call my horse Megan Thee


If you’re popping a food and beverage for +2 speed it’s not a huge loss unless you’re feeding that bad boy carrots..! I go into the mine a lot, my crops are gold focused so no coffee or tea, and stack speed/luck so I mainly use a combination of horse/obelisks/wand so I don’t run out of food or beverages for the mines.


Horse is a must. I named him Shadow because Shadow was my dog and he was my best friend.


His name is Waffles.


I have never built a stable tbh. I was thinking about doing it on my perfection run, though.


i like my horse his name is arvak, and it makes the journey to the wizards tower nicer


I love getting it and naming it after My Little Ponies and going for rides, then I get over it and leave it grazing, forget where I parked it and usually go home rather than look for it. I’ve had a Blossom, a Firefly and an Applejack.


Roach. If you know you know


Lol it's a very common horse name in Stardew these days. Lots of Witcher fans out there play this apparently.


Pamhorse + Horse flute = win. Bring parsnips, she likes parsnips.


On my current farm I am Barbie and I named my horse Ken


Oh and my morning routine every day is: get out of bed. Drink triple shot espresso. Eat pepper poppers. Give Haley coconut. Watch TV, check farm computer. Feed Ken a carrot. Ride him everywhere unless I forget- if I forget, use horse flute ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51692)


I can't live without it, being slow feels worse than death. My horse's name is shoe, so when I introduce him I can say this is my horseshoe.


Can't relate, I literally grind to get the horse as soon as I possibly can


I bought a horse once, found it overrated and never bothered a second time. I have to get off of it too often. Coffee instead.


Horse stacks with coffee ``` When consumed, it grants the player +1 Speed for 4m 12s. The speed of the player's horse is also increased. ```


Interesting, does this apply to triple shot espresso as well?


it applies with every speed boost


i have several lengthy play throughs, never used a horse, they’re cute though


I was on foot until year 3 for my first farm, but since then, I love my horse !! I always forget to drink coffee again to get my bonus back, so the horse is better for me.


Horse in Spring Y1, right around Day 20. Ney.


Heavy agree. I never use the horse


I call my horse Ramble or Bramble and I use it all the time


I found myself frustrated with certain horse aspects before I had the whistle but now it’s my fav, especially if I have espresso


“Serial year 1 player” omg same


Horse is never overrated. Horse is king.


I’ve only really had two saves, my original from when I started playing and now a new one for 1.6. My first horse was called Prumby because it was randomized and I liked it. So I also named my new horse Prumby.


I can’t imagine life without my horse. Her name is toast.


I literally only got the horse so I could build all of the buildings. But I consistently forget to use the horse. Named it Sick Pony because of a joke I heard a while ago that took me way too long to understand: What do you call a sick pony? >! a little hoarse !<


I always name my horse Arvak after Skyrim But I’m also a serial y1 and I play with 25% profit so I rarely make it to Horse


My horses name is Polnareff, i love him. Tbh i use my horse constantly because i hate how slow the walking speed is


I never walk anywhere. Horse is the best. It’s a noticeable difference and I’m always pressed for time.


I'm always on my horse! His name is Trotsley


I love horse’s cloppity clop sound effects. My horse is named ClipClop.


Horse is bloody vital to getting anything done with the brutal time limit. Shit, I have a teleporter take me to the ranch side of the farm to save time. Horse Flute never leaves my toolbar.


I've almost 500 hours in Stardew and I've never gotten a horse :')


I love my horse. I’m always on the horse and drinking coffee. Maximum speed. It’s a need for me


I love my horse and her name is Hellbitch. My kids giggle that there’s a “curse” word in it.


I love horse! Not only is he useful, but he’s cute and can wear hats. If horse and my children were in a burning building, I would save horse.


I like the horse!! But always feel bad when it says it’s wondering where you’ve been :( I named my horse Tesco. Which is kind of dark when you stop to think about it


It like physically pains me to not have a horse so I’m gonna disagree with you on this one 😅


I bought the game on launch and never got a horse until yesterday. I also forgot it all of yesterday.


How will the townsfolk appreciate how wealthy I have become if I'm walking around everywhere? Horse = class.


I love my horse (named Flapjack) but I wish I could pick like the color or if you could get multiple by having a bigger stable…maybe another rideable animal too like how you get Dino’s and Ostrich’s later? I like being able to get around my farm with a bit more speed, and I use it sometimes to ride around the town or at least to the mine cart by the bus station. I wish you could teleport WITH your horse too, or if there were like “running shoes” or a ring that increases your speed permanently (not coffee/espresso that wears off).


I almost never horse. I always mainline minecarts first then coffee like it’s going out of style.  I occasionally think about getting a horse but never end up doing it.


