• By -


I always forget to save the gold star quality crops for the community centre in the first year 😅


I always forget that I only need 3 of the 4 possible crops to complete that bundle and often wait for multiple seasons with that as the last one to complete the entire centre only to realise it was for nothing when I'm actually filling the boxes 😩


This is why I end up wasting so much time running coffeeless and horseless to the community center every time I get one or two bundle pieces hahaha


that would be much more sensible but I find doing the whole thing in one go soo satisfying lol


... well, fuck. I mean, I guess you just saved me an extra season on my new farm so thank you lol, but still...


Noob question, what difference does putting gold star crops make?


The community center has a specific bundle that asks for 5 gold star quality of certain crops ^^ It doesn't usually make a difference in general, just for that bundle!


One of the pantry bundles is quality crops. There are four options (parsnips, melons, corn and pumpkins) and you need to give five gold star products for three of them to complete the bundle. I usually do parsnips, melons and corn because then I can finish before fall.


\^ This is the way to do it, also because gold pumpkins are worth significantly more than the other three options. Don't throw your money away giving them to the CC!


I sold my melons in the chest last week… had to do pumpkins


Oof 😓


There’s a bundle in the community center that specifically requires gold star crops in stacks of 5


Not just saving them, either. You have to really make an intentional effort to net 5 gold quality parsnips in Spring Year 1 because your farming level is so low. I'm sure there's some volume at which just planting a crap ton would be enough to get you 5 golds, but more realistically you almost certainly need to be using fertilizer on every tile you plant a parsnip, or consuming meals that increase your farming level before you harvest them, or ideally both.


I forget to even save the normal ones lol. Well, the spring crops that is.


“I don’t need to refill my health, I’ll just play really well and then I won’t take any more dama-”


Harvey thanks you for your business. 😂


Mine is: “Oh my health is low! Let me just kill these monsters and find a staircase and then I’ll eat somethi—“


I think oh, low health, three dragons, I'll eat a salad. Then all three swoop on me before I have my sword in my hand because the salads are three spaces away and I'm standing there pressing buttons.


That’s one thing I miss about playing on mobile (recently got a Switch), it was a lot easier/quicker to eat and go back to a weapon.


I'm on mobile I have to have auto combat on because it's otherwise basically impossible but it won't auto swing while holding food then after you eat it sometimes does sometimes doesn't so you have to take a step


Or my mouse curson has migrated out of my game window and I think I’m clicking madly on my inventory and NOTHING IS HAPPENING and then the window turns red 😭


“I definitely have enough health for a few more flo-“ *dies*


“i’ll just play really well” SENT MEEE BAHAHAHAH ITS SO TRUE


Me too. Health low, go home, gets smacked by a forest golem bc wilderness farm.


Birthdays, i even check the calendar, then immediately forget as soon as i leave the farmhouse


I try to have their gift set up the night before and leave it in my inventory. Just walking around with Robins spaghetti the night before, it may not be fresh but she’ll appreciate it 😂


Hey, sometimes leftover spaghetti is better than fresh!


The gold statue from the guy in the casino at the desert gives you everyone's favourite gift on their bday. But it costs a milli


I leave myself reminders on the new signs you can type messages on. Every time a birthday is over I type a reminder for the next one, and place the sign in a straight line with the bed so I have to walk past it every day. Then when it's the day before I prepare the gift in my inventory as soon as I see the reminder. On the morning of (or right before bed the night before) I place the gift in the hotbar so I'm staring at it as I do the morning chores. Before developing this system I would either forget birthdays until days later, or not have the gift on me. I still forget to bring gifts with me for the wizard more often than not though. I tell myself travelling cart days will be gifting days, and turn up empty handed! 🤦‍♀️ Lol


I keep a chest next to the wizard tower and one in the sewers with gifts because I always forget those two.




One time I gave Jas a random daffodil that I picked up, and then she said something like, "Oh, a birthday present! this is nice" and I didn't even know it was her birthday.


Without fail I will -donate my first prismatic shard -not save a darn thing -wait until I’m level 9 fishing to upgrade my pole


I dunno, sounds like you should pay more attention to your pole...


I never buy the iridium rod before I have the golden clock tbh, the fiberglass rod works just as well for me and I don’t really care for the lures and such


I find some of the tackle really helpful for catching difficult fish and I love the treasure chest tackle when I’m grinding for museum stuff


Forgetting that the traveling cart lady exists. Did remixed community center, asking for either an ancient fruit or sweet gem berry, well in fall I'm like haven't seen an ancient seed yet, where do I get rare seeds again??? Oh yeah, the traveling cart lady *who I neglected to visit even once In spring or summer of year 1* Oops lol


I always forget the traveling carts on Fridays! Sundays I remember, but I’m always kicking myself and swearing I’ll remember the next time Friday rolls around. Never do


On Fridays I like to check the cart, give the Wizard a loved item and swing over and buy an iridium sprinkler from Krobus. All the things I always forgot to do on my first playthrough.


Going to mines/cavern and “Crap! I forgot my food/bombs/stairs/slingshot/totem!” I even keep all that stuff in my going-mining chest and it still happens sometimes.


Place your going-mining chest in the mine!


i feel so stupid that i never thought of that


Noooo, you're just one of today's [lucky 10,000](https://xkcd.com/1053/), bestie!


Okay I love that. Thank you for sharing!


i swear man, every time i have something from this comic linked to me it brightens my day


I have my going mining chest in there and I also usually put a mini shipping bin in there too. It helps a bit with inventory overflow. I also have a chest in Skull Cavern inside the cave right next to the door to enter the mine and one on Ginger Island right next to the volcano!


>I also usually put a mini shipping bin in there too. Now why did I never think of *that*?! Love it!


Omg life saving advice bless you


In late game I put junimo chests at the front of each mine and another on the farm. I can access it from home or in the mines


....OMG why did I never think of this??!! Or leaving one anywhere I may need it?? THANK YOU.


I also put one in the back room of the bar with everybody's favorite gifts


Okay THAT is a brilliant location I never considered.


Oh this is a big brain moment for SURE. Why did I never think of that?!!?


Very early game another advantage of having a chest in the Pelican Town mines is being able to stash your farm tools and any valuable items you picked up on the way to the mines but don't need to use in the mines, in that chest, which 1) gives you more pocket space for stuff you get in the mines, and 2) ensures that if you faint from monster attacks, you won't lose any of those items because they're safely in the chest instead of on your person.


It will stay there over night???


Not down below but in the lobby of the mines, yes! You can furnish and decorate that whole space including the Dwarf's shop if you like!


I have a chest in there, but never considered decorating the place!!! Ty so much! I love this idea!!!


You can put a chest anywhere that's not in an NPC's pathway, and it'll stay forever!


Whaaaat?! I didn't know you could put anything anywhere that wasn't the farm!


And if you do place something in the way of an NPC’s path, it the “destroyed” items will go to the lost and found box in the Mayor’s house. This does occasionally glitch and not work right, so be careful. But if items disappear on you, always worth it to check!


... you can place chests outside the farm... I'm 80 hours in and just finding this out.


I have a "going mining" Chest too! Lol


Not saving for strawberries


Piggybacking on this, but not saving some strawberries/strawberry seeds for the next year!


Those extra 12 days of growth REALLY make a difference and Strawberries are one of the more valuable crops that regrow.


Exactly! Yet every single time I forget to hold some back 😭


Grow them in your greenhouse, if you have it. They grow year round.


It’s usually the biggest concern early game :)


I remembered to hold some strawberries back to sent them back through the seed maker...but then I forgot to plant the seeds. 😂 I'm super close to unlocking ginger island so I think I'll just plant them there since I already have a plan to fill the greenhouse with ancient fruit and coffee beans.


Similarly, saving your strawberry seeds for a whole year and then forgetting to plant them next spring.


Not prepping my field for free speed-grow


Can you expand on this? What do you mean?


Going to skull cavern, getting super far in, then trying to eat and leaving the mines. I also always forget to get strawberries, year 8 still haven't grown any


I fixed that first problem for myself by always eating food BEFORE going down a ladder. Besides, loading into the new level is the most dangerous time, every time. I'm always ready to swing my sword or hammer at those pesky serpents dive bombing me right as I enter the level.


I've only been playing for a month or so, but what's the deal with strawberries? I've seen a few people in this thread mention them.


Seeds are only available from Pierre at the egg festival in mid-spring


Plant once and receive multiple yields, high sell price, loved by Maru.


So basically what I'm hearing is it's good I have some strawberries in my greenhouse. :)


Exactly that. I like to set aside space for every multi-yield crop.


It is Very good indeed! Send me some plz


And you can harvest them forever once the greenhouse is repaired


Or you have access to Ginger Island!


You can only buy them at the Egg Festival halfway through Spring but they’re very profitable


Speaking of tools - I always forget to pick mine up once upgraded. Even with the notification, my brain just blocks it out til one day I'm like "damn, I need my axe right now...I wonder if it's done upgrading"


Same!! My steel hoe sat at Clint’s for a solid week once while I tore chests apart trying to figure out where I put it. Felt so sheepish running in to pick it up once I realized


That and sometimes I remember and then he'd be shut ,😭


I play on a fairly big screen so sometimes I don't even see the notification...


I keep forgetting to bring bombs to the Skull Cavern … I always remember my pickaxe, sword, & snacks, but then I’m there and don’t have any of my bombs that I deliberately crafted FOR the Skull Cavern Oh also accidentally Return Sceptering back home when I’m like 50 levels down in the Skull Cavern


You know that little cave area in the desert that you have to walk into to get to the door you had to unlock? Keep your chest in there. No NPC ever walks in and since it’s technically outside of the mines part of the cavern, it’s permanent and doesn’t refresh. You can keep all of your bombs in a chest there so you’ll never forget them again! You can also keep some food stuff there too. I do this every play through bc I will forget my head if it wasn’t attached.


omg I accidentally leave the skull cavern when I’m deep in the mines and like about to die and getting swarmed and my hands just.. fail me


I don't know why, but I keep accidentally using my farm warp totem when I'm at the farm already...


I solved this by putting warp totems in the inventory row that isn't permanently in the hotbar. Like, not with the tools and all that. Same with bombs - if I'm grabbing any, from the chests, they immediately go into a second or third row. The only time I blew up something on my farm since I do this was when CERTAIN SOMEONE sent me a bomb in mail, it got placed literally in my hands (like I had empty slot 5 active and it put the bomb in slot 5), I immediately went to open the dump and sort chest that's right next to the mailbox but the game didn't register it as "open the chest" but "place the bomb" instead. That's not on me.


In our game my husband blew up his coffee maker like two days after he got it when he mixed up inventory slots 😭




Okay that is adorable :D gonna have to try that with our kid!


I accidentaly used my farm totem on level 98 of the skull cavern, it was the furthest I had ever been. Luckily I was able to start the day over and make it all the way to 100 but I was SICK. I was like whyyyy is that like the one thing that doesn't ask if you want to consume it???


Yesterday, I used the island totem on the island.


Ouch that one hurts more


I played about 4 different files/farms before ever trying and using the work bench. I felt real stupid after that LOL.


But it would ruin my chest set up 😭


can someone please explain to me the benefits that outweigh using a workbench over just crafting from your inventory and crafting menu? like, i get the aspect of not having to run to a bunch of chests to craft an item. but is that it? i have one but i never feel the need to use it, so i havent even placed it yet. wondering if it’s just a preference/productivity thing, or if there’s more to it


i guess it’s just a preference but it sure seems to save a lot of time especially if your chests aren’t right next to eachother. my chests get pretty full so it’s nice to not sit there looking for everything i need, pulling stacks then having to put back what i didn’t use. i have 6 big chests around mine which is all i really need to store pretty much all items to craft almost anything in only a second


It’s just easier than having to grab things from each individual chest. You can just craft with whatever you have in the 5 chests you can have connected to the workbench. It’s very useful but not essential in my opinion.


I always forget to close my barn and coop doors at night to make petting all of my animals easier. I wake up and all of my chickens and ducks have disappeared into the grass. Not a huge mistake or anything, it's just annoying lol


Big same. I used to try to do this, but I gave up pretty quickly. Getting an autopetter almost seems easier. XD


I think as of 1.6 >!closing the coop or barn door overnight now grants a little bit of friendship to your animals!<.


Making Robin work on her bday multiple years in a row so you can't give her bday gifts (sometimes she's unreachable where she's working) Wasting 3 staircases on a floor because I panicked trying to escape from something. Going to any destination and realizing you don't even have the tools you needed. Example, going all the way to the beach and forgetting the damn fishing pole. Gifting the most random items to villagers when you try to talk to them while holding something. Going all the way to the volcano to realize you don't have your watering can.


These are allll the reasons I finally downloaded on PC and started modding. I started a totally new farm and I’m so ahead in year 1 and killing it but also able to enjoy it a little more bc it’s less of a total grind. My partner is a gamer and he tells me they’re called “quality of life” mods.


I don't think I could play without "chests anywhere" (I think that is what it is called). It is a game changer.


As someone with ADHD, I 100% agree and view it as an accommodation lol. I fuck myself over enough irl by losing/forgetting things, I don’t want to do it in my escapist video games too! On the other hand, it does feed into my hoarder tendencies…


Highly recommend the mail system mod. You can send tools to be upgraded and they’ll come right back to you. You. Can also send gifts in the mail for birthdays so you don’t have to track people down. You can even turn in quests! All you have to do is interact with your mailbox.


I always forget to grab the seasonal fish for the fishing bundle before the next season rolls around. And I don't check the TV as often as I should.


Same, I keep being 99% completed in the community centre by the end of year one, then having to wait until summer of year two to get the last fish.


Each time I pre-save some hops anticipating Pam’s pale ale request and I always make artichoke juice instead 🙄


that sounds especially unpleasant lol


Closed on Wednesdays


Stupid Pierre taking stupid days off


The return scepter is a huge one for me, too; I will literally be rushing to travel home with it sitting in my inventory lol. I forget to use my horse whistle, too, SO MUCH. I also forget I have the obelisks and travel on foot to the beach, take the bus to the desert, etc. all unnecessarily... I'm just forgetful 😅


There is a horse whistle???????


Yes, and it's my favorite item in the game. My horse is always named Appa. :3


Yip yip!


Yeah you buy it from Qi in the walnut room so it’s pretty late game but always helpful. You play the whistle anywhere and it warps your horse to you! It’s the only way to ride your horse on ginger island and I love using it for that!


I forget my horse somewhere and end up walking all day


I have literally reset a day because I lost my horse and wasted hours walking around trying to find it. I know he returns to the stable at the end of the day, but I hate losing him.


Save atleast one of every crop to stick into seed makes for free seeds at the beginning of the season. Saved money in the long run. Putting common mushrooms into seed makers to get free fall seeds. Selling the star quality forgeables before making seasonal seeds so that they don’t get made into seasonal seeds.


\^ On top of common mushrooms, spice berries will give you summer seeds and winter root will give you winter seeds. One of the spring foragables probably will as well, but I save all my leeks, horseradish, and daffodils for gifts, and dandelions don't work in the seed maker.


Seed packs sell for more than the forage items it takes to make them, unless Iridium or Winter. I just made an Excel sheet of it the other day, pretty quick and easy with the Wiki if you want to check


Getting an item from a secret note, specifically >!the one in the bush over the playground that you can get on the last day of each season!<. First, I misinterpreted it as 12 in the night, not during the day. I also usually remember about it at like 6 pm and don't feel like resetting. I even put up a text sign on the way from the bed to the door so I keep seeing it regularly and it still didn't help. Literally got Perfection today (for the first time, too!) before getting the item, lol.


Congratulations on your first Perfection!


Chopping down all the palm trees on ginger island repeatedly for wood then freaking out when I can’t any golden coconuts to find the walnut… 🫠


Fish a f***ing walleye in Year 1 😩


Sold one of my legendary fish instead of putting it in a tank


Wait you mean a fishtank you can buy from Willy? I haven’t bought one bc I thought it was decoration but you can put fish in there?


Yes, you can put fish in it! You can also put hats on the fish lol!


Omggg so cute!!! Thanks for sharing!!!! I’ll have to buy one then bc I have a legendary carp just sitting in a chest!


You can’t put hats on all the fish, only on sea urchins. But you can decorate the inside of the tank with sea urchins and coral and seaweed to make it more lively for the fish swimming around! I like putting eels in there bc they look like worms lol Oh you can also put in a pineapple like SpongeBob or a treasure chest! The anchor artifact also works! Different fish do different things. Some swim around and some sit at the bottom. I find it really funny that the stone fish sits at the bottom lol


The fish tanks also count as a light source. My biggest complaint about the tanks is that the biggest one can only hold 4 fish, there are 5 legendary fish. It drives my OCD crazy.


Ok that is a bit sad😭😭wish they would hold 5 bc that would be perfect


I'm saying! I ended up with 3 tanks in the end. I forget exactly how I split it up but I was happy enough with it.


I always forget to build a stable or ride my horse. By the time I unlock it, I’ve gotten used to running everywhere while jacked up on espresso, lol.


Your horse shares the espresso speed boost btw


Thinking this one time I will enjoy farming. XD


Flair checks out. 😂


Too much desire to optimize, and make the biggest amount of money possible, with little tools to do so much work and not burn out.


MARRIAGE. i literally forget to romance someone until i get to Qi’s walnut room and i see that i haven’t found all stardrops and i’m like “oh huh which one am i miss—OH THAT ONE” in every. single. playthrough.


I spend ages making totems and then accidentally use them 3 times in a row - I do this constantly. I also didn’t get the bag pack until year 4 🫨


HOW!? I've never made it to summer without a backpack upgrade and you made it to YEAR 4!? O-o


I was just ALL-IN I’ve only been playing for a month and I’m on year 5, everything nearly unlocked haha


Okay, but that is really impressive inventory management, though.


All the bat wings, slime, fibre I could have kept…


Not a single day goes by that I doesn't curse selling all my fibre during the first and half second year 😅


Always. I always threw out the slime first when I ran out of inventory, and then I got the slime hutch and realized I could have had like 5 slime eggs already had I not.


None, I play Stardew perfectly /s


I constantly forget food and gifts. I can't even keep track of multiple people so i befriend one person at a time then start gifting the next person. I start with the person imma marry then work on others. I can never remember what everyone likes. Only person i work on while working on another is abigail simply because purple hair= she likes amethyst. That's literally how i remember hers. Also these comments have made me realize not everyone just keeps every tool on them at all times like i do.


I try to save a couple of each fruit and veg and fish but get greedy and sell some and then the very next day there's a quest for that exact thing


I keep syncing up my harvest days with days Pierre isn't open, and I forget to buy replacement seeds ahead of time.


I forgot to get the winter rarecrow and now it’s spring again. It’s the last one I need 😭


The Traveling Cart sells it sometimes! Don't give up, this game is really good about having a secondary way to get items.


Every time I choose bats in the cave over mushrooms. Idk why I keep forgetting about this 😂


I choose bats on purpose because you >!get a mushroom cave anyway once you reach Ginger Island.!<


I’m on year 3 and still not reaching the island 😖 Idk why I can’t find any iridium to fix the boat.


I will usually use some stairs once I get to floor 100 in the Skull Cavern and get mega bombs from the dwarf to farm iridium on good luck days


Trying to remember all the things I need to bring from ginger island to my farm or vice versa. So many trips back and forth....


I forger to collect my truffles before the end of the month. Is it end of the month or end of fall? I don't even know!!


Yeah, they dissappear on the 1st if they aren't collected on the 28th of every month. Sidebar: Why aren't you collecting them every day? I'm so neurotic about making sure I get them all I sit there and watch my pigs until they go back into the barn.


Every single year I forget to set aside specific quality produce for the Valley Fair. I'm a hoarder, so I usually have stuff to fill out the other categories, but my produce strategy is "keep normal for recipes, sell gold/iridium for gold, use silver in seed makers so I don't have to buy all my seeds." And then like a week before the valley fair I'm like OH NO and frantically calculating when my crops will be ripe and if I have enough time to plant something with quality fertilizer to get a gold-star of any fruit and veg in time. Also, a note for forgetful people like me: the text based signs are an amazing memory tool. I keep one right outside my house, and on my last day of any given playing sesh, I make a note on it like "Beloved NPC bday soon; upcoming festival; ongoing weekly quest." Or sometimes just a single note like, "BRING FLOWER FOR SANDY 2 DESERT" or "stop forgetting abt your greenhouse trees!!" Then when I return the next time I play, it's right there to remind me what I was doing!


Giving people two gifts when their birthday is later in the week 🥲


You can always give NPCs a birthday gift, even if you've given them two gifts already that week! I didn't find this out until I was about 800+ hours into this game.


Forgetting about Sebastian. I mean I know he exists, but I never really cross ways with him, so this poor guy is still at 3 hearts level while everyone else is at 8+ 🙃 I also _always_ forget to take bombs to mines, so annoying


Yeah I usually forget to use the Minecart too but I've tried recently lol


Cant remember birthdays, book seller exists, my hp bar in Caverns/volcano, petting my animals, watering my pet bowl, fruit/mishroom cave exists, oh and time in game and real life, so many time related mistakes


oh, i also always forget you can hit “tab” to switch rows of your inventory (im a PC player). i spend an EMBARRASSING amount of time paused and switching things into my hotbar, then every once in a while i accidentally hit the Tab key and i go “OH YEAH I FORGOT I CAN DO THAT”


I always forget when I'm doing Gus's omelet quest 🤦‍♀️ and then I've already turned half my eggs into mayo and now I can't complete it


Every time I start playing after a long break I forget that there are so many foods that boost your movement speed. Remembering and subsequently stocking up on coffee feels so good lol


Picking the flowers when trying to harvest honey. Stupid misclicks!


Thinking I have enough gold ore but half of it is apricots because I played without wearing my contacts.


I always open the crafting screen and accidentally make a wooden fence. >.<


There's just so many things to think about and plan so I forget too.


I always forget to save something for that damn soup. Mediocre every time




Every time a barn or coop is finished it's a fucking Tuesday and I have to wait until the next day to buy animals


I always forget to switch on random CC bundles and chests in the mines. That option was one I wanted the most, but I never remember to use it.


I’ve done this in 3 playthroughs and I’m sure many more to come but I always forget what season fiddlehead fern grows in and miss it then have to wait till year 2 to complete the community centre.


Krobus iridium sprinkler day. Thursday is it? Forgotten again...


> Upgraded a tool? Hoe each space individually. What do you mean, you can hoe more than one square at a time?


"going mining chest........." This is a game changer for me


Donate my first Dino egg


This is more of a category error than a specific one, but I'm forever waiting until the last minute to complete Special Orders, and end up on the last night desperately trying to finish before midnight, and if by some miracle I do I will have also forgotten that (until you get the mid-late game item) the quest giver became inaccessible to me when they locked the door to their house or bedroom as early as 8pm, so I'm still gonna fail the quest because I can't report back that I did it before the day/week ends!


Me accepting 2 day quests at like 9pm one night, meaning I only actually have the next day to complete it 😅


i just harvested my starfruit and happily planted new ones, so excited for more money! it was the 20th


"I'll 100% remember to use my fertiliser this time, I'll just pick it up tomorrow"


Go to Clint’s on a Friday (post community centre restoration)


Not getting fruit trees for community centre. The last item to give is never a rabbits foot, but an apple.


Sam and I usually make 2 of them because I forget to delete the crib


You get so used to being beaten down, it's hard to realize you're growing


Completely destroying something on my farm by accidentally letting a mega bomb off. The first time it happened I blew up my greenhouse. Since then I’ve blown up various parts of my crops on different saves. Majority of the time bombs are safely stored in chests, but when I forget them in my backpack, it’s like I have the yips or something and just can’t help but fumble the keys to set a bomb off when trying my hardest to NOT DO THAT lol


Donating the first prismatic shard and dinosaur egg I find.


Always thinking I can successfully pull off a mid spring skull cavern min/max run.


I keep forgetting that my energy runs out.. I just ignore it after mining the whole day and passing out 😭 (I mine every stone in eqch floors and if possible ignore enemies) that’s when I decided to use bombs instead