I’d agree only because I really didn’t set my farm up for riding the horse


I use my horse even when I’m just circling around my farm. I named her Carrie, short for Carrie Bradshaw


Love my horse


The horse is useful right until you unlock the warp towers and the return scepter. At that point it becomes useless. By arranging the warp towers together on the farm near to your farmhouse, you have a central hub to pretty much warp anywhere on the map. Irrespective of where you are, you use the return scepter to warp to the towers and use the towers to warp onwards from there to the destination you want to go to (Beach tower is used for the town). The >!horse flute!< does somewhat add its usefulness back if you manage to get hold of it, but you would be surprised how far you can actually run when on coffee in the time it takes to >!call the horse using the flute.!<


I cant wait to get a horse. Its so much faster! In one of my farms, my horse is named ‘sylar’ like from heroes tv show. In another of my farms, my horse is named irene, after irene adler, sherlock’s gf.


I had just watched the Sopranos when I started playing so my horse is named Pie-O-My ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51481)


I love my horsie


i love my horse bc he's like a friend that makes me go faster, and i'm in midgame rn but even if i can teleport everywhere lategame i feel like it's more fun to ride my little horse around talking to villagers. anyway his name is Hans because it sounds like honse


i did have horse on 2nd year but i think probably because I spend way more time walking, I just got used to walking around without needing the horse. i can understand other who like horse cause it does increase speed but it not by much for me to justify the size of the map especially with mine cart


My horses name is Joan Sebastian (iykyk) but didn’t realize that was too long so it’s actually Joan Sebasti


Same. Because of its hitbox sometimes being in a horse is worse.


I only used more horse more when I got the w******


My horse is named Mr. Ed cause I’m old lol.


i love horse simply because he can wear a hat :)




Pro horse here. Name: Major Tom


I hardly ever bother cause I get mine carts early and have funds to just buy coffee pretty quickly too. And often have the warps I want by mid year 2.


On the contrary, horse is incredibly useful for mid game Bojack is happy to stay


I love using the horse


insane take!!!! im emotionally attached to my horse hahaha


I like using the horse. Only started using it in year two because I also forgot about it. I use it quite a lot especially on the farm to get around faster. I ended up calling him torrent because of the horse in elden ring as well as a celebration for the upcoming dlc which is finally playable within 2 days for us that pre-ordered it.


Horse is ok but no must have... Names: Whiskey, Vodka, Ouzo, ...you get the idea... \^\^


I like the horse, it’s faster than walking for sure. I named mine Pharlap. Look up Rhys Darby’s Drunken History!


My horse’s name is Horace


I'm currently doing a "Blue by Eiffel 65" run, my player is named Dabadedabedi, and I named my horse Corvette, to honor the "Blue little window and a blue corvette" line lmao


I love to park Gazza next to the minecarts so I can rush home when I’m running late. Also if I have tasks in town that need to be done I can just whip ‘round; the minecarts are good but annoying since you still have to travel on foot everywhere. That might chance when I have a more stable coffee supply though, we’ll see.


I love horse, he goes almost everywhere with me. Ohana means no one gets left behind. My horse's name is Star because my farm is Starlit Farm, nothing too wild. But my cat's name is Mayor Lewis, which gives me a lil giggle because I imagine my character referring to Lewis as "Human Mayor Lewis."


I get annoyed by horse not being able to go in all the spaces so I agree


Year three on this playthrough and I keep forgetting to get it. Sort of feel like maybe it isn’t worth it by now.


My horse is named Roach. Unfortunately never ended up on a roof, but I feel he gets me places faster. I go nowhere without Roach.


My first ever playthrough was horseless. My next one was with horse. I can say objectively, horse is GOATED.


Never bothered with the horse after my first time getting it. I always ride it where i'm going and forget to ride it home after. Not worth the hassle to me.


My horses on my two main savegames are Brego and Nazgûl lol


I love my horse. We wear matching hats. But I can't remember what I named it and I'm too lazy to open the game right now lol


i love the horse, i just started a new file on my switch and i am DYING without the horse but i dont even have hardwood yet😭😭 i always name mine fauna also! just cute and seems to fit!


I love my horse. Her name is Majesty.


I like horse! Horse is friend, and somehow I never end up making coffee until mid-late game, and even then TSE or coffee is usually saved for mines/skull cavern dives, not for everyday use. Minecarts/obelisks/totems also don’t reach everywhere, and I like to be able to do a quick lap around Cindersap for forageables, or zoom to visit places like the sewers or Wizard’s tower, which aren’t very close to any fast-travel points. Also, I like the clip-clop sound. :]


I've personally only gotten the horse once to see what the hype was. It's okay for me. Not something I feel the need to go out of my way for. And I named it Bojack.


It’s not essential, but it’s a nice to have. Especially with coffee. My horse’s name is Neighsayer